Now The Bad News


Aug 18, 2013
Also, since starting to eat Peat the following effects have been noted:

I gained 5 pounds. This is probably a bit more like three pounds specifically since Peat -- I've been only been doing this about a week. I also just had surgery and could not exercise at all for the last 12 days and frankly have no felt interested in doing so. But it's something to watch and something I'm really concerned about.

My stomach is shredded. I have really bad diarrhea and stomach cramps that are not improving and I bet it's all the milk. I hadn't drunk that much milk since I was in grade school - maybe not even then. I think I need to dial back on it a little bit and try it in my coffee only. I am also wondering if the progesterone and magnesium have something to do with it and I need to back off a little on both of those. There is a lot of magnesium in coffee already - maybe cut my 100 mg dose in half.

it could also be the fruit, but I just don't eat that much. I don't think one or two cups of melon grapes or cherries would really cause this much reactivity.

I'm struggling with the old/new eating paradigm in any event. I am used to sucking on Diet Cokes all day long and it's hard to get used to not doing that. I cracked a pepsi this morning, then had a starbucks frappucino and was practically wasted from the effects of that. A lot of calories for the morning already, so I tried a glass of green tea with stevia and lemon.

Bad idea. Too much fluid, got all thready and went instantly for cottage cheese, cheese and salt and salt and salt.

Also, I'm experiencing a kind of neverending PMS with breast tenderness and on-and-off cramping. It's the sensation of the period that never comes -- and since i'm menopausal I can't expect it ever will. If you're in a position to relate to that you know how uncomfortable that can feel.

I know the stock answer to all PMS-y issues is progesterone, but I am already taking enough to worry that it is causing gastrointestinal stress.

Some slightly brighter news : resting pulse is up to 83 today from about 60 two weeks ago.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Maybe a different source of milk might help. If you haven't been drinking milk, your body has to adjust to processing it. I think that takes a couple weeks at least.

I highly doubt those 5 pounds are all fat. If you came from a lower carb diet you will gain a bunch of water weight in the beginning. IIRC I gained somewhere near 10-15 pounds in the first couple of weeks.

Ray Peat has said change of diet is very stressful on the body. Also, supplements can cause a lot of problems due to bad stuff in them. I only add in one supplement at a time now and watch for its effects.


Aug 18, 2013
I agree it is a lot at once. Plus the effects of general anesthesia, surgery, hormonal changes, drugs -- there are changes and stresses on top of changing the diet. It's kind of like if I moved to Malaysia or something.

As to the weight gain...yeah, it's probably not all fat. And today was a bad day to weigh me anyway considering I ate about a thousand calories last night around midnight. I'm just watching it.

I wanted to lose 25 pounds this summer. That did not happen. On the other hand this experiment is actually turning out to be more interesting.


Raw carrot might improve digestion. I would drink a lot less milk, let digestion fix itself, and then increase gradually.


Aug 18, 2013
Thanks, j. I was thinking I'd do cheese and cottage cheese for protein and raw carrot. I was also pondering activated charcoal for a couple days and then a slow reboot.
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