Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"Exposure to estrogen early in life can affect the health in adulthood, and so can an early deficiency of glycine. The degenerative diseases can begin in the earliest years of life, but because aging, like growth, is a developmental process, it's never too late to start the corrective process." -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"A small dose of glycine taken shortly after suffering a stroke was found to accelerate recovery, preventing the spreading of injury through its inhibitory and antiinflammatory actions. Its nerve-stabilizing action, increasing the amount of stimulation required to activate nerves, is protective in epilepsy, too. This effect is important in the regulation of sleep, breathing, and heart rhythm." -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"Although I pointed out a long time ago the antithyroid effects of excessive cysteine and tryptophan from eating only the muscle meats, and have been recommending gelatinous broth at bedtime to stop nocturnal stress, it took me many years to begin to experiment with large amounts of gelatin in my diet. Focusing on the various toxic effects of tryptophan and cysteine, I decided that using commercial gelatin, instead of broth, would be helpful for the experiment. For years I hadn't slept through a whole night without waking, and I was in the habit of having some juice or a little thyroid to help me go back to sleep. The first time I had several grams of gelatin just before bedtime, I slept without interruption for about 9 hours. I mentioned this effect to some friends, and later they told me that friends and relatives of theirs had recovered from long-standing pain problems (arthritic and rheumatic and possibly neurological) in just a few days after taking 10 or 15 grams of gelatin each day." -Ray Peat


Nov 23, 2020
If I take 10-15grams of gelatin I sleep during the day for around 5-7 days and I can't function, being in a state of not really knowing what is going on, grogginess.
I do not have trouble sleeping otherwise, unless it is during hot summer nights.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
If I take 10-15grams of gelatin I sleep during the day for around 5-7 days and I can't function, being in a state of not really knowing what is going on, grogginess.
I do not have trouble sleeping otherwise, unless it is during hot summer nights.

Why not drink gelatin at night then and balance it with a sugar source? I have never been able to nap during the day, no matter how tired I am. The times I have gotten a nap in, for whatever reason, it messes up my sleep at night.


Nov 23, 2020
Why not drink gelatin at night then and balance it with a sugar source? I have never been able to nap during the day, no matter how tired I am. The times I have gotten a nap in, for whatever reason, it messes up my sleep at night.
It's not about taking it during the day, I can take at night and I remain groggy and sleepy for 5-7days after a single dose, the result is the same.


Oct 20, 2021
United States
It's not about taking it during the day, I can take at night and I remain groggy and sleepy for 5-7days after a single dose, the result is the same.
I get that too. I think it’s the glycine because I also have the same reaction from magnesium glycinate
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"In some of the older studies, therapeutic results improved when the daily gelatin was increased. Since 30 grams of glycine was commonly used for treating muscular dystrophy and myasthenia gravis, a daily intake of 100 grams of gelatin wouldn't seem unreasonable, and some people find that quantities in that range help to decrease fatigue. For a growing child, though, such a large amount of refined gelatin would tend to displace other important foods. The National Academy of Sciences recently reviewed the requirements for working adults (male and female soldiers, in particular), and suggested that 100 grams of balanced protein was needed for efficient work. For adults, a large part of that could be in the form of gelatin." -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"If a person eats a large serving of meat, it's probably helpful to have 5 or 10 grams of gelatin at approximately the same time, so that the amino acids enter the blood stream in balance." -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"The main amino acids in gelatin are glycine and proline; alanine is also present in significant quantity. Glycine and proline are responsible for the unusual fibrous property of collagen." -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"Gelatin and glycine have recently been reported to facilitate the action of insulin in lowering blood sugar and alleviating diabetes. Gelatin has been used successfully to treat diabetes for over 100 years (A. Guerard, Ann Hygiene 36, 5, 1871; H. Brat, Deut. Med. Wochenschrift 28 (No. 2), 21, 1902). Glycine inhibits lipolysis (another antiexcitatory, “antiestrogenic” effect), and this in itself will make insulin more effective, and help to prevent hyperglycemia. (A gelatin-rich diet can also lower the serum triglycerides.) Since persistent lipolysis and insulin resistance, along with a generalized inflammatory state, are involved in a great variety of diseases, especially in the degenerative diseases, it's reasonable to consider using glycine/gelatin for almost any chronic problem. (Chicken foot soup has been used in several cultures for a variety of ailments; chicken foot powder has been advocated as a stimulant for spinal cord regeneration--Harry Robertson's method was stopped by the FDA)." Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"A generous supply of glycine/gelatin, against a balanced background of amino acids, has a great variety of antistress actions. Glycine is recognized as an “inhibitory” neurotransmitter, and promotes natural sleep. Used as a supplement, it has helped to promote recovery from strokes and seizures, and to improve learning and memory. But in every type of cell, it apparently has the same kind of quieting, protective antistress action. The range of injuries produced by an excess of tryptophan and serotonin seems to be prevented or corrected by a generous supply of glycine. Fibrosis, free radical damage, inflammation, cell death from ATP depletion or calcium overload, mitochondrial damage, diabetes, etc., can be prevented or alleviated by glycine." -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Collagen in my morning coffee has been great for fat loss! I get 8 grams of protein in each cup! I posted the recipe how I am making it on the link below!



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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"Some of the clearest evidence of the protective effects of saturated fats has been published by A.A. Nanji's group, showing that they can reverse the inflammation, necrosis, and fibrosis of alcoholic liver disease, even with continued alcohol consumption, while fish oil and other unsaturated fats exacerbate the problem (Nanji, et al., 2001). Glycine protects against fat accumulation in alcohol-induced liver injury (Senthilkumar, et al., 2003), suggesting that dietary gelatin would complement the protective effects of saturated fats." -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"The mineral in newly formed bone is calcium carbonate, and this is gradually changed to include a large amount of calcium phosphate. Besides forming part of the mineral, carbon dioxide is also incorporated into a protein (in a process requiring vitamin K), in a process that causes this protein, osteocalcin, to bind calcium. The osteocalcin protein is firmly bonded to a collagen molecule. Collagen forms about 30% of the mass of bone; several percent of the bone consists of other organic molecules, including osteocalcin, and the rest of the mass of the bone consists of mineral." -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"Methionine helps prevent fatty liver disease, which affects an estimated 70 million Americans. It makes us mentally more flexible, and can help cool our anxiety or lift us from depression when our minds are rigidly ruminating on negative thoughts. Glycine helps stabilize our blood sugar. It helps stabilize our mind, to prevent us from drifting into endless distractions. It promotes healthy sleep, and it revitalizes our skin and bones.

The reason it is important to balance these amino acids is that consuming too much methionine can deplete our glycine levels. Methionine is especially abundant in eggs, dairy, meat, poultry, and fish. Glycine is especially abundant in skin and bones. While our ancestors tended to eat “nose-to-tail,” making liberal use of the skin and bones of the animals they ate, we tend to eat the meat and throw out the skin and bones. For example, skinless, boneless chicken breast is rich in methionine, but the glycine-rich skin and bones have been removed."

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Hi Dr. Peat!

I have been putting the Great Lakes collagen in my coffees in the morning, but wondering if the heavy metals in the powdered in gelatin isn't worth it. Do what are your thoughts on that?

"Powdered gelatin causes digestive problems for some people; if it has a noticeably good effect, then it’s valuable. Usually, I think it just spoils the taste of coffee." -Ray Peat


Mar 7, 2020
Hi Dr. Peat!

I have been putting the Great Lakes collagen in my coffees in the morning, but wondering if the heavy metals in the powdered in gelatin isn't worth it. Do what are your thoughts on that?

"Powdered gelatin causes digestive problems for some people; if it has a noticeably good effect, then it’s valuable. Usually, I think it just spoils the taste of coffee." -Ray Peat
I use Vital Proteins collagen in my coffee and have no issue with it.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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