Fauci Exposed?


Aug 11, 2015
This guy is spot on. "cooking of the books"

Immune system is key. Social distancing is a joke Fauci needs to be locked up
Everything is being labeled as a cov19 death now

They hate Trump so much they will do anything at this point


Apr 13, 2014
I've never heard of this doctor before, but what a great video. I agree that Dr. Fauci should be indicted on "scientific crimes".


Apr 13, 2014
I also liked how he said, at the end of the video, that we need "Vitamin D, not vaccines and Vitamin C, not ventilators".


Feb 29, 2016
Know anybody in Massachusettes? He is running against Pocohontas Warren for Senate


Forum Supporter
Nov 14, 2014
This is history repeating. Fauci was the savior, the messiah of the AIDS epidemic. He rushed out the miracle cytotoxin AZT as the solution (today it’s ventilators, social distancing, economic stasis) which arguably killed more than it saved.


Jan 1, 2013
He says 80% to 90% of people put on ventilators are dying ?

That can't be right.

Also, he wants people put on vitamins and minerals: is he really trying to saw the branch he's standing on ? (he's a medical doctor himself)

Also, be wary of those wrapping themselves in freedom like he does...


May 7, 2017


May 30, 2015
Austin, TX
He says 80% to 90% of people put on ventilators are dying ?

That can't be right.
I didnt watch, but that number is usually corolated with mortality rates of people who are put on ventilators. Typically, they were gonna be gonners anyway and ventilators are just the last hail mary. Why theyve put so much emphasis on them in the media is beyond me


Sep 24, 2016
He’s no MD, but a very smart man obviously

But don’t be to quick celebrating anybody only because he shares your enemies. As he said in the interview he is personally lobbying with Trump for his „personal medicine“ approach. Which might be more sensible than the initiative but given his inventions he seems to be invested in it massively.
That’s not to defending Fauci. I only heard of the guy nie durin covid and it’s mind-boggling how entrenched theses figures are with the WHO.

Ayyadurai's undergraduate degree from MIT was in electrical engineering and computer science; he took a master's degree in visual studies from the MIT Media Laboratory on scientific visualization; concurrently, he completed another master's degree in mechanical engineering, also from MIT; and in 2007, he obtained a Ph.D. in biological engineering from MIT in systems biology, with his thesis focusing on modeling the whole cell by integrating molecular pathway models.[17][18][19] In 2007, he was awarded a Fulbright U.S. Student Program grant to study the integration of Siddha, a system of traditional medicine developed in South India, with modern systems biology.[20][17]


Jan 1, 2013
He says 80% to 90% of people put on ventilators are dying ?

That can't be right.

Also, he wants people put on vitamins and minerals: is he really trying to saw the branch he's standing on ? (he's a medical doctor himself)

Also, be wary of those wrapping themselves in freedom like he does...

Well, i stand corrected.

80 to 90% of people dying on the respirator is an incredible number.

And the guy isn't a medical doctor at all (even though he sounds like one).

(I've heard his (silly) comments on AIDS and assumed he was one )

I think he's just another politician using a crisis to score points.

Once elected, he will probably go backwards on every promise made during his campaign.
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Apr 15, 2013
I didnt watch, but that number is usually corolated with mortality rates of people who are put on ventilators. Typically, they were gonna be gonners anyway and ventilators are just the last hail mary. Why theyve put so much emphasis on them in the media is beyond me

Yes they only put them on ventilators when their oxygen is very low and they cant breathe on their own or else they would just put them
on nasal cannulas. A lot of those patients are also in shock and need vasopressors. The ventilators give the patients some
extra time to see if hopefully other interventions will work and also give the family time to to say their goodbyes.
Also in many cases, the family decides on hospice and they pull the ventilator to let the patient expire on their own.

You cant say that just because a patient was on a ventilator and later expired, it was the ventilator that did the harm.


Oct 1, 2019
Yes they only put them on ventilators when their oxygen is very low and they cant breathe on their own or else they would just put them
on nasal cannulas. A lot of those patients are also in shock and need vasopressors. The ventilators give the patients some
extra time to see if hopefully other interventions will work and also give the family time to to say their goodbyes.
Also in many cases, the family decides on hospice and they pull the ventilator to let the patient expire on their own.

You cant say that just because a patient was on a ventilator and later expired, it was the ventilator that did the harm.

Is Protocol-Driven COVID-19 Ventilation Doing More Harm Than Good?
Ventilation is part of the standard protocol. Dr. Luciano Gattinoni noticed that in one hospital they have 0% mortality rate and a nearby hospital has 60% mortality rate. The hospital with 60% deaths follows the standard ventilation protocoll, the hospital with 0% deaths does not.
"Dr. Peat:

The effort of breathing increases lung stress—stretch and compression—increasing nitric oxide and other inflammation signals, similar to the effects of the virus.

Hospital ventilators are killing tens of thousands.

Luciano Gattinoni, in Germany, says that one nearby hospital has a 0% mortality rate from the virus, and another has a 60% rate, one avoiding the “standard ventilation protocol."

Facts about Covid-19
"According to leading lung specialists, invasive ventilation of Covid19 patients is often counterproductive and causes additional damage to the lungs. The invasive ventilation of Covid19 patients is partly done out of fear of spreading the virus through aerosols."

"In a new document on the treatment of Covid19 patients, the chief of pneumology and intensive care at Eastern Virginia Medical School states: „It is important to recognize that COVID-19 does not cause your “typical ARDS” (lung failure) … this disease must be treated differently and it is likely we are exacerbating this situation by causing ventilator induced lung injury.“"

"Ventilation with Covid19
There has been and still is a worldwide rush for ventilators for Covid19 patients. This site was one of the first in the world to draw attention to the fact that invasive ventilation (intubation) may be counterproductive in many cases and may cause additional harm to patients.
Invasive ventilation was originally recommended because low oxygen levels led to the false conclusion of acute respiratory (lung) failure, and there was a fear that with more gentle, non-invasive techniques the virus could spread through aerosols.
In the meantime, several leading pulmonologists and intensive care physicians from the US and Europe have spoken out against invasive ventilation and recommend more gentle methods or indeed oxygen therapy, as already successfully used by South Korea.
"On the basis of information from China, medical protocols have been defined worldwide that rapidly provide invasive artificial respiration by intubation for test-positive intensive care patients. On the one hand, the protocols assume that a more gentle non-invasive ventilation through a mask is too weak, on the other hand there is the fear that the „dangerous virus“ could otherwise spread through aerosols. As early as March, however, German physicians pointed out that intubation can lead to additional lung damage and has an overall poor chance of success. In the meantime, US physicians have also come forward who describe intubation as „more harm than good“ for patients. Patients often do not suffer from acute lung failure, but rather from a kind of altitude sickness, which is made worse by artificial respiration with increased pressure. In February, South Korean physicians reported that critical Covid19 patients respond well to oxygen therapy without a ventilator. The US physician mentioned above warns that the use of ventilators must be urgently reconsidered in order not to cause additional damage."

Meanwhile all mainstream news outlets continously emphasized how important mechanical ventilation is. I often heard from people "the big problem is that there are not enough mechanical ventilators and doctors have to decide who gets ventilation and lives, and who doesn't"
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Nov 29, 2017
Ep. 18 -- Robert "Bobby" Kennedy Jr. Joins the Podcast and Drops Absolute Bombshells on Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, the CDC, FDA, Govt. Vaccine Kickbacks and the List Goes On in a Raucous EXCLUSIVE Sit Down; We Expose Dr. Birx's Role in Yet Another FBI Scandal Linked to Gates/Clinton's PLUS Much More

Have a listen Rfk Jr.
Excellent stuff
2nd Segment highlights a bunch of things including Fauci-mouse retrovirus in vaccines causing leukaemia and suppressing a whistleblower that was doing research on the vaccines effects in 2006? Can’t remeber date. Edit: Judy Mikovits was her name

Third segment was quite good too. Interviewee discuss how the reactions to this virus don’t make sense and that it may be possible this is being done as a second bio weapon may be released far more deadly than this one.

I heard some time ago thAt there was a COVID-17(weapon) that was supposed to be released but conspiracy guys say it was thwarted. Who know who knows who knows????
Anyways have a listen
Really good stuff

@lampofred @tankasnowgod
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Feb 13, 2016
Ep. 18 -- Robert "Bobby" Kennedy Jr. Joins the Podcast and Drops Absolute Bombshells on Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, the CDC, FDA, Govt. Vaccine Kickbacks and the List Goes On in a Raucous EXCLUSIVE Sit Down; We Expose Dr. Birx's Role in Yet Another FBI Scandal Linked to Gates/Clinton's PLUS Much More

Have a listen Rfk Jr.
Excellent stuff
2nd Segment highlights a bunch of things including Fauci-mouse retrovirus in vaccines causing leukaemia and suppressing a whistleblower that was doing research on the vaccines effects in 2006? Can’t remeber date. Edit: Judy Mikovits was her name

Third segment was quite good too. Interviewee discuss how the reactions to this virus don’t make sense and that it may be possible this is being done as a second bio weapon may be released far more deadly than this one.

I heard some time ago thAt there was a COVID-17(weapon) that was supposed to be released but conspiracy guys say it was thwarted. Who know who knows who knows????
Anyways have a listen
Really good stuff

@lampofred @tankasnowgod

Thanks. Finished listening and I thought Robert Kennedy was great. Sounded just like Ray Peat. I do think there's more to vaccines than hunger for money though, like eugenics.

I agree with the second interviewee that this reaction doesn't make sense at all but I hope there's no deadlier pathogen that might be released... The theory that has seemed pretty plausible to me is that higher ups know 5G has the potential to cause a lot of health issues but they don't want to admit 5G is harmful, so this is their front to increase hospital capacity in advance as 5G is rolled out throughout the country this year.


Apr 16, 2017
This is history repeating. Fauci was the savior, the messiah of the AIDS epidemic. He rushed out the miracle cytotoxin AZT as the solution (today it’s ventilators, social distancing, economic stasis) which arguably killed more than it saved.



Jan 25, 2014
Third segment was quite good too. Interviewee discuss how the reactions to this virus don’t make sense and that it may be possible this is being done as a second bio weapon may be released far more deadly than this one.

I don't think there is all that much danger in so called "bioweapons," at least not on a mass scale. I think most of the damage (if any at all) would be done on within a few square miles. Viruses, bacteria and such, they always mutating and reproducing, and even if you did find that one in a hundred and septillion or so that was "super lethal," it's still going to depend drastically on host defenses, and other conditions. War, famine, refuse, sewage, pests, and/or mass compromised immunity are always going to be preconditions for an "epidemic" or "pandemic." Thankfully, I don't think you could find a bioweapon that could trump those pre conditions.

Not to say there aren't other secret dangers. A chemical attack could cause mass illness and death (and is much easier to control), and then blaming a bioweapon as a cover story. Or something like 5g or radiation or microwave weapons.


Aug 17, 2016
Thanks. Finished listening and I thought Robert Kennedy was great. Sounded just like Ray Peat. I do think there's more to vaccines than hunger for money though, like eugenics.

I agree with the second interviewee that this reaction doesn't make sense at all but I hope there's no deadlier pathogen that might be released... The theory that has seemed pretty plausible to me is that higher ups know 5G has the potential to cause a lot of health issues but they don't want to admit 5G is harmful, so this is their front to increase hospital capacity in advance as 5G is rolled out throughout the country this year.
Yep. +1
Kennedy was terrific. Nice to hear it from the horse's mouth that they won't let him talk on mainstream media--which is bought and owned.
People who have been banned and/or flagged on youtube (or as one of them calls it, "themtube") have learned that there are two things one can never utter: vaccines or 5G. Discussion about either is verboten.

The heavy concentration of 5G towers that went in in downtown Chicago (right near their makeshift hospital) right after the lockdown seems to be like a test pool. When lockdown lifts and there is a huge wave of illness soon after (like around fall), they can always blame it on the virus.

We went walking through a park-like cemetery today a little further out from downtown and the vibe is completely different. Police weren't bothering anybody. People lounging in the grass all over the cemetery. No cops outside nearby grocery. Young people out with no masks and seeming happy.
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Feb 11, 2015
Anyone who believes this video is a few cards short of a full pack. No, seriously-- it's crazy. Loco. Get some fresh air, for gosh sakes.
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