Finally posting


Oct 3, 2016
I joined this forum about 5 years ago. I just asked a question about feeding my dog, well, then time passed. With his passing, I was reminded again of Ray Peat.

So, I have been perusing the forums and signed up with Forefront Health as they follow Ray Peat's method of eating. However, I'm so slow in the morning, not realizing my blood sugar is crashing. This morning after walking the dog, and not having eaten anything, I took my temperature...the digital thermometer seemed a bit confused with my temperature of 93.3f. Eating breakfast brought it back to 97.1f.

I have started Progest-E and eating 5 or 6 times a day following Forefront Health's recommendations. I have dessicated thyroid on the way.

I do get acid reflux and gas from drinking coffee and chocolate, and digesting food in general. I am slowly trying coffee, a tablespoon with milk, simple syrup, baking soda and collagen. Tomorrow I'll try cold brew coffee, see if it makes any difference.

Other than that, daily carrot (great result the first day, but disappointed after that, back to rabbit pellets - trying to lower my iron maybe...), lots of milk and oj, with baking soda, also chicken or beef broth frequently. I enjoy @Rinse & rePeat 's orang julius for supper a few times a week.

Will have to make meringues soon with all the egg whites I'm saving up.

I also made the lemon gummies with oj, so I can have a quick snack before breakfast.

Hubby thinks milk is gross, but he's pretty supportive. At least he's eating more fruit.

I live in Ontario Canada, so no raw milk, but I discovered a piece of PR cheese in my fridge, about 5 years old, lol.

I thought I'd share a bit here as I've learned so much (and gotten so confused) from the forums.

Mar 10, 2021
I joined this forum about 5 years ago. I just asked a question about feeding my dog, well, then time passed. With his passing, I was reminded again of Ray Peat.

So, I have been perusing the forums and signed up with Forefront Health as they follow Ray Peat's method of eating. However, I'm so slow in the morning, not realizing my blood sugar is crashing. This morning after walking the dog, and not having eaten anything, I took my temperature...the digital thermometer seemed a bit confused with my temperature of 93.3f. Eating breakfast brought it back to 97.1f.

I have started Progest-E and eating 5 or 6 times a day following Forefront Health's recommendations. I have dessicated thyroid on the way.

I do get acid reflux and gas from drinking coffee and chocolate, and digesting food in general. I am slowly trying coffee, a tablespoon with milk, simple syrup, baking soda and collagen. Tomorrow I'll try cold brew coffee, see if it makes any difference.

Other than that, daily carrot (great result the first day, but disappointed after that, back to rabbit pellets - trying to lower my iron maybe...), lots of milk and oj, with baking soda, also chicken or beef broth frequently. I enjoy @Rinse & rePeat 's orang julius for supper a few times a week.

Will have to make meringues soon with all the egg whites I'm saving up.

I also made the lemon gummies with oj, so I can have a quick snack before breakfast.

Hubby thinks milk is gross, but he's pretty supportive. At least he's eating more fruit.

I live in Ontario Canada, so no raw milk, but I discovered a piece of PR cheese in my fridge, about 5 years old, lol.

I thought I'd share a bit here as I've learned so much (and gotten so confused) from the forums.

I enjoyed reading this post Linda. The other day I watched a long, but worth the time, video on coffee. It took me two days in three sessions to do so, but I took quite a bit from it. I don’t have problems with coffee, and certainly a person dealing with acid reflux would, but I have been experimenting, this past few days, with a piece of advice, to put off having coffee for about an hour and a half after waking, and think I am appreciating the advice, so far. Maybe you should give it a try too. Ray Peat recommended eating protein before coffee, so it isn’t far fetched to think having coffee first thing may not be optimal for some. I certainly am struggling with tiredness trying to make it to a decent bedtime, mine being 10:30, and this experimenting seems to be helping. I can’t say enough about Ray Peat’s recommendation to “exercise” your intestines with cascara tea occasionally to keep them in good shape. I think this is a great thread that you have started to let others see, in real time, your experiments and determination to get to the bottom of things. I for one will be watching.



Oct 3, 2016
Well, that's quite the video! I just finished it\. I admit, the last 1/3 or 1/4 was at 1.5 speed, which I don't usually do, but he repeats himself a lot (yes, good, I know, to help us remember).

So far, I'm taking Progest-E about 2x a day. I just got A-D-K and have started taking that.

I made cold brew, but I think it hits me about the same, so, slowly, slowly. I don't see myself using caffeine as a tool though.

I just researched inclining bed therapy (IBT) and watched many of Andrew Fletcher's youtubes (what's with all those interviewers smoking?). I used towels and fabric to make a sort of wedge under my side of the bed. I asked hubby to see if he can't think of a way to add a tilt to our bed, it always works better to ask him, then he sees it as a challenge. Of course, I was nagging him too. At the beginning of COVID when we all were thinking/hoping it would be very short-lived, I got us a new mattress (GOTS latex). Then hubby make new bedroom furniture for us, so I don't want him to have to mess with his lovely new bed! I think he's going to build a wooden wedge of sorts. He said in the spring - that way he can see if I still want a tilted bed :).

Tonight is night 3 - I redid my fabric wedge to make the head higher - 5.75" instead of the 3" I had the last two nights. First night I woke up every couple of hours and took way too long to get to sleep (I normally fall asleep pretty quickly after de-gassing - so annoying). Then last night I fell asleep faster and woke up ready for morning at 4:30 - a bit too early. I could feel little tingles in my extremities and was definitely warmer.

So cool if IBT really helps with diabetes? I know so many people with diabetes...surprised I don't have it. One friend that has diabetes definitely has hypothyroidism too as she had a very nasty neck goiter. I have another friend with nasty rheumatoid arthritis, she is so sweet, I'll go over to her house to show her what IBT is, as she has a bed that tilts the head and feet, but not the whole thing, which is the norm. My dad has one of those beds too...I might be able to get him to tilt his bed as he definitely has circulation issues and sits most of the day.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
just researched inclining bed therapy (IBT)
We love it! It’s been about 5 years since we inclined our bed and there’s a noticeable difference if we go on vacation and sleep flat for a few days. It’s more dramatic for my husband with his reflux and snoring. I just start feeling a little achy in the shoulders if I sleep flat for more than a couple nights. We have even taken bed risers on trips when we had room to pack them like if we were driving to our destination. Best wishes on your journey.


Oct 3, 2016
We love it! It’s been about 5 years since we inclined our bed…
After 3 whole nights on my makeshift IBT and I’m not willing to go back. Hubby is still sleeping flat but with an incline to his right…

I have a laundry list of things I’d like to see fixed by IBT. Gerd, lunulas reappearing would be nice, I was always aware of them disappearing as not a healthy thing, somehow when I wasn’t looking, poof, they’re gone, corn on the sole of my foot, stronger pelvic floor - so no leaking or losing control, blood sugar and hypothyroidism of course.


Oct 3, 2016
Well, this week I added Vitamin A-D-K and glandular desiccated thyroid from the Forefront store. But now I am getting bloated and gassy in he morning and today felt a bit shaky, like low blood sugar shaky. I’m taking the 65mg thyroid at breakfast and lunch. The vitamin adk is 7 drops 3x per day with food.


Oct 3, 2016
After some investigation, the majority of the gas etc is a histamine issue, apparently low histamine, I had eliminated canned broth, but DOH...canned peaches and probably canned applesauce.

Still sleeping inclined, definitely less gassy and maybe less achy? I'm sure it'll be better when hubby creates his version of an inclined bed once things warm up weatherwise and he can work in the garage and not freeze.

Been working on my dog's diet too, applying Peat principles. She's raw fed and already getting better with more fruit (I'll cook any starchy fruits) and less muscle meat and no green veggies. She is 14, almost 15, 34lbs, a pug cross with Shar pei and has had osteoarthritis in her hip for the past 10 years. Currently getting very liquid poop, adding pumpkin, 2 tbsp per meal has helped. I guess I need to include roots when I premake her food.


Oct 3, 2016
Hallelujah, 4 mornings in a row, no dog doodoo in the kitchen.

Now to me. About 2 weeks ago I added optizinc and l-histidine. Then this week I started taking milk thistle tincture. The l-histidine seems to help with initial bedtime gas and heartburn. The milk thistle may be helping with the early 4 or 5 am sludgy heartburn.

Last night was bad, woke up with heartburn at 12:30 and again at 4. What happened? Well, last night I had a quilt club meeting. Anything I do at night or maybe even during day, other than sewing or anything on my own, seems to use up glucose due to the stress involved. I did have a cup of skim milk with some simple sugar and collagen. Probably wasn't enough sugar?

Oh, on other happy news, not!, I've gained over 10 lbs. Sigh... I've been following Forefront/hypothyroidism revolution meal plan, lots of OJ, egg yolks and eggs and 2% milk. They do include veggies and liver and shrimp. I don't like or eat shrimp and got horrid gas after eating liver with, probably, too much onion (more than a tsp, lol).

Trying to figure out meals now. Breakfast was skim milk with simple sugar ND collagen with oj and collagen and salt followed by "coffee" - 2 tbsp coffee, 1/2 cup skim milk, 1 tbsp simple sugar and 1 tbsp collagen.

Now for lunch, supper and snacks. Maybe 2 fried eggs for lunch with oj before. Orange juice gummies for snacks and beef broth. Maybe milk with sugar and collagen for snacks too. Maybe 1 tbsp of coconut oil separate.

Sounds like I should add some calcium with supper if I have meat with hubby which I usually do.

I think that's it.
Mar 10, 2021
Hallelujah, 4 mornings in a row, no dog doodoo in the kitchen.

Now to me. About 2 weeks ago I added optizinc and l-histidine. Then this week I started taking milk thistle tincture. The l-histidine seems to help with initial bedtime gas and heartburn. The milk thistle may be helping with the early 4 or 5 am sludgy heartburn.

Last night was bad, woke up with heartburn at 12:30 and again at 4. What happened? Well, last night I had a quilt club meeting. Anything I do at night or maybe even during day, other than sewing or anything on my own, seems to use up glucose due to the stress involved. I did have a cup of skim milk with some simple sugar and collagen. Probably wasn't enough sugar?

Oh, on other happy news, not!, I've gained over 10 lbs. Sigh... I've been following Forefront/hypothyroidism revolution meal plan, lots of OJ, egg yolks and eggs and 2% milk. They do include veggies and liver and shrimp. I don't like or eat shrimp and got horrid gas after eating liver with, probably, too much onion (more than a tsp, lol).

Trying to figure out meals now. Breakfast was skim milk with simple sugar ND collagen with oj and collagen and salt followed by "coffee" - 2 tbsp coffee, 1/2 cup skim milk, 1 tbsp simple sugar and 1 tbsp collagen.

Now for lunch, supper and snacks. Maybe 2 fried eggs for lunch with oj before. Orange juice gummies for snacks and beef broth. Maybe milk with sugar and collagen for snacks too. Maybe 1 tbsp of coconut oil separate.

Sounds like I should add some calcium with supper if I have meat with hubby which I usually do.

I think that's it.

You do need a lot more calcium Ivanserb. RP talked quite a bit about about food timing, saying proteins and calcium are best eaten during the day, magnesium, fats and carbs at night. He talks about calcium being key to weight loss. Here is my thread on weight loss. I lost 22 pounds since creating the post, and now I am trying to gain weight….



Oct 3, 2016
You do need a lot more calcium Ivanserb. RP talked quite a bit about about food timing, saying proteins and calcium are best eaten during the day, magnesium, fats and carbs at night. He talks about calcium being key to weight loss. Here is my thread on weight loss. I lost 22 pounds since creating the post, and now I am trying to gain weight….

Thank you so much @Rinse & rePeat , After 2 glasses of sweetened and collagened (is that even a word?) skim milk - the second had my 2 tbsp of coffee that my body allows me -, my temp was the highest it's ever been by 10 am - 97.1. BTW I use powdered milk, then I don't have to find skim milk and anyways ALL milk (at least in Ontario, Canada) has vitamin A palmitate and vitamin D3 added and if you ever want to see a SWAT team all up close and personal, sell shares of your milk cows to your neighbours so they can have the evil raw milk...sigh...

I'm currently working my way through the 37 pages of your More Weight Loss Talk post.

Mar 10, 2021
Thank you so much @Rinse & rePeat , After 2 glasses of sweetened and collagened (is that even a word?) skim milk - the second had my 2 tbsp of coffee that my body allows me -, my temp was the highest it's ever been by 10 am - 97.1. BTW I use powdered milk, then I don't have to find skim milk and anyways ALL milk (at least in Ontario, Canada) has vitamin A palmitate and vitamin D3 added and if you ever want to see a SWAT team all up close and personal, sell shares of your milk cows to your neighbours so they can have the evil raw milk...sigh...

I'm currently working my way through the 37 pages of your More Weight Loss Talk post.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Thirty seven pages sounds daunting. I could only get to where I am by trial and error, and the calcium and sugar sources turned out to be the magic key. The meat is good for building more muscle, hence more pounds, but eating meat at night was messing with my sleep something terrible, and not getting that sleep was messing with my losing fat. I drink three glasses of milk in the morning and another three glasses in the evening now. I worry about you drinking powdered milk because it is high in histamines so be aware of that. Try adding a big pinch of salt to that collagenated (it’s a word now) condensed milk drink if you want to radiated even more! How is your sleep?


Oct 3, 2016
Ha! Ha! Ha! Thirty seven pages sounds daunting. I could only get to where I am by trial and error, and the calcium and sugar sources turned out to be the magic key. The meat is good for building more muscle, hence more pounds, but eating meat at night was messing with my sleep something terrible, and not getting that sleep was messing with my losing fat. I drink three glasses of milk in the morning and another three glasses in the evening now. I worry about you drinking powdered milk because it is high in histamines so be aware of that. Try adding a big pinch of salt to that collagenated (it’s a word now) condensed milk drink if you want to radiated even more! How is your sleep?
So adding salt is good or bad?

I'm going to try the spoon of honey before meat...muscle meat seems to be ok by me as far as I can tell.

As for my sleep, that's an ongoing and evolving thing. I tend to fall asleep quickly (trained myself to not worry, and the kids are out of the house!), but with digestive issues, I can wake up around 1am and again around 4 am, gosh, and as a creature of habit I can do that again the next night for no reason at all.

As histamine causes digestive issues for me, apparently making me low histamine (along with all the other things I'm low in) , I get gas when I'm trying to fall asleep, thus I'm trying l-histidine supplement. Also the inclined bed helps a wee bit with digestive issues. Wednesday night was the midnight and 4 am digestive woes night - I had a sweetened skim milk with collagen before bed, but it probably wasn't enough, as I'd had a quilt club meeting - apparently stressful, why is fun so stressful?

So I'm looking for good solutions before bed that help keep my blood sugar up - I think that's it anyways.
Mar 10, 2021
So adding salt is good or bad?

I'm going to try the spoon of honey before meat...muscle meat seems to be ok by me as far as I can tell.

As for my sleep, that's an ongoing and evolving thing. I tend to fall asleep quickly (trained myself to not worry, and the kids are out of the house!), but with digestive issues, I can wake up around 1am and again around 4 am, gosh, and as a creature of habit I can do that again the next night for no reason at all.

As histamine causes digestive issues for me, apparently making me low histamine (along with all the other things I'm low in) , I get gas when I'm trying to fall asleep, thus I'm trying l-histidine supplement. Also the inclined bed helps a wee bit with digestive issues. Wednesday night was the midnight and 4 am digestive woes night - I had a sweetened skim milk with collagen before bed, but it probably wasn't enough, as I'd had a quilt club meeting - apparently stressful, why is fun so stressful?

So I'm looking for good solutions before bed that help keep my blood sugar up - I think that's it anyways.

Yes salt raises temperature, and it will “wow” your condensed milk drink!

When I was on my quest to shed fat, I realized my poor sleep, which was much like yours, was hindering my progress. so I started my sleep experiment thread. So put that quilt down Linda and get to reading an extra 27 pages!…



Oct 3, 2016
Yes salt raises temperature, and it will “wow” your condensed milk drink!

When I was on my quest to shed fat, I realized my poor sleep, which was much like yours, was hindering my progress. so I started my sleep experiment thread. So put that quilt down Linda and get to reading an extra 27 pages!…

Thanks! Good to know for sure. Trying to figure things out

Bought skim milk yesterday, just regular grocery store stuff, as hubby says, Canadian farmers are frugal and grass is free. I literally had not been seeing skim milk in the grocery store, lol.

I actually like soaked and fried liver with a wee bit of onion. Hubby hates the smell, so none when he's around. I got bad gas the first time I had a piece. I'm thinking of cutting into one ounce sized pieces, frying up an having with some grapes or should Ihave honey with it, sugared black tea?

We tend to eat supper around 6/6:30. Hubby's getting used to me having a different meal of your orange julius or an egg. I also have a glass of oj and some fruit too. Then around 9 I have a sugared, salted, collagened glass of skim milk. Last night I had a small bowl.. 2 scoops of Häagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream and some marmalade on top, yummy! Hubby was all calories in and thought you were trying to lose weight. Well I'm down 4 lbs now since I started skim milk.

Still unsure about lunch and dinner etc., although I guess mainly milk/calcium during the day. I usually manage 3 skim milk drinks and carrot salad with a bit of coconut oil aand vinegar and maybe fruit and cheese. I do snack on skim milk powder and raw sugar.... Then whatever I have for supper and before bed.

Forgot my histidin supplement last night and gosh I did get a few hours sleep.

I did read your sleep thread and most of the time I fall asleep in 5-15 minutes, just not last night, listening to hubby sleep is not my favourite thing. I trained myself to not worry when I'm trying to sleep.

Went to visit my dad today to suss out how best to incline his bed. Like ours, we're going to have to raise just the mattress. We should be able to use the bed mechanism to raise the board we put under the mattress.

I'm picking up a hula hoop today. Hubby thinks I'm nuts and plans on making a video of it to send to our daughters, lol.


Oct 3, 2016
Thanks! Good to know for sure. Trying to figure things out

Bought skim milk yesterday, just regular grocery store stuff, as hubby says, Canadian farmers are frugal and grass is free. I literally had not been seeing skim milk in the grocery store, lol.

I actually like soaked and fried liver with a wee bit of onion. Hubby hates the smell, so none when he's around. I got bad gas the first time I had a piece. I'm thinking of cutting into one ounce sized pieces, frying up an having with some grapes or should Ihave honey with it, sugared black tea?

We tend to eat supper around 6/6:30. Hubby's getting used to me having a different meal of your orange julius or an egg. I also have a glass of oj and some fruit too. Then around 9 I have a sugared, salted, collagened glass of skim milk. Last night I had a small bowl.. 2 scoops of Häagen-Dazs vanilla ice cream and some marmalade on top, yummy! Hubby was all calories in and thought you were trying to lose weight. Well I'm down 4 lbs now since I started skim milk.

Still unsure about lunch and dinner etc., although I guess mainly milk/calcium during the day. I usually manage 3 skim milk drinks and carrot salad with a bit of coconut oil aand vinegar and maybe fruit and cheese. I do snack on skim milk powder and raw sugar.... Then whatever I have for supper and before bed.

Forgot my histidin supplement last night and gosh I did get a few hours sleep.

I did read your sleep thread and most of the time I fall asleep in 5-15 minutes, just not last night, listening to hubby sleep is not my favourite thing. I trained myself to not worry when I'm trying to sleep.

Went to visit my dad today to suss out how best to incline his bed. Like ours, we're going to have to raise just the mattress. We should be able to use the bed mechanism to raise the board we put under the mattress.

I'm picking up a hula hoop today. Hubby thinks I'm nuts and plans on making a video of it to send to our daughters, lol.
Oops, forgot, I also have a cup or 3 of salted bone broth. Trying to have a scoop of honey with each cup, yesterday it was a pep-o-mint candy as I didn't feel like taking honey to church.
Mar 10, 2021
I actually like soaked and fried liver with a wee bit of onion. Hubby hates the smell, so none when he's around. I got bad gas the first time I had a piece. I'm thinking of cutting into one ounce sized pieces, frying up an having with some grapes or should Ihave honey with it, sugared black tea?

I enjoyed reading this update of yours today Linda! First, I love onions with my liver, but it takes to much extra butter and I don’t know what I think about the onions. They really have to cook down to be easy to digest, I don’t take that kind of time anymore for a quick meal for myself. I pair my liver with a third of a cup of milk with a teaspoon of instant coffee in it and some sugar in it. I use this instant coffee.


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Mar 10, 2021
I'm picking up a hula hoop today. Hubby thinks I'm nuts and plans on making a video of it to send to our daughters, lol.
We’ll let me tell you Linda, a man thinks a little crazy is sexy. Keep him guessing as to what you are going to do next! I am liking all that I am hearing about, your way, sounds positive, energetic and fun!


Oct 3, 2016
@Rinse & rePeat

I enjoyed reading this update of yours today Linda! First, I love onions with my liver, but it takes to much extra butter and I don’t know what I think about the onions. They really have to cook down to be easy to digest, I don’t take that kind of time anymore for a quick meal for myself. I pair my liver with a third of a cup of milk with a teaspoon of instant coffee in it and some sugar in it. I use this instant coffee.
I wish I could drink coffee (oh, and eat chocolate), but my liver complains. I can literally only have two overflowing tablespoons of brewed coffee a day. I keep trying chocolate, I love it so, but once again my organs have put their collective feet down. Hopefully as I heal, I can slowly drink more coffee and eat chocolate some day.


Oct 3, 2016
We’ll let me tell you Linda, a man thinks a little crazy is sexy. Keep him guessing as to what you are going to do next! I am liking all that I am hearing about, your way, sounds positive, energetic and fun!
So, he looked at me at dinner the other night and said something like, in 6 months you're going to tell me how bad eggs are for you...I said, yep, and milk, and collagen powder and...

See, I've changed my diet so many times since I retired, and I say, this is the last time, no more changes. I'm like the boy who cried wolf, he doesn't believe me anymore, I don't blame him. I really need to stick with this one.
Mar 10, 2021
@Rinse & rePeat

I wish I could drink coffee (oh, and eat chocolate), but my liver complains. I can literally only have two overflowing tablespoons of brewed coffee a day. I keep trying chocolate, I love it so, but once again my organs have put their collective feet down. Hopefully as I heal, I can slowly drink more coffee and eat chocolate some day.
Did something happen that made you sensitive to coffee and chocolate?
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