Complete Menopausal Peat



This thought just occurred to me. Is it better for women to take pregnenolone the days when estrogen is at its lowest level?


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I take them both pretty much everyday.


Feb 22, 2014
j. said:
This thought just occurred to me. Is it better for women to take pregnenolone the days when estrogen is at its lowest level?

Very interesting points. I do understand that progesterone and estrogen can be tricky because of the sensitivity issue, but wasn't aware pregnenolone might have the same effect.

If I am in menopause (4-5 years now), does that make a difference as to dosage? I usually take 10-20 mg/day progesterone and pregnenolone has been more inconsistent in frequency and dose. I always assumed one needed relatively less of the hormones at this stage in life. However, I don't feel I cope as well as I once did, don't have consistently good sleep patterns, have occasional anxiety and mood swings, and dry skin. (As for thyroid, my temps and pulses are actually pretty good.)

So, putting together your comments with my situation, would you still suggest more pregnenolone? As for progesterone, do you think I'd need to up my dose if I'm complementing it with the pregnenolone? (I'm remembering Peat's recommendations for menopause to be 10-20mg/day as a physiological dose.)

I appreciate your insights and feedback!


Probably an experienced female would be a better source of advice than myself. That said, there are instructions to use progesterone online, maybe somebody else knows the link. Regarding pregnenolone, I would rather use too much than too little, so I would use hundreds of milligrams (100 mg, or 200 mg, or 300 mg) daily.


Feb 22, 2014
j. said:
Probably an experienced female would be a better source of advice than myself. That said, there are instructions to use progesterone online, maybe somebody else knows the link. Regarding pregnenolone, I would rather use too much than too little, so I would use hundreds of milligrams (100 mg, or 200 mg, or 300 mg) daily.

j, if you don't mind my asking, are you an "inexperienced female", or male? ;) Do you think the progesterone dose is probably more fixed to stage of life (per Peat's suggestions on menopause doses), so that with the higher doses of pregnenolone to augment the "physiological dose" of progesterone, the two together will overcome the negative estrogen effects?

In my earlier post, the other thing I didn't think about was stress hormones other than estrogen. Is it possible that with not enough of the preg/progest, the same imbalances, leaning toward cortisol for example, can occur? Sorry for my 101 questions. I don't really grasp hormone basics as some of you. You are a big help in that direction, and I need to read up, for sure!

Thanks again, j :)


I'm a young male.

Regarding the other stress hormones, progesterone I think is antogonist to many of them, and pregnenolone and thyroid maybe to all of them.


Feb 22, 2014
j. said:
I'm a young male.

Regarding the other stress hormones, progesterone I think is antogonist to many of them, and pregnenolone and thyroid maybe to all of them.

Yes, good insurance against the anti-metabolic elements and functions. How long have you been following Peat? You're ahead of the curve, for your age. Good for you! Thanks, j :)


classicallady said:
You're ahead of the curve, for your age. Good for you!

Well, that's mainly because otherwise I would've been dead at a young age, I believe. I started avoiding PUFA April 2012 and then incorporated more features over time. So almost two years.


Feb 22, 2014
j. said:
classicallady said:
You're ahead of the curve, for your age. Good for you!

Well, that's mainly because otherwise I would've been dead at a young age, I believe. I started avoiding PUFA April 2012 and then incorporated more features over time. So almost two years.

Wow, that's great. How did you hear about Peat, or non-pufa? Just curious. I have a large family, so my interest was driven by that. Before I started us on our present diet, I had read Dr Barry Groves' (UK) books, "Natural Health and Weight Loss", and "Trick or Treat..." (about the cholesterol myth). I love to share what I'm learning with others I meet, but I have learned people have to be ready, partly because we've all been so indoctrinated into believing what makes for good health that we can be very protective and guarded about any new ideas. I appreciate Dr Peat's way of cutting through all of that and in such an unobtrusive way, that draws you in to understand for yourself, leaving it up to you, not a hard-sell celebrity type.

Well, sorry for the rambling. Thanks for sharing, and for your help. This forum has been a great way to "share the wealth of health"!

All the best,


Aug 7, 2016
I'm not sure that it's good to start at a lower dose. Progesterone in some people creates problems at low doses. I think what happens is that progesterone makes you more sensitive to estrogen. And if you take too little progesterone, it might be enough to make you more sensitive to estrogen but not enough to antagonize it.

Since pregnenolone is a precursor of progesterone, it could have the same effect. It could increase progesterone enough to increase sensitivity to estrogen, meaning that estrogen has a stronger effect, but not enough to antagonize it.

Peat says 100 mg is a good starting dose, and that some people need as much as 1 gram to have a positive effect.

100 mg of progesterone? Or, pregnenolone? I am over 10 years post menopausal and my doc started me on 100 mg of progesterone about six months ag0. Then, bumped it up to 200 mg, which I guess will be my maintenance dose. It has really helped me sleep better and my hot flushes are almost gone and very mild when I do have one now. And, my temperatures have come up a half degree, but still not in the 98s.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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