Finally Cured From Post Finasteride Syndrome

Nov 16, 2012
You took a prescription drug that altered your hormonal profile, just because it hasn't been solved by OTC supplements doesn't mean you should start convincing yourself you have broken 5AR

After I crashed from Propecia, all of my sex hormones were low. Cue a year of taking various things & I managed to get my testosterone up in to the 600-800 range which is solid. Estradiol however is always high. Either borderline high or way over the top level. My DHT in serum was low-normal, and we can all agree that serum is not a good picture of what's happening in tissues, which is likely even worse. I have serious estrogen dominance symptoms most of the time, and I firmly believe my 5-AR is very silenced.

Where do you think all that testosterone is going? Lemme give you an example - I have leftover gyno from Fin that flares up from damn near everything even modestly estrogenic or anti-androgen. I added 1 tsp of coconut oil the other day and noticed that I would start shuffling my shirt again because it felt uncomfortable against my nipples. A modest amount of topical zinc will do the same. It is insane to be that extremely sensitive to such common substances. FFS coconut oil is not supposed to have any kind of in-vivo anti-androgen activity at a dose of 1tsp, that is unheard of. That just means I have so little 5-AR activity that it doesn't take much to tip me over into getting estrogenic side effects.

This is why I need something like this HCG protocol. My endocrine system needs a real THOROUGH kick in the butt because things just aren't coming back online on their own. It's been 4 years now.

I am in the process of obtaining the necessary and think I found reliable sources, but if anyone has personal experience with any, my inbox is all ears.


Feb 28, 2020

I just thought I’d make this method public, I’m confident it works - I’ve used it with close to 15 clients now with complete remission.

Finasteride is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, it prevents the conversion of T > DHT via that enzyme. However that enzyme is also responsible for conversion of other hormones, namely neurosteroids in the brain. So by using a 5ARi you inhibit not only DHT but also allopregnenolone production - as well as other neurosteroids but we’ll focus on allopregnenolone.
Allopregnenolone is the 5-alpha reduced version of pregnenolone and is a potent GABA-A agonist. It has tremendous anxiolytic, anti-depressant and pro sleep potential. More importantly it’s a major regulator of libido.
Hence 5ARi > low allopregnenolone > libido issue > post-fina syndrome.

So why does libido not return upon cessation of finasteride/5ARi? Because steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) expression is semi-permanently down-regulated - I’ll explain more in a later post.

We can increase StAR expression via HCG. Low dose. 150iu every other day. After a few weeks libido (and mood, sleep, etc) will return, after a few months you can come off HCG if you wish.

Yes HCG, even at this low dose, will increase your e2 mildly - keep an eye on it if your prone to e2 sides.

Other 5AR inhibitors to avoid; dutasteride, saw palmetto, lions mane, coconut oil, accutane, pumpkin seed oil.

TLDR: if you have post fina syndrome take 150iu HCG EOD for 3 months.”

- quote olive


Jun 30, 2018
I'm very interested in trying HCG, just unsure how available it is in Aus, I found a site that supplies it here but not sure if it's reputable or it's of quality.
Nov 16, 2012

I just thought I’d make this method public, I’m confident it works - I’ve used it with close to 15 clients now with complete remission.

Finasteride is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, it prevents the conversion of T > DHT via that enzyme. However that enzyme is also responsible for conversion of other hormones, namely neurosteroids in the brain. So by using a 5ARi you inhibit not only DHT but also allopregnenolone production - as well as other neurosteroids but we’ll focus on allopregnenolone.
Allopregnenolone is the 5-alpha reduced version of pregnenolone and is a potent GABA-A agonist. It has tremendous anxiolytic, anti-depressant and pro sleep potential. More importantly it’s a major regulator of libido.
Hence 5ARi > low allopregnenolone > libido issue > post-fina syndrome.

So why does libido not return upon cessation of finasteride/5ARi? Because steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) expression is semi-permanently down-regulated - I’ll explain more in a later post.

We can increase StAR expression via HCG. Low dose. 150iu every other day. After a few weeks libido (and mood, sleep, etc) will return, after a few months you can come off HCG if you wish.

Yes HCG, even at this low dose, will increase your e2 mildly - keep an eye on it if your prone to e2 sides.

Other 5AR inhibitors to avoid; dutasteride, saw palmetto, lions mane, coconut oil, accutane, pumpkin seed oil.

TLDR: if you have post fina syndrome take 150iu HCG EOD for 3 months.”

- quote olive

Amazing thank you. This gives me so much hope. I have forgotten what it feels like to be normal. To have a clear head, to feel calm, have a normal libido... Maybe I can get a second chance.


Aug 11, 2020
Hi guys, I am currently in Turkey and got me Pregnyl 1500 from the pharmacy. It includes powder and a solution. You have to mix them together and can inject it. But I have some questions:

1. I think in the first post op means 250iu of the solution right? So in my case I will have 1ml wich is 1500iu. So it means 1ml is 1500iu. 1500 : 6 = 0.166ml. So I have to inject 0.166ml to get 250ui right?

2. On the instruction paper it says it can be injected under the skin as well. That's my prefered method of injection. Inside the belly fat. Or does it have to be in the muscle to work for pfs?

3. On the instruction paper it says dont use it if you have hypothyroidism or adrenal fatigue. I dont know if I have any of them. But we use very low doses and I think adrenal fatigue comes from pfs anyway. Anything to worry? It also says dont use if you have cancer. Well who knows?

4. On the instruction paper it says the first time your doctor should inject. In terms of a reaction or so? Or is it safe to inject at home?

5. Anything else to pay attention to? Can it **** me up or make harm?

6. Isnt it ironic to use a msd product to recover from a msd product lol!

I have pfs for 15 years and wanted to try the Proviron 200mg method from Pal. But there are no success stories. So I prefer this hcg attempt.
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Nov 16, 2012
1. I think in the first post op means 250iu of the solution right? So in my case I will have 1ml wich is 1500iu. So it means 1ml is 1500iu. 1500 : 6 = 0.166ml. So I have to inject 0.166ml to get 250ui right?

I believe he literally means 250 IU of HCG. The preferred ratio is to mix 1000 IU : 1 mL of water. You can mix your 1500 IU into 1 mL of solution, but in that case as you said, to get 250 IU per dose you have to inject 0.16 mL of the finished solution.

2. On the instruction paper it says it can be injected under the skin as well. That's my prefered method of injection. Inside the belly fat. Or does it have to be in the muscle to work for pfs?

I'm not sure about this, I haven't done either yet. I'd prefer to inject wherever the chance of hitting veins or nerves is the smallest.

3. On the instruction paper it says dont use it if you have hypothyroidism or adrenal fatigue. I dont know if I have any of them. But we use very low doses and I think adrenal fatigue comes from pfs anyway. Anything to worry? It also says dont use if you have cancer. Well who knows?

I wouldn't worry at these doses. And besides, I think it is worth the risk to potentially get cured.

. On the instruction paper it says the first time your doctor should inject. In terms of a reaction or so? Or is it safe to inject at home?

Good question. Maybe someone who already has experience injecting this can chime in.

6. Isnt it ironic to use a msd product to recover from a msd product lol!

We got ****88 up by a highly specific, highly potent pharma-drug. I tried supplements, I tried diet, it helped a bit but really, it just isn't enough. It stands to reason we have to pull out all the stops.

I have pfs for 15 years and wanted to try the Proviron 200mg method from Pal. But there are no success stories. So I prefer this hcg attempt.

Jesus, 15 years. Truly sorry. I've been victimized for 4 years and that is too much already. Here's hoping this is the way out for both of us.


Aug 11, 2020
@MyUsernameHere thank you very much. Yes, 0.16ml of the solution, wich will be difficult to measure up. I have insuline needles here with 40 units = 1ml. So I go with about 6 units wich would be 0.15ml right? I think it does not matter if you inject 250ui or 230-240ui. Any specific time we should inject? In the morning before breakfast? Or at night?

15 years of PFS + 8 years of accutane sides (wich I took with 16). My life ended with 16. I am now 39. But hey, if there is a cure, at least enjoy the rest of the life. Plus I did not knew about PFS until last year. Maybe if I knew earlier, I would have done something earlier. I googled last year about Testosterone injection because I had zero libido since I stopped fin in 2005 and was shocked that PFS is real. I thought I make it up in my mind and how an approved pharma-drug could do such a harm. Impossible I thought.
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Mar 3, 2017
1) You can purchase more bac water to reconstitute your HCG. Using an insulin needle, you'll likely have a hard time gauging .166ml but if you mix with more bac water, you'll have more manageable dosage. You should have an empty sterile vial and if you go with 3ml of water, you'll be at about 1/2ml for 250iu.

2) Intramuscular injections dissipate slightly quicker than subq injections... since we're going low dose, you'd want the quicker route... you can use your quad muscle to inject to, using an insulin needle, you will not feel anything since the skin on the quad has near zero nerves. In fact, if you received your first vaccine there as a child, you'd never be afraid of needles.

3) Don't worry about that, hcg will benefit thyroid. You want that.

4) Not needed, just alcohol swab everything and use online tutorials if you need help.

5) At this dosage, the studies and my personal experience has been great. Other's too. At very high dosages, estrogenic side effects can be an issue but those numbers are 2500iu to 5000iu in a single shot. That's not what we're doing here.

6) It's like rain on your wedding day (Alanis reference)

I have a good friend doing this now, and his results are wonderful.... I'm so psyched for him... two other users already reported dramatic improvements in their lives... two other users are just starting so it's too soon to tell yet... but they agreed the quad was very easy.

Good luck and I look forward to your results


Aug 11, 2020
Thanks @JoeKool

1. Luckily I have bac water here from my BPC 157 runs. But its been in use for at least 3-4 months and was not in the fridge all the time after I used it. So I am not sure if its still usable?! I think I go with the 0.16ml, wich must be 6 units on a 40 units 1ml insuline needle.

2. I injected B12 almost daily in my quad muscle but used a damn big long needle to do so. After a few months at some point I started fearing the needle. Then I started using the insuline needle to inject in the squad muscle. But in B12 groups they said you can not reach very deep inside the muscle with a insuline needle. But its about 1.5cm long and I am pretty thin with very less body fat. So I think I can reach deep enough.

3. Good to hear. Was gonna try iodine for the thyroid but maybe go with hcg first.

4. I meant due to a possible allergic reaction or shock? So a doc by your side could help in that case while you possible go to the other side when you do it at home and nobodys there.

5. I meant can it put me in PFS back again because I am about 50% recovered (after 15 years) and cant imagine the hell going back to full pfs.

Did your prostate issues also resolve?

Thanks for sharing this post. Gives hope.


Mar 3, 2017
4) oh I see. I haven’t heard of any allergic reactions but it mimics LH which your body produces anyhow. I never thought of it as a concern but I’m not a doctor.

5) this hormonal “reset” has many benefits and I can’t see a reversal back to pfs occurring. It hasn’t been reported by any of the others doing it, though my group that I know of is under 10 ppl.

I didn’t have prostate issues, though I had penile tissue issues that did remarkably clear up. Finasteride is a horrible drug and all anti androgens should only be used in life or death situations. Not for anything as vain or superficial as hair.

i look forward to your results and improved life. I’m more social and funny again, ppl say now.


Aug 11, 2020
4) oh I see. I haven’t heard of any allergic reactions but it mimics LH which your body produces anyhow. I never thought of it as a concern but I’m not a doctor.

5) this hormonal “reset” has many benefits and I can’t see a reversal back to pfs occurring. It hasn’t been reported by any of the others doing it, though my group that I know of is under 10 ppl.

I didn’t have prostate issues, though I had penile tissue issues that did remarkably clear up. Finasteride is a horrible drug and all anti androgens should only be used in life or death situations. Not for anything as vain or superficial as hair.

i look forward to your results and improved life. I’m more social and funny again, ppl say now.

Awesome, thanks!

Oh man before I got 16, I had great humor and made friends laugh. I lost part of that with accutane. Yet I was having friends and laughing etc. But Finasteride killed my personality fully. After fin my friends started to ask me wtf is wrong with me. I lost the ability to build proper sentences. Was talking in words. I got social anxiety after fin, where before I only was introvert with new people but never had issues to be with new people. I was going to clubs without anxiety pre fin. Post fin I needed half a bottle of vodka to be able to enter a club without shaking. Needed to drink alcohol every time I met new people. Started sweating under my arms like crazy without feeling hot, even while freezing. Tons of other ***t. And still have these issues most of the time.

I have part time recoveries when my libido is high (with no fap). During these times (that lasts 1-2 days) I have almost everything back. Confidence, humor, proper talking etc. Unfortunately these recoveries happen every 1-2 month.

Hope my last questions to not make this thread too long with my talk. You stopped HCG cold turkey? And is there a recommended time to take HCG? Before breakfast, at night or something? I mean to simulate the real LH release of the brain. I guess the body releases LH in the morning? And did you get worse before you got better? Like Pal did with Proviron. He said he felt awful for weeks while on Priviron. Worst in his life. And then start to get better day by day. I watched the video you linked to and the guy says, after coming off of HCG, Testosterone drops down to 50% from 250% and then starts to recover to 100% if I understood it correctly. That must have an huge impact from 250% to 50%. But of course we will only take 250ui.

I will report back! Probably start tomorrow and do it 6 months.
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Mar 3, 2017
I took my dosage at night but hcg pulses LH 2 hours and approx 24 hours after dosage.

fyi, The biggest natural release of LH is overnight.

I had the anxiety and sweat issues you described. Since 5ar is needed to produce allopregnelone, which is our body's natural xanax, we were deficient in that neurosteroid and suffered those affects. LH will boost pregnelone and 5ar so that'll recover.

I didn't feel any negatives as described with that proviron guy but i did experience a gap in anything for 10 weeks. Meaning i didn't experience any positive benefits until 10 weeks but then they were weekly improvements. Others took about 5 weeks. That part is obviously different for everyone so don't get discouraged.

I can surmise the proviron guy shut down his production of everything by taking such a high dose which Is likely why he felt horrible but his body must-have begun signalling its own LH production and improvements came. I can't be sure nor do I suggest testing that theory.

Yes i stopped cold Turkey but don't let testosterone levels be the only expected outcome. We're improving pregnelone, allopreg, 5ar, dht, androgen receptors, etc...


Aug 12, 2020

I just thought I’d make this method public, I’m confident it works - I’ve used it with close to 15 clients now with complete remission.

Finasteride is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, it prevents the conversion of T > DHT via that enzyme. However that enzyme is also responsible for conversion of other hormones, namely neurosteroids in the brain. So by using a 5ARi you inhibit not only DHT but also allopregnenolone production - as well as other neurosteroids but we’ll focus on allopregnenolone.
Allopregnenolone is the 5-alpha reduced version of pregnenolone and is a potent GABA-A agonist. It has tremendous anxiolytic, anti-depressant and pro sleep potential. More importantly it’s a major regulator of libido.
Hence 5ARi > low allopregnenolone > libido issue > post-fina syndrome.

So why does libido not return upon cessation of finasteride/5ARi? Because steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) expression is semi-permanently down-regulated - I’ll explain more in a later post.

We can increase StAR expression via HCG. Low dose. 150iu every other day. After a few weeks libido (and mood, sleep, etc) will return, after a few months you can come off HCG if you wish.

Yes HCG, even at this low dose, will increase your e2 mildly - keep an eye on it if your prone to e2 sides.

Other 5AR inhibitors to avoid; dutasteride, saw palmetto, lions mane, coconut oil, accutane, pumpkin seed oil.

TLDR: if you have post fina syndrome take 150iu HCG EOD for 3 months.”

- quote olive
Fidelio, where did you get this quote from? Olive?

It's very interesting because he's speaking of: I’ve used it with close to 15 clients now with complete remission


Aug 11, 2020
I took my first ~230ui 3 hrs ago. Did subkutan because the first needle was not sharp enough and freaking hurt my squat so did the 2nd subkutan. Will try squat on friday.

Whatever, I have a bit of concerns regarding what we doing here. I searched up in some (German) bodybuilding forums and some say it can fck up some axis. They use it after a round of testo to reset testicles. Some say it's safe some say it's the last thing on earth I would do. I know I asked it already. But I chose hcg over Proviron because it sounded more safe to me.

Since I have part time recoveries I am afraid to lose them as well. I always have morning wood. But most of the time no libido. Even when I watch porn it's zero. My last time having sex was 2 1/2 weeks ago and I dont feel any desire for sex. My **** is like death. I dont fap.

In blood tests my testo and DHT were on the upper end of the norm. Dhea was low. Progesterone was very low. Estrogen E2 was in the middle.
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Feb 28, 2020
Fidelio, where did you get this quote from? Olive?

It's very interesting because he's speaking of: I’ve used it with close to 15 clients now with complete remission
Discord, he is the one who orginally came up with this method @JoeKool stole it from him by posting it publicly on this forum.


Mar 3, 2017
Takes a real special POS to say I stole it even though I posted how I found it, nor is it the same as even you quoted Olive described it...

@Fidelio look for something better to do than interfere with people's recovery. Don't reply or edit your post


Feb 28, 2020
Takes a real special POS to say I stole it even though I posted how I found it, nor is it the same as even you quoted Olive described it...

@Fidelio look for something better to do than interfere with people's recovery. Don't reply or edit your post


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Aug 11, 2020
So who the fck cares? I dont get it? Joe posted his success here so others can recover. People leave communities because of such nonsense (see Pal on propecia help forum) and we people who suffer can not ask recovered people because they think fck these morons why should I bother with them...


Aug 12, 2020
Discord, he is the one who orginally came up with this method @JoeKool stole it from him by posting it publicly on this forum.
Thanks for the update.

This Olive guy, is he a doctor ?

Btw, guys we're all trying to get better (I have pfs too) so it doens't really matter where it comes from. And I'm happy @JoeKool posted his regimen, this could help many people outside that discord server.

So thank you both!

And the other 15 people/clients who got better from PFS, do you know them? If so it would be great if they could post their recovery story here.
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