If PUFA's Are One Of The Main Causes Of Aging, Why Don't Fruitarians Look Younger Than Other People


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Hi Blossom! :wave: I'm happy to see you're back! :grin Thanks for the kind words!

Just keep in mind that I could be completely off my rocker with this, but it lines up with my experience so I just go with it for now. lol

It's not red light in particular, but too much heat that I'm careful to avoid. Dr. Morse considers heat acidic and cold alkaline (I believe fruits' alkalinity is one reason many struggle with eating it in cooler climates during the winter). Not that I think all acids should be avoided, or even can be, but I've been overly acidic for years due to my lack of filtering and need to balance out.

I currently believe that where there's a weakness in the body, there's a buildup of acids destroying/weakening the tissue, among other things, so putting any heat source on and/or directed at my problem areas only makes it worse. I was directing it at my head, targeting my parathyroid glands, and also pointing it at my kidneys and adrenals and both areas would get really hot and red and headaches, heart palpitations and extreme nausea would ensue after just 10 to 15 minutes of use.

I thought the symptoms might be due to die-off of the toxic mold I had at the time, but I continued to have the same negative reactions when my levels were in the normal range. I later saw where Dr. Morse says heat is an acid. After testing out cool showers and cold compresses on painful spots on my body, like my spine, and noticing relief, I started to think he may be right.

I even tried a couple times to get my dog, Bee to stay under the light in hopes of shrinking his tumor. He hated it! I had the lamp clamped to my bedroom lamp and had his back end (where the tumor was) facing it and he would stare at me waiting for me to tell him he could go. I could barely get the words out before he was gone. I was trying to keep records of his progress and snapped a picture of this...

View attachment 8558

However, I think Regina's dog likes red light. I'm almost sure she posted a picture of him sleeping in it like it was a sunspot on the floor. If I were to use it again, I would make sure to follow it up with cold compresses. Dr. Morse talks about taking showers where you alternate between hot and cold (always ending it with cold) to get lymph moving and so I would be attempting to mobilize acids for elimination with the two.
Thanks for sharing your experience and perspective @Jennifer. Sorry you lost Bee. I lost my Bella recently too but they will be in our hearts forever.


Jul 8, 2014
Aww...I'm so sorry to hear Bella passed, @Blossom. That's so true! I like to think of my deceased loved ones as the air around me – they wrap me in a hug and are everywhere I go. :):


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Aww...I'm so sorry to hear Bella passed, @Blossom. That's so true! I like to think of my deceased loved ones as the air around me – they wrap me in a hug and are everywhere I go. :):
Thanks @Jennifer. That's beautiful. My idea of heaven would be to be surrounded by all my departed pets again.


Jan 6, 2017
I think fruitarians are pretty interesting to look at, because fruitarianism is a well-known diet (much more known than peat), but still quite close to a peatarian diet. Mainly because of the extremely low pufa intake. Yet when you look at faces of fruitarians there's nothing impressive about it. They're always lean, but when controlling for leanness they look just as old (if not older) than other people their age.

This is Ted Carr (random fruitarian I found on youtube) and kinobody (guy who eats anything as long as it fits his macros). I don't know their exact ages but from what I could find they're both in their mid/late 20's and to be honest I think kinobody actually looks better.
ted carr
Kino Body

This is of course just one random example but also durianrider, a well known fruitarian is in his 40's and looks like any other stressed out 40 year old to me.

It's actually a bit discouraging because you'd expect that with an extremely low pufa intake these people should look younger.

Fruitarians are severely protein deficient. They also lack fat soluble vitamins such as K2.


May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer,

You certainly have a nice dream for a lovely house in a beautiful location.

Those Bali-built homes look great. The Balinese are great wood carvers and it looks like they are good woodworkers too! The "Makena" has a large roof. It looks like it is designed to shed water as quickly as possible due to tropical storms. Maybe you could build canals to trap the fresh water downstream of the house!

It is great that you have already tried lots of diets and found a winner! It is also good that you have been so diligent and faithful to the Dr Morse protocol.

It will be interesting if you get any new detox reactions now that your lymph is being filtered and large amounts of acid are leaving the body.

In the Morse model, does the lymph still flow when one is not filtering? If not, then wouldn't we blow up like a balloon?

Perhaps there is not much waste after our intestines have removed all the fibre from our food and our cells have burnt all of the sugars and fats. That only leaves excess proteins and minerals and dying cells. Maybe microbes can break these down to reusable components...

If you are eating a clean diet then there is less new waste and maybe we can slowly convert and utilize the old waste...?

Yes a lot of animal products are cruelly farmed. I avoid pork and bacon since pigs are smarter than my beloved dogs. I am also avoiding lamb and beef but that is because the meat seems to be too rich!

I read that hens struggle to produce an egg every day. Maybe quail egg production is less taxing on the mothers?

There is a lot of experimentation and fine-tuning happening out in the world.

Andrew Perlot, a youtuber whom I have been following for several years, used to eat 2 heads of raw lettuce a day with his raw fruit to supply his protein needs.

He now recommends getting 1.5g of protein per day per kg of body weight!

I think that would work out to about 10 heads of lettuce a day (!)

Luckily for him he has found his colitis doesn't flare up with pre-soaked and pressure-cooked lentils!

His new diet is less appealing to me than the old raw fruit and leafy greens regimen. I am still keen to avoid seeds of all kinds. My latest "baby protein ratio" diet gives me about 3500 Calories with about 50g protein. According to "the science" that is only sufficient if I weigh 33Kg!

Before going raw vegan I was 82kg before breakfast. I got down to 68kg a few weeks ago but since adding back a little animal protein I am currently back to 70kg so it seems to be a little more sustainable for me!

Recall that I chose animal protein because most vegetable protein seemed to give me mouth ulcers.

Maybe this was just a detox reaction which would have stopped in time?

Or was it a sign of lysine being overwhelmed by arginine and interfering with collagen production in my mucous membranes?

Regarding the Pauling Therapy, I have found that heart benefits of vitamin C were discovered by Dr Matthias Rath, a German biochemist. He shared his discovery with Dr Linus Pauling in 1992 who already was dedicated to the wonders of vitamin C.

However time passed and they could not work out why their findings were met with such cynicism...

Eventually Dr Rath discovered the competing business interests behind the situation...

I might cut the cheese down to every second or third day as I seem to feel it congesting me and causing a little numbness at times!
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Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie,

I have a slight obsession with carved wood, especially from India and Indonesia, so I fell in love with their homes when I saw them. Even their concrete footings have carvings. lol

Yes, it does look like the Makena can shed water quickly. They design their homes to fit the Hawaiian environment and rainwater catchment systems are common in Hawaii so it makes sense.

I think my being faithful to Dr. Morse's teachings (and also Ray's) is because I had already come to this diet on my own before looking into his work so I already knew by my own experience, and the frequent blood tests going back almost a decade, that this diet works best for me.

From 2007ish, I did 80/10/10, WAPF (low-carb), raw meat, Paleo (high-carb), RBTI, refeeding a.k.a force-feeding via Matt Stone, Billy Craig and Youreatopia, Peating (with and without meat and fiber), and now back to fruitarianism. All my blood work is labeled with the corresponding diet I was on at the time each test was taken and I can see that fruitarianism treats me the best, by far!

Yes, lymph still flows when one isn't filtering well. Remember that the kidneys aren't the only eliminative system in our body. We have the intestinal system (colon), lymphatic system (spleen, thymus, appendix, tonsils, lymph nodes, lymph vessels and lymph fluid), integumentary system (skin, nails, hair, oil and sweat glands), respiratory system (lungs, trachea, bronchi, bronchial tubes and alveoli) and of course the urinary system (kidneys, bladder, ureters and uretha)

Assuming it were possible to stop eliminating entirely, I'd think we'd eventually shrivel up/mummify? If lymph, which makes up 80% of interstitial fluid, stops flowing, it fills with the acidic byproducts of metabolism and toxins, and the nature of acids is dehydrating, coagulating, bonding/calcifying so think bones, stones (like kidney, liver/gallbladder and tonsil stones), tumors (MB waste gets shuttled to lymph nodes) and mucus (thicker = more acids). Bases'/Alkalies' nature is to loosen up/create fluidity.

I've watched some of Andrew's videos, in the past. I could barely eat two pounds of lettuce daily while following 80/10/10, never mind 10 heads. That would destroy my gut. Yikes! Luckily, I can maintain my weight on fruit alone.

I feel the same about Bobby's (Bobby's Perspective) diet. He mainly eats a lot of raw sprouted lentils, mushrooms and veggies over plain salad greens, seeds, raw protein powder and a few servings of fruit. Of course, he's a bodybuilder so...

Yeah, that's quite a drop in weight. Were you getting the same amount of calories on raw as you are on your current diet? I remember at one point you had upped your fat and calories and your weight stabilized? Did it start dropping again?

I suppose one way to tell if the ulcers were from detox is if after having done your current diet for a while, you go and have the foods that normally caused the flareups and if the ulcers return, it means your current diet has not rid you of the virus but instead just suppressed it?

Interesting! Thank you for posting that video.

So my mum had an eye doctor's appointment yesterday and her vision has improved! She also mentioned how she thinks she is regaining her hair color so I looked and her roots are colored while the ends are white. I also noticed that her hair has filled in a lot. She has had major scalp showing through on the top part of her head for 20+ years now and it's no longer visible.

She has been at this for just over a year now and isn't nearly as strict as I am. She's not satisfied on just fruit alone so I also roast her up low/non-starchy veggies like maple glazed carrots, buttered asparagus with garlic (I use a butter made from coconut oil by Nutiva), caramelized onions and mushrooms with herbs, zucchini with the sauce I use for lo mein (coconut aminos, garlic, ginger, olive oil), spiced jicama fries etc.

Anyhow, this is just to show that it's possible, and even if you're not eating 100% fruit or raw. :)


May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer,

That is great news about your mum improving her vision, regaining her hair thickness and hair colour! They are all great successes from a fruit based diet that I would like to obtain for myself!

Do you think your mum would not get the same results with boiled potato or sweet potato due to the high starch, or does she struggle to digest these foods?

Is your dad still on a whole foods diet? How is he faring? I think you mentioned he is eating a broader diet than you or your mum!

I am eating a bit more now so that probably explains the weight gain. I am almost up to 4000 Calories each day from 2kg bananas, 1 litre apple juice, 500g potatoes, 200g dates, 50g leafy greens, tomato sauce, various other fruits and some chocolate!

Animal products total less than 200g a day and are mostly low fat so they don't contribute much energy. I have just added them in in case they provide necessary nutrients like extra protein (including lysine), selenium, iodine, vitamin b12, vitamin k2, vitamin a, cholesterol etc. These are all in mothers' milk so it may be good for adults too! I try to keep protein to 6% of calories as per human milk too!

I have cut out the vegetable fats from chips, fries and salads. I am keen to eat minimally processed foods but chocolate and tomato sauce are exceptions at the moment!

Have you read Aajonus Vonderplanitz' book? He was the guy who was so sick he went into the wilderness to die, but the coyotes left a freshly killed rabbit at his feet! He thought they were trying to hasten his death so he ate it, but it actually made him feel well!

Here is an extract from his book if you haven't seen it and if you are interested:


Anyway Aajonus discovered the power of raw meat and particularly raw milk and raw butter! He also believed in detoxification and the power of fats to absorb toxins, so he is not too far from Dr Morse in his philosophy.

I am not sure what proportions of animal to vegetable he recommended, so I may have to buy the whole book or watch some more Youtube videos to find out!

I have eaten raw eggs and some raw fish and seafood, but I have never had raw milk. There is a new company in Sydney called MadebyCows which cold presses milk instead of heat pasteurising it! It is meant to be "closer to raw" so I might give it a try! I am pretty sure it comes from grass fed cows though they do need supplementation in winter!

It sounds like cooked animal food is degraded, so it could be that I am not gaining as much lysine as nutritiondata suggests, particularly from bottled anchovies and canned sardines!

Yes mouth ulcers could require a long detox on raw vegan foods, especially fruit. If my mouth ulcers eventually return despite eating lots of lysine relative to arginine then I may need to start dumping chocolate, dairy, eggs and fish!

In other news Vegetable Police tried fruit for about 16 days before turning to one meal a day with home cooked starch - mainly sprouted mung beans and rice!

This is like his OMAD restaurant cleanse but without all the unknown ingredients and oils!

An interesting experiment!

All the best!
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Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie,

Nope, I'm thinking my mum wouldn't have the same results with boiled potatoes, at least not without the herbal adrenal formula, because a large majority of her diet prior to the switch was boiled creamer potatoes.

Dr. Morse says that starch causes fungal overgrowths and Ray told me that starches are a common cause of intestinal inflammation and effective promoters of bacterial growth, and since my mum has a fungal and bacterial overgrowth discovered via a comprehensive stool test, I figured it was worth a shot for her to experiment with cutting it out.

It seems to be working but again, she's on Dr. Morse's adrenal formula so that could be a reason. Since complex carbs/polysaccharides are more difficult to digest than simple sugars, when the adrenals are weak (they produce the two glucocorticoid steroids used for sugar utilization – cortisol and cortisone) overgrowths can happen.

Add to that, the adrenals affect peristalsis since they produce neurotransmitters essential for brain and nerve function, which affect the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system (both comprise the two divisions of the ANS), turning nerve responses on and off, affecting almost all tissues including the intestines.

So weak adrenal glands (can be under or overactive – like a faulty electrical system) means possible constipation via poor production of neurotransmitters, which means food not passing through fast enough and instead sitting around for the critters to pig out on and multiply, causing digestive disturbances like my mum and I experienced.

Yep, my dad is still on a whole foods diet. He mainly eats fruits, veggies, sprouted beans and sprouted grains. He has lost 10lbs (wasn't overweight IMO) and is feeling great. I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that he is no longer eating highly processed foods like the store bought pastries, donuts, pepperoni pizza and Doritos.

4000 calories a day is impressive on a diet of mostly plants, and low-fat at that! I refed on 6,000+ calories a day and even though I did it on whole foods, I was consuming plenty of dairy and eggs and ate as much fat as I cared for.

Funny, I don't think of tomato sauce as a processed food, at least not in the way the term is often used – chemically laden frakenfoods. If you're consuming a basic sauce of tomatoes, herbs/spices and some olives/olive oil, to me it's no more processed than when we "process" those same whole foods when chewing them.

Oh, yep, I know about Aajonus Vonderplanitz. I discovered him around the time I was experimenting with raw meat. I had already been consuming raw dairy while following WAPF. Raw dairy made up 3/4 of my diet and this was when I first developed the rash. I even churned my own butter and cultured my own raw yogurt.

I purchased my meat, bones, eggs and raw dairy from a local organic biodynamic farm near me. All animals are pasture raised and the cows are 100% grass-fed Devonshires and Guernseys (A2 tested and certified) from New Zealand. I have a ton of these types of farms around me and raw milk is legal to sell here even in stores.

I read up on as much info about dairy and traditional diets as I could get my hands on, even old books from the seventeen and eighteen hundreds. My doctor at the time authored books on the subject so I was influenced by her and WAPF. I allowed myself to believe my doctor that milk would save me, as if something outside myself could.

In my sometimes overly romantic mind, it became almost holy in my eyes like that of Canaan – a land flowing with milk and honey. I even read up on Bernarr MacFadden's milk diet and tried the Milk Cure. Then came the long course of Minocycline in an attempt to tolerate dairy. One would think 7 years of trying would of been enough for me to let it go. Fear and pain s*ck!

Anyhow, my long-winded answer is in no way an attempt to dissuade you from trying raw dairy. I just wanted to be transparent about my experience with it, as with anything. I've read just as many success stories with it as I have negative ones so I think it's worth experimenting with it for yourself if you feel that pull to do so.

I was looking in Dr. Morse's book the other day and happened to come across where he says saturated fats in an acidic environment saturate even further and makes them unavailable to cells for nutrition and energy. However, he talks positively about coconut, but it's not high in protein (acids) so I'm not sure if that makes a difference?

Yeah, I've noticed that VP keeps cycling through the same diets, hoping for different results. I think I first came across him in 2015 and he was eating rice, beans and veggies then and having the same issues. Maybe by being in a warm climate (better for the adrenals and thyroid?) and eating the beans sprouted, he'll have positive results this time around.

I hope your experiments are successful and take care! :)


Feb 18, 2018
The Netherlands
You really have to withhold judgement of people in their 20s and the lifestyle they lead. I have seen people who have done meth in their teens looking pretty good in their mid 20s. There is a genetic pathway where the body throws all of its resources at looking the best it can in its younger years in order to maximize chances of procreation. This would be when puberty hits early and the adrenal hormones dominate until burn out.

Also, hypothyroidism really does not start to show its damaging effects until later in life. As someone who is 30 and was probably hypo for many years, I can tell you, the wall does hit, and it can hit hard. But I looked awesome at 25. Look at people who are 40, 50, 60, 70, and then start to make judgements.

Guys are not supposed to hit their wall at age 30. Many guys still look good around that age. Even women generally don't hit their wall until their mid 30s.
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May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer,

Thanks for your reply. I know that Ray prefers simple fruit sugars to starch. The fructose which is absent in starch has many beneficial effects. As you say, starch is absorbed so quickly that it can elevate blood sugar and require fungus to come to the rescue! I wonder if sweet potatoes are safer since they have more sugar in them? They are a staple part of the Pacific Islander diet, along with plantains and fish!

You are lucky to have ready access to raw milk! Raw milk is illegal here in Victoria. It is often demonized in the press here - poisoned infants and the like. However I found a milk that is pasteurized at 63 degrees celcius for 30 minutes (145 degrees Fahrenheit)! A girl at the health food shop said it tasted the most like the raw milk she used to have on a farm in Western Australia. It also sounded less weird than the high pressure treated milk I mentioned before!

I have been drinking a glass of that each morning with coffee essence! It is delicious!

This milk doesn't cause the digestive upsets I used to get on the cheap supermarket milk I bought during my early Peating period.

I am not eating as much dairy each day as you used to! Just the glass of milk and a 33g cube of vintage cheddar (24 months ripened).

It looks like I get all of the plant-rare nutrients from that plus 1 raw egg and 1 raw oyster on average a day! (zinc, selenium, iodine, cholesterol, b12, retinol, k2 and others not yet known!) A little chicken liver or tuna has similar nutrients!

It is good that you are doing well without these nutrients. Maybe a fruit diet recycles these nutrients better or uses a preferred metabolism which does not require them! It would make sense that each food when unprocessed contains the substances needed to digest it!

I have been less fatigued with the animal food added back! Not only are my lips and tongue happier but also my tonsils seem less inflamed...? This time around I am avoiding rice, coconut meat and eating less citrus and berries due to the arginine! I am still eating 2kg bananas, 1 litre apple juice, 200g dates and assorted other fruits! Mangoes have disappeared from the shops but stone fruit and pears are plentiful!

I think I will stick with this way of eating a bit longer to see if things improve or get worse...!

My store-bought tomato sauce is tomatoes, sugar, salt and vinegar with a few spices. It helps me eat the boiled potatoes and raw leafy greens, and is much quicker to prepare than fresh tomatoes and my old dressings!

The British mango chutney finally went on sale so I bought 6 jars! It is delicious with tuna and leafy greens!

Yes Vegetable Police does a lot of experimentation but seems to come back to his one meal a day of rice and sprouted beans! He doesn't seem to have any grey hair or hair loss and his energy levels are high. He has also kept his colitis in check. He is happier now that he can afford to live by himself.

Your weather must be improving where you are! Sunset has been after 7:30pm for us for the last 6 months but that is eroding quickly! Soon we will lose another hour of daylight saving! Still we are having pleasant days with temps usually above room temperature!

Any updates on a trip west or south?
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Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie,

With the sweet potato, maybe it depends on the variety and who you go by? Ray has said that they contain so much carotene that it interferes with digestion so white fleshed varieties may be better digested than the orange varieties? I'd say let your body be your guide.

I personally haven't noticed a difference between the varieties I've tried – a few different orange ones like Beauregard, yellow Jersey, the white flesh Japanese (the sweetest IMO) and less common ones like Stoke's purple (they're like the ironwood of sweet potatoes – crazy dense).

Mashed sweet potato with some sea salt and coconut cream was one of my favorite meals, but I find creamer potatoes (the tiny, immature potatoes) to be the least problematic of the starches likely because much of their sugars haven't converted to starch yet.

That's so great that you have less fatigue and tonsil inflammation, and I'm glad that the low-temp pasteurized milk is treating you better! I hope you continue to see improvements with your current plan. And nice score on the mango chutney!

Yeah, I think when tissues are healthy, particularly the adrenals since they produce something like 24+ corticosteroids needed for utilization of minerals, and the intestines with regards to absorption, we're less likely to have deficiencies. Plus, I kind of have a different opinion of nutrients/minerals now.

I have quite a few studies saved on the composition of milks of different species and one thing I find interesting is how human/primate milk has low nutrient density compared to the milks of most other mammals. I remember Dr. Morse saying our bodies are designed for less complex nutrition.

I'm not sure why but I'm filtering everyday like crazy now – half the jar of urine is a sediment cloud. And even the fattier fruits no longer slow my filtering. Now I wait and see if I'll finally lose this kyphosis for good. I haven't been able to dance like I used to because of it and I'd like to take ballet and lyrical classes again.

I'm going to Savannah with my parents the second week of April to check it out and I'm waiting to hear back from a realtor in Hawaii about a property in Honokaa – 5 1/2 acres of organic, deep soil and many mature fruit trees including a citrus and avocado orchard. I can be like this man Ray mentioned...

"About 20 years ago, a Florida newspaper interviewed a man whose records showed an age of 135, who said his diet was mainly the oranges he ate while picking them; that had been his occupation for most of his life."

This made me think of Dr. Morse. His first foray into fruitarianism when he was 20 was with oranges. He lived on nothing but these huge, sweet oranges he picked everyday from an orchard. I forget the exact number but it was something like 10 of them, 6x a day.

Anyhow, even if I move to Savannah with my family, my end goal is still to move to Hawaii within the next few years. I want to live somewhere over the rainbow and I can't think of a more fitting place. :D Just look at that Emerald City on Kauai...


Looks similar, no? :)


We've been hammered with snow this past month. With the last storm we got over 39cm of snow.

I've been meaning to ask, how is Tess doing?


May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer

Sorry I have been so slow to reply. I haven't changed my diet much lately so there is not much to report.

I have recently put all my cheese and fish to the end of the day so hopefully I can digest it properly overnight. (I wondered if combining animal food and fruit juice causes proteins to travel to the large intestine due to weak stomach acid).

I have also dropped coffee and chocolate to see how long it takes for the eye twitching to stop!

Your life sounds more exciting. I read on another thread that you are moving to Tybee Island? That sounds much warmer than where you are now.

It is 32 degrees north a bit like Forster in New South Wales is 32 degrees south. Forster looks similar to Tybee Island too! Forster may be a little warmer in winter though because the sea currents sweep warm water down from the tropics!

I wonder what the fruit shopping will be like in Tybee Island! Is it a fairly posh tourist beach resort? If so it may have some health food shops and vegan restaurants!

Did you go down there a few weeks ago and check it all out?

Yes that image of Kauai does look like Oz! That is certainly a beautiful destination, though Georgia should be fun too!

I think Vegetable Police is going to cycle down to Koh Phangan to live near Sun Fruit Dan who has turned into an OMAD exerciser on his new youtube channel: "Conscious Calisthenics"!

Dan is eating 3500 Calories a day in one sitting around sunset! This gives him heaps of energy during the day to do gymnastics-style exercises.

I think Vegetable Police could do with more food. He only eats about 1500 Calories and struggles to gain strength.

I have started adding some bar exercises to my repertoire down at the beach. There is some great equipment down at Moran Reserve in St Kilda near the canal. I am the oldest person down there but nobody seems to mind!

Tess walks down there with Matt and I. She loves her walks and swims. She is a quiet dog and very patient. She is devoted to Matthew and gets worried whenever he leaves her.

Your filtering is exciting. Do you feel much fitter now? It would be good if it helps your spine, or gives you the energy to gently exercise the muscles in your back!

I am hoping that hanging from the bar will help my posture. If so I could refer to the Calisthenics Park as "Thoracic Park"!

It was interesting to see David Attenborough's latest doco on primates. One monkey eats nothing but insects, and many species eat clams, mussels and nuts! They crush the nuts between rocks and they roll and whack the clams against tree trunks until the clam opens in exhaustion!

Such a violent world!

All the best!


Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie! It's nice to hear from you!

Still dealing with that darn eye twitching, huh? Yes, hopefully by dropping the coffee and chocolate you'll see it resolve.

It will be interesting to see how you do with saving your protein for the evening. I never thought about the juice and weaker stomach acid angle. Very interesting! Have you noticed any difference with the change in season?

Ah, Sun Fruit Dan. Is that who gave Kasey the idea to use turpentine? I didn't look at it but saw Kasey made a video on his experience with it and from the few videos I saw of his, I recall Sun Fruit Dan recommending it. And 3500 calories of food in one sitting? Impressive!

That sounds like a nice place to exercise! I would think if anything, the younger people would be inspired by you. LOL at Thoracic Park. If it works for you, I'll have to visit there myself.

Tess sounds like a sweetie! Cricket was a patient girl who loved walks, too. She and I had a tight bond, but she could also go do her own thing then come when I called for her. Bee on the other hand, I used to refer to him as Velcro. lol

A couple things I've noticed is I have less pain the more I filter and can now have even unripe OJ without my face breaking out so I think the excess acids in the head area have finally started working their way down.

Yep, Tybee! We went down to Georgia last week. I honestly was kind of dreading the trip because I already had my heart set on living beachside and my dad had planned on checking out the towns just outside of Savannah, inland.

As we were checking the towns out, my dread only grew. It was New Hampshire just warmer and with scattered palm trees among the evergreens – highly wooded and isolating. I much prefer the activity and expansive "I can breath" feeling of the coast.

As we drove around, I knew my mum wasn't feeling it either so last minute, we decided to check out Tybee and as we got to downtown Savannah, I could feel my spirits lifting. The main street, Victory Drive, is boarder by these old, Spanish moss covered oaks that canopy over it, creating a tunnel.


The bridge leading into Tybee was just beyond it so it felt as if we had been funneled out onto it and watched as the heavens opened. Haha! It was like my favorite place from childhood – Hampton Beach, except I wouldn't have to wait until summer to enjoy it.

The area is beautiful, I suppose sort of resort-like but with a more surfer vibe(?), definitely relaxed, and the beach even has swings like the kind you see on front porches. It's a perfect spot for reading a book or listening to some music while looking out over the ocean.

The waves were mild and the sand covered with shells. I've never seen so many before. What surprised me was the lack of heavy, salty sea smelling air. In Hampton, you can feel the heaviness and smell the sea air long before arriving at the beach and once there, can taste the salt on your lips without ever setting foot in the ocean.

What's nice is Tybee has all kinds of amenities just a short walk or bike ride away. They even have a farmers' market. And the nearest supermarket, Walmart, Target, Whole Foods, Home Depot etc. are all on that main stretch right before you get onto the island so you get that beach vibe, but also the city and historic downtown.

And I learned I can grow far more varieties of fruit than I thought – even bananas. There's this specific banana called Blue Java or "ice cream" banana that I thought I could only grow if in Hawaii, but I found out it's cold tolerant and will grow in Georgia's zone. :)

I think this sums up Tybee pretty well: Living on Tybee Time - Tybee Island, GA | Savannah Beach

Honestly, I've really been struggling with the idea of being so far from family and felt Hawaii might be too isolating for me so I ran the pros and cons and compared Tybee to Kona and Honokaa on bestplaces.net and Tybee looks like the best fit.

Take care, Richie!


May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer,

Tybee Island looks very nice! Has your family selected a property to buy? It may be a good idea to buy before the summer holidays, or are you thinking of waiting until after hurricane season?

I just read about the floods from Hurricane Irma last year and the winds from Hurricane Matthew bringing down trees the year before that!

Perhaps the locals don't seem to care much about showy possessions because they know they can all be swept away at any moment!

I guess storms are just part and parcel of living on the east coast of the US.

Perhaps keep your favourite things in a waterproof chest and enjoy every moment when the weather is good!

You can grow and sell your ice cream bananas at the farmers market! (Maybe I would sell smoothies there for $5 per milkshake container!)

You will be busy when it comes time to move!

Tess sounds more like Bee than Cricket! She doesn't stray far from Matthew! She grew up with Matt's sister who doesn't like patting Tess when we bring her over for a visit! I think Tess was starved for affection in her puppyhood and so knows the difference when living with Matthew. The only issue is that she is quite insecure, poor thing, even though Matt takes her everywhere he goes! We have avoided overseas holidays because we worry about her adjusting to life without Matt! I am also quite happy staying at home!

That is great news about your filtering and the unripe oranges! Have you been able to walk more?

My skin has looked a bit better lately but I am not sure whether that is due to cutting out green leaves or chocolate or coffee or introducing chicken liver or saving animal protein until last thing in the day!

Of course it could even be unrelated to diet!

The eye twitch seems to have eased after about 5 days without chocolate (left eye) and coffee (right eye), however if it is some sort of histamine reaction then I wonder what aged cheese and tinned tuna is doing to me!

Season-wise we are still getting days above room temperature so I am still swimming outside during the day but I need to get to the pool earlier in the afternoon to avoid the shadows! We have started using the gas heater at night!

Yes I believe Sun Fruit Dan inspired Vegetable Police to take Turpentine! VP is so far behind on his videos that he may have left Chiang Mai already! He finished filming with his Chiang Mai buddy a few weeks ago around the time Sun Fruit Dan said VP may be coming to Koh Phangan! I haven't watched Brit and Canuck for a while so there could be more clues there too!

Yes it is interesting that Sun Fruit Dan can eat so much in one meal! He seemed surprised that an all-you-can-eat vegan buffet has banned him, but his commenters seemed to be more sensible!

The rising popularity of OMAD may destroy that business model!


Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie,

Yep, I've accepted the fact that storms are just a part of living here. Some States get hit worse than others, particularly Florida. I checked a few sites on the hurricane history:

Hurricane Prone Cities - HurricaneCity

Having hurricane insurance and buying/building a house on piers/pilings to prevent flood damage, helps. The one listing I saw where the house suffered flood damage from Irma, the house was built on a slab.

I do think it's a good idea to keep valuables in a waterproof chest, for sure! The only real valuables I'll have there are my parents and myself. I wonder if they'll mind if I keep them in it. Hehe! The rest I can fit in my pack.

Haha! I should do that! I could even sell "nice" cream. Maybe set up a vintage malt shop food truck and have mylk shakes, nice cream floats, nice cream sundaes etc. and make my own vegan toppings like brownies.

We just made brownies Monday using bananas in place of eggs and they came out so incredibly moist and gooey and stayed that way even after sitting out on the counter for almost a week.

I make a bread, and what I call monkey muffins, using bananas in place of eggs and coconut cream in place of milk and they always come out really moist and decadent so I'm now thinking it may have something to do with the bananas.

Thankfully, I've been preparing to move for a couple years now and don't have much to pack so I'm hoping it won't be too crazy come moving time.

Ah, okay. I can see that contributing to Tess' insecurity. Out of curiosity, does Matt worry about leaving Tess behind, not just when going overseas? Does she do okay if left home by herself?

I'm not sure if I've been walking more than usual. I tend to just walk about without being conscious of it because I'm naturally always doing something. The real test will be when I start working in the garden and getting the fruit trees planted.

That's great that your skin is looking better and that your eye twitch has eased up. I suppose if it doesn't continue to improve, you could always try temporarily eliminating the dairy and tinned tuna one at a time to see if one or more is a factor?

That's good that you're still able to swim, but ughh at having to use the heater! I dread that time of year. I suppose it won't be long before I'm dreading hurricane season. At least I'll have a nice tan and a belly full of good quality fruit when I do. Haha!

I'll have to look at Brit and the Canuck then. I haven't watched the show for a while, either. Koh Phangan looks beautiful. I saw in one of Jinti Fell's videos where the family goes to a beach in Esperance, Western Australia called Lucky Bay and wow is it stunning! Have you ever been there?

LOL I'll have to look for Dan's video where he's banned from the all-you-can-eat buffet then.
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May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer,

Yes, Jinti has visited some lovely places. I haven't seen any of Western Australia except from the sky when flying to Singapore / Bali / Thailand! It is very large and very red! I did spend a couple of hours at Perth airport in 1991 on my way to Europe also, but didn't see the city!

I have seen some beautiful beaches in Australia though, like Cape Tribulation in Tropical North Queensland and Wineglass Bay in the cooler state of Tasmania!

I still love Lorne beach which is where by parents used to own a holiday house. It is surrounded by mountains and forest which curve around you and taper off about 30km away!

Lorne is on the way to visiting the 12 Apostles which are some famous offshore stone formations being eroded by the surf!

Jinti has sold her van and gone to Bali. She has an ideal life so hopefully her daughter will do ok on the vegan diet when she stops nursing.

Does Jinti have a twin sister? I only caught a glimpse of her sister in one of the videos in Bali. I wondered if it was deliberately cut short because the sister looked less gaunt than Jinti, though her fans probably prefer the slightly starved look!

I watched an interesting video on B12 depletion. Apparently all the folate added to foods hides the anemia problem originally associated with B12, however there are countless neurological problems that B12 deficiency can cause. One woman had the shakes like Katherine Hepburn which cleared up with B12 shots! A man lost the ability to walk but is slowly getting that back! Depression and falls are other common symptoms!

Not many people eat liver, kidney and brain any more so even non-vegans can run low. Though I remember how monkeys and apes ate mussels and clams... That might be the ultimate source... But they cost more!

Wouldn't it be amazing if you found a crop near Tybee beach that no one plundered!

Then again it could be that fruitarians don't need B12! Maybe fruit fiber is perfect for feeding the kind of microorganisms that can assemble the chemical...? There is a lot we don't know!

Don't the French call shellfish "fruits de mer"? That could be their inner chimp talking!

I watched 2 interesting youtube videos from a cardiologist called Thomas E Levy. He recommended injections of grams of vitamin C to combat anything from snakebite to breast cancer.

He was against root canals as they were a constant source of toxins.

Another video of his taught about the danger of calcium in the cells and tissues. Magnesium and vitamins K and D are good to combat calcium problems but he said it was best to avoid milk and yoghurt and have cheese only occasionally! Butter was ok as a dairy source of fat and vitamins without the calcium, so I might switch to that for flavouring my potatoes!

I have stopped eating cheese so I imagine the Magnesium I ingest will be busy pumping out all the excess toxic calcium I have been eating the last few months!

Even if it is untrue I am quite motivated by these thoughts so it should be placebo-rich!

How is your house hunting going? Do you need to sell your New Hampshire home first or wait for your lease to end?

Is your dad still happy with the idea of moving south?

I think Australia gets most of its cyclones on the relatively uninhabited west coast. We do get some nasty storms and floods on the east coast north of Sydney but they aren't as regular as your storms!

I have been using bananas as a replacement for milk in my smoothies, but that is interesting how it can replace eggs in cakes too!

Matt doesn't like to leave Tess and he has organised his life so he doesn't have to! I do much of his shopping for him, though he knows quite a few places where he can shop with Tess!

Will you get another dog down in GA or will you wait to see that you don't really want to move to HI?

Ciao for now!
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Jul 8, 2014
Hi @Richiebogie, :wave:

WOW! I just checked out those beaches you mentioned and they're beautiful. Lorne beach seems amazing! I don't know, Richie. I'm thinking I should scrap the idea of Tybee and just move to Australia. Haha!

I'm not sure if Jinti's sister is her twin or at least, her identical twin. In the videos I've seen, she never mentioned it. I do recall she was becoming emaciated at one point and her viewers showing concern, but I guess she was sick then and didn't have much of an appetite.

She showed old photos of herself and was slender then too so maybe it's just her body type? I really don't know, but Chris looks like a healthy male to me and eats like her. And again, there's me. Despite eating the amount of protein men here twice my size eat, I was still under 100lbs.

I have photos in my log showing what I looked like before (when healthy) and after my weight plummeted. I ate a standard clean diet then that included lots of animal products and I look just like I did in the before photo despite being vegan for almost 3 years now.

I've read anecdotes from women about their curves growing while Peating but despite my best efforts, it never happened for me. Even now after finally having optimal hormone levels (based on Ray), I'm still less like a Marilyn Monroe and more like a vertically challenged Audrey Hepburn. lol

Huh, I wonder if that's the same video I watched on B12 deficiencies years back. Did the guy who lost his ability to walk have severe osteoporosis? I think he was in his late teens to early 20s. That video is what prompted me to look deeper into the issue and start getting weekly B12 injections at my doctor's office.

At the time, my big toe on my left foot had been numb since following the WAPF diet. My doctor was sure it was from a B12 deficiency, but all the B12 did was give me migraines. The numbness didn't resolve until I switched to my current diet and started strengthening my adrenals.

I just looked up fruits de mer and you're right! How funny it's referred to as that.

That's interesting about the vitamin C injections. Were the injections given for a specific amount of time or indefinitely?

Haha! You make a good point about the placebo effect. Unless you're a huge fan of cheese, I suppose nothing's lost by dropping it. I think things would've been so much different for me while Peating had I left out the dairy and just stuck with eggs and shellfish as my main protein sources. I'm curious to see how you do with just the eggs, seafood and chicken liver as your main protein sources.

Yep, my parents need to sell their house first. So far, the only properties available in their price range with any bit of land to them are two that suffered flood damage during Irma. Both are ranches on half an acre and would need to be raised up on piers, but the flood damage was remediated so that's a plus!

At first my dad was like "No way!" but after having a pow wow and coming up with ways to make it work, he's more onboard with it. Homes in their price range are in high demand and these two are only a couple blocks from the beach so with a little sweat, I believe it could be a really good investment.

Even though my parents are, I'm not looking at the size of the land for me but my dad. My mum is compromising by staying on the east coast and my dad is compromising by sticking to beachside communities. He prefers seclusion so I'm trying to get him more breathing room between neighbors.

They tend to include me in the big picture, which is sweet of them, but I'll only be renting from them temporarily so I keep reminding them to pick what will be best for them, not me. Talking with my mum, I think they're relieved I'm forgoing Hawaii and want me to be happy in GA. My mum is my best friend and even though my dad is a man of few words, he sees me as his baby girl so...

Matt seems like a sweet guy (and you, a really good friend) and I can empathize with him doing whatever he can to not leave Tess alone. Though a worthy cause, it must be a bit stressful for him (and maybe you, too?), huh? It's hard because we want to do right by them, but then I sense that they feel our fear.

I was interested in a rescue from Aruba, but every time I went to apply for her I felt resistance – like hitting a wall. Something in me feels like I'm starting a new chapter in my life and it's time I finally have the courage to open myself up to a different kind of love.

Chat with you later!
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May 3, 2015
Hi @Jennifer, I wonder who your perfect match would be? Would they be a vegan, an unhealthy SADer, or a healthy omnivore?

If they turn out to be a tad psycho try slipping them some b12 foods! I had a container of garlic New Zealand mussels this morning after my fruit and I seemed to be able to deal better with a stressful friend in my car! Tess, Matt and I went with him to an airbnb place 150km away. He struggles to walk so we slow down to his pace on the street but when he's being driven around he likes to micromanage the trip with speed & directions which was somewhat frustrating! Sadly, I couldn't interest him in eating mussels! I do think he was getting fitter though over the 3 days with the extra walking he was doing with us seeing the sights and maybe eating more food with us!

There is a mussel van at our local market which steams mussels with various combinations of parsley, lemon, garlic, coconut milk, tomato etc. I said to them that I wondered if people are so angry these days because people no longer eat offal or bivalves, and they replied that they themselves were very calm so maybe there was something to that theory !

I am always optimistic that I am on to the latest and greatest iteration of healthy eating. The fruit, leafy greens, butter, chicken liver, fish and seafood diet could be it!

Recently I have boiled some gold sweet potatoes which are quite tasty, but adding freshly opened butter makes it delicious!

I carefully wrap the foil back over the butter to keep it extra fresh in the fridge!

All our dairy is grass fed though they may have to supplement the herd's feed when winter comes around.

You are right that total calories are important in looking healthy.

I'm glad you found a nice picture of Lorne. It is quite a magical spot with mountain views overlooking the bay and jetty, and a pretty swing bridge across the Erskine river. A 20 minute drive upstream are the Erskine Falls. If you can get dropped off up there it is a pretty 2 hour walk along the river back to the township!

The bush is mainly eucalyptus trees with aromatic leaves so every 40 years or so a massive bushfire hits the area and people take shelter in the ocean! This doesn't happen with rainforest trees but the council have a policy to poison sweet pittosporum which competes with fireforest trees even though sweet pittosporum is native to eastern Victoria!

I believe sweet pittosporum has invaded Hawaii but it was introduced there, probably as a garden plant!

Yes that cardiologist loves injecting megadoses of vitamin C every week! I'm sure Fruitarians get more vitamin C than 99% of the population despite not injecting any!

Some raw fruits of the sea should add to this as well! I wonder if it would wreck your adrenals though and set your filtering back 6 months? I wouldn't want you to risk that as with your newfound filtration amazing things could be just around the corner!

Catch you soon!


Aug 17, 2016
Hi Blossom! :wave: I'm happy to see you're back! :grin Thanks for the kind words!

Just keep in mind that I could be completely off my rocker with this, but it lines up with my experience so I just go with it for now. lol

It's not red light in particular, but too much heat that I'm careful to avoid. Dr. Morse considers heat acidic and cold alkaline (I believe fruits' alkalinity is one reason many struggle with eating it in cooler climates during the winter). Not that I think all acids should be avoided, or even can be, but I've been overly acidic for years due to my lack of filtering and need to balance out.

I currently believe that where there's a weakness in the body, there's a buildup of acids destroying/weakening the tissue, among other things, so putting any heat source on and/or directed at my problem areas only makes it worse. I was directing it at my head, targeting my parathyroid glands, and also pointing it at my kidneys and adrenals and both areas would get really hot and red and headaches, heart palpitations and extreme nausea would ensue after just 10 to 15 minutes of use.

I thought the symptoms might be due to die-off of the toxic mold I had at the time, but I continued to have the same negative reactions when my levels were in the normal range. I later saw where Dr. Morse says heat is an acid. After testing out cool showers and cold compresses on painful spots on my body, like my spine, and noticing relief, I started to think he may be right.

I even tried a couple times to get my dog, Bee to stay under the light in hopes of shrinking his tumor. He hated it! I had the lamp clamped to my bedroom lamp and had his back end (where the tumor was) facing it and he would stare at me waiting for me to tell him he could go. I could barely get the words out before he was gone. I was trying to keep records of his progress and snapped a picture of this...

View attachment 8558

However, I think Regina's dog likes red light. I'm almost sure she posted a picture of him sleeping in it like it was a sunspot on the floor. If I were to use it again, I would make sure to follow it up with cold compresses. Dr. Morse talks about taking showers where you alternate between hot and cold (always ending it with cold) to get lymph moving and so I would be attempting to mobilize acids for elimination with the two.
Ah yes. Mr. Phineas seeks out the red light on his own. These snaps were during the winter in Chicago.


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