Epstein is still alive. Now what?

Jem Oz

Jun 13, 2016
Eh I'm just doing a bit. Comedy. It was pretty obvious from the beginning that the Q stuff is a psy-op. It's just a question of who's running it.
My bad. It's not often I miss a good bit of comedy.

As for Q, I think it's easier for the die hards to believe it's been a heavy duty, complicated psy-op, rather than the possibility it's been some lonely loser in a basement stringing them along.

The world is as small and sinister, or as large and open-ended as you choose.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Eh I'm just doing a bit. Comedy. It was pretty obvious from the beginning that the Q stuff is a psy-op. It's just a question of who's running it.

Is there any doubt remaining who runs it? While MSM has been constantly bitching about QAnon no formal investigations have ever been launched into it by DOJ or any state agency despite the fact that Q repeatedly released photos and other evidence that were clearly coming from classified locations/environments. It reminds me of the heavily redacted FBI documents about the snipers ready to take out the leaders of Occupy Wall Street. Those files released under FOIA contained statements like "terminate whenever deemed necessary" and "sniper units ready to engage". Does that sound like it describes a local rogue militia or a govt agency? If it was a group of private citizens planning this and FIB had all this evidence of rogue snipers ready to kill innocent American civilians, where is the investigation/indictments?
I think you can guess the answer. This is why despite the brief exposure in the press of the readiness of that "mysterious" entity to execute OWS people on a whim, all MSM did with that story was run a few articles that amounted to nothing more than "OMG, this is terrible!". No MSM outlet ever asked the obvious question publicly - who are those people or entity that FBI knows is ready to kill Americans, yet cannot be disclosed or investigated?


I read in a book how psyops often backfire, how in attempting to control dissident movements they often just increase their power. Apparently the case in Russian revolution with czarist police trying to infiltrate the movement, and also with the end of Soviet Union. Very common with intelligence agencies. Tbh I don't know much about this history but I believe something similar has/is happening with the right-wing in America, and that Q anon psyop will have ultimately backfired. ... Will be interesting if Trump starts his Patriot Party


Sep 27, 2015
Is there any doubt remaining who runs it? While MSM has been constantly bitching about QAnon no formal investigations have ever been launched into it by DOJ or any state agency despite the fact that Q repeatedly released photos and other evidence that were clearly coming from classified locations/environments. It reminds me of the heavily redacted FBI documents about the snipers ready to take out the leaders of Occupy Wall Street. Those files released under FOIA contained statements like "terminate whenever deemed necessary" and "sniper units ready to engage". Does that sound like it describes a local rogue militia or a govt agency? If it was a group of private citizens planning this and FIB had all this evidence of rogue snipers ready to kill innocent American civilians, where is the investigation/indictments?
I think you can guess the answer. This is why despite the brief exposure in the press of the readiness of that "mysterious" entity to execute OWS people on a whim, all MSM did with that story was run a few articles that amounted to nothing more than "OMG, this is terrible!". No MSM outlet ever asked the obvious question publicly - who are those people or entity that FBI knows is ready to kill Americans, yet cannot be disclosed or investigated?
Right. I guess I meant more specifically: is it Military/DIA, or is it CIA? I've also heard that Steve Bannon could be behind it. I realize that it's not the workings of some random private citizen in his basement.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Right. I guess I meant more specifically: is it Military/DIA, or is it CIA? I've also heard that Steve Bannon could be behind it. I realize that it's not the workings of some random private citizen in his basement.

It is hard to say if there is any distinction between those agencies any more. The last 3-4 Presidents made sure that the federal government is very streamlined when it comes to classified collaboration, so all that is needed is a mid-level manager at say Pentagon to get a psyop idea, have it approved/funded and then they can basically assemble a "task force" by pulling members from pretty much any federal agency as needed. So, you could have a project run by the Pentagon, with psyop operatives provided by the CIA, some rank-and-file agents from FBI providing cover for it and tracking its success online, and then a few paid agents at MSM hyping it up as needed. Truly multi-agency collaboration, that is next to impossible to disentangle and put the blame/spot on any single person :):
Considering how much power Bannon had in his early WH days, he could easily have pulled it off and then after he left it could have remained a pet project at any of the agencies contributing to it.


Jan 25, 2014
Only 30 more days guys! Exciting! Trump is playing the long game--letting someone else be the President. A masterful chess move. Can't wait for those 30,000 sealed indictments. Keep the faith, trust the plan!
Yeah, sure, Biden is President. But President of what? The Hair Club for Men?

Okay, so Joe Biden is "President" of a brand new Municipal Corporation backed by China, that doesn't have a contract with us, the American States and People. And no right to be here.

On top of that, thanks to the fraudulent Corporations Act of 1870 (which is the Big Kahuna, not the Act of 1871) as we pointed out earlier this week in a series of three short articles devoted to this subject --- all US CORPORATIONS are operating on fraudulent charters.

Lions, and Tigers, and Bears-- oh, my!

The only way out for any of them, including Joe and Nancy's brand new Flibberdegibit, Inc., is for us to "accept them" and recharter them as American Corporations, and bring them in under our Public Law.

Otherwise, they have no right to exist and no right to be here.


May 13, 2015
So in other words, if and when nothing materialises in 30 days, you've got a sweet little get out of jail free card, because this thing is deep, and it might take years to manifest...

Truth be told, i wish what you're saying were true. But does anybody have any actual proof, beyond very serious-sounding people simply telling them so? (funny how it's always someone who has spoken to a high level source at such and such).

This forum has lost its healthy skepticism over the past year and it's a damn shame.

Yes, I’m sure if we wait two more weeks like Q said that the elite pedos will all be arrested. Just two more weeks.


Here's a video of interest that I think shines some light:


Apr 28, 2018
A small amount of research would confurm there never was such a thing as "Qanon". There was Q, there were Anons. Martin Geddes, wellknown UK IT guy and brainiac, spells it out after considerable research. For those who really want to know. I found some of his articles on phibetaiota.net, where 2000 reviews of nonfiction books have kept me enthralled for years.
Nov 16, 2012
did you try the carrot salad?

You joke, but estrogen and serotonin can make one over-excitable while exhibiting learned helplessness by and towards all the bad things happening in the world.

We may not be able to influence everything that's going on, but we can influence how it affects us.

@johnwester130 We live in crazy times and our brain is overloaded by information. Take a two step approach in dealing with this:

1) Minimize your exposure to unnecessary information, particularly of the negative kind and ESPECIALLY that which does not directly impact your life.
"Ignorance is bliss" is not a saying without good reason, and while I'm not advocating total ignorance, you are burdening your mind with problems that in the end you cannot do much to counter. This raises stress hormones, creates frustration and learned helplessness. "This isn't relevant to me right now", and move on.

2) Optimize your health to be minimally impacted by those issues which you cannot avoid. Substances can greatly change perspective of the world, to the point where things which may seem of incredible importance in one state can take a back seat in another. Not necessarily advocating hard drugs or psychedelics, but even simple supplements and vitamins can sometimes give you a different frame of mind than you're used to, perhaps even something as simple as the carrot salad mentioned. I have gone between states where basic problems at work frustrate me to no end, and those where I was chilled even when a deadline was approaching that I had no chance to make on time. Experiment.


Apr 28, 2018
We love Anna here. She writes from Big Lake, Alaska. A thoughtful elder with an understanding of history much valued.
Yeah, sure, Biden is President. But President of what? The Hair Club for Men?



Dec 8, 2016
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