Colin Powell, fully vaccinated, dies from COVID-19


Oct 6, 2021
New York
If he had a disease that "suppresses the body's immune response," that would impair any supposed effectiveness.
That’s called the vaccine.

any vax would produce few or no antibodies, therefore, little to no protection.

If the vaccine failed to produce antibodies you would be better off. The vaccine produces antibodies that increase the risk of infection per data from the UK.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon


Mar 2, 2021
Colin Powell Started War Criminal Career as Staff Officer for the Americal Division Covering Up Its Slaughters

The consummate "team player"​

Our Benevolent Empire
Robert Parry 50 minutes ago 62 1


On March 16, 1968, a bloodied unit of the Americal division stormed into a hamlet known as My Lai 4. With military helicopters circling overhead, revenge-seeking Americal soldiers rousted Vietnamese civilians — mostly old men, women and children — from their thatched huts and herded them into the village’s irrigation ditches.
As the round-up continued, some Americans raped the girls. Then, under orders from junior officers on the ground, soldiers began emptying their M-16s into the terrified peasants. Some parents desperately used their bodies to try to shield their children from the bullets. Soldiers stepped among the corpses to finish off the wounded.
The slaughter raged for four hours. A total of 347 Vietnamese, including babies, died in the carnage that would stain the reputation of the U.S. Army. But there also were American heroes that day in My Lai. Some soldiers refused to obey the direct orders to kill.
A pilot named Hugh Clowers Thompson Jr. from Stone Mountain, Ga., was furious at the killings he saw happening on the ground. He landed his helicopter between one group of fleeing civilians and American soldiers in pursuit. Thompson ordered his helicopter door gunner to shoot the Americans if they tried to harm the Vietnamese. After a tense confrontation, the soldiers backed off. Later, two of Thompson’s men climbed into one ditch filled with corpses and pulled out a three-year-old boy whom they flew to safety.

A Pattern of Brutality

While a horrific example of a Vietnam war crime, the My Lai massacre was not unique. It fit a long pattern of indiscriminate violence against civilians that had marred U.S. participation in the Vietnam War from its earliest days when Americans acted primarily as advisers.
In 1963, Capt. Colin Powell was one of those advisers, serving a first tour with a South Vietnamese army unit. Powell’s detachment sought to discourage support for the Viet Cong by torching villages throughout the A Shau Valley. While other U.S. advisers protested this countrywide strategy as brutal and counter-productive, Powell defended the “drain-the-sea” approach then — and continued that defense in his 1995 memoirs, My American Journey.
After his first one-year tour and a series of successful training assignments in the United States, Maj. Powell returned for his second Vietnam tour on July 27, 1968. This time, he was no longer a junior officer slogging through the jungle, but an up-and-coming staff officer assigned to the Americal division.
By late 1968, Powell had jumped over more senior officers into the important post of G-3, chief of operations for division commander
, Maj. Gen. Charles Gettys, at Chu Lai. Powell had been “picked by Gen. Gettys over several lieutenant colonels for the G-3 job itself, making me the only major filling that role in Vietnam,” Powell wrote in his memoirs.
But a test soon confronted Maj. Powell. A letter had been written by a young specialist fourth class named Tom Glen, who had served in an American mortar platoon and was nearing the end of his Army tour. In a letter to Gen. Creighton Abrams, the commander of all U.S. forces in Vietnam, Glen accused the Americal division of routine brutality against civilians. Glen’s letter was forwarded to the American headquarters at Chu Lai where it landed on Maj. Powell’s desk.
“The average GI’s attitude toward and treatment of the Vietnamese people all too often is a complete denial of all our country is attempting to accomplish in the realm of human relations,”
Glen wrote. ”Far beyond merely dismissing the Vietnamese as ‘slopes’ or ‘gooks,’ in both deed and thought, too many American soldiers seem to discount their very humanity; and with this attitude inflict upon the Vietnamese citizenry humiliations, both psychological and physical, that can have only a debilitating effect upon efforts to unify the people in loyalty to the Saigon government, particularly when such acts are carried out at unit levels and thereby acquire the aspect of sanctioned policy.”
Glen’s letter contended that many Vietnamese were fleeing from Americans who “for mere pleasure, fire indiscriminately into Vietnamese homes and without provocation or justification shoot at the people themselves.”
Gratuitous cruelty was also being inflicted on Viet Cong suspects, Glen reported.
“Fired with an emotionalism that belies unconscionable hatred, and armed with a vocabulary consisting of ‘You VC,’ soldiers commonly ‘interrogate’ by means of torture that has been presented as the particular habit of the enemy. Severe beatings and torture at knife point are usual means of questioning captives or of convincing a suspect that he is, indeed, a Viet Cong…
“It would indeed be terrible to find it necessary to believe that an American soldier that harbors such racial intolerance and disregard for justice and human feeling is a prototype of all American national character; yet the frequency of such soldiers lends credulity to such beliefs. … What has been outlined here I have seen not only in my own unit, but also in others we have worked with, and I fear it is universal. If this is indeed the case, it is a problem which cannot be overlooked, but can through a more firm implementation of the codes of MACV (Military Assistance Command Vietnam) and the Geneva Conventions, perhaps be eradicated.”
Glen’s letter echoed some of the complaints voiced by early advisers, such as Col. John Paul Vann, who protested the self-defeating strategy of treating Vietnamese civilians as the enemy. In 1995, when we questioned Glen about his letter, he said he had heard second-hand about the My Lai massacre, though he did not mention it specifically. The massacre was just one part of the abusive pattern that had become routine in the division, he said.

Maj. Powell’s Response

The letter’s troubling allegations were not well received at American headquarters. Maj. Powell undertook the assignment to review Glen’s letter, but did so without questioning Glen or assigning anyone else to talk with him. Powell simply accepted a claim from Glen’s superior officer that Glen was not close enough to the front lines to know what he was writing about, an assertion Glen denies.
After that cursory investigation, Powell drafted a response on Dec. 13, 1968. He admitted to no pattern of wrongdoing. Powell claimed that U.S. soldiers in Vietnam were taught to treat Vietnamese courteously and respectfully. The American troops also had gone through an hour-long course on how to treat prisoners of war under the Geneva Conventions, Powell noted.
“There may be isolated cases of mistreatment of civilians and POWs,” Powell wrote in 1968. But “this by no means reflects the general attitude throughout the Division.” Indeed, Powell’s memo faulted Glen for not complaining earlier and for failing to be more specific in his letter.
Powell reported back exactly what his superiors wanted to hear. “In direct refutation of this [Glen’s] portrayal,” Powell concluded, “is the fact that relations between American soldiers and the Vietnamese people are excellent.”
Powell’s findings, of course, were false. But it would take another American hero, an infantryman named Ron Ridenhour, to piece together the truth
about the atrocity at My Lai. After returning to the United States, Ridenhour interviewed American comrades who had participated in the massacre.
On his own, Ridenhour compiled this shocking information into a report and forwarded it to the Army inspector general. The IG’s office conducted an aggressive official investigation and the Army finally faced the horrible truth. Courts martial were held against officers and enlisted men implicated in the murder of the My Lai civilians.
But Powell’s peripheral role in the My Lai cover-up did not slow his climb up the Army’s ladder. Powell pleaded ignorance about the actual My Lai massacre, which pre-dated his arrival at the Americal. Glen’s letter disappeared into the National Archives — to be unearthed only years later by British journalists Michael Bilton and Kevin Sims for their book Four Hours in My Lai. In his best-selling memoirs, Powell did not mention his brush-off of Tom Glen’s complaint.

MAM Hunts

Powell did include, however, a troubling recollection that belied his 1968 official denial of Glen’s allegation that American soldiers “without provocation or justification shoot at the people themselves.” After mentioning the My Lai massacre in My American Journey, Powell penned a partial justification of the American’s brutality. In a chilling passage, Powell explained the routine practice of murdering unarmed male Vietnamese.
“I recall a phrase we used in the field, MAM, for military-age male,” Powell wrote.
“If a helo spotted a peasant in black pajamas who looked remotely suspicious, a possible MAM, the pilot would circle and fire in front of him. If he moved, his movement was judged evidence of hostile intent, and the next burst was not in front, but at him. Brutal? Maybe so. But an able battalion commander with whom I had served at Gelnhausen (West Germany), Lt. Col. Walter Pritchard, was killed by enemy sniper fire while observing MAMs from a helicopter. And Pritchard was only one of many. The kill-or-be-killed nature of combat tends to dull fine perceptions of right and wrong.”
While it’s certainly true that combat is brutal, mowing down unarmed civilians is not combat. It is, in fact, a war crime. Neither can the combat death of a fellow soldier be cited as an excuse to murder civilians. Disturbingly, that was precisely the rationalization that the My Lai killers cited in their own defense.
But returning home from Vietnam a second time in 1969, Powell had proved himself the consummate team player.
Source: Consortium News
Originally ran in 1996.


Sep 21, 2014


Jan 25, 2014
That’s called the vaccine.

No, it's called CANCER, specifically, Myeloma. I am no fan of the demonvax, but you do realize it doesn't cause EVERY health problem, right? Especially a cancer diagnosis that predates anything in this fake pandemic-

Powell was fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, his family said. But he faced several ailments, telling Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward over the summer that he had Parkinson’s disease. Powell’s longtime aide, Peggy Cifrino, said Monday that he was also treated over the past few years for multiple myeloma, a blood cancer that impairs the body’s ability to fight infection. Studies have shown that those cancer patients don’t get as much protection from the COVID-19 vaccines as healthier people.

"The past few years" implies three or more. Considering the vaccines were only invented about a year and a half ago, I don't think it retroactively caused his cancer diagnosis. The quote about his immune system being suppressed was a quote from the article specifically about Myeloma.

Taking a poorly tested and dangerous drug might have accelerated his demise, but an 84 year old man with Parkinsons and Cancer doesn't have a long life expectancy.

If the vaccine failed to produce antibodies you would be better off. The vaccine produces antibodies that increase the risk of infection per data from the UK.

I was speaking in regards to the official mechanisms of action, and the fact that his cancer would render those proposed mechanisms of action useless. I don't think anyone should take the demonvax, but even official mainstream medicine ideas confirm there would be no health related reason for Colin Powell to have gotten it.
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Jan 25, 2014
So we are supposed to believe he took the shot? :confused2

Who knows? Can we even be sure he's really dead?

I don't believe that any major figure that has claimed to take the shot has, unless they experience serious health issues afterwards (see Greg Hunt, an Austrialian Health Minister). But the fact that Powell's health seriously declined afterwards ("officially"), I tend to believe it.


Mar 2, 2021
Even Tuberculosis has been linked to vaccines. So scoff all you want but its there in the records if you dig deep enough.


Jan 25, 2014
Even Tuberculosis has been linked to vaccines. So scoff all you want but its there in the records if you dig deep enough.

Are you suggesting that a "vaccine" Colin Powell took THIS YEAR retroactively caused a cancer diagnosis 3 or more years ago?


Mar 2, 2021
No I am saying you shouldn't scoff at the claim that vaccines cause just about every morbidity that exists.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Why would this be a clear example of ADE? He was 84.
I have friends with long lasting side effects and I am genuinely worried about ADE for my vaccinated family members.
But I haven't seen any data yet that even remotely suggests ADE.
The "vaccines" are quite effective in preventing deaths from COVID, nobody can deny this any more.
Unfortunately for every 1 covid death prevented, they probably causes 2 additional unnecessary deaths.

I did not say it was a clear example of an ADE. I said some of the non-MSM outlets are having this discussion.
As to your other points - no, the vaccines are NOT effective at preventing deaths. At least, they were never tested for that in the original RCT, but only for "reduction of symptoms", which are already mild for most people. So, the real clinical trial for vaccine effectiveness is their ongoing mass administration, while the powers that are doing their best to destroy/remove the control group (the unvaxxed). Israel is an especially good confirmation of vaccine failure, as people there are now up to their 5th booster shot and the deaths/hospitalizations continue unabated.

Ironicaly, the UK is also a good example of vaccine ineffectiveness, as you yourself also pointed out.

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Mar 18, 2021
No I am saying you shouldn't scoff at the claim that vaccines cause just about every morbidity that exists.

Vaccines do contribute to about every morbidity that exists.

But an 84 year old cancer patient should not be the basis of a discussion whether his death was a clear example of ADE.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
CNN has an updated report in their 11:41 am update today (on my I-phone news). The headline includes that his Covid death was "amid cancer battle." They noted in the article that he had multiple myeloma which they reported suppresses the body's immune response. The 11:41 am update also reported that "even if fully vaccinated against Covid-19, those who are immunocompromised are at greater risk from the virus." My perception is that this clarification about the cancer supports the MSM narrative about the vaccine.

Yep, saw that literally an hours after I made my post. I get MSM has close ties with Google and other Big Data companies monitoring "chatter" about such news and informing them if a title on a new piece is backfiring so MSM needs to change it. It is pretty impressive to modify the title so much in just an hour, and it is almost unprecedented to do so on front-page news.


Vaccines do contribute to about every morbidity that exists.

But an 84 year old cancer patient should not be the basis of a discussion whether his death was a clear example of ADE.
Colin Powell is no ordinary 84 year old with cancer. He is a man who was responsible for the deaths of many people. The fact his death was announced as due to complications of Covid immediately politicized it.


Feb 22, 2021
Yep, saw that literally an hours after I made my post. I get MSM has close ties with Google and other Big Data companies monitoring "chatter" about such news and informing them if a title on a new piece is backfiring so MSM needs to change it. It is pretty impressive to modify the title so much in just an hour, and it is almost unprecedented to do so on front-page news.
Yes, the change in the presentation was almost amazing.


Mar 18, 2021
I did not say it was a clear example of an ADE. I said some of the non-MSM outlets are having this discussion.
As to your other points - no, the vaccines are NOT effective at preventing deaths. In fact, they were never tested for that, only for "reduction of symptoms", which are already mild for most people. Israel is an especially good confirmation of vaccine failure, as people there are now up to their 5th booster shot and the deaths/hospitalizations continue unabated.

I'm talking about the "real-world" data that is coming out of many countries now, and it shows a clear survival benefit from vaccines.
Have you looked at any of it? Apparently preventing deaths as much as 8x compared to the unvaccinated.

I have doubts about it too, but (leaving vaccine deaths and injuries aside for a moment) how are they manipulating the data? Are they outright faking it?

I know in the US the CDC lowered the cycle threshold for the vaccinated. This helped them in the beginning to maintain the narrative that the vaccinated don't get the virus but eventually they had to admit they are just as likely to get infected. Do you think the low cycle threshold now causes covid deaths among the vaccinated to be classified as heart attacks and strokes instead? Seems unlikely.

In the UK, the so called immunodeficiency caused by the vaccine that everyone is talking about, where the vaccinated get infected TWICE as much as the unvaccinated (according to gov data), plays right into the vaccine narrative. It is likely artificially inflated number of positive cases among the vaccinated. Because the UK reports the death rates per 100k positive people. More false positives among the vaccinated, means a lower death rate among the vaccinated.
The UK also does an incredibly high number of tests daily and I wouldn't be surprised if they intentionally test more vaccinated people than unvaccinated, in order to inflate the numbers.

What are your thoughts about the new data, especially from Europe? Israel doesn't matter because it is fake from top to bottom. It was mostly MSM noise. They didn't even have many deaths to begin with. They are on 82nd position in terms of deaths per million.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I'm talking about the "real-world" data that is coming out of many countries now, and it shows a clear survival benefit from vaccines.
Have you looked at any of it? Apparently preventing deaths as much as 8x compared to the unvaccinated.

I have doubts about it too, but (leaving vaccine deaths and injuries aside for a moment) how are they manipulating the data? Are they outright faking it?

I know in the US the CDC lowered the cycle threshold for the vaccinated. This helped them in the beginning to maintain the narrative that the vaccinated don't get the virus but eventually they had to admit they are just as likely to get infected. Do you think the low cycle threshold now causes covid deaths among the vaccinated to be classified as heart attacks and strokes instead? Seems unlikely.

In the UK, the so called immunodeficiency caused by the vaccine that everyone is talking about, where the vaccinated get infected TWICE as much as the unvaccinated (according to gov data), plays right into the vaccine narrative. It is likely artificially inflated number of positive cases among the vaccinated. Because the UK reports the death rates per 100k positive people. More false positives among the vaccinated, means a lower death rate among the vaccinated.
The UK also does an incredibly high number of tests daily and I wouldn't be surprised if they intentionally test more vaccinated people than unvaccinated, in order to inflate the numbers.

What are your thoughts about the new data, especially from Europe? Israel doesn't matter because it is fake from top to bottom. It was mostly MSM noise. They didn't even have many deaths to begin with. They are on 82nd position in terms of deaths per million.

Do you have some links to the new data from Europe showing very good vaccine effectiveness at preventing death? It would be interesting to see if they kept track of patients stratified into groups with pre-existing conditions or healthy, and also by age groups. If I had to guess there may be some benefit in very old/sick people who don't have much of an immune system left anyways and the vaccine may help those people survive an infection, but still, for this specific virus/mutation only. and it probably won't do much for any new variants/mutations.
Also, the counting of vaxxed/unvaxxed is bogus and cannot be relied upon. Basically, the group they label as unvaxxed consists of people who may have had one shot, or even two shots but have gotten infected less than 2 weeks after the second shot. So, while I agree that the response of the authorities may be "well, the vaccine is only effective after at least 2 weeks post 2nd jab", we don't know in how many of the "unvaxxed" people who have had at least one short the vaccine actually contributed to the infection. The only way to get clarity is if they keep track of infections in the fully unvaxxed, partially vaxxed, and fully vaxxed. This may be why they are so determined to get rid of the fully unvaxxed as then a true control group is not present. This is already done for all other vaccines in usage where a new vaccine going through a trial does not have a true control group (no vax whatsoever) anymore, but instead, the "control" group is vaccinated with another vaccine. Some of the trials for the COVID-19 vaccines did actually use that trick. I think the Pfizer or Moderns vaccine trials gave the "control" group a meningitis vaccine, not true placebo.
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May 25, 2020
in my country for the first 2 weeks after 1st or 2nd vaccine a person is called unvaxinated


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
in my country for the first 2 weeks after 1st or 2nd vaccine a person is called unvaxinated
Yep, that is another trick they use. So, we can't really trust the data as the "unvaxxed" may actually consist of majority of people who have at least 1 shot.
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