Does thyroid use up calcium in the body?


Dec 11, 2013
mayweatherking said:
post 112347
docall18 said:
post 112300
mayweatherking said:
post 112294 Holy f***ing s*** guys. I don't want to jinx anything... but my pulse is 102 right now with no thyroid supplements! $!!! $!

Ive been taking b6.. its been making a world of difference. Ive been taking it everyday and it seems to straighten me out I dont know why. I wonder if from when I took the marijuana it severely depleted my b6 due to thr massive surge I dopamine and ive been off since then.

Get this.. I drank 2 milks and 2 ojs today and I took one aspirin and im at 102. One hundred and mother f***ing 2 and no super bad itch during initial eating. and i boight the oj and milk at mcdonalds (my only choice atm) And my libido seems to be better. Omg omg omg.

The b6 im taking is not p5p amd its 100mg pills from whole the limit 10 Tara for p5p or regular b6

B6 increases dopamine. B6 is reduced by stress, hypothyroidism, estrogen etc.

What do you mean it increases dopamine? I read it is supressed by dopamime.

Use the search function. B6 reduces prolactin and increases dopamine.

As your study states high dopamine increases b6 requirements causing a deficiency. The synthesis of dopamine also uses up b6.

Neuropathy has been found to occur with high doses of regular b6, however high P5P b6 supplementation doesnt cause this. Not suggesting high doses are good either..
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Aug 18, 2015
docall18 said:
post 112371
mayweatherking said:
post 112347
docall18 said:
post 112300
mayweatherking said:
post 112294 Holy f***ing s*** guys. I don't want to jinx anything... but my pulse is 102 right now with no thyroid supplements! $!!! $!

Ive been taking b6.. its been making a world of difference. Ive been taking it everyday and it seems to straighten me out I dont know why. I wonder if from when I took the marijuana it severely depleted my b6 due to thr massive surge I dopamine and ive been off since then.

Get this.. I drank 2 milks and 2 ojs today and I took one aspirin and im at 102. One hundred and mother f***ing 2 and no super bad itch during initial eating. and i boight the oj and milk at mcdonalds (my only choice atm) And my libido seems to be better. Omg omg omg.

The b6 im taking is not p5p amd its 100mg pills from whole the limit 10 Tara for p5p or regular b6

B6 increases dopamine. B6 is reduced by stress, hypothyroidism, estrogen etc.

What do you mean it increases dopamine? I read it is supressed by dopamime.

Use the search function. B6 reduces prolactin and increases dopamine.

As your study states high dopamine increases b6 requirements causing a deficiency. The synthesis of dopamine also uses up b6.

Neuropathy has been found to occur with high doses of regular b6, however high P5P b6 supplementation doesnt cause this. Not suggesting high doses are good either..

I see. I bought some p5p because I'm not at my regular house, but I think I had a bad reaction to it. I am going to drop it for now.

tara said:
post 112359
mayweatherking said:
post 112294 The b6 im taking is not p5p amd its 100mg pills from whole the limit 10 Tara for p5p or regular b6
I don't know exactly what the safe limit is. My recollection is that Peat has suggested 10mg is a fairly large dose. Some people may benefit from a bit more, some from less, but it seems like a reasonable place to start. I think there are posts discussing the potential risks with excessive B6, and there is discussion of P5P too. I think neuropathy may be one of the risks of prolonged excess, but I don't know any more about that. Since P5P is supposed to be more bioavalable, I don't see why one would need more of that. If I were you I'd split those tablets into smaller pieces.

Okay thanks tara. I am going to split those in a couple of days. Thank you. :)
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Aug 18, 2015
docall18 said:
post 112371
mayweatherking said:
post 112347
docall18 said:
post 112300
mayweatherking said:
post 112294 Holy f***ing s*** guys. I don't want to jinx anything... but my pulse is 102 right now with no thyroid supplements! $!!! $!

Ive been taking b6.. its been making a world of difference. Ive been taking it everyday and it seems to straighten me out I dont know why. I wonder if from when I took the marijuana it severely depleted my b6 due to thr massive surge I dopamine and ive been off since then.

Get this.. I drank 2 milks and 2 ojs today and I took one aspirin and im at 102. One hundred and mother f***ing 2 and no super bad itch during initial eating. and i boight the oj and milk at mcdonalds (my only choice atm) And my libido seems to be better. Omg omg omg.

The b6 im taking is not p5p amd its 100mg pills from whole the limit 10 Tara for p5p or regular b6

B6 increases dopamine. B6 is reduced by stress, hypothyroidism, estrogen etc.

What do you mean it increases dopamine? I read it is supressed by dopamime.

Use the search function. B6 reduces prolactin and increases dopamine.

As your study states high dopamine increases b6 requirements causing a deficiency. The synthesis of dopamine also uses up b6.

Neuropathy has been found to occur with high doses of regular b6, however high P5P b6 supplementation doesnt cause this. Not suggesting high doses are good either..

It is kind of amazing and interesting, but regular b6 works for me and p5p does not work for me at all. In fact, I feel way worse and completely out of it when I use p5p. I immediately felt better today after sleeping and taking normal b6 yesterday versus sleeping on p5p. I think it might be related to methylation, but I'm not sure if peat has touched on those things before....
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Aug 18, 2015
it seems like i think i might know where my problem-ish is. i say problem-ish because i don't know if it's the actual problem or not. i decided today to jump back on .25 grain thyroid to give it a try. i can say i felt like ***t kind of but kept chugging. however.. towards the end of the day.. i seriously and i know this is tmi, but i just had a massive bowel movement. i had like 3 in a row. and i felt so much better after.. i think it was seriously just sitting in my stomach. i think it is why i am having so much fungus on my chest too.. it is probably just sitting there and nothing is moving. i noticed i had some minor tooth irritation, but as soon as i started eating, it went away. i think it is a signal to me i need to eat more.

i even felt hungry a little bit after the bowel movement. what if i am not hungry becasue my whole stomach is just backlogged??? lol

i'm going to assume thyroid helps with bowel movements becasue thats the only thing i did differently today was take that.

i think/hope i am just constipated and i am in a backwards loop so once this all clears out fora few days... maybe i will feel better. i all rady feel kind of better after that bowel movement.. like my voice is more normal and i can think a little bit better. i have some methylene blue so i am going to try it as well in the very very small doses like 20 mcg to start.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
[ref]mayweatherking[/ref], glad things are moving for you! :D :hattip
Aug 18, 2015
I am too constipated! !!! How else can i get rid of the problem???? I woke up this morning and couldnt have a bowel movement


Mar 29, 2014
mayweatherking said:
post 113864 I am too constipated! !!! How else can i get rid of the problem???? I woke up this morning and couldnt have a bowel movement
You emptied it all out a few hours ago. Have you filled up thoroughly since then?
Some things that may help/help some people.:
Coffee, magnesium, limiting hyperventilation, aged cascara sagrada. Some people use fibre, but this doesn't seem to be Peat's main recommendation, and it may have it's down sides.
If you take a lot of cascara sagrada, you may find it very effective - and urgent. I'd recommend trying just a little, and waiting for 12 hours before assessing how effective it was.
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Aug 18, 2015
tara said:
post 113949
mayweatherking said:
post 113864 I am too constipated! !!! How else can i get rid of the problem???? I woke up this morning and couldnt have a bowel movement
You emptied it all out a few hours ago. Have you filled up thoroughly since then?
Some things that may help/help some people.:
Coffee, magnesium, limiting hyperventilation, aged cascara sagrada. Some people use fibre, but this doesn't seem to be Peat's main recommendation, and it may have it's down sides.
If you take a lot of cascara sagrada, you may find it very effective - and urgent. I'd recommend trying just a little, and waiting for 12 hours before assessing how effective it was.

Yeah coffee definitely seems to help. It is hit or miss though. Sometimes it will give me abowel movement right away and sometimes not. Yes, I did have some I couldnt get out. I felt it in the morning and I tried to but it was stuck. Even in the day I knew it was there. I can almost feel it stuck in there. I can tell now because I feel no hunger at all when it is stuck in there and sometimes I will just feel out of it. I think when I drink coffee, it makes me feel good because it is increasing my adrenaline or something the caffeine. I am not really sure. I will give a try to cascara sagrada.. thanks for the tip. And thanks.. yeah I was going to give it a few days. I just didn't know if there was a way you guys had to treat it lol. Thanks tara for the good tips, I will make sure I get enough magnesium and coffee.
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Mar 29, 2014
Another way to slow down transit is under eating. Body trying to get as much nutrition as possible out of what ever you give it. Apparently eating more helps sort out that problem.
Aug 18, 2015
Oh man I am so constipated again. After I ate aspirin today I just started feeling out of it. I am so constipated right now, I can't move anything, everytime I eat I feel sick like I'm going to puke. I havent had any west throid in a couple of days because I had to travel. Armour doesn't work. **** dude.. I feel so sick kind of. I tried to take a bunch of magnesium on my skin, but I feel really sick now after doing that. I don't know if its helping


Mar 5, 2017
I have the same thing with the head expanding feeling causing headaches, and if not teeth seeming to leach calcium … also kidney pains occasionally (at least that’s what it seems like) … feels like I can’t eat anything right now …

our symptoms are very similar right now although I don’t have the hair loss, but I used to have the extreme Itching when I went hardcore peat with orange juice and honey etc back in the days.

Also have the high prolactin on blood tests.

It all seems to be related to calcium metabolism as any calcium, phosphorus and magnesium sources seem to cause symptoms


Feb 4, 2018
i had this same head pressure feeling when i took 20000ui vitamin d for 2 days with milk, and also had other symptoms like muscle cramps. (my vit. d in blood is only 23 ng)

the other symptoms stopped the next day, with magnesium, but the head pressure cake back mild after sun exposure next days, but only for about 1h or so until i took a shower, eat, etc.

so i think it's maybe caused by too much PTH in a context magnesium deficiency, causing a high calcium/magnesium ratio. I'm not sure any hypocalcemia is involved here, but rather it's magnesium deficiency in the context of high PTH.

Magnesium seem to help, and avoid calcium supplements or excessive vitamin d.

also i wouldn't worry about the copper in oysters, as the high amount of zinc is protective against copper.

i have seen a case of somebody eating oysters every day for many years, with copper deficiency symptoms, caused by high zinc:copper ratio (misunderstood as zinc toxicity, that only occurs at much higher zinc intake, usually induced copper deficiency symptoms appear way before real zinc toxicity). i don't remember the link but this shows that the ratio matter.

the bonding protein for zinc and copper is chelatin copper much faster than zinc, causing low copper symptoms if zinc intake is too high.

isn't zinc used to chelate out of the body many other metals : copper, lead, etc ?


Sep 20, 2023
Your testosterone is way too low. Even though most official ranges have a lower bound of 200 or even 150, testosterone below 450 is already too low as evidenced by the fact that most men with testosterone below 450 have trouble begetting children. Thyroid affects and also depends on the androgenic hormones for functioning. Finasteride is a horrible horrible poison, which suppresses your 5-AR pathways and as such you have no DHT and no allopregnanolone. Both of these hormones are crucial for mental, skin, and hair health. Especially the DHT. The story of DHT causing baldness and prostate cancer is a fraud rivaling the serotonin-depression genocide. Did the doctor even test your hormone levels before putting you on finasteride? If not, you may even have a case for legal action.
Anyways, some of the things I'd do if I were in your shoes is take some pregnenolone and DHEA for a month and then do a blood test to see where I stand. You can start with 100mg pregnenolone and 15mg DHEA daily. I would try to take them in the same day but if the combination makes you wired you can try taking on alternate days. DHEA you can take in 5mg doses three times a day. Since your estrogen is high it can cause conversion of DHEA into more estrogen so I would do a blood test if possible after 2 weeks to see if estrogen is NOT increasing. If it is, then lower the DHEA dose. Pregnenolone will convert into progesterone and allopregnanolone so that should replenish the neural side of steroids. DHEA should raise testosterone and DHT in tissues, even though you may not see an increase in blood levels.
I would also test for vitamin A levels as deficiency in that can affect the steroid synthesis.
For reducing estrogen, I would try progesterone, vitamin E, caffeine, vitamin B6, etc. Do you have extra weight? Do you exercise a lot, especially endurance exercise? Either one of these could cause the high estrogen.
simliar to that post though i do have high estrogen or had it for a while i dont know why. my testosterone is like 200 or around there.
Is this your - free - testosterone?
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