Deca Nandrolone As A Bio Identical Form Of Trt


May 8, 2017
You need estrogen. Without it you will feel horrible, your hair and skin quality will diminish, joints will hurt, myogenic potential will be attenuated, insulin sensitivity shot, etc.

Any advice on how to safely raise estradiol / E2 if a person is low (would low dose progesterone or pregnenolone help?) and any ideas what may be the cause? I had blood tests done a few months ago and mine came back as 9.6 (range 7.6-42.6 (pg/mL)) and just wondering if that is causing me low libido and joint issues. Everything else came back pretty normal besides my thyroid antibodies which were high. My endo is useless. Thanks.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Beyond testosterone cypionate: evidence behind the use of nandrolone in male health and wellness

the body also produces trace amount of nandrolone. Anyone have experience in use of this drug for hormone replacement. Also deca is a very strong anti serotonin

@Hans @haidut

Nandrolone is 19-nortestosterone and is an "estrane" (C18) steroid. It is on the pathway of T to estrogen. Not only is it aromatized more easily than T, but nandrolone itself has estrogenic properties at ER due to the C18 core. Nandrolone's "anabolic" effects are likely almost entirely anti-catabolic by blocking cortisol. It is also a progestin. So, you can achieve more safely the same (and likely better) effects by combining progesterone (an antiglucocorticoid progestin as a replacement of nandrolone) and some DHEA and T. Actually, you can probably get the same effects as nandrolone by using ONLY progesterone+DHEA and stay entirely in the OTC realm.

The only synthetic AAS I would ever consider using are the DHT derivatives drostanolone and maybe stenbolone. The former is one of the few AAS shown to have beneficial effects on the liver while nandrolone is considered problematic for liver even by bodybuilders.
Influence of nandrolone decanoate administration on serum lipids and liver enzymes in rats
The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Nandrolone Decanoate Disrupts Redox Homeostasis in Liver, Heart and Kidney of Male Wistar Rats
[Experimental study of an antitumor preparation proloteston]. - PubMed - NCBI
"...Prolotestone [drostanolone] treatment in the dose of 14 mg once in two weeks produced a high antiblastogenic effect in rats with hormone-dependent cancer of the mammary gland induced by dimethylbenz(a)anthracene. It was shown in tests involving the use of a number of transplantable tumors that prolotestone potentiates the antitumor effect of sarcolysin and mitigates its untoward side-effects. It was shown in tests involving the use of a number of transplantable tumors that prolotestone potentiates the antitumor effect of sarcolysin and mitigates its untoward side-effects. The preparation is practically non-toxic, possesses a high anabolic index, has a beneficial effect on hepatic function and lowers the glucocorticoid function of the adrenals. It is thought that application of the drug should not be limited to the treatment of breast cancer."


Jul 14, 2018
Nandrolone is 19-nortestosterone and is an "estrane" (C18) steroid. It is on the pathway of T to estrogen. Not only is it aromatized more easily than T the steroid itself has estrogenic properties due to the C18 core. Nandrolone's "anabolic" effects are actually almost entirely anti-catabolic by blocking cortisol. It is also a progestin. So, you can achieve the same (and likely better) effects by combining progesterone (an antiglucocorticoid progestin as a replacement of nandrolone) and some DHEA and T. Actually, you can probably get the same effects as nandrolone by simply using progesterone+DHEA and still stay entirely in the OTC realm.

The only synthetic AAS I would ever consider using are the DHT derivatives drostanolone and maybe stenbolone. The former is one of the few AAS shown to have beneficial effects on the liver while nandrolone is considered problematic for liver even by bodybuilders.
Influence of nandrolone decanoate administration on serum lipids and liver enzymes in rats
The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Nandrolone Decanoate Disrupts Redox Homeostasis in Liver, Heart and Kidney of Male Wistar Rats
[Experimental study of an antitumor preparation proloteston]. - PubMed - NCBI
"...Prolotestone [drostanolone] treatment in the dose of 14 mg once in two weeks produced a high antiblastogenic effect in rats with hormone-dependent cancer of the mammary gland induced by dimethylbenz(a)anthracene. It was shown in tests involving the use of a number of transplantable tumors that prolotestone potentiates the antitumor effect of sarcolysin and mitigates its untoward side-effects. It was shown in tests involving the use of a number of transplantable tumors that prolotestone potentiates the antitumor effect of sarcolysin and mitigates its untoward side-effects. The preparation is practically non-toxic, possesses a high anabolic index, has a beneficial effect on hepatic function and lowers the glucocorticoid function of the adrenals. It is thought that application of the drug should not be limited to the treatment of breast cancer."
do you think masteron or stenbolone could be used well standalone or with dhea or progesterone to mitigate anti androgen and further increase anabolism and androgenic action of topical or oral dhea with out suppression? Maybe ratio idea of these dht derivatives in conjunction with dhea and or progesterone. I’m sure most people could care less about 50 pounds of mass gain. most of us really want to increase androgens and sensitivity with at least athletic and mental benefit to a safe degree without being a vampire to trt clinics for life.


Jul 14, 2018
do you think masteron or stenbolone could be used well standalone or with dhea or progesterone to mitigate anti androgen and further increase anabolism and androgenic action of topical or oral dhea with out suppression? Maybe ratio idea of these dht derivatives in conjunction with dhea and or progesterone. I’m sure most people could care less about 50 pounds of mass gain. most of us really want to increase androgens and sensitivity with at least athletic and mental benefit to a safe degree without being a vampire to trt clinics for life.
Also thoughts on primobolan? stand-alone or with bio identical precursor hormones. This drug is well studied in females with 16week trials at competition like dosage.


Feb 3, 2019
Any advice on how to safely raise estradiol / E2 if a person is low (would low dose progesterone or pregnenolone help?) and any ideas what may be the cause? I had blood tests done a few months ago and mine came back as 9.6 (range 7.6-42.6 (pg/mL)) and just wondering if that is causing me low libido and joint issues. Everything else came back pretty normal besides my thyroid antibodies which were high. My endo is useless. Thanks.
Yeah 9 isn't good, i wouldnt want below 15 or maybe even 17. Typically low estrogen is the result of drugs/supps is very rare to produce so little naturally


Feb 3, 2019
do you think masteron or stenbolone could be used well standalone or with dhea or progesterone to mitigate anti androgen and further increase anabolism and androgenic action of topical or oral dhea with out suppression? Maybe ratio idea of these dht derivatives in conjunction with dhea and or progesterone. I’m sure most people could care less about 50 pounds of mass gain. most of us really want to increase androgens and sensitivity with at least athletic and mental benefit to a safe degree without being a vampire to trt clinics for life.
Really? i would only take steroids for the 50 pounds mass gain


Jul 13, 2014
just read this:

Here are some of the most serious Deca durabolin side effects.

  • Erictyle dysfunction – Which simply means you won’t be able to get an erection.
  • Losing the ability to produce testosterone – Testosterone is the hormone responsible for muscle growth, sex drive and energy levels.
  • Gynecomastia – Enlarged breasts often called man boobs.
  • Severe back and facial acne
  • Liver problems
  • Water retention
  • Enlarged Prostate
  • Death – heart failure or stroke
  • Loss of appetite
  • Depression
  • Irritation in the stomach
  • Liver cancer – can lead to death
  • Excessive fat in blood
  • Swelling of the abdomen
  • Oily Skin
  • Low sperm count
These are some of the most serious health risks and side effects with using deca durabolin.


Feb 14, 2017
Nandrolone is 19-nortestosterone and is an "estrane" (C18) steroid. It is on the pathway of T to estrogen. Not only is it aromatized more easily than T, but nandrolone itself has estrogenic properties at ER due to the C18 core. Nandrolone's "anabolic" effects are likely almost entirely anti-catabolic by blocking cortisol. It is also a progestin. So, you can achieve more safely the same (and likely better) effects by combining progesterone (an antiglucocorticoid progestin as a replacement of nandrolone) and some DHEA and T. Actually, you can probably get the same effects as nandrolone by using ONLY progesterone+DHEA and stay entirely in the OTC realm.

The only synthetic AAS I would ever consider using are the DHT derivatives drostanolone and maybe stenbolone. The former is one of the few AAS shown to have beneficial effects on the liver while nandrolone is considered problematic for liver even by bodybuilders.
Influence of nandrolone decanoate administration on serum lipids and liver enzymes in rats
The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Nandrolone Decanoate Disrupts Redox Homeostasis in Liver, Heart and Kidney of Male Wistar Rats
[Experimental study of an antitumor preparation proloteston]. - PubMed - NCBI
"...Prolotestone [drostanolone] treatment in the dose of 14 mg once in two weeks produced a high antiblastogenic effect in rats with hormone-dependent cancer of the mammary gland induced by dimethylbenz(a)anthracene. It was shown in tests involving the use of a number of transplantable tumors that prolotestone potentiates the antitumor effect of sarcolysin and mitigates its untoward side-effects. It was shown in tests involving the use of a number of transplantable tumors that prolotestone potentiates the antitumor effect of sarcolysin and mitigates its untoward side-effects. The preparation is practically non-toxic, possesses a high anabolic index, has a beneficial effect on hepatic function and lowers the glucocorticoid function of the adrenals. It is thought that application of the drug should not be limited to the treatment of breast cancer."

Would adding either pansterone or DHEA to low dose T be beneficial? Which would you add?


Jul 14, 2018
mastron (injectable) over proviron oral? Only difference is one methyl group. I’m curious in trying primo or masteron standalone with maybe a little dhea preg or progesterone to keep some endogenous humming. Primo is less suppressive of almost anything. Steroids of least suppression with reasonable positive outcome seems to be
Primo (often fake/expensive/needs used in higher dose)
Stenbolone (hard to find)


May 17, 2018
mastron (injectable) over proviron oral? Only difference is one methyl group. I’m curious in trying primo or masteron standalone with maybe a little dhea preg or progesterone to keep some endogenous humming. Primo is less suppressive of almost anything. Steroids of least suppression with reasonable positive outcome seems to be
Primo (often fake/expensive/needs used in higher dose)
Stenbolone (hard to find)
You need something that aromatises or you will run into low estrogen issues very quickly. Masteron is a better choice than proviron but messes with cortisol more than primo. Bioidentical test + HCG + primo is probably the best option.


Oct 4, 2017
Any advice on how to safely raise estradiol / E2 if a person is low (would low dose progesterone or pregnenolone help?) and any ideas what may be the cause? I had blood tests done a few months ago and mine came back as 9.6 (range 7.6-42.6 (pg/mL)) and just wondering if that is causing me low libido and joint issues. Everything else came back pretty normal besides my thyroid antibodies which were high. My endo is useless. Thanks.

Try running HCG. Get a better endo for that thyroid issue.

I used to have e2 that low naturally, but I also had low free T and high T >>> very high SHBG and low quality of life. In my case overtraining, overstressing and not enough sleep were the culprits most likely. On HCG my T and e2 came back to optimal levels within 2 weeks


Oct 4, 2017
Nandrolone is 19-nortestosterone and is an "estrane" (C18) steroid. It is on the pathway of T to estrogen. Not only is it aromatized more easily than T, but nandrolone itself has estrogenic properties at ER due to the C18 core. Nandrolone's "anabolic" effects are likely almost entirely anti-catabolic by blocking cortisol. It is also a progestin. So, you can achieve more safely the same (and likely better) effects by combining progesterone (an antiglucocorticoid progestin as a replacement of nandrolone) and some DHEA and T. Actually, you can probably get the same effects as nandrolone by using ONLY progesterone+DHEA and stay entirely in the OTC realm.

The only synthetic AAS I would ever consider using are the DHT derivatives drostanolone and maybe stenbolone. The former is one of the few AAS shown to have beneficial effects on the liver while nandrolone is considered problematic for liver even by bodybuilders.
Influence of nandrolone decanoate administration on serum lipids and liver enzymes in rats
The Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Nandrolone Decanoate Disrupts Redox Homeostasis in Liver, Heart and Kidney of Male Wistar Rats
[Experimental study of an antitumor preparation proloteston]. - PubMed - NCBI
"...Prolotestone [drostanolone] treatment in the dose of 14 mg once in two weeks produced a high antiblastogenic effect in rats with hormone-dependent cancer of the mammary gland induced by dimethylbenz(a)anthracene. It was shown in tests involving the use of a number of transplantable tumors that prolotestone potentiates the antitumor effect of sarcolysin and mitigates its untoward side-effects. It was shown in tests involving the use of a number of transplantable tumors that prolotestone potentiates the antitumor effect of sarcolysin and mitigates its untoward side-effects. The preparation is practically non-toxic, possesses a high anabolic index, has a beneficial effect on hepatic function and lowers the glucocorticoid function of the adrenals. It is thought that application of the drug should not be limited to the treatment of breast cancer."

Nandrolone aromatizes to estrone which is a weak estrogen. It doesn’t aromatize much into E2 which is why it can’t be run solo forever as the study in the OP implies = you need to inject way too much to reach sufficient e2 levels (at the very least 20 pg/ml though 30+ is better IME)

The fact that nandrolone is estrogenic though, now that’s a big problem. We’re injecting a compound at blood concentrations superior to 1500 ng/dL in order to get sufficient e2 (which is 15 ng/ml) whereas e2 circulates at concentrations 1000x inferior to that xenoestrogen, typically. Even if nandrolone is a weak estrogen compared to e2, its high concentration makes up for it. XenoEstrogenic compounds MUST be avoided.

Curious about this progesterone+dhea combination. Too bad we don’t have a single report of someone using it, with pictures.

+1 for Drostanolone... and methenolone :)

more information on AAS and estrogen receptor activity here The effect of anabolic steroids to estrogen and progestin receptors |
Last edited:


Mar 2, 2018
You need something that aromatises or you will run into low estrogen issues very quickly. Masteron is a better choice than proviron but messes with cortisol more than primo. Bioidentical test + HCG + primo is probably the best option.
Is masteron preferable over
Stanozolol and oxandrolone?


May 17, 2018
Is masteron preferable over
Stanozolol and oxandrolone?
It’s hard to answer questions like that without context or goals in mind. Stanazolol will cause liver issues and oxandrolone will mess with kidneys so neither can be run long term. None of those aromatise so you’ll need to run it alongside something that does or supplement with exogenous estrogen.


Mar 2, 2018
It’s hard to answer questions like that without context or goals in mind. Stanazolol will cause liver issues and oxandrolone will mess with kidneys so neither can be run long term. None of those aromatise
It’s hard to answer questions like that without context or goals in mind. Stanazolol will cause liver issues and oxandrolone will mess with kidneys so neither can be run long term. None of those aromatise so you’ll need to run it alongside something that does or supplement with exogenous estrogen.

So in terms of energy, muscle, libido, mental clarity masteron is safest?
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