Fungal Infection... The Missing Link?


Dec 8, 2022
How are you doing OP?

By the way the people behind the Cosmic Death Fungus Protocol have released a big update with a new pdf for anyone interested:

Edit New link:

How about you?


Oct 6, 2020
How about you?

Thanks for asking.

i thought i was making alot of unbelieveable progress since december but last week i had a severe flareup of symptoms which confuses me alot. Currently in a wierd place to be honest and having difficulty judging the proper use of my tools that i have available.


Dec 8, 2022
I dropped the CDF protocol as far as I'm concerned. I'm sold on the NAC, but not so much on the Oregano oil for long term use, never have been. While extremely potent and helpful to rebalance the biome, it doesn't come without causticity, it's definitely not neutral... doesn't take a genius to realize how it feels when you put a drop on your tongue, diluting it in a carrier oil only does what it does, it dilutes the effect. Keep throwing it on an inflamed or sensitive gut and go expect long term balance, the same goes with every essential oil. Always seems amazing at first and then when overdone, you can be worse than where you started. As for the black seed personally I didn't feel good in my liver when on it, like a stasis of sorts, though I have flushed all the stones. Bile felt gluey, with sluggish function overall, didn't feel like pushing further at all.

I've switched from doing RIs to drinking ozonated water first thing in the morning and started having the best results I've had in years, much more of a systemic effect than expected from this route as well.


May 30, 2018
I dry fast 42 hours a week, along with liver flushes it's been the most powerful relief on this journey. If there could only be one thing that would be it, I went gradually up to 7 days and felt like I was 18 yo again for a whole month afterwards. I found that no matter the antifungals, if your batteries are shot nothing will help... the body does the healing, and there's nothing like the deep rest that comes with dry fasts. Also studies indicate that candida can survive pretty much indefinitely in a moist environment even when nuked, while there's no trace left after 72 hours in a dry one... and this becomes very apparent during such a fast. While a water fast will just drive it further inside the body, which is the worst that can be done, a dry one just forces it to lose hold and diminish. I'm lightweight and it's been a surprisingly easy practice for me physically speaking, actually started to put weight on again when I began to be regular with it. I have a long history of cleanses though (trained ten years as an ayahuasquero) and was well prepared.
Cool story, that's not the first time I've heard that DF could help with fungal infections.

Did you keep some of the benefits you got from your 7-day fast?


Dec 8, 2022
Yes, nothing comes close to it in terms of massive results in such a short time.

The cleanse is so deep there's no way back from such an experience, it's deeply rejuvenating and rebalancing, but as of fungal issues, they progressively crept back over the course of a few months till they regained the same level. I had a blood test and ultrasound scan of all organs (first time in my life for both) exactly one month after the fast to please my friends and all levels were textbook perfect, the docs were stunned, especially kidney function was optimal and the doc who performed the scan couldn't believe how clean and perfectly shaped the organs looked. They better be after investing such efforts...
If I had resumed eating differently I might have been better off fungal wise though, high fruit and dairy for a few weeks wasn't necessarily the wisest way to go. I didn't expect breaking through this said, by day 7 fungal signs had reduced to perhaps 15-20% of what they used to be visually speaking, but there were still small pockets of it left when I stopped fasting. Experts say you go through two acidotic phases, one between days 3-5, and a second one between days 7-9, the first is said to remove the stem of disease and the second one the root of it, but I haven't gone this far yet and that reflects precisely my experience.
It's surprisingly easy to go through physically speaking when you're well prepared and determined, though you look like you've been thrown under a bus when you stop and it takes about a week for life to get properly pumped back into the fascias. The most difficult part for me was the three weeks after the fast, because that's about the time it takes to reboot the system and your full digestive fire. I didn't expect that part, psychologically and nervously speaking it very much feels like a whole month of fasting because you have to restrain yourself not to binge and indulge... and you want out so bad. Also it takes time to calm down the body from the feeling of having been abandoned, the animal part of you didn't appreciate so much being left without food nor water for seven days, it takes a couple weeks to settle and realize it is safe and doesn't need to worry... can be tough, and definitely not for the faint of heart.
The strain is more on the psyche overall, by day 6 and 7, you start to make irrational plans to either build a giant swimming pool in your garden as soon as you get out of the fast, or to immediately relocate to an area near a great lake or the ocean to make sure you can have a swim everyday for the rest of your life as it seems so obvious by then that you've been missing out your whole life on the only thing that matters... :)

What prompted me into getting serious about it was the testimony of a woman from Switzerland especially, bedridden for 25 years with lyme who got a complete cure after 3 x 9 days over a 3 months period, and no relapse. You really have to be in hell to build up the willpower to submit yourself to such a program though, it's not something you can force on yourself intellectually because you're sold on the science or the results looks appealing to you, it really stems from the long term frustration that comes with debilitating conditions, otherwise it's impossible to stick with it. Group contexts also play a role in such successes, I did mine on my own... I've decided to clear as much of the fungi by other means before doing another one of these long rounds, so that I go into it with much lower levels this time.


May 30, 2018
@OSMOSE thanks for your extensive feedback :):

Indeed, your fast might not have been enough regarding your infection and maybe another one could finish the job.

You might already know (you did the duration he advises so that's likely) but there is a guy named August Dunning that preaches dry fasting during 7 days, with supplements before and after. He does one every year.

Ps: you could also try water restriction over longer durations, taking colloidal silver as it might help with infections and tissues rebuilding.

Edit: the idea regarding water restriction and colloidal silver is "explored" in this thread:
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Dec 8, 2022

Yes, I read Dunning's book and returned it, he's a little obsessed with not dying, he mostly picked the info from actual Russian experts and presented them as his own and as if he had a direct connection with them, which is shady. But the important point is that he's altering the protocols as per his perceptions, and they do not make sense for me. For instance according to him the important part is that no water touches the mouth, so he advises daily baths throughout the fast, which would negate the effect I mentioned concerning drying up the fungus as well as the general impact of the fast. He also advises enemas throughout the fast, which again is dramatically hydrating and pushes some toxins back into the system in such circumstances. I would never do enemas without properly rehydrating first, there's no way to describe the volume of poisons that get extracted into the colon during these times and they're only safe while they're dry.

Thanks for the idea and link I'll explore this, it's a funny sync because I was discussing colloidal silver with Dave in PM just the last evening... :)


May 30, 2018
@OSMOSE To be honest, I'm like you and I don't believe he has a real expertise on this topic. But he as a number of followers which gave feedbacks after their fast on his Youtube channels and they are interesting.

That being said, Filonov also tends to say quite weird things. He also promotes seed oils.


Dec 8, 2022
Yes, every approaches have their pros and cons. I considered doing it with the extended baths, it's just that given my particular condition and the fact that I wouldn't see myself doing them so often, I'd rather maximize the return on investment for the time and energy I put in this. His approach could be labeled extra soft dry fast, it's definitely more interesting than a water fast and makes the practice accessible for those who couldn't stand the extremely harsh conditions of a hard variant for such a long time... it definitely has its advantages and I bet people are raving about it, any step you make in this direction is very rewarding. I'd still steer clear from the enemas before refeeding day though. :)

I'm not prejudiced against seed oils, or anything else for that matter. Things bear the value we give to them.

Abundant Life

Jun 22, 2022
Hope you all are doing well.

I haven't went back to the full CDF protocol since I last posted here, but I have done the Oregano Oil part from time to time. Each time I included Oregano Oil (with high % Carvacrol) to my routine it does have a noticeable effect of expelling weird things that were living in my gut. The downside is it does make me feel like crap and low energy some days.

Catching up on this topic I see the use of Iodine is being discussed as a remedy for gut issues. I am familiar with Iodine and would put 2-3 drops on my skin to let my body absorb at a rate it is comfortable with. Putting it on the skin and seeing how fast it disappears gives me an idea on how deficient I am, especially after not taking it for some time.

A number of years ago I used to put a few Iodine drops in water to take it internally. It would give me a buzz, one that is different from caffeine. At that time of my life my stomach wasn't as bloated as it is now. I stopped doing this approach as I believe it was affecting my sleep.

Now I wonder if taking Iodine internally has the added benefit of reaching the gut while the topical approach doesn't.
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