Bio-identical Dht Vs Synthetic Dht


Nov 13, 2017
now i have used both i'll discribe the differences between both versions that people who want to try dht know what to expect.

-makes you calmer but also jittery at the same time
- gives alot of energy
- gives you a drive to be a bit of a ****head/ cheecky
- not that anti-estrogenic as regular dht
-makes your skin ticker
-increases libido (insane libido first days)
-increased alertness
-insane reflexes/ makes you wired in danger (happend to me in the summer with wasps)
- increased creativity
-better vision
-drive to network with people but can make you anti-social
-liver toxic
-increase in lean mass
- increase in respect/ social status
-feeling more like your on something than regular dht
-makes things bigger downstairs
-gives me often vasoconstriction
-increases blood pressure
-have less respect for other people
- very competetive with other males/ territorial
- idgaf behaviour
-very high confidence
-increase in leg and arm hair
- felt very strong (flying up the stairs)
bio-identical DHT:
-makes you calm en sleepy
-you feel very happy
-Obvious dopamine increase
- better focus
-more anti-estrogenic than proviron (probably because metabolite androsterone)
-better vision
-joke around alot
-very social
-not liver toxic
-increase in respect
-makes you smarter/ increased creativity
-makes things bigger downstairs
-gives me less vasocontriction
-makes skin ticker too
- no disire for sex at all
- high confidence
- increase in leg and arm hair
- weirdly enough made me feel even stronger than proviron
at least relative to body weight

so overal bio-identical dht is more like a daddy and proviron like a ****head. part- time at least proviron can also make you more social depends on the situation. Mind u i used lower dose dht powder than proviron though. I think regular dht is more appropriate for longer time use and proviron for shorter periods to make life a litle bit more wild, interesting but then tudca is of course recommended.
I'll update this if I forgot about something.
Last edited:


Aug 29, 2017
My experience with high DHT is the same as yours. It is very obvious when it starts rising, you wake up very calm and confident with a deep voice which almost hurts when speaking too much. High sociability, high focus, high strength very low sexual desire. I am way more convinced now that estrogen is the may driver for sex. A high DHT state is very liberating because you won't waste your time on nonsense and makes you strive for building yourself up (thats at least how I feel it).

Ron J

Oct 5, 2016
DHT seems very versatile. I recently found out about the dopamine boost, which made it even more attractive.


Aug 4, 2017
@Stud - with the bio-identical dht, since it seems like it drives estrogen too low, have you tried deliberately raising estrogen? Like have a couple of beers?

The list of effects for bio-dht is wonderful - except for the low/no libido.

Has anyone else come up with a way to balance this out?


Aug 17, 2016
My experience with high DHT is the same as yours. It is very obvious when it starts rising, you wake up very calm and confident with a deep voice which almost hurts when speaking too much. High sociability, high focus, high strength very low sexual desire. I am way more convinced now that estrogen is the may driver for sex. A high DHT state is very liberating because you won't waste your time on nonsense and makes you strive for building yourself up (thats at least how I feel it).
I haven't tried any DHT but have combined androsterone + progesterone + DHEA. My experience has been the same. It's not exactly an impatience for stupidity/nonsense/pettiness. I just calmly remove myself from such an environment and not look back.


Jan 22, 2013
now i have used both i'll discribe the differences between both versions that people who want to try dht know what to expect.

What is your current DHT dosage? You might notice a honey moon though for some days up to a week if you take too much. Then eventually testo comes down.


Aug 29, 2017
What is your current DHT dosage? You might notice a honey moon though for some days up to a week if you take too much. Then eventually testo comes down.

The honey moon phase is the dopamine upregulation until you desensitize your dopamine receptors. 5 days on 2 days off would probably be best to prolong this effect. Supplementing with Uridine-Mono-Phosphate or Triacetyl-Uridine would somewhat save this effect by upregulating dopamin receptors.


Jan 22, 2013
The honey moon phase is the dopamine upregulation until you desensitize your dopamine receptors. 5 days on 2 days off would probably be best to prolong this effect. Supplementing with Uridine-Mono-Phosphate or Triacetyl-Uridine would somewhat save this effect by upregulating dopamin receptors.

Very interesting, thanks for the info! Have you had a chance to try this protocol yourself?


Aug 29, 2017
I can tell you my experience:

Uridine-Mono-Phosphate (UMP) and Triacetyl-Uridine (TAU) feel almost identical but it depends how you take them. UMP is better taken sublingually because of a much higher absorption the effect comes after 20-30 minutes and is if taken too much of it almost drug like euphoric or overly focused. It is hard to measure how much you really absorb sublingually so its better to take it orally. TAU is the way to go if you want to choose the oral path because of its higher absorption but you have to take it with a fatty meal because its fat soluble. TAU is more subtle but very enjoyable with other dopamine inducing substances. I would suggest TAU over UMP everyday.

You should also know that:

UMP and TAU potentiate caffeine strongly. I can take up to 600 mg caffeine without any negative consequences although when I start using Uridine it isn't possible anymore, you will get a strong stress response because of the potentiation. The effects of Uridine withstand many days until some weeks (it depends how long you have been taking it) so it isn't necessary to take it for many weeks without cessation. Uridine will deplete folate in the long term so its advisable to replenish your folate from time to time. If you search for UMP/TAU people will tell you to take it with DHA and CDP-Choline/Alpha-GPC, but this isn't necessary and I don't advice it because the dopamine receptor upregulation comes mainly from Uridine itself. TAU and UMP are the only viable sources which really work, brewers yeast and other Uridine sources won't work.


May 30, 2017
now i have used both i'll discribe the differences between both versions that people who want to try dht know what to expect.

-makes you calmer but also jittery at the same time
- gives alot of energy
- gives you a drive to be a bit of a ****head/ cheecky
- not that anti-estrogenic as regular dht
-makes your skin ticker
-increases libido (insane libido first days)
-increased alertness
-insane reflexes/ makes you wired in danger (happend to me in the summer with wasps)
- increased creativity
-better vision
-drive to network with people but can make you anti-social
-liver toxic
-increase in lean mass
- increase in respect/ social status
-feeling more like your on something than regular dht
-makes things bigger downstairs
-gives me often vasoconstriction
-increases blood pressure
-have less respect for other people
- very competetive with other males/ territorial
- idgaf behaviour
-very high confidence
-increase in leg and arm hair
- felt very strong (flying up the stairs)
bio-identical DHT:
-makes you calm en sleepy
-you feel very happy
-Obvious dopamine increase
- better focus
-more anti-estrogenic than proviron (probably because metabolite androsterone)
-better vision
-joke around alot
-very social
-not liver toxic
-increase in respect
-makes you smarter/ increased creativity
-makes things bigger downstairs
-gives me less vasocontriction
-makes skin ticker too
- no disire for sex at all
- high confidence
- increase in leg and arm hair
- weirdly enough made me feel even stronger than proviron
at least relative to body weight

so overal bio-identical dht is more like a daddy and proviron like a ****head. part- time at least proviron can also make you more social depends on the situation. Mind u i used lower dose dht powder than proviron though. I think regular dht is more appropriate for longer time use and proviron for shorter periods to make life a litle bit more wild, interesting but then tudca is of course recommended.
I'll update this if I forgot about something.

Have you tried 11-keto DHT? If so how did that compare?


Nov 13, 2017
Have you tried 11-keto DHT? If so how did that compare?
no but 11-keto dht would prbably be similar to dht powder however because of the keto group it probably cant convert into androsterone so it will probably not be as anti-estrogenic as regular dht


Nov 13, 2017
What is your current DHT dosage? You might notice a honey moon though for some days up to a week if you take too much. Then eventually testo comes down.
I think 10 mg-15 mg not sure i have no mg scale but not enough to supress me


Nov 13, 2017
@Stud - with the bio-identical dht, since it seems like it drives estrogen too low, have you tried deliberately raising estrogen? Like have a couple of beers?

The list of effects for bio-dht is wonderful - except for the low/no libido.

Has anyone else come up with a way to balance this out?
no i love low estrogen, low estrogen makes you think very rational and when it drops too low it makes you abit crazy wich is fun too. libo can you counter by addding tests


Aug 29, 2017
TAU seems like a very interesting compound. I will order some and see how I like it. Which dosage would you recommend? Found some 75mg pills...

75 mg is the dosage I am also using. Elements Nutraceuticals is the manufacturer.


Jul 13, 2014
I am way more convinced now that estrogen is the may driver for sex.


Jul 13, 2014
I am way more convinced now that estrogen is the may driver for sex
I agree with this now after experimenting with a very low Estrogen diet. However I'm hopeful dht will also help with libido and errections etc without the high estrogen sexual effect


Jul 13, 2014
now i have used both i'll discribe the differences between both versions that people who want to try dht know what to expect.

-makes you calmer but also jittery at the same time
- gives alot of energy
- gives you a drive to be a bit of a ****head/ cheecky
- not that anti-estrogenic as regular dht
-makes your skin ticker
-increases libido (insane libido first days)
-increased alertness
-insane reflexes/ makes you wired in danger (happend to me in the summer with wasps)
- increased creativity
-better vision
-drive to network with people but can make you anti-social
-liver toxic
-increase in lean mass
- increase in respect/ social status
-feeling more like your on something than regular dht
-makes things bigger downstairs
-gives me often vasoconstriction
-increases blood pressure
-have less respect for other people
- very competetive with other males/ territorial
- idgaf behaviour
-very high confidence
-increase in leg and arm hair
- felt very strong (flying up the stairs)
bio-identical DHT:
-makes you calm en sleepy
-you feel very happy
-Obvious dopamine increase
- better focus
-more anti-estrogenic than proviron (probably because metabolite androsterone)
-better vision
-joke around alot
-very social
-not liver toxic
-increase in respect
-makes you smarter/ increased creativity
-makes things bigger downstairs
-gives me less vasocontriction
-makes skin ticker too
- no disire for sex at all
- high confidence
- increase in leg and arm hair
- weirdly enough made me feel even stronger than proviron
at least relative to body weight

so overal bio-identical dht is more like a daddy and proviron like a ****head. part- time at least proviron can also make you more social depends on the situation. Mind u i used lower dose dht powder than proviron though. I think regular dht is more appropriate for longer time use and proviron for shorter periods to make life a litle bit more wild, interesting but then tudca is of course recommended.
I'll update this if I forgot about something.
ive got hold of some dht, can you tell me how do you dose it and how much, thanks
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