From ED and Chronic Fatigue at 18, to nearly Tripling my Testosterone at 26 and regaining confidence. Heres everything I've learned so far.


Jan 7, 2020
At the young age of 17 I was already experiencing some strong signs of low testosterone. I was an avid athlete training non stop for the later half of my teens. I was strong, fast, and incredibly lean. At first, I figured I was just tired from always pushing the throttle in my training. But soon I began to have more and more symptoms pop up. The most alarming being issues with libido and erectile function. I had gotten my first real intimate girlfriend at 17 and for months we just kissed and cuddled. It never even crossed my mind to have sex. At 17!! She was beautiful, kind, and patient - but after a several weeks, she understandably began trying to initiate sex. Thats when I realized something was really wrong. Not only was I not interested, I couldn't get it up either. This happened again, and again. I was devastated.
A couple years go by and I try everything to fix whatever the hell was going on. My brain felt broken. I couldn't focus, I had zero libido or arousal around girls, and I began developing chronic joint pain in my hips and neck. I often spent 10-12 hours in bed tossing and turning all night. I had gone to multiple doctors and they all turned me away saying that what I needed was a therapist. One finally prescribed viagra, but it still didn't solve any of my issues. So that's when I took matters into my own hands.

Chapter 1 (19 years old): The Discovery Of Mold
I reached out to a functional medicine practitioner I had been following for quite some time. I had recently gotten another girlfriend and was determined for the same issues to not occur again - plus I had aspirations to go back to school and study - but my brain fog was so bad that I needed drastic change before that was a realistic goal.
I spent thousands of dollars in coaching alone, and thousands more in blood tests and supplements. I ordered everything I could get my hands on.
After looking in depth at my DUTCH and OATS test, my practitioner believed the root cause was from my exposure to mold. I most likely had been not only living in a house riddled with mold, but I was also training for hours in a dungy basement. Yikes..

We started by cleaning up my diet and going on a modified elimination diet. Oxalates were likely contributing to my chronic joint pain as my OAT test showed them coming back SKY HIGH. Along with that we used some antiviral, anti bacterial herbs and digestive enzymes for my chronic bloating (likely SIBO). We even went as far as doing a temporary liquid diet. This, along with focusing on cellular hydration (creatine, taurine, electrolytes and lots of water) and binding any toxins like mycotoxins - I was mentally feeling much, much better. My focus and cognition had gone up tremendously. However, libido was really left unchanged - and I had experienced the same erectile problems as I had in my last relationship. Almost a year goes by and she leaves me - never once being able to have sex.

Chap 2: From Vegan To Carnivore
My mind had been feeling better but I had yet to figure out why my testosterone levels felt like they were at ZERO. Despite trying to rid myself of the mycotoxins, and fix my gut, my body felt depleted of all hormones. As one does in times of desperation - I went to all the extremes. Starting with veganism. I had read that erectile function was strictly a cardiovascular issue and so I began focusing on lowering my cholesterol and saturated fat consumption to near zero. I hate a Whole Foods plant based diet for 8 months. The crazy thing? I began getting erections from stimulation again!! However I had lost all the progress I made in every other area. I was chronically bloated, my brain fog and joint pain came back with a vengeance, and my training was worse than it ever had been before. Sadly I also began addicted to corn at this time. This led to 2 years of fighting this.

Why did my erections get better but everything else suffered?? My theory is that the chronic carb loading paired with the high levels of nitrates and folate in the diet let to higher free testosterone levels (from high carb) and higher nitric oxide levels (from lower fat and lots of nitrates and folate). However it was simply too much fiber and oxalates and not enough protein or essential vitamins like choline or taurine from the lack of meat.

After testing my OATs again, I confirmed that my SIBO and oxalate toxicity was back and worse than before. So what did I do? The next craziest thing... THE CARNIVORE DIET. This diet reversed my chronic fatigue and brain fog, but I was still stuck with subpar erections and really poor sleep. My free testosterone also plummeted.

Chap 3: The Power of Carbs

It was at this point I began understanding that carbs in the right amount were essential for my own levels of steroids and overall quality of life. Too much = brain fog and fatigue, Too little = no sleep and almost a manic type state. I began at about 150 carbs only in the evenings for sleep and found that my sleep scores and training had greatly improved again. I kept titrating this up to nearly 300 grams of carbs throughout they with the use of the GDAs.

Chap 4: Ray Peat-esque lifestyle

My diet now consisted of eggs, beef, liver, heart, some cheddar cheese and yogurt, and lots of rice and potatoes.
I began to focus on lowering estrogen and serotonin first. I used aspirin, calcium d glucarate and even low doses of exemestane. I stopped doing daily cardio, and switched to weight training 3-4x/week. My mood and creativity increased dramatically!! I began experiencing dreams again, and even caught myself day dreaming once more. I felt youthful once again.

The next step was gonadin, and low doses of preg/dhea with K2. I also upped my caffeine intake to 3 cups a day (only in mornings though). B vitamins also were used topically.

My thought process: Use gonadin to increase androgen receptor density, and up dopamine production. DHEA/preg and K2 for the androgenic and potential boost in free testosterone, and the b vitamins to help with the increase demand for cofactors in creating steroids.

This is when everything began to change.

I had already seen great changes in my markers before adding any steroids or gonadin (heightened libido, morning wood, stronger muscles etc) but this stack brought me back to what I assume most 17 year olds felt like. My T was 1100, and DHT and free testosterone had 3x'ed!! I put in a few solid pounds of lean tissue and began developing a more masculine face and body. I started being able to grow a beard and had chest hair for the first time. But the best part, was that I had successfully healed myself of libido and erectile issues. I was having sex multiple times a day with very very low refractory periods. Not only that, but I had control AND sensation - something I didn't even know was possible.

I've experimented with hundreds of supplements and protocols and to go over them in one article would be near impossible - but I'm happy to share more with everyone down below and plan to make more uploads soon.

I hope this brings some people the peace and motivation they need to keep pursuing their health goals.
Stay Strong,



Apr 9, 2018
Nice journey! Congrats.

Could you elaborate on the dosages for dhea, preg, k2, exemestane? Are you still taking the latter?


Jun 6, 2016
It makes sense to me that gonadin, pregnenolone, dhea and K2 can be very powerful, depending on context. For me, they did not help at all, though. I also know several other people for whom they did nothing or nothing profound.

As OP said, it took hundreds of supplements to arrive at something that actually works. Almost no one who tries to copy it will have a similar effect.

There are countless stories like these where a supplement or combination of supplements did something profound. It's awesome that something helped someone, but these stories happen within a framework that has a horrible success rate. It's like winning a lottery. There should be a better way than randomly throwing chemicals into the body to see what happens.

(Weight training, carbs, protein are obviously excellent strategies for everyone that actually do work consistently.)

But the best part, was that I had successfully healed myself of libido and erectile issues.
So is this still the case?
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Oct 6, 2021
United States
There are countless stories like these where a supplement or combination of supplements did something profound. It's awesome that something helped someone, but these stories happen within a framework that has a horrible success rate. It's like winning a lottery. There should be a better way than randomly throwing chemicals into the body to see what happens.
This is so grounding. I completely agree and have mistakenly gone down such rabbit holes in desperation. Thanks for the reminder.


Jan 7, 2020
It makes sense to me that gonadin, pregnenolone, dhea and K2 can be very powerful, depending on context. For me, they did not help at all, though. I also know several other people for whom they did nothing or nothing profound.

As OP said, it took hundreds of supplements to arrive at something that actually works. Almost no one who tries to copy it will have a similar effect.

There are countless stories like these where a supplement or combination of supplements did something profound. It's awesome that something helped someone, but these stories happen within a framework that has a horrible success rate. It's like winning a lottery. There should be a better way than randomly throwing chemicals into the body to see what happens.

(Weight training, carbs, protein are obviously excellent strategies for everyone that actually do work consistently.)

So is this still the case?
Yes I want to boost this comment for everyone reading. Listen to your body - track your blood work and keep journals. I know many who have have a myriad of different approaches with success. All our bodies are handling different burdens so one should never use a cookie cutter approach. My reason for posting to give ideas and mostly inspire that one can get their health back.
My approach was not by luck but from 6+ years of testing hormone levels and various stool and urine samples.

And yes - I still am “symptom free” in that department. Joint pain and brain fog can still be an issue at times but lots of that seems to be blood sugar related.


Jan 7, 2020
Nice journey! Congrats.

Could you elaborate on the dosages for dhea, preg, k2, exemestane? Are you still taking the latter?
Everything was in very low doses. I always did better starting at the lowest dose - one supplement at a time and only going up if it had a positive effect. Because of that - I suggest doing that for yourself with any supplement. They can be powerful and should be used responsibly.


Jun 6, 2016
This is so grounding. I completely agree and have mistakenly gone down such rabbit holes in desperation. Thanks for the reminder.

I think this touches on a big and generally suppressed topic - that the supplement industry is a big scam. The scam is being perpetuated by fake reviews, and people thinking these reviews mean something. Iherb reviews for example are entirely fake nowadays.

When you are desperate, supplements appear as a magical solution. But the sober reality is that in 99% of cases people buy a supplement, notice nothing, and they just throw the bottle away or it is put into a cupboard where it is rediscovered 5 years later... only to be thrown away.

A few weeks ago I discarded around 2000-3000$ worth of supplements I bought out of desparation over the years. The most expensive supplement was hypothalamus beef extract, around 170 USD for a single bottle.
Last edited:


Forum Supporter
Apr 14, 2024
At the young age of 17 I was already experiencing some strong signs of low testosterone. I was an avid athlete training non stop for the later half of my teens. I was strong, fast, and incredibly lean. At first, I figured I was just tired from always pushing the throttle in my training. But soon I began to have more and more symptoms pop up. The most alarming being issues with libido and erectile function. I had gotten my first real intimate girlfriend at 17 and for months we just kissed and cuddled. It never even crossed my mind to have sex. At 17!! She was beautiful, kind, and patient - but after a several weeks, she understandably began trying to initiate sex. Thats when I realized something was really wrong. Not only was I not interested, I couldn't get it up either. This happened again, and again. I was devastated.
A couple years go by and I try everything to fix whatever the hell was going on. My brain felt broken. I couldn't focus, I had zero libido or arousal around girls, and I began developing chronic joint pain in my hips and neck. I often spent 10-12 hours in bed tossing and turning all night. I had gone to multiple doctors and they all turned me away saying that what I needed was a therapist. One finally prescribed viagra, but it still didn't solve any of my issues. So that's when I took matters into my own hands.

Chapter 1 (19 years old): The Discovery Of Mold
I reached out to a functional medicine practitioner I had been following for quite some time. I had recently gotten another girlfriend and was determined for the same issues to not occur again - plus I had aspirations to go back to school and study - but my brain fog was so bad that I needed drastic change before that was a realistic goal.
I spent thousands of dollars in coaching alone, and thousands more in blood tests and supplements. I ordered everything I could get my hands on.
After looking in depth at my DUTCH and OATS test, my practitioner believed the root cause was from my exposure to mold. I most likely had been not only living in a house riddled with mold, but I was also training for hours in a dungy basement. Yikes..

We started by cleaning up my diet and going on a modified elimination diet. Oxalates were likely contributing to my chronic joint pain as my OAT test showed them coming back SKY HIGH. Along with that we used some antiviral, anti bacterial herbs and digestive enzymes for my chronic bloating (likely SIBO). We even went as far as doing a temporary liquid diet. This, along with focusing on cellular hydration (creatine, taurine, electrolytes and lots of water) and binding any toxins like mycotoxins - I was mentally feeling much, much better. My focus and cognition had gone up tremendously. However, libido was really left unchanged - and I had experienced the same erectile problems as I had in my last relationship. Almost a year goes by and she leaves me - never once being able to have sex.

Chap 2: From Vegan To Carnivore
My mind had been feeling better but I had yet to figure out why my testosterone levels felt like they were at ZERO. Despite trying to rid myself of the mycotoxins, and fix my gut, my body felt depleted of all hormones. As one does in times of desperation - I went to all the extremes. Starting with veganism. I had read that erectile function was strictly a cardiovascular issue and so I began focusing on lowering my cholesterol and saturated fat consumption to near zero. I hate a Whole Foods plant based diet for 8 months. The crazy thing? I began getting erections from stimulation again!! However I had lost all the progress I made in every other area. I was chronically bloated, my brain fog and joint pain came back with a vengeance, and my training was worse than it ever had been before. Sadly I also began addicted to corn at this time. This led to 2 years of fighting this.

Why did my erections get better but everything else suffered?? My theory is that the chronic carb loading paired with the high levels of nitrates and folate in the diet let to higher free testosterone levels (from high carb) and higher nitric oxide levels (from lower fat and lots of nitrates and folate). However it was simply too much fiber and oxalates and not enough protein or essential vitamins like choline or taurine from the lack of meat.

After testing my OATs again, I confirmed that my SIBO and oxalate toxicity was back and worse than before. So what did I do? The next craziest thing... THE CARNIVORE DIET. This diet reversed my chronic fatigue and brain fog, but I was still stuck with subpar erections and really poor sleep. My free testosterone also plummeted.

Chap 3: The Power of Carbs

It was at this point I began understanding that carbs in the right amount were essential for my own levels of steroids and overall quality of life. Too much = brain fog and fatigue, Too little = no sleep and almost a manic type state. I began at about 150 carbs only in the evenings for sleep and found that my sleep scores and training had greatly improved again. I kept titrating this up to nearly 300 grams of carbs throughout they with the use of the GDAs.

Chap 4: Ray Peat-esque lifestyle

My diet now consisted of eggs, beef, liver, heart, some cheddar cheese and yogurt, and lots of rice and potatoes.
I began to focus on lowering estrogen and serotonin first. I used aspirin, calcium d glucarate and even low doses of exemestane. I stopped doing daily cardio, and switched to weight training 3-4x/week. My mood and creativity increased dramatically!! I began experiencing dreams again, and even caught myself day dreaming once more. I felt youthful once again.

The next step was gonadin, and low doses of preg/dhea with K2. I also upped my caffeine intake to 3 cups a day (only in mornings though). B vitamins also were used topically.

My thought process: Use gonadin to increase androgen receptor density, and up dopamine production. DHEA/preg and K2 for the androgenic and potential boost in free testosterone, and the b vitamins to help with the increase demand for cofactors in creating steroids.

This is when everything began to change.

I had already seen great changes in my markers before adding any steroids or gonadin (heightened libido, morning wood, stronger muscles etc) but this stack brought me back to what I assume most 17 year olds felt like. My T was 1100, and DHT and free testosterone had 3x'ed!! I put in a few solid pounds of lean tissue and began developing a more masculine face and body. I started being able to grow a beard and had chest hair for the first time. But the best part, was that I had successfully healed myself of libido and erectile issues. I was having sex multiple times a day with very very low refractory periods. Not only that, but I had control AND sensation - something I didn't even know was possible.

I've experimented with hundreds of supplements and protocols and to go over them in one article would be near impossible - but I'm happy to share more with everyone down below and plan to make more uploads soon.

I hope this brings some people the peace and motivation they need to keep pursuing their health goals.
Stay Strong,

Hey bro thanks for sharing and congrats on your success.

Did you notice any particular supplement or food that was a big game changer for libido and getting morning wood back?
Or even types of training / exercises?
Looking for something to try myself to start off..

I'm in a similar position to where you were, Test levels around 450 no libido, no morning wood and woeful sleep, lack of dreams prob from no REM


May 10, 2022
congrats on your progess, your history is very similar to mine
what made you decide to take GDAs? do you think you were carb intolerant?


May 19, 2017
Starting your sex life later than the average might be very good for you.

Congratulations on your recovery!


Jan 7, 2020
Hey bro thanks for sharing and congrats on your success.

Did you notice any particular supplement or food that was a big game changer for libido and getting morning wood back?
Or even types of training / exercises?
Looking for something to try myself to start off..

I'm in a similar position to where you were, Test levels around 450 no libido, no morning wood and woeful sleep, lack of dreams prob from no REM
Finding something anything to get sleep back on track is going to give you the best bang for your buck. Magnesium was the key for me for a while - and I often used dream recall and morning wood as a proxy for that. How old are you?


Jan 7, 2020
congrats on your progess, your history is very similar to mine
what made you decide to take GDAs? do you think you were carb intolerant?
After being low carb for so long - I found it hard to switch back to eating carbs without feeling sleepy. So yes I do think it was a problem for a while
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