Explain Bodybuilder/Youtuber Brian Turner Acne And Dairy

beta pandemic

Jul 25, 2016
Long story short this dude suffered for over a decade with chronic cystic severe acne. He drank massive quantities of milk and consumed dairy products from the beggining of his bodybuilding career ie over a decade.

He went through the usual treatments of antibiotics and topicals etc he documents it all on youtube

He eventually began accutane/isotretinoin which helped but did not get rid of it, and once he ceased taking the medication the acne was flaring up quickly.

He cuts ALL dairy products eats plant based and gets cleared up.

He is now vegan

I cant imagine how he feels. it would be bitter sweet knowing all you had to do was cut out dairy after suffering for so long.


Oct 15, 2016
Dairy gives me acne and more importantly backne, I discussed with haidut he thinks milk can increase dhea synthesis for some people and estrogenic metabolites increase acne. If true then white button mushrooms should be able to help with that.
Besides, is this guy natural?


Apr 6, 2016
I could be off here but I thought the general mechanism for this is: dairy raises metabolism, but then the person doesn't have enough vitamin A to support it, hence acne gets worse.

Anecdotally, in my late teens/20s I often had to go to the plastic surgeon to have acne cysts lanced and drained. Accutane/retin A/the Pill "fixed" it, but led to other problems. Then undereating/vegetarianism also "fixed" it, but led to more problems.

He is young and male and probably has very high vitamin requirements if he's eating like a body builder.
Feb 4, 2015
He actually cleared up a lot of his acne before going vegan. He only became vegan in 2015 after Vegan Gains blew up on YT and he wanted to try to ride the trend of vegan bodybuilding youtubers like VG, Jon Venus etc. but both Turner and Venus made most of their gains long before going vegan showing that they are just trying to ride the vegan money train. I don't think Turner is natty.

I've been a milk drinker all of my life and always had no acne.

There's nothing to explain. If what he purports is true then good for him. It doesn't mean dairy causes acne for anyone else. He could have a casien allergy or had a parasite/infection.

His acne was probably just make-up and the whole thing is just marketing/sales.
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May 13, 2017
He actually cleared up a lot of his acne before going vegan. He only became vegan in 2015 after Vegan Gains blew up on YT and he wanted to try to ride the trend of vegan bodybuilding youtubers like VG, Jon Venus etc. but both Turner and Venus made most of their gains long before going vegan showing how they are just trying to ride the vegan money train. I don't think Turner is natty.

I've been a milk drinker all of my life and always had no acne.

There's nothing to explain. If what he purports is true then good for him. It doesn't mean dairy causes acne for anyone else. He could have a casien allergy or had a parasite/infection.

His acne was probably just make-up and the whole thing is just marketing/sales.

His acne was not make up. Watched his videos for a while, don't agree with all he says but his acne videos are interesting, guy was a mess before.

I never got acne but always a few spots here and there and always gigantic lol. Now when I have cut out milk a few times my face clears right up. So there's is something to it.


May 7, 2014
I still get severe cystic acne when drinking cow milk. Whey protein powders made from cow milk are even worse.
Goat milk is a lot better, but not perfect.
I have no problems whatsoever with goat or sheep cheeses or butter of any kind.

This seems to be consistent with anecdotal reports on acne forums.

It definitely is something that's in the whey portion of the milk.
I assume it is some kind of allergenic protein in the whey causing inflammation in the gut.

Why most people didn't have any problems with it when they were younger, I don't know...
Why some people tolerate it just fine their whole life, I also don't know...

edit: claiming there is no connection between milk and acne is absolutely ridiculous. It is by far the most common "trigger food" on any acne forum or other online community about skin issues. I could do some before/after pictures of my face now and in 14 days after drinking cow milk daily, but I'm not going to ruin my skin for months just to prove a point.
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Jul 29, 2014
I get around 1,500 calories from dairy daily and have perfectly clear skin. Eating liver seems to take care of acne, at least for myself. I also have a 15,000 IU per drop vitamin A supplement.


Sep 12, 2015
Speculation is nothing against experimentation. All the studies in the world mean nothing if personal experience can't prove them true.


Oct 23, 2015
I am drinking more dairy than I ever have and acne is healing. Using skim milk with a zero fat and zero starch diet are the most helpful things for me. I have done accutane twice and ever other supplement and prescription has no lasting effect. Going vegan means is should be eating close to zero PUFA. I also noticed that when I would starve myself or drive my metabolism to a halt with zero carb, hormone production would grind to a halt and skin would be better but not clear.
Feb 4, 2015
Going vegan means is should be eating close to zero PUFA.

Impossible to have zero pufa no matter what the diet is but if you mean overt pufa then a vegan could still eat nuts, seeds, avocado, olives, soy and most do eat them.


Oct 23, 2015
Impossible to have zero pufa no matter what the diet is but if you mean overt pufa then a vegan could still eat nuts, seeds, avocado, olives, soy and most do eat them.

Very true, but fast food/snacks, full fat dairy, fatty cuts of meat, could possibly load you up with PUFA quicker. We'll never know unless we could see his long term staples.

My personal experimentation is linking acne to unsaturated fat, so I try to see if other peoples experiences somehow can fit that line of thinking.
Nov 16, 2012
His acne was not make up. Watched his videos for a while, don't agree with all he says but his acne videos are interesting, guy was a mess before.

I never got acne but always a few spots here and there and always gigantic lol. Now when I have cut out milk a few times my face clears right up. So there's is something to it.

I used to have problems with milk when my metabolism was completely trash and my hormones were out of whack.

Nowadays, I can drink as much as I like and my skin is largely acne-free.


Nov 10, 2014
Hi all,

IMO, I believe it's hormones (estrogen/stress) not necessarily in the milk, bit with one self. I am 53 now and the past year stopped breaking out except recently for just an occasional one here or there. During my high school years I had awesome skin with just a few blackheads but no acne until 21 when I got married and was on the pill for only 8 months and that's when I got the cysts, then had hypothyroidism with a goiter. Since going menopause and fixing my hormones and stress it has just about gone. Oh forgot to mention in high school I drank full fat milk and got yelled at for drinking so much (I think close to half a gallon a day) Anyway , even going through my dumb **** diets it never went away until recently with one here and there. I find I get the occasional one when I get constipated/stress. So in my opinion it's hormone imbalance and definitely stress. Just my experience and 2cents.


Apr 13, 2015
3.25% homogenized milk seems to make me break out on the face quite a bit more than when i was drinking 2% non-homogenized milk. Not sure if it's the extra milk fat or the fact that the higher percentage milk is homogenized


Milk protein uses up vitamin A more than other proteins. Milk use to reliably give me acne too, until I found out it was just increasing my vitamin A needs that were previously not being met. Adding vitamin A cleared my skin right up, and has kept it clear for years even though cronically drinking a gallon of milk per day.


Jan 25, 2014
Going vegan means is should be eating close to zero PUFA.

All of the richest sources of PUFA are plant based, things like beans, nuts, and seeds, and the oils made from them. If it was a vegan diet based around tropical fruits, you'd have a point. But not a vegan diet the way most people would implement it.
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