Copper Supplement +disulfiram May Treat Prostate Cancer


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Another interesting link between copper and cancer. It looks like cancer cells hoard copper from the rest of the body, which may explain the reductions in metabolism in prostate cancer patients - i.e. with low copper levels in the rest of the body the enzyme cytochrome C oxidase will not be functioning properly. ... 084514.htm

"...The Duke team found that the amount of copper cancer cells naturally hoard is not enough to make the cells sensitive to the drug. But when the Duke researchers added a copper supplement along with the disulfiram, the combination resulted in dramatic reductions in prostate tumor growth among animal models with advanced disease."
Jul 20, 2016
source: Alternative ways to increase dopamine and reduce prolactin - Page 2 - Brain Health

Curious on your thoughts on the regimen I bolded Haidut? And what could be used in place of the disulfiram?

Hello leanguy;

I've been sent by god to bring relief to all of your symptoms lol. But seriously . I know what's going on with you and I will help you and I can guarantee you, you will feel %100 better. Just bear with me. I also suffered from this condition in the past. But its all gone now. I will tell you what's going on and how you're going to fix it.

I read all of your previous posts and blood test results. In fact, you are the reason I created an account here. I would like to help people that are suffering from this condition.

First off all let's see what's going on and why.

Symptoms related to high noradrenaline:

*Excessive wind

Symptoms related to low dopamine:
*Difficulty concentrating
*weak orgasms
*low libido
*lack of motivation in life

What can show in your blood tests:
*Slightly low testosterone for your age
*Slightly elevated cortisol levels

So why are you having these symptoms? As you know noradrenaline controls fight or flight system of your body. when your noradrenaline levels are constantly high, it will put your body in a survival mode. In survival mode, your digestion and ability to have sex are shut down and all of your blood is diverted to your muscles and your heart.

Anyway. you probably know all this so I will move onto how you developed this condition.

You, more than likely, put your body through excessive stress at some point and this increased your body's "dopamine beta hydroxylase" activity to create more noradrenaline out of your dopamine reserves. This stress could have been physical(straneous activity with little to no rest and a low calorie diet with multi-vitamins) or emotional. Doesn't matter because your body doesn't care. it responds the same way. So during this period, you simply became "copper-dominant". Honestly, I think your problem happened when you were trying to shed a few pounds while taking multi-vitamins. Why do I think this? Because, when you're heavily training on a low carb diet, your body consumes more zinc than you will ever need to put up with the stress you're putting through it and usually multi-vitamins have waaaaay more copper than you would ever need. Your body usually maintains a good Zinc/copper ration. However, you heavily altered this ratio by doing whatever you did.It might not have been your multi-vitamins. It could simply have been you becoming zinc deficcient at some point.

Why is your zinc/copper ration is important?

Dopamine beta hydroxylase(DBH) is activated by copper. So when you are high on copper and low on zinc, there is a constant DBH activation.

Why are you going through this condition?

Because , too much DBH activation leads to elevated noradrenaline levels. Constant high noradrenaline levels up-regulates your noradrenaline receptors, so you become noradrenaline insensitive. So your body asks for more noradrenaline. This leads to more DBH activation. Constant high noradrenaline levels will also strip your body off your zinc and vitamin D. When you lack these, your body also won't be able to elevate your testosterone symptoms properly.

Common mistakes:

*Using dopamine reuptake inhibitors: These will temporarily alleviate your symptoms but your extra dopamine will get converted to noradrenaline anyway so you don't want to take this way.
*Beta blockers: You dont want to block your noradrenaline receptors, you want to down regulate them naturally(by reducing your noradrenaline levels). simply blocking them will not down regulate them so you will have to take them forever if you want the benefits(if any)
*Trying supplements to promote dopamine or testosterone: These will not work, you probably already know this.
*Using HRT/TRTs to alleviate symptoms
*Taking SSRIs to help with your symptoms: this wont work!! especially when you're dopamine defficient! your will become Seratonin dominant so quickly! meaning no orgasms, no zest in life!
*Taking herbal adrenal stimulants: Aswhagandha and all. You don't need these. you probably took them before with no success anyway

Related conditions:
*your elevated noradrenaline levels will also elevate your cortisol levels. so you might experience elevated cortisol levels as well.
*your thyroid function maybe affected by this. Simply because elevated cortisol/noradrenaline levels put your body in a catabolic mode. so your thyroid naturally slows down your metabolism to prevent further catabolic action. Your thyroid is actually helping you here. so don't ever take thyroid pills. As you get better your T3/T4 levels will go up.


The answer you have been looking for is here!


First of all, it will not be easy but you will eventually get better. Some symptoms will vanish within a week, the others will take longer.

The right way to go is to make your body, Noradrenaline/Cortisol sensitive again. How? By Inhibiting your DBH enzyme and your ACTH receptors!! How do you do that?

*You need to become "ZINC DOMINANT AGAIN"!!! To do so you will need 0.25mg-0.40mg zinc per lbs daily!!!
*Also to boost your dopamine and testosterone production you will need lots of lots of vitamin D! like 10.000 IU a day!
*You will also have to directly lower your noradrenaline levels! Herbal supplements or SSRI will not work! Large doses of "Taurine" is what you need! 5g-8g a day!
*You also need to lower your ACTH and eventually cortisol . To do so , you need to take large doses of "phosphatidylserine". 600mg to 1gr a day!
*Avoid excessive vitamin C as it promotes noradrenaline
*Completely avoid copper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Increase your caloric intake by at least 500 a day!


The magic drug you've been looking for! The drug that will actually directly block DBH! The enzyme that converts dopamine to noradrenaline. Your number one enemy! It is called "Disulfiram". Commercially known as Antabuse. People take it because it inhibits the enzyme that hydrolyzes alcohol. so when they drink they get panic attack like symptoms. Anyway. This drug also significantly inhibits DBH! So you will eventually have higher dopamine and lower noradrenaline levels! I suggest you take 5mg-8mg per lbs daily! keep in mind that you can NOT drink on this drug at all!!!!!!!!!

So your cure as a started should look like this:
(Do this for 2 months)
*60mg zinc
*800mg phosphatidylserine
*6g Taurine
*10.000 IU Vitamin D
*1000 mg Disulfiram


Unfortunately our bodies are prone to this condition so we need to maintain a healthy state. Once you feel good, get another blood test done. If you're happy with the results. Stop taking disulfiram. You should probably lower your zinc and taurine intake too.

Your maintenance dosage should look like this:

*30mg zinc
*400mg phosphatidylserine
*3g Taurine
*5.000 IU Vitamin D.

I would say you will feel your old self within 3 months. But everybody is different. Good luck and let me know about your process!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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