Evolution may be reversible


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


Oct 27, 2013
Cool info. Anything that makes people question the appeared absoluteness of our thoughts on how we got here aka evolution, is a good thing. This makes me remember some of the text from the Vedas I read a while back. I probably misinterpreted the vast amount of info to begin with, but I recall understanding it to be that all species evolved from a complex form to whatever it currently is. With all complex species having the ability to De-evolve into something less complex (within its own kingdom i would imagine.) This would also allow species to recapture lost gene expressions if life supports this requirement.


Jan 22, 2013
doesn't Ray postulate that thyroid hormone is the basic thing that repairs or evolves DNA? Perhaps its all about energy abundance and the right nutrients in an environment. Perhaps animals are just constantly adjusting to new climates, food sources and other stuff...and its just someones opinion of whether or not that is 'evolving' or 'devolving'. Damage to DNA and I guess thyroid, happen when there is too much stress, like in not enough nutrients and bad weather conditions.
Im beginning to think...just my own theory, that perhaps the original foods that humans 'evolved' on don't even exist on the planet anymore. Many plant species, in fact most, have gone extinct in the past millions of years...and we don't know what might have existed in the past. Perhaps meteor strikes, cataclysmic floods, pole shifts, or just the movement of our solar system through the galaxy have spawned large waves or new species and old ones dying off, and created opportunity in certain parts of the world over others. The fact that all animals share the same mitochondria and basic cell and energy structure makes me think that nutrient requirements have always probably been the same or close to the same, and the animals evolve new body types and methods of trying to secure those nutrients in an ever changing world. It seems to me right now that there isn't a lot of good energy on the planet, like there was back in the dinosaur days...where the whole earth was covered in huge organisms and plants that were fruitful...you have the amazon, southeast asia, and parts of Africa...but the rest of the planet now seems pretty starved, and considering the ideal food for humans...there just isn't that much available...seems like we are treading water for dear life. This probably applies to plants also, which is why most plant species have harsh defenses, even in their fruits, except for those few tropical places left...like even they are guarding their resources. Perhaps in the past there were more plants that had abundant fruit that had less toxins and was more sharing in nature, and we are just doing our best to get all those nutrients however we can...even using the poor cows because of their rumen (which I am ever thankful for, without ruminant aid humans would be way worse off than they are). I think this is the case...about an overall lack of energy on the planet now, because we shouldn't have to have food from all over the globe just to approximate a complete diet...theres no way humans could have evolved into their current form with what we have now. Its interesting Mt_ you mentioning the Vedas, because they also speak of how our solar system is actually in an orbit itself through our galaxy, around a bigger star (or stars), and its an oval shape, which is why they predicted the various yugas and ages. They postulated that when we were far from this heat source, the entire planet would be in a stressed starved state, and as we got closer to it, there would be more abundant energy all over the whole planet...which would mean more plants giving more nutrients without guarding them, and therefore more peace amongst the animals (and people)...where as now, or in a deprived state, the whole planet would become competitive and struggle just to survive


Oct 27, 2013
Somewhere someone is studying the effects of the ozone layer thickness, and its relation to organism size. It seems that our ozone layer has become much thinner the last hundred thousand years, than it was in the past. By mimicking a thicker ozone layer (not sure about the science here), he has been able to grow fish & plant life much bigger (with one example being piranha 2/3x times bigger) than these species currently grow to under our current living conditions. This might give reason to why life forms within the different kingdoms were so much bigger in the distant past. From a sun worshipers standpoint, it was this reduction in ozone that allowed the kind of uv through which may have contributed to the spark of consciousness.
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