Acne cleared in pregnancy, but it’s back


Mar 13, 2017
I had cystic acne for 8 years. Did every natural health thing in those 8 years that I could grasp. The last thing I was trying was avoiding fluoride meticulously and it got my skin close to clear but not all the way.

I became pregnant in 2019 and my skin became bulletproof clear. Didn’t matter what I ate, how well I slept, how stressed I was. I nursed my first baby till he was 14 months. At 10 months postpartum we got pregnant again 😳 woops. Still nursing that little gem right now.

But about a year postpartum with her, I started noticing a little return of acne. Basically one spot at a time…not terrible, not too inflamed, but still in the chin/jaw area that I used to have constant cysts. It would go away, and few weeks later I’d have another. I realized it was becoming a pattern. I tracked it and saw that my skin was clear from period to ovulation then I broke out around ovulation and didn’t really get clear again till next cycle.

This has been devastating for me…I suffered from terrible acne for so long. It basically went away when I got pregnant and I didn’t know why! Now it’s back.

SURELY I COULD FIGURE OUT what changed between pre pregnancy, during two pregnancies and nursing, and then afterward when it returned. I had acne, it went away, it came back. Why can I not figure out what caused it to go away???! I haven’t solved it yet, so please someone help me see what I’m missing!

My main theories are estrogen/progesterone.
Or emotional stress/relaxation.
Or gut clearing/health.
Or thyroid.

Emotional stress: Once I got pregnant I did feel like nothing else mattered and since then life has become infinitely happier and more meaningful since having children. Life did recently get more stressful when I lost my job last summer. But the acne started a couple months before then. And it’s not like I didn’t have some insanely stressful times during my acne free years too.
Gut theory: about 3 months before I got pregnant I had taken an antibiotic. Then during my first pregnancy I probably puked an average of every other day at least and multiple times daily the first 4 months. Yes it was god awful. Maybe this is stupid but one theory is that I kept my gut cleared? Lol I don’t know. But I did try a low dose tetracycline a few weeks ago and didn’t see the acne go away.

Thyroid: I didn’t start a thyroid prescription (just synthroid) until my first pregnancy. Went off thyroid after the pregnancy and got on again for second pregnancy. Again got off shortly after pregnancy. I have dappled with life giving store ndt since then whenever I feel cold just very sporadically, but never took it seriously until couple months ago started tracking temps and pulse again and taking more thyroid (using idea labs products as well) and feeling like that is going well, I am continuing to monitor and see if I should increase but so far getting good results. But acne is still here.

Progesterone/estrogen: this is the main kicker. When I read Peat’s work I really feel like this is the solution for me. I did take progesterone every day in both pregnancies because I had miscarried before that. Stopped the progesterone once I gave birth both times so none postpartum. BUT I had taken it for a good year or maybe two before I got pregnant and it never touched my acne. Anyway I started progest e again a few weeks ago and my acne is much much worse!! Like every day now. Ugh so this is why I am struggling. I read some people that think an “estrogen detox” is a thing that happens when you take progesterone, and others say no such thing and if the progesterone is making my symptoms worse then I should stop. Does anyone have experience with this? Also with this theory I’ve heard Ray mention estrogen and gallbladder issues going hand in hand which aligns with my first pregnancy, I developed gallbladder issues after pregnancy but I was able to get off of my gallbladder supplement quickly and had no signs of acne at all. But with the second pregnancy I’ve had to keep up the gallbladder supplement for a long time and the acne came back about 10 months postpartum.

Another note is my sleep is garbage. I used to take Benadryl every night due to allergies and to help me sleep so I probably never uncovered this sleep issue before. But about a year ago I changed my diet and my allergies went away, yay no more Benadryl! But then a few months later when I lost my job I stopped being able to fall asleep easily...and that was last July so yeah I’m tired. So that’s why I’ve been re immersing myself in peat’s work, to figure out why the hell I can’t sleep and what’s up with my hormones and now, why my acne has returned.

Oh also I had started intermittent fasting maybe 6 months before the acne returned so maybe I just screwed my thyroid then? I did the IF for over a year before I recently decided not such a good idea and probably need to track my thyroid function better. And have gained about 10 pounds which sucks. Other things I started a couple months before the acne returned was drinking raw milk (I think this was a big part in solving my allergies), getting off the Benadryl, taking desiccated liver supplements and slowly incorporating small amounts of fresh liver, I did take cod liver oil for a while at this point which yes I’m off now…
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Oct 13, 2017
you have your answer in your post, just like peat says... you dont feel pretty enough when you are not fuffiling your purpuse of being a mom/pregnant

if you want to read more about this see this... german new medicine Skin

Acne is, in GNM terms, linked to an attack or “feeling soiled”-conflict. The inflammation with swelling, redness, and pustules filled with pus is already the healing phase, assisted by bacteria (propionibacterium acnes). During the conflict-active phase, the skin appears bumpy. Depending on the intensity of the conflict, the condition ranges from small pimples to a severe skin condition. The theory that acne is related to hormonal changes is inconclusive, because not every teenager has acne and adults have it too.

Acne most commonly appears on the face, particularly in puberty since adolescents are much more vulnerable concerning their looks. Feeling unattractive or not good looking can therefore easily lead to acne. Also, the teenage years are the time where there are more confrontations (verbal attacks) with adults (parents, teachers, authorities). Usually, it is the appearance of acne itself (feeling “soiled” in the face) that delays the completion of the healing process.


Mar 13, 2017
you have your answer in your post, just like peat says... you dont feel pretty enough when you are not fuffiling your purpuse of being a mom/pregnant

if you want to read more about this see this... german new medicine Skin

Acne is, in GNM terms, linked to an attack or “feeling soiled”-conflict. The inflammation with swelling, redness, and pustules filled with pus is already the healing phase, assisted by bacteria (propionibacterium acnes). During the conflict-active phase, the skin appears bumpy. Depending on the intensity of the conflict, the condition ranges from small pimples to a severe skin condition. The theory that acne is related to hormonal changes is inconclusive, because not every teenager has acne and adults have it too.

Acne most commonly appears on the face, particularly in puberty since adolescents are much more vulnerable concerning their looks. Feeling unattractive or not good looking can therefore easily lead to acne. Also, the teenage years are the time where there are more confrontations (verbal attacks) with adults (parents, teachers, authorities). Usually, it is the appearance of acne itself (feeling “soiled” in the face) that delays the completion of the healing process.
Interesting theory. To corroborate with that, we did start having serious behavioral issues with my first child that possibly started getting bad around the time the acne returned? He would hurt his little sister all day long and we felt out of control and angry at him all the time, really separated from him like he wasn’t even our baby any more. Anyway, that would be my only thoughts with this theory as to why acne would have returned.

BUT even if that were true, there is still something to figure out with the progest e. It has made my skin markedly worse. So I need to figure out if I should stop it or if this is a sign of “estrogen detox” and estrogen is being kicked out of my tissues and released into my bloodstream?


Aug 17, 2018
So I need to figure out if I should stop it or if this is a sign of “estrogen detox” and estrogen is being kicked out of my tissues and released into my bloodstream?
Yes to this.

It does take a while to get into progesterone dominant state.
I would do bloodwork on hormones (including cortisol, prolactin).

Also, you must be exhausted from two pregnancies, breastfeeding and then worried about your you dont wanna be cutting on calories. Can't imagine how stressful this can be for a woman.

Haidut had a thread somewhere about how acne is related to takes some work to keep it clean. I like my stack of ivermectin, charcoal, zeolite, chlorophyll and camphosal with a new addition of ACV enema. Obviously, you will need to do some research on that...

Also, there is a thread on doxy...which might be worth reading.


Mar 20, 2021
Between my first and second pregnancies I got a return of acne as well. I suppose I was about 29 at the time... I went to my dermatologist and started doing blue light therapy on my face. I went twice a week for a month, 20 minutes sessions. And then after that I only had to go once every 3 weeks or so for maintenance. The blue light kills bacteria in your facial skin... I did this for about a year and then just kind of slowly forgot to keep going and the acne did not return.

A couple years ago, I've since had four kids and now I'm 45 by the way, I started eating dairy again after completely avoiding it for over 20 years due to congestion and post nasal drip issues. Within a couple months of eating dairy my face broke out horribly and it didn't go away until a month or two after I quit eating dairy....,🥺

A couple years ago I started using topical tretinoin cream for anti-aging benefits. I really like it, although I would say it took a full year to really eliminate fine lines and reduce raised capillaries. I've also experienced really great benefits with doxycycline as far as reducing redness associated with raised capillaries. I know that these visible capillaries are probably an estrogen dominance issue but apparently they are also an endotoxin issue...

I agree with all the supps @L_C mentioned above.
Reduce endotoxin, prioritize elimination through cascara and calcium d-glucarate, balance hormones.

Supplementing progesterone in any form has never worked very well for me. It causes water retention and brain fog. I much prefer a topical DHEA cream and I also take a 5 mg capsule in the morning and at night. Also I take vitex herb, which simply sensitizes you to progesterone and that helps balance my luteal phase considerably.


Mar 13, 2017
Yes to this.

It does take a while to get into progesterone dominant state.
I would do bloodwork on hormones (including cortisol, prolactin).

Also, you must be exhausted from two pregnancies, breastfeeding and then worried about your you dont wanna be cutting on calories. Can't imagine how stressful this can be for a woman.

Haidut had a thread somewhere about how acne is related to takes some work to keep it clean. I like my stack of ivermectin, charcoal, zeolite, chlorophyll and camphosal with a new addition of ACV enema. Obviously, you will need to do some research on that...

Also, there is a thread on doxy...which might be worth reading.
Yes I’ve read Haidut’s acne theories and have been working on endotoxin, estrogen, etc. And yes I’ve been exhausted but feel that I’m working on a healing phase right now. I have been focused on really nurturing my body since shaping up my diet a year ago and trying to dial in everything nutritionally.

To your agreement that the pronounced acne from progesterone is a good sign that estrogen is leaving the cells: I tend to agree with this (it makes sense…if Ray says estrogen gets kicked out of the cell from progesterone then it sounds to me like it could wreak a little havoc on the way out), but I’ve been scouring the forum and have seen a few posts from people saying they think Ray would not have agreed with that because he said progesterone should not have any negative affect so there should be no such thing as “estrogen detox”. I was hoping someone could chime in on their experience taking progesterone and if they had an estrogen detox or not.


Mar 13, 2017
Between my first and second pregnancies I got a return of acne as well. I suppose I was about 29 at the time... I went to my dermatologist and started doing blue light therapy on my face. I went twice a week for a month, 20 minutes sessions. And then after that I only had to go once every 3 weeks or so for maintenance. The blue light kills bacteria in your facial skin... I did this for about a year and then just kind of slowly forgot to keep going and the acne did not return.

A couple years ago, I've since had four kids and now I'm 45 by the way, I started eating dairy again after completely avoiding it for over 20 years due to congestion and post nasal drip issues. Within a couple months of eating dairy my face broke out horribly and it didn't go away until a month or two after I quit eating dairy....,🥺

A couple years ago I started using topical tretinoin cream for anti-aging benefits. I really like it, although I would say it took a full year to really eliminate fine lines and reduce raised capillaries. I've also experienced really great benefits with doxycycline as far as reducing redness associated with raised capillaries. I know that these visible capillaries are probably an estrogen dominance issue but apparently they are also an endotoxin issue...

I agree with all the supps @L_C mentioned above.
Reduce endotoxin, prioritize elimination through cascara and calcium d-glucarate, balance hormones.

Supplementing progesterone in any form has never worked very well for me. It causes water retention and brain fog. I much prefer a topical DHEA cream and I also take a 5 mg capsule in the morning and at night. Also I take vitex herb, which simply sensitizes you to progesterone and that helps balance my luteal phase considerably.
Cool, I actually have a blue and red light device…I only ever used the red light on my face but I could give the blue a try. Did you have cystic acne around your jawline? And are you saying you had acne before pregnancy but you cleared up in your first two pregnancies?
Regarding endotoxin, I have been working on that for a few months: daily carrot salad with aspirin most days, done a few rounds of larger dose charcoal and some smaller maintenance doses, tried a low dose tetracycline for a few days. Really trying to pay attention to any food that gives me stomach upset so I can avoid it.

I tried vitex years ago and didn’t feel like it was good for me but thanks that’s something I’ll keep in mind if I forgo the progesterone. In general I do feel good and calm on progesterone.
I am a dairy lover so it’s been painful to try giving up dairy but I have tried maybe a couple weeks at a time for a couple of times over the years. Never saw a difference in acne. But finding a raw milk source has been huge for my health and helped me get rid of chronic allergies I was having to commercial milk.
I’m interested to look into the tretinoin as I’ve seen you rave about it on other posts, thanks!


Mar 20, 2021
I didn't have any acne before my pregnancies. In high school I used some topical tretinoin for a few teenager related pimples but I never had anything bad.

After my first pregnancy (aged 28) the acne was around my mouth and jawline, so hormonal, and it wasn't cystic but still annoying.


Mar 13, 2017
I didn't have any acne before my pregnancies. In high school I used some topical tretinoin for a few teenager related pimples but I never had anything bad.

After my first pregnancy (aged 28) the acne was around my mouth and jawline, so hormonal, and it wasn't cystic but still annoying.
Ah ok interesting, thanks for sharing your experiences


Oct 13, 2017
Ah ok interesting, thanks for sharing your experiences
do you know about hypnosis weapons ? lower endotoxin, see my other posts


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Aug 17, 2018
A couple years ago, I've since had four kids and now I'm 45 by the way, I started eating dairy again after completely avoiding it for over 20 years due to congestion and post nasal drip issues. Within a couple months of eating dairy my face broke out horribly and it didn't go away until a month or two after I quit eating dairy....,🥺
Do you happen to have sibo? I read somewhere how dairy intolerance can be attributed to sibo.

I am having the same issues with dairy as you and 100% positive I have sibo. I wish it was easy to cure it.


Mar 20, 2021
Do you happen to have sibo? I read somewhere how dairy intolerance can be attributed to sibo.

I am having the same issues with dairy as you and 100% positive I have sibo. I wish it was easy to cure it.
No, there is nothing wrong with me. I don't have sibo, I don't have any belly fat... I was a very sickly kid with lots of sinus infections until I quit eating dairy. It's just not a food that I waste any time on...


Mar 13, 2017
Do you happen to have sibo? I read somewhere how dairy intolerance can be attributed to sibo.

I am having the same issues with dairy as you and 100% positive I have sibo. I wish it was easy to cure it.
What are your sibo symptoms?


Aug 17, 2018
What are your sibo symptoms?
constipation, bloating (not always), being tired, joint pain, ...then mucus/post nasal drip which I attribute to dairy intolerance due to sibo.


Mar 20, 2021
constipation, bloating (not always), being tired, joint pain, ...then mucus/post nasal drip which I attribute to dairy intolerance due to sibo.
When I quit dairy in my mid-teens, I lost about 10 lbs in 6 months. No more post nasal drip (gross!), sore throat or sinus infections. My naturopath said that's common- that weight was from inflammation and mucus! 🤮

Do yourself a favor and stop beating yourself up. Dairy is mucus inducing in many people.


Aug 17, 2018
When I quit dairy in my mid-teens, I lost about 10 lbs in 6 months. No more post nasal drip (gross!), sore throat or sinus infections. My naturopath said that's common- that weight was from inflammation and mucus! 🤮

Do yourself a favor and stop beating yourself up. Dairy is mucus inducing in many people.
Oh I did stop eating dairy 4-5 months ago so I don't have post nasal drip anymore but speculating if the whole dairy intolerance is not due to sibo. Anyway, I do feel better since I quit eating it...but I do miss it :(.


Mar 13, 2017
Oh I did stop eating dairy 4-5 months ago so I don't have post nasal drip anymore but speculating if the whole dairy intolerance is not due to sibo. Anyway, I do feel better since I quit eating it...but I do miss it :(.
Have you considered trying raw milk?
I had mucus for years and couldn’t figure out why. Had to take Benadryl basically every night just to sleep because it felt like I was choking. When I switched to raw milk and started eating more “animal based” with only homemade sourdough breads and reduced grains in general, my mucus went away. At first I thought it was just that raw milk was tolerated better, which could be part of it. But then I was hearing these interviews of Ray and especially Georgi talking about additives in commercial food and especially silica in milk and orange juice, even organic ones. They said the silica is like micro glass that gets stuck in the esophagus and so the body produces lots of mucus to try to get rid of it. I was dumbfounded and looking back thought that had to be part of my mucus issue.


Aug 17, 2018
Have you considered trying raw milk?
I had mucus for years and couldn’t figure out why. Had to take Benadryl basically every night just to sleep because it felt like I was choking. When I switched to raw milk and started eating more “animal based” with only homemade sourdough breads and reduced grains in general, my mucus went away. At first I thought it was just that raw milk was tolerated better, which could be part of it. But then I was hearing these interviews of Ray and especially Georgi talking about additives in commercial food and especially silica in milk and orange juice, even organic ones. They said the silica is like micro glass that gets stuck in the esophagus and so the body produces lots of mucus to try to get rid of it. I was dumbfounded and looking back thought that had to be part of my mucus issue.
I tried all kinds of milk: raw, homogenized/not homogenized, pasteurized, A1, A2, goat, cow...I have experimented for about 2-3 years before I completely gave it up...


Mar 13, 2017
I tried all kinds of milk: raw, homogenized/not homogenized, pasteurized, A1, A2, goat, cow...I have experimented for about 2-3 years before I completely gave it up...
Dang that sucks
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