Dating and Romance As A Peatarian



Dec 11, 2020
After yet another vile experience with a man from an on line site who takes finasteride, pfizer testosterone and has no clue about the truth other than the covid crap, I definitely know that there is a very tiny subsection of the human male population left for possible mating. i imagine a subsection of that subsection could be here on this forum; but there are others who are not. in some ways makes it easier but trickier. Thankful for destiny though as I believe it is conspiring for my highest good and all will come to fruition through this constant journey of learning by fire lol.


Jun 7, 2016
I would go for younger guys who are more open minded and still healthy and haven't needed to get involved with the medical establishment or a diet cult. The problem with men of older age is that age are they tend to be very stubborn and arrogant but submissive to the mainline authoritarianism culture.

The problem with the gym and sport now is that they are spreading toxic philosophys.

If you have to save them and pitty them, I don't think you can ever fully respect them as a man.


Dec 11, 2020
I would go for younger guys who are more open minded and still healthy and haven't needed to get involved with the medical establishment or a diet cult. The problem with men of older age is that age are they tend to be very stubborn and arrogant but submissive to the mainline authoritarianism culture.

The problem with the gym and sport now is that they are spreading toxic philosophys.

If you have to save them and pitty them, I don't think you can ever fully respect them as a man.
Amen!! Exactly! Although my last boyfriend was older and completely onboard; however i didnt catch him young enough. that was my original conclusion, must be a younger man or someone in my demographic who has been in this philosophy already for a while and is thus youthful despite chronological age.


Feb 12, 2020
most of the recent active members of this forum are teenagers or early 20s

Hire a high end professional match maker

they interview you and do background checks
a specialist will probably cost about 5 grand, and 5 times more every consecutive time. Time is precious, finding the right person organically is too dependent on luck


Feb 12, 2020
if you want to target a population with low rate of inoculation, generation X in southeastern europe is a good candidate and they also would love your phenotype


Jul 8, 2014
After yet another vile experience with a man from an on line site who takes finasteride, pfizer testosterone and has no clue about the truth other than the covid crap, I definitely know that there is a very tiny subsection of the human male population left for possible mating. i imagine a subsection of that subsection could be here on this forum; but there are others who are not. in some ways makes it easier but trickier. Thankful for destiny though as I believe it is conspiring for my highest good and all will come to fruition through this constant journey of learning by fire lol.

I’m sorry to hear that, Melissa. :( I need to get you here hiking with me. Hiking is a perfect way to meet people who are into health. My brother met his wife through hiking. Technically, I think he first met her online in a hiking group. I hiked with all men—a great group of guys! Actually, there was one guy who was a decade older than me who was a bit of a rebel. He’s a freelance photographer and spends the majority of his time outdoors. Friends wanted to set me up with him, but I was in my 20s and felt like a child compared to him—he used to tease me like I was his kid sister. He’s a good guy, attractive, fit and born and raised in NH so again, a bit of a rebel and possibly avoided getting vaccinated. Hmm…🤔. The only thing is I’m not sure he’s spiritual like us, but I haven’t come across many men around your age or mine who are. Anyhow, all that to say, listen to your mom and get your tushy here…

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Dec 11, 2020
I’m sorry to hear that, Melissa. :( I need to get you here hiking with me. Hiking is a perfect way to meet people who are into health. My brother met his wife through hiking. Technically, I think he first met her online in a hiking group. I hiked with all men—a great group of guys! Actually, there was one guy who was a decade older than me who was a bit of a rebel. He’s a freelance photographer and spends the majority of his time outdoors. Friends wanted to set me up with him, but I was in my 20s and felt like a child compared to him—he used to tease me like I was his kid sister. He’s a good guy, attractive, fit and born and raised in NH so again, a bit of a rebel and possibly avoided getting vaccinated. Hmm…🤔. The only thing is I’m not sure he’s spiritual like us, but I haven’t come across many men around your age or mine who are. Anyhow, all that to say, listen to your mom and get your tushy here…

View attachment 47367
oh all happens for a reason- remember i believe in Destiny and Divine Order. Time for a change. And NH has been coming to me through many messengers even before meeting you lovely sister. I have many connections in NY not far from there- will definitely be there once the snow settles to explore!!!


Dec 11, 2020
I’m sorry to hear that, Melissa. :( I need to get you here hiking with me. Hiking is a perfect way to meet people who are into health. My brother met his wife through hiking. Technically, I think he first met her online in a hiking group. I hiked with all men—a great group of guys! Actually, there was one guy who was a decade older than me who was a bit of a rebel. He’s a freelance photographer and spends the majority of his time outdoors. Friends wanted to set me up with him, but I was in my 20s and felt like a child compared to him—he used to tease me like I was his kid sister. He’s a good guy, attractive, fit and born and raised in NH so again, a bit of a rebel and possibly avoided getting vaccinated. Hmm…🤔. The only thing is I’m not sure he’s spiritual like us, but I haven’t come across many men around your age or mine who are. Anyhow, all that to say, listen to your mom and get your tushy here…

View attachment 47367
And it definitely wins for beauty over the Ozarks- just absolutely sublime and beautiful.


New Member
Dec 2, 2022
I mean this with all respect, but I think you need to reconsider your perspective. Any man worth being with does not want to be someone else's pet project. You need to like the person for who they are, not for who you think you can turn them into.


Dec 11, 2020
I mean this with all respect, but I think you need to reconsider your perspective. Any man worth being with does not want to be someone else's pet project. You need to like the person for who they are, not for who you think you can turn them into.
Oh i completely agree. i thought i made it clear that I DO NOT nor to i have time to take on a project. which is why i said i seek someone already acclimated enough ideally. This is merely a health philosophy not a personal judgment. i know a person can still be a good interesting person even if they dont have this knowledge and my last boyfriend was health oriented enough that he was open and reaped immense benefit. not looking to have to be a teacher again though this time and dont have time- too busy going after Big Pharma. Through experience and being quite open, i have simply found that i am incompatible romantically with someone who has no interest in this health perspective and i cannot be with someone who takes toxic drugs or injections or supports that paradigm. it effects me both physically if i am intimate with them and is in spiritual conflict. i have no problem cultivating friendships with people with different health philosophies so long as they are open and non judgmental. I just cannot be with a partner that is not aligned on the health front is all i have been sharing. And from my experience, those who are not even open to learning and growing this way, despite different orientations, are not spiritually aligned regardless.


Jan 17, 2023
those who are not even open to learning and growing this way, despite different orientations, are not spiritually aligned regardless.

The programming of reality is so effective that 81% of the people in it will never question what they're living, even if they hate it. As the Matrix said "These people are not ready to be unplugged" ergo if what you're seeking is uber specific then you've just excluded an immense amount of potential suitors so accept what this choice brings and live it.

Now, from the tiny sliver that remains lets trim some more by excluding those out of your age range, geographical location, social status/standing, intellectual level, religious background and, heck why not, lets throw looks in as well because people can lie all they wish but the first bite is with the eye for most men so lets include those who are not attracted to you no matter how much you may like them as well.

What do you have left?

There is the reality of your current situation as it stands. You can either keep doing what you do and comprehend the ratio of frogs to potential perfect prince or loosen up your specifications and see what happens.

Interestingly I wrote an algorithm, once upon a when, to build a dating site for just this reason as it was designed to pair those who were most compatible based on certain principles of resonance as relationships are electromagnetic at their core. Left it on the shelf back then as the intended market segment was so slim and everyone was caught up in the hype of meeting someone on the net as it was a new thing but I may dust it off as its coming to the moment where lots are starting to realize that their previous methods of doing things haven't bought them anything but frustration and disappointment.

The IRL results of it were phenomenal though as you could quite literally map out the interactions when two psyches linked as it was akin to a piece of music which was the principle at the heart of it. This is why some relationships are a discordant mess and others tinkling each other ivories in a state of bliss as well as those who are tone deaf and hammering away on instruments that should come with a noise pollution warning as their interactions sound like a cat being hit with a violin.

C'est la vie...


Dec 11, 2020
The programming of reality is so effective that 81% of the people in it will never question what they're living, even if they hate it. As the Matrix said "These people are not ready to be unplugged" ergo if what you're seeking is uber specific then you've just excluded an immense amount of potential suitors so accept what this choice brings and live it.

Now, from the tiny sliver that remains lets trim some more by excluding those out of your age range, geographical location, social status/standing, intellectual level, religious background and, heck why not, lets throw looks in as well because people can lie all they wish but the first bite is with the eye for most men so lets include those who are not attracted to you no matter how much you may like them as well.

What do you have left?

There is the reality of your current situation as it stands. You can either keep doing what you do and comprehend the ratio of frogs to potential perfect prince or loosen up your specifications and see what happens.

Interestingly I wrote an algorithm, once upon a when, to build a dating site for just this reason as it was designed to pair those who were most compatible based on certain principles of resonance as relationships are electromagnetic at their core. Left it on the shelf back then as the intended market segment was so slim and everyone was caught up in the hype of meeting someone on the net as it was a new thing but I may dust it off as its coming to the moment where lots are starting to realize that their previous methods of doing things haven't bought them anything but frustration and disappointment.

The IRL results of it were phenomenal though as you could quite literally map out the interactions when two psyches linked as it was akin to a piece of music which was the principle at the heart of it. This is why some relationships are a discordant mess and others tinkling each other ivories in a state of bliss as well as those who are tone deaf and hammering away on instruments that should come with a noise pollution warning as their interactions sound like a cat being hit with a violin.

C'est la vie...
Well thank you for your very metaphysical and detailed analysis of what you think is my situation. I feel that people on this thread are very much misinterpreting me. I don't think I'm being unreasonable by wanting to be with someone who believes in the principles of Health that I believe in. It's the essence of my life and I've devoted my life to being an advocate for health. I simply desire a mate who also prioritizes health. I don't necessarily have a type or any requirements; although they need to be very fit because I bust my **** in the gym - been doing it for over 30 years- so I need someone who's in good shape because I'm in good shape and fitness is a major part of my life. And although if a man's type is a tall skinny flat chested dark-skinned brunette that person may not be attracted to me I'm not really worried about the looks category. I've also dated men in their twenties all the way up to their 60s so there really is no age requirement either, although I'm probably most compatible with a man in his 40s or around my chronological age perhaps - but I meet many men in their 30s who are attracted to me and sometimes aligned so he could be younger. The only issue is really spiritual alignment in the face of what's going on in the world in conjunction with the chemical connection that can be more rare -to have that really intense chemistry that is desirable. I'm a very social person and I meet people all the time. I am nomadic so location doesn't really matter. finally I believe in divine order and Destiny so I'm manifesting my soulmate and that person is very near and it's about to happen so I have no concerns but thank you for all of your analysis, time and effort. My purpose for starting this thread was more to just put the topic out there and get input but not to complain or cause people to think that I'm having a difficult time or I'm concerned . I'm just sharing my Journey and observations is all it really is and curious.about others' perspectives on the topic........


Jan 17, 2023
Sure, that I can see which is why I said the same from another lens based on my perspective.

After all it could be said we're like blind men grasping an elephant in this realm and each of us senses a fragment of the whole thing so its always good to have a conversation with someone who thinks different.

Miracles do happen and consciousness combined with intent can do some very interesting things but if you glimpse at what you've said in terms of requirements and disappointments in this thread before this comment you'll see what I meant about percentages that are already slim and keep narrowing because you aren't actually seeking something special but a miracle. Knowing that and being clear on your decision is vital, whichever way it goes as you can spin the wheel but the gamble is whether you win after placing your bet.

The very fact of speaking it, even on the net, puts out the vibration and those interacting with it are, in effect, strengthening your intent by repeating the beacon as that is how it works on a base level. Consider that next time you rush to share the latest bad news or viral clip about whatever is happening and you think is important because there are two heads to the tale...

Vermont or thereabouts may just suit you down to the ground then over the moon... Good luck to you, may you find what you seek and be wise enough to realize the opportunity when it presents, even if it isn't what you expect in the moment so learn from that rear view experience and choose different.


Dec 11, 2020
Sure, that I can see which is why I said the same from another lens based on my perspective.

After all it could be said we're like blind men grasping an elephant in this realm and each of us senses a fragment of the whole thing so its always good to have a conversation with someone who thinks different.

Miracles do happen and consciousness combined with intent can do some very interesting things but if you glimpse at what you've said in terms of requirements and disappointments in this thread before this comment you'll see what I meant about percentages that are already slim and keep narrowing because you aren't actually seeking something special but a miracle. Knowing that and being clear on your decision is vital, whichever way it goes as you can spin the wheel but the gamble is whether you win after placing your bet.

The very fact of speaking it, even on the net, puts out the vibration and those interacting with it are, in effect, strengthening your intent by repeating the beacon as that is how it works on a base level. Consider that next time you rush to share the latest bad news or viral clip about whatever is happening and you think is important because there are two heads to the tale...

Vermont or thereabouts may just suit you down to the ground then over the moon... Good luck to you, may you find what you seek and be wise enough to realize the opportunity when it presents, even if it isn't what you expect in the moment so learn from that rear view experience and choose different.
Gottchya W I'm on it. Because I am so open and always try to give people a chance and believe in the good of all people that's why I do share some of the less than ecstatic experiences. But it's all learning and I embrace every lesson because it brings me closer to what I seek. Oh I'm not afraid of losing I've never lost a case so I don't expect to lose this one either but I very much thank you for your good wishes and vibes
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