Video from October 2019 with Fauci, Rick Bright, and Others Discussing an Excitatory Event to Push a Vaccine

Mar 10, 2021
You would think this new info with the incriminating words coming right out of the conspirators mouths should end this madness, but even with this slap in the face, the vaxxed won't want to believe they were duped so the madness continues. This is a great find Trevinski! I am gonna pass it on everywhere!


Oct 21, 2021
Washington State
You would think this new info with the incriminating words coming right out of the conspirators mouths should end this madness, but even with this slap in the face, the vaxxed won't want to believe they were duped so the madness continues. This is a great find Trevinski! I am gonna pass it on everywhere!
Thank you. I have been a lurker over the last month and appreciate your input in the forum.

The cognitive dissonance is so extreme right now. All I know is time favors the decision to opt out; with each passing day there is a new nugget of info. revealed or more suspicious incidences that seem too uncharacteristic to be by chance. You would think the evidence is too glaring and overwhelming at this point to dismiss as coincidence.

There was even the Event 201 and Clade-X pandemic simulations that occurred before the outbreak in Wuhan, both outlined events and preparations eerily similar to everything that has played out so far. These are just the superficial counter things that I share with people who are agreement with the narrative. The rabbit hole goes much deeper if you get into the numbers and gematria of it. Clade-X occurred precisely 666 days before the outbreak in Wuhan. 47 is a huge free mason number and is central to their logo; it's quite common to hear this number used during major media addresses. The number 38 in gematria is associated with Death and Murder. The number 38 is encoded in the poster for Sandra Bullock's Murder by Numbers movie, for example. Joe Biden used two numbers to address the case rates and hospitalization decline a couple weeks back: he stated that case rates have were down 47 percent and hospitalizations were down 38 percent. I am sure those were official numbers and not chosen due to their significance to those in the know *rolls eyes*.
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