COVID-19 vaccines may cause lifelong autoimmune hepatitis


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This topic was briefly brought up on the last podcast with Danny and Ray. I am sure, by now, everybody has seen the news about the spike in "unexplained" cases of severe hepatitis in children, and the accompanying vigorous denial in MSM that COVID-19 vaccines have anything to do with it.
The study below begs to disagree that there is no connection, and unsurprisingly it is being ignored by MSM and social media sites. More importantly, it looks like the type of hepatitis COVID-19 (and other) vaccines induce is often an autoimmune type, which usually lasts a lifetime and requires lifetime suppression of the immune system (at least according to the official treatment guidelines). On a side (but interesting) note, the study below has an interesting reference to gingivitis being a sign of suppressed immune system. In the specific case study discussed, the suppression was due to the administration of a powerful glucocorticoid (budesonide). However, chronic glucocorticoid use in the general population is rare while gingivitis is quite common. That, to me at least, suggests widespread chronically elevated levels of immunosuppressive mediators (e.g. cortisol, estrogen, serotonin) in the general population and/or overconsumption of PUFA (a direct and potent immunosuppressant).
@Drareg @Regina @boris @Giraffe @ecstatichamster

"...Liver inflammation is observed during SARS-CoV-2 infection but can also occur in some individuals after vaccination and shares some typical features with autoimmune liver disease. In this report, we show that highly activated T cells accumulate and are evenly distributed in the different areas of the liver in a patient with liver inflammation following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Moreover, within these liver infiltrating T cells, we observed an enrichment of T cells that are reactive to SARS-CoV-2, suggesting that these vaccine-induced cells can contribute to the liver inflammation in this context."
"...Here, our analysis highlights that activated cytotoxic CD8 T cells including vaccine-induced spike-specific CD8 T cells could contribute to disease pathogenesis."
"...Importantly, autoimmune hepatitis is a condition that requires lifelong immunosuppressive therapy in many affected patients [16]. It is therefore important to differentiate AIH from possibly transient immune-mediated hepatitis post vaccination. Diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis is typically established using AIH scoring tools informed by liver function tests, auto-antibody serology and typical histological features such as interface hepatitis and enrichment of plasma cells[14]."
"...The patient subsequently recovered quickly, with only a gingivitis occurring during systemic steroid therapy as a possible immunosuppression-related event. Due to relapse hepatitis after steroid tapering, the patient was put under long-term maintenance immunosuppressive therapy under which he achieved complete biochemical remission."
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Jan 28, 2018
Our normally very healthy 7-year old son was diagnosed with viral hepatitis the past week, apparently part of the epidemic sweeping across parts of Europe. He has a very low leucocyte/lymphocyte count, highly elevated bilirubin and AST levels, nausea and diarrhea. He will be going for an urgent liver scan next week. What could possibly be the explanation for this, as he is not vaccinated? (Many of his class mates are.) And most importantly, what could we do to assist him to recover?

I asked Dr. Peat, and this was the answer: "Vitamin D is helpful. Small doses of milk thistle are safe (in addition to artichoke)."

Any advice would be highly appreciated.

According to news reports the epidemic is caused by adenovirus type 41.

Multi-Country – Acute, severe hepatitis of unknown origin in children


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Our normally very healthy 7-year old son was diagnosed with viral hepatitis the past week, apparently part of the epidemic sweeping across parts of Europe. He has a very low leucocyte/lymphocyte count, highly elevated bilirubin and AST levels, nausea and diarrhea. He will be going for an urgent liver scan next week. What could possibly be the explanation for this, as he is not vaccinated? (Many of his class mates are.) And most importantly, what could we do to assist him to recover?

I asked Dr. Peat, and this was the answer: "Vitamin D is helpful. Small doses of milk thistle are safe (in addition to artichoke)."

Any advice would be highly appreciated.

According to news reports the epidemic is caused by adenovirus type 41.

Multi-Country – Acute, severe hepatitis of unknown origin in children

You can also try taurine. In the study above, one of the therapeutic substances they used was ursodeoxycholic acid and taurine has very similar mechanisms of action and benefits for the liver. Vitamin K is also very good for the liver, and if you ask the doctor about supplementing he/she will probably not mind.
As to the possible cause aside from vaccines? Who knows, but so far they have not proven a viral cause despite trying very hard to isolate a viral cause since they know very well if no viral cause is found (as it the case with all other types of hepatitis) people will blame the vaccines.


Jan 28, 2018
You can also try taurine. In the study above, one of the therapeutic substances they used was ursodeoxycholic acid and taurine has very similar mechanisms of action and benefits for the liver. Vitamin K is also very good for the liver, and if you ask the doctor about supplementing he/she will probably not mind.
As to the possible cause aside from vaccines? Who knows, but so far they have not proven a viral cause despite trying very hard to isolate a viral cause since they know very well if no viral cause is found (as it the case with all other types of hepatitis) people will blame the vaccines.
Thank you for the advice. Luckily our GP is an open-minded non-conformist and also a qualified homeopath. I will ask her about the Taurine and Vit K. I neglected to mention that our son recently recovered from Covid, and his likely compromised immune system probably made him vulnerable to whatever caused this. (I'm not sure if Covid would leave him with a supressed or an overactive immune system, and was wondering if the low low leucocyte/lymphocyte count may provide a clue, although it could largely be due to the hepatitis.)


Oct 28, 2019
I suspect iron may play a role in this. If you google "covid iron" it seems to be quite accepted that it dysregulates iron homeostasis. A lot of the serious effects of covid such as cardiomyopathy are also seen in bad vaccine reactions so I wouldn't be surprised if the mechanism is basically the same. A lot of people probably have too much iron in their bodies and maybe they coped with it previously because it was bound to transferrin/stored safely but covid and possibly the vaccines mess this up.

This article makes a connection to immune dysfunction.

Iron overload is increasingly implicated as a contributor to the pathogenesis of COVID-19. Indeed, several of the manifestations of COVID-19, such as inflammation, hypercoagulation, hyperferritinemia, and immune dysfunction are also reminiscent of iron overload.

and another one linking covid to alteration in iron metabolism

Alterations of iron homeostasis can persist for at least two months after the onset of COVID-19 and are closely associated with non-resolving lung pathologies and impaired physical performance.


Jan 6, 2019
A lot of the serious effects of covid such as cardiomyopathy are also seen in bad vaccine reactions so I wouldn't be surprised if the mechanism is basically the same.
Covid has basically two different attack vectors: the spike protein portion of the virus, and the main body of the virus itself. To my understanding removing iron from red blood cells is what the latter does. The vaccine only concerns the spike protein, so in case this issue was caused by vaccination, it would have to be for some other reason than iron metabolism.


Oct 28, 2019
Covid has basically two different attack vectors: the spike protein portion of the virus, and the main body of the virus itself. To my understanding removing iron from red blood cells is what the latter does. The vaccine only concerns the spike protein, so in case this issue was caused by vaccination, it would have to be for some other reason than iron metabolism.
It seems to be more complicated than just a release from red blood cells. One of the aspects of it is that there is a sequence similarity between the covid spike protein and hepcidin.


Feb 18, 2016
I suspect iron may play a role in this. If you google "covid iron" it seems to be quite accepted that it dysregulates iron homeostasis. A lot of the serious effects of covid such as cardiomyopathy are also seen in bad vaccine reactions so I wouldn't be surprised if the mechanism is basically the same. A lot of people probably have too much iron in their bodies and maybe they coped with it previously because it was bound to transferrin/stored safely but covid and possibly the vaccines mess this up.

This article makes a connection to immune dysfunction.

Iron overload is increasingly implicated as a contributor to the pathogenesis of COVID-19. Indeed, several of the manifestations of COVID-19, such as inflammation, hypercoagulation, hyperferritinemia, and immune dysfunction are also reminiscent of iron overload.

and another one linking covid to alteration in iron metabolism

Alterations of iron homeostasis can persist for at least two months after the onset of COVID-19 and are closely associated with non-resolving lung pathologies and impaired physical performance.
A guy on twitter called @Parsifal had some good threads on the iron link with covid, he was banned a few weeks ago, some on here posted a lot of his threads, the iron seems to disintegrate the cell.


Aug 10, 2018



Jan 23, 2020


Jun 18, 2016
Our normally very healthy 7-year old son was diagnosed with viral hepatitis the past week, apparently part of the epidemic sweeping across parts of Europe. He has a very low leucocyte/lymphocyte count, highly elevated bilirubin and AST levels, nausea and diarrhea. He will be going for an urgent liver scan next week. What could possibly be the explanation for this, as he is not vaccinated? (Many of his class mates are.) And most importantly, what could we do to assist him to recover?

I asked Dr. Peat, and this was the answer: "Vitamin D is helpful. Small doses of milk thistle are safe (in addition to artichoke)."

Any advice would be highly appreciated.

According to news reports the epidemic is caused by adenovirus type 41.

Multi-Country – Acute, severe hepatitis of unknown origin in children
CovFeFe=this phrase was not an accident. This is about Iron/Ferritin and has been planned for along time.

A close family member was told they had possible liver cancer (after being vaccinated a few weeks earlier).
They were tested again, and I think the liver numbers went down.
I would test your son again after a month of taurine and other liver remedies (and I heavily rely on LivOn Labs Vitamin C-liposomal).

My experience is you get whatever Covid is (and it disregulates something).
Then, you are around/close physical contact with the vaccinated, which was created for the additional purpose of effecting those around them (shedding), and some will develop symptoms/some won't (this may be related to the strength of each individuals metabolism).


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

Great finds, thanks for sharing.


Oct 11, 2016
For all those complaining about the mainstream's lack of scientific rigor: how could you possibly claim "life long" without your beloved scientific study? At most, it causes "hepatitis" - which isn't anything you can actually substantiate as real anyway, eh? Considering it is a virus and only one tool in your arsenal can see viruses: the electron microscope. So again, you are violating the supposed "Peatarian" principles and reducing observable phenomena to words like "hepatitis" and "virus" - things way smaller than cells which are supposedly causal. Or at least they imply causality. On top of that this post implies lack of recovery or curability. And before anyone has an emotional conniption, please realize I am just talking through this step-by-step. Hepatitis is general lack of detox / liver issues, so it is definitely curable.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
This topic was briefly brought up on the last podcast with Danny and Ray. I am sure, by now, everybody has seen the news about the spike in "unexplained" cases of severe hepatitis in children, and the accompanying vigorous denial in MSM that COVID-19 vaccines have anything to do with it.
The study below begs to disagree that there is no connection, and unsurprisingly it is being ignored by MSM and social media sites. More importantly, it looks like the type of hepatitis COVID-19 (and other) vaccines induce is often an autoimmune type, which usually lasts a lifetime and requires lifetime suppression of the immune system (at least according to the official treatment guidelines). On a side (but interesting) note, the study below has an interesting reference to gingivitis being a sign of suppressed immune system. In the specific case study discussed, the suppression was due to the administration of a powerful glucocorticoid (budesonide). However, chronic glucocorticoid use in the general population is rare while gingivitis is quite common. That, to me at least, suggests widespread chronically elevated levels of immunosuppressive mediators (e.g. cortisol, estrogen, serotonin) in the general population and/or overconsumption of PUFA (a direct and potent immunosuppressant).
@Drareg @Regina @boris @Giraffe @ecstatichamster

"...Liver inflammation is observed during SARS-CoV-2 infection but can also occur in some individuals after vaccination and shares some typical features with autoimmune liver disease. In this report, we show that highly activated T cells accumulate and are evenly distributed in the different areas of the liver in a patient with liver inflammation following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Moreover, within these liver infiltrating T cells, we observed an enrichment of T cells that are reactive to SARS-CoV-2, suggesting that these vaccine-induced cells can contribute to the liver inflammation in this context."
"...Here, our analysis highlights that activated cytotoxic CD8 T cells including vaccine-induced spike-specific CD8 T cells could contribute to disease pathogenesis."
"...Importantly, autoimmune hepatitis is a condition that requires lifelong immunosuppressive therapy in many affected patients [16]. It is therefore important to differentiate AIH from possibly transient immune-mediated hepatitis post vaccination. Diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis is typically established using AIH scoring tools informed by liver function tests, auto-antibody serology and typical histological features such as interface hepatitis and enrichment of plasma cells[14]."
"...The patient subsequently recovered quickly, with only a gingivitis occurring during systemic steroid therapy as a possible immunosuppression-related event. Due to relapse hepatitis after steroid tapering, the patient was put under long-term maintenance immunosuppressive therapy under which he achieved complete biochemical remission."
Do you advise using immuno suppressants for autoimmune issues whether vaccine induced or not? Like taking a daily fish oil to suppress the immune system or something?
Ray mentioned autoimmune people having a milder form what the vaccines do
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