Fungal Infection... The Missing Link?

Sweatshop Toad
Oct 25, 2018
I must weigh in here... Ive been doing some research lately on boric acid and borax and there antifungal activites as I too have struggled with fungal infections for the past 15 years. Mine however are dermatological, or at least that is where they are most noticeable. Over the years ive fought off the infections in my groin and feet with many substances. Of note were flowers of sulphur except of the retched smell and durring hunting season I try and be as scent free as possible for the best chances on a whitetail. I hope my girlfriend forgives me. Borax and boric acid, which are the same depending on pH were the miracle workers. They both have some outstanding fungistatic and fungicidal properties at super low minimumn inhibiton concentrations (MICs). The mechanism is hardly well studied but has been known since at least 1875 to treat crotch rot in europeans living in humid india. Some recent papers have found that the low MICs (<0.05% even 0.01%) cause fungus to have a very peatian death. As in the borates possibly stop fungal metabolism, seen by the lack of ability for aerobic growth in low concentrations of borate. Im pulling from a few papers off the top of my head but the general consensus was boric acid > borax (internally they would be the same due to pH) in treating topical infections and had many key features such as preventing hyphal formation thus preventing virulence and possibly allowing the immune system to clear out infections. Also shown to be fungistatic at concentrations as low as double the MICs. I know that you can safely take 20 mg of boron per day as determined by the Safe upper limit by the fda.. it may be worth doing some back of the napkin calculations to figure out if you can safely get some of the fungicidal concentrations needed for inhibition. I have used both on my body and seen almost immediate results in fungal reversal and clear up of the skin. Usually I use borax but because of the high pH while the fungal infections are cleared it leaves the skin wet.. osmotic pressure? with boric acid pH 5 is a very skin safe pH you do not get this and skin is dry as a bone. Well i hope someone may be inspired to do some research after they decipher what i have just written. Go to google scholar and search "boric acid dermophyte" or "boric acid fungal". It seems like a miracle to those dealing with fungal infections (read some amazon reveiws, almost as entertaining as reading some of the stories on this site,), also has no known detox mechanisms in some dermophytes studied so probably would not become resistant.
Thanks for the info, I had no idea it disrupted hyphal formation. Guess I’m adding boron back to the regimen 😎


Oct 6, 2020
Hoping my experience is useful!
Struggled with fungus and it’s many manifestations since I was a kid. Tried almost all of the aforementioned over the past few years including turpentine (spectacular but unsustainable;). Never tried ozone tho, too pricey.

What has made all the difference for me were two things:
Lactoferrin and/or Colostrum

Between the two, my guts have actually healed and my particular issues have fallen by the wayside AND I am out of the kill/kill/kill/rest then back to kill/kill/kill cycle.

Lots of good info on the forum about Lactoferrin (and/or Colostrum) and Borax, and how they effect fungus.

Would you mind telling us the dosage you used on colostrum and boron? Thank you.
Sweatshop Toad
Oct 25, 2018
Would you mind telling us the dosage you used on colostrum and boron? Thank you.
Fraid I can’t remember the colostrum dosage as it was two years ago but I’m currently popping 12 mg of NOW brand Bororganic Glycine with my one big meal of the day around high noon.

Abundant Life

Jun 22, 2022
What does your diet look like? If you have any unaddressed food sensitivities they could be causing leaky gut and the origin of your candida.

For my diet, I been having Meat & Rice, Kefir, Coconut Water, Milk & Dark Chocolate Bars, dried apricots, bananas, eggs and coffee are the common foods I have had during the protocol. More recently I have reintroduced bulletproof coffee for breakfast to stay off carbs longer. I do love burgers and have it about twice a week.

Abundant Life

Jun 22, 2022
I haven't posted in a while because I have caught the flu and have taken a week off the protocol to focus on getting pass this flu. Before this flu an interesting thing has happened. It has been a while since I have done an enema, nothing special, just a water enema. I don't do them religiously but maybe 2-3 times a year, but this year I haven't done any! I was able to get alot out of me with the enema, didn't see anything out of the ordinary until the next day when I had a small bowel movement. I saw something really weird wrapped around my stool so I took a disposable plastic fork to separate it. The more I separate it, the more I couldn't believe how long it was. It looked like a worm that was about a foot long!! Then there were 2 other similar looking things, one was about 6 inches, the other about 5 inches. These things looked the same, they had a fat pouch followed by a long tail. They reeked very badly, the odor got worst the longer they were out. I had to flush them down the toilet where they belonged.

I have done paraguard, Ivermectin and Fenbendazole in the past. I have taken Tumeric and Boron daily for months. I have also done enemas in the past. All those times I have never ever seen anything this crazy come out of me. I believe the enema had an effect but I also believe that the CDF NAC protocol has been breaking up the biofilm to make these things more vulnerable. It was very interesting and I must find out what these things are. They are definitely not tapeworms, but do get pretty long in size.


May 10, 2018
I haven't posted in a while because I have caught the flu and have taken a week off the protocol to focus on getting pass this flu. Before this flu an interesting thing has happened. It has been a while since I have done an enema, nothing special, just a water enema. I don't do them religiously but maybe 2-3 times a year, but this year I haven't done any! I was able to get alot out of me with the enema, didn't see anything out of the ordinary until the next day when I had a small bowel movement. I saw something really weird wrapped around my stool so I took a disposable plastic fork to separate it. The more I separate it, the more I couldn't believe how long it was. It looked like a worm that was about a foot long!! Then there were 2 other similar looking things, one was about 6 inches, the other about 5 inches. These things looked the same, they had a fat pouch followed by a long tail. They reeked very badly, the odor got worst the longer they were out. I had to flush them down the toilet where they belonged.

I have done paraguard, Ivermectin and Fenbendazole in the past. I have taken Tumeric and Boron daily for months. I have also done enemas in the past. All those times I have never ever seen anything this crazy come out of me. I believe the enema had an effect but I also believe that the CDF NAC protocol has been breaking up the biofilm to make these things more vulnerable. It was very interesting and I must find out what these things are. They are definitely not tapeworms, but do get pretty long in size.
Wow that’s incredible. Did you feel better immediately after getting rid of this, what is the CDF called that you took alongside NAC?
Sweatshop Toad
Oct 25, 2018
I haven't posted in a while because I have caught the flu and have taken a week off the protocol to focus on getting pass this flu. Before this flu an interesting thing has happened. It has been a while since I have done an enema, nothing special, just a water enema. I don't do them religiously but maybe 2-3 times a year, but this year I haven't done any! I was able to get alot out of me with the enema, didn't see anything out of the ordinary until the next day when I had a small bowel movement. I saw something really weird wrapped around my stool so I took a disposable plastic fork to separate it. The more I separate it, the more I couldn't believe how long it was. It looked like a worm that was about a foot long!! Then there were 2 other similar looking things, one was about 6 inches, the other about 5 inches. These things looked the same, they had a fat pouch followed by a long tail. They reeked very badly, the odor got worst the longer they were out. I had to flush them down the toilet where they belonged.

I have done paraguard, Ivermectin and Fenbendazole in the past. I have taken Tumeric and Boron daily for months. I have also done enemas in the past. All those times I have never ever seen anything this crazy come out of me. I believe the enema had an effect but I also believe that the CDF NAC protocol has been breaking up the biofilm to make these things more vulnerable. It was very interesting and I must find out what these things are. They are definitely not tapeworms, but do get pretty long in size.
Was it like a soggy plastic bag? That’s often often how people on the protocol describe their expelled biofilms. But another guy on it described his toilet as a bowl of egg drop soup so YMMV 🤣

The oregano oil and NAC can also be irritating to the gut in large amounts, so it’s possible you were shedding a portion of your intestinal lining. What’s your current antifungal dosage?

Your diet sounds pretty good, though I would personally cut the bananas as they’re a highly allergenic fruit and I know chocolate has a great deal of oxalate which candida seems to love so maybe drop that too for a bit and see how you feel.


Oct 4, 2019
doctal evidence but I used to get a little flared up the day after eating rice with a bit of shedding dead skin on the moustache area, beard and scalp became itchy.. also a bit of hair shedding. bought a topical antifungal cotrimazole used a bit on face and hair shedding stopped completely, no more inflammation after eating rice. fungus definitely overlooked as the culprit of some hidd
nedoctal evidence but I used to get a little flared up the day after eating rice with a bit of shedding dead skin on the moustache area, beard and scalp became itchy.. also a bit of hair shedding. bought a topical antifungal cotrimazole used a bit on face and hair shedding stopped completely, no more inflammation after eating rice. fungus definitely overlooked as the culprit of some hid

Was it like a soggy plastic bag? That’s often often how people on the protocol describe their expelled biofilms. But another guy on it described his toilet as a bowl of egg drop soup so YMMV 🤣

The oregano oil and NAC can also be irritating to the gut in large amounts, so it’s possible you were shedding a portion of your intestinal lining. What’s your current antifungal dosage?

Your diet sounds pretty good, though I would personally cut the bananas as they’re a highly allergenic fruit and I know chocolate has a great deal of oxalate which candida seems to love so maybe drop that too for a bit and see how you feel.
"highly allergenic fruit"

For everyone you claim?
Sweatshop Toad
Oct 25, 2018
"highly allergenic fruit"

For everyone you claim?
Allergenic enough so that most autoimmune protocols prohibit it along with nightshades, gluten, and soy.

If you’re dealing with candida, chances are you’ve already got a leaky gut and are racking up new food sensitivities on the reg. And with banana lectins commonly triggering an inflammatory response in those with a compromised gut, I’d recommend against bananas until the candida is gone and your intestinal permeability has a chance to heal.

Abundant Life

Jun 22, 2022
Wow that’s incredible. Did you feel better immediately after getting rid of this, what is the CDF called that you took alongside NAC?

Can't say I felt any different after expelling the nasties but it wasn't long until I caught the flu soon after.

CDF is not a supplement, it stands for "Cosmic Death Fungus" which is PDF floating around the internet that explains how fungus affects our health and contains a number of protocols on how to eliminate this problematic fungus from our bodies. There are 2 primary protocols, the NAC protocol, which is what everyone starts with and then the Maintenance protocol that begins when there are no longer fungal die off symptoms for about 3 weeks while on the NAC protocol. There are also additional protocols that can be stacked like the Fennel Seed Brushing and the Xlear nasal spray.

The NAC protocol consists of 1,200mg of NAC (N Acetyl-Cysteine), 300mg Oregano Oil and 1 tea spoon of Black Seed Oil. This is done in morning and in the evening, but in the evening 600mg of NAC is taken instead of 1,200mg. The 300mg Oregano Oil that the guide mentions is outdated. The new thing is getting enough Oregano Oil to reach over 40mg in Carvacrol content.


May 10, 2018
Can't say I felt any different after expelling the nasties but it wasn't long until I caught the flu soon after.

CDF is not a supplement, it stands for "Cosmic Death Fungus" which is PDF floating around the internet that explains how fungus affects our health and contains a number of protocols on how to eliminate this problematic fungus from our bodies. There are 2 primary protocols, the NAC protocol, which is what everyone starts with and then the Maintenance protocol that begins when there are no longer fungal die off symptoms for about 3 weeks while on the NAC protocol. There are also additional protocols that can be stacked like the Fennel Seed Brushing and the Xlear nasal spray.

The NAC protocol consists of 1,200mg of NAC (N Acetyl-Cysteine), 300mg Oregano Oil and 1 tea spoon of Black Seed Oil. This is done in morning and in the evening, but in the evening 600mg of NAC is taken instead of 1,200mg. The 300mg Oregano Oil that the guide mentions is outdated. The new thing is getting enough Oregano Oil to reach over 40mg in Carvacrol content.
Amazing, thanks for the detail man, appreciate that.

Abundant Life

Jun 22, 2022
Was it like a soggy plastic bag? That’s often often how people on the protocol describe their expelled biofilms. But another guy on it described his toilet as a bowl of egg drop soup so YMMV 🤣

The oregano oil and NAC can also be irritating to the gut in large amounts, so it’s possible you were shedding a portion of your intestinal lining. What’s your current antifungal dosage?

Your diet sounds pretty good, though I would personally cut the bananas as they’re a highly allergenic fruit and I know chocolate has a great deal of oxalate which candida seems to love so maybe drop that too for a bit and see how you feel.

Those descriptions, yuck!! It didn't look like a soggy plastic bag or a bowl of soup. Please don't ruin soup for me!!

I'm not sure if it was an intestinal lining as it was kinda thin, very worm like. If I would give it an alternative description it would be that it looks like one really long gooey booger.

There is something called mucoid plaque that takes on the form of your colon and looks thicker than what came out of me. I was actually hoping to see some mucoid plaque come out of me but nothing green has came out of me yet.

In my one month update a while back I posted about my gut being irritated. I believed at the time it was due to the protocol but now I believe it is because I was using hot sauce on my food since I heard it was also anti-parasitic. When I stopped using hot sauce the irritation has stopped.

I forgot to mention that orange juice is also part of my diet. I usually have it mid-afternoon or at night. I can probably switch bananas out for cuties or something, but chocolate, that is going to be hard to give up haha. I didn't know bananas can be highly allergenic, that is news to me. It would be something if I drop bananas and I feel so much better.

As for my anti-fungal dosages it is pretty much the CDF NAC protocol. The differences is I am taking about 64mg of Oregano Oil to get over 40mg of Carvacrol, my NAC includes 25mcg Selenium and 50mcg molybdenum per 600mg NAC. I am still doing the Xlear but took a little break from the Fennel Seed Brushing for about 2 weeks as I was having some brutal headaches. I think I was adding too many Fennel Seed Oil drops. I have since restarted Fennel Seed Brushing but make sure I only do 2-3 drops instead of 5-6. It is easy to get carried away.
Sweatshop Toad
Oct 25, 2018
Those descriptions, yuck!! It didn't look like a soggy plastic bag or a bowl of soup. Please don't ruin soup for me!!

I'm not sure if it was an intestinal lining as it was kinda thin, very worm like. If I would give it an alternative description it would be that it looks like one really long gooey booger.

There is something called mucoid plaque that takes on the form of your colon and looks thicker than what came out of me. I was actually hoping to see some mucoid plaque come out of me but nothing green has came out of me yet.

In my one month update a while back I posted about my gut being irritated. I believed at the time it was due to the protocol but now I believe it is because I was using hot sauce on my food since I heard it was also anti-parasitic. When I stopped using hot sauce the irritation has stopped.

I forgot to mention that orange juice is also part of my diet. I usually have it mid-afternoon or at night. I can probably switch bananas out for cuties or something, but chocolate, that is going to be hard to give up haha. I didn't know bananas can be highly allergenic, that is news to me. It would be something if I drop bananas and I feel so much better.

As for my anti-fungal dosages it is pretty much the CDF NAC protocol. The differences is I am taking about 64mg of Oregano Oil to get over 40mg of Carvacrol, my NAC includes 25mcg Selenium and 50mcg molybdenum per 600mg NAC. I am still doing the Xlear but took a little break from the Fennel Seed Brushing for about 2 weeks as I was having some brutal headaches. I think I was adding too many Fennel Seed Oil drops. I have since restarted Fennel Seed Brushing but make sure I only do 2-3 drops instead of 5-6. It is easy to get carried away.
Glad to hear you’re feeling well after the tummy trouble subsided. I had that exact same problem when I was eating half a bulb of raw garlic a day, felt like they were doing the Bikini Atoll nuclear tests in my stomach.

I also keep trying to reincorporate orange juice in my diet but unfortunately I get a similar pain in my gut whenever I drink so much as a single glass. Could be the high citric acid content, but from my experience candida thrives on OJ so perhaps keeping it out is for the best until the microbiome can fully de-shroom itself.

Abundant Life

Jun 22, 2022
I have done more research and learned what came out of me is known as a "Rope Worm". Apparently nobody knew of their existence until 2013 when they came out during a coffee enema. What Rope Worms actually are isn't conclusive as it resembles a worm, but also has fungus properties. Rope Worms are active between 1am and 4am when they travel through the intestine using gas bubbles that are audible to us. Rope Worms go hand in hand with candida fungus overgrowth. Rope Worms cause many symptoms including brain fog, fatigue, allergies, bloating, headaches, depression, anxiety, food intolerances, skin problems, bad breath, joint pain, environmental sensitivities and unexplained weight changes. Rope Worms disrupt and interfere with many bodily functions. They have 5 stages of growth and can get up to 3 feet long.

You can read more about Rope Worms and see what they look like here. But I must warn you, they are nasty and can be scary.
Sweatshop Toad
Oct 25, 2018
I have done more research and learned what came out of me is known as a "Rope Worm". Apparently nobody knew of their existence until 2013 when they came out during a coffee enema. What Rope Worms actually are isn't conclusive as it resembles a worm, but also has fungus properties. Rope Worms are active between 1am and 4am when they travel through the intestine using gas bubbles that are audible to us. Rope Worms go hand in hand with candida fungus overgrowth. Rope Worms cause many symptoms including brain fog, fatigue, allergies, bloating, headaches, depression, anxiety, food intolerances, skin problems, bad breath, joint pain, environmental sensitivities and unexplained weight changes. Rope Worms disrupt and interfere with many bodily functions. They have 5 stages of growth and can get up to 3 feet long.

You can read more about Rope Worms and see what they look like here. But I must warn you, they are nasty and can be scary.
I’ve expelled similar things but I’m not convinced they’re fungal/parasitic in nature. Biofilm maybe, but cleansing the bowel irritates the intestinal lining causing it to shed so that’s what I’m thinking those are.

Would be very interesting if you saved one of them and sent it into a lab for testing though. I’d do it myself but I’ve been on the protocol since August so I’m afraid I’m fresh out 🤣


Jul 18, 2018
anedoctal evidence but I used to get a little flared up the day after eating rice with a bit of shedding dead skin on the moustache area, beard and scalp became itchy.. also a bit of hair shedding. bought a topical antifungal cotrimazole used a bit on face and hair shedding stopped completely, no more inflammation after eating rice. fungus definitely overlooked as the culprit of some hidden issues. antibiotic use probably turns fungus from benign to pathogen as it spreads quickly when bacteria is nuked
@imaginaryfolk Same, I eat white rice and skin/scalp becomes very dry, scaly with little hairloss. Do you just apply the antifungal cream like normal moisturising cream on your face?


Feb 4, 2018
i think after all those antifungals, if they don't work, the solution is break the symbiotic relationship with bacteria.

b coagulans is antifungal, should be tried for a few weeks, with some B2, it works together to promote good bacteria.

take some soluble fiber food. (pectin, inulin). carrots, apples, buckwheat, artishoke, topinambour.

I've had bad experience with oatmeals, and with psyllium.
Sweatshop Toad
Oct 25, 2018
i think after all those antifungals, if they don't work, the solution is break the symbiotic relationship with bacteria.

b coagulans is antifungal, should be tried for a few weeks, with some B2, it works together to promote good bacteria.

take some soluble fiber food. (pectin, inulin). carrots, apples, buckwheat, artishoke, topinambour.

I've had bad experience with oatmeals, and with psyllium.
I’ve had problems with b coagulans, but that was before I was able to address my gut motility issue so perhaps I’ll give it another try.

As for the b2, I know I feel great after eating liver (which is loaded with riboflavin) so supplementing that could have great potential.

What exactly were the issues you encountered with oatmeal/psyllium?


Feb 4, 2018
I’ve had problems with b coagulans, but that was before I was able to address my gut motility issue so perhaps I’ll give it another try.

As for the b2, I know I feel great after eating liver (which is loaded with riboflavin) so supplementing that could have great potential.

What exactly were the issues you encountered with oatmeal/psyllium?
what problems did you had with b coagulans , besides eventually candida dieoff ?

some bacteria, in the gut, are riboflavin dependent, they cannot produce it. and it's this bacteria that is enhanced by b coagulans. if you don't have riboflavin and some pectin/inulin soluble fiber (not much), b coagulans itself won't be able to raise those bacteria because they lack B2. there is a thread in this forum about this subject.

especially oatmeals, high in beta glucans. I've experienced colitis, lots of pain, IBS-C like symptoms. nutritional yeast, any beta glucans caused it. psyllium was less offending but still. buckwheat is fine no problem.

i had to eat zinc/choline to solve it, but i remember how much oatmeal was a major major trigger of pain and swollen colon as well as nutritional yeast.
Sweatshop Toad
Oct 25, 2018
what problems did you had with b coagulans , besides eventually candida dieoff ?

some bacteria, in the gut, are riboflavin dependent, they cannot produce it. and it's this bacteria that is enhanced by b coagulans. if you don't have riboflavin and some pectin/inulin soluble fiber (not much), b coagulans itself won't be able to raise those bacteria because they lack B2. there is a thread in this forum about this subject.

especially oatmeals, high in beta glucans. I've experienced colitis, lots of pain, IBS-C like symptoms. nutritional yeast, any beta glucans caused it. psyllium was less offending but still. buckwheat is fine no problem.

i had to eat zinc/choline to solve it, but i remember how much oatmeal was a major major trigger of pain and swollen colon as well as nutritional yeast.
B coagulans was responsible for the worst brain fog of my life. I was dizzy, slurring my speech, falling down, and I couldn’t drive. I was functionally inebriated whenever I took it.

Still don’t tolerate carbs well, but oatmeal makes me less inflamed than other grains, including white rice for some reason.
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