Mar 10, 2021
"In the 1960s the World Health Organization found that when iron supplements were given to anemic people in Africa, there was a great increase in the death rate from infectious diseases, especially malaria. Around the same time, research began to show that the regulation of iron is a central function of the immune system, and that this seems to have evolved because iron is a basic requirement for the survival and growth of cells of all types, including bacteria, parasites, and cancer. The pioneer researcher in the role of iron in immunity believed that an excess of dietary iron contributed to the development of leukemia and lymphatic cancers. Just like lead, mercury, cadmium, nickel and other heavy metals, stored iron produces destructive free radicals. The harmful effects of iron-produced free radicals are practically indistinguishable from those caused by exposure to X-rays and gamma rays; both accelerate the accumulation of age-pigment and other signs of aging. Excess iron is a crucial element in the transformation of stress into tissue damage by free radicals." -Ray Peat

About seven or so years ago, I was on vacation and woke up with my arms or legs, or both, dead asleep every night. It would be like a fake plastic arm asleep and it was very alarming and painful afterwards. I wondered why it only happened on vacation and starting making notes about my foods and several vacations later, it came down to rum or seafood. At home I would eat a lot of canned tuna, but on vacation I would dive into an array of seafood dishes that I couldn't get back home. An internet search indicated possible mercury poisoning. Other symptoms I had only on vacation was extreme bleeding gums. One time, brushing my teeth, the sink looked like someone punched me in the mouth. The most alarming was one time, waiting in line at the valet, my legs gave out on me. I was on the ground paralyzed from the waist down!

Once I suspected mercury poisoning, it was confirmed when asking my son, who also ate just as much canned tuna as me, if his limbs went dead at night and he said yes, weekly. Now that I had figured out that mercury had built up in me, I gave up tuna, and set about learning to chelate them, trying the usual suggested protocol, with vitamin C
and cilantro, but it only made things worse, circulating them and assuring another dead arm that night. I really had no recourse, except to keep any further metals from accumulating, and further reading on the subject I realized there were surely other metals that had built up too like aluminum and iron. So the first thing I did was get rid of my pots and pans, including my cast iron skillets, and set out, with my magnet in hand, to make my "investment" in safe cookware, once piece at a time.

"There are two main types of stainless steel, magnetic and nonmagnetic. The nonmagnetic form has a very high nickel content, and nickel is allergenic and carcinogenic. It is much more toxic than iron or aluminum. You can use a little "refrigerator magnet" to test your pans. The magnet will stick firmly to the safer type of pan." -Ray Peat

Be sure when buying magnetic stainless steel cookware that the sides are magnetic as well. Makers will usually put the safe metal just on the bottom just to say it's magnetic. Finding pieces with the sides magnetic too is like finding treasue. Once you do find a safe piece, with magnetic sides and bottom, don't be fooled into buying the whole set, because there can be only bottom magnetic pieces withing a set.

As time went on I realized vitamin C in fruit, especially citrus and even supplimetal C would give me that numb arm at night, so I avoided vitamin C, or at least strategized having them in the morning, hoping it would clear out by the evening. I noticed other patterns like taking any herbs, aspirin or NSAIDs at bedtime or in the middle of the night would have my arm dead within the hour, so I stopped all of that. Then I came across this Ray Peat quote, and that is when things turned around......

"Milk, orange juice, and coffee safely accelerate the removal of heavy metals from the tissues. Everyone's body accumulates PUFA's, which progressively interfere with metabolism and raise TSH. Iron, as well as other heavy metals (except for copper) tends to accumulate. Drinking coffee also helps to shift the hormone balance in the right direction." -Ray Peat

After reading that quote I had realized that upping my milk sometime earlier in the year had made a noticable difference in the frequency of my numb arm showing up nights. I started testing the idea more by having the offending foods and other substances chased down with a glass of milk, and to my relief, it worked, with no dead arm! The milk worked time and time again! I don't know how much heavy metals are still inside of me, but I steer away from any tuna, make sure I don't cook acid things in metal pans and I steer away from suppliments, fortified cereals and grains, NSAID's, deodorant and drink lots of milk now! I am so grateful for that numb arm. It warned me of the perils that were waiting ahead for me, with a horrific list to choose from (linked below), just from mercury! Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease is linked to aluminum, and the list goes on and on.

"Other heavy metals, including lead and aluminum, are toxic; pans and dishes should be chosen carefully." -Ray Peat

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Mar 2, 2021
I know I have some heavy metals built up and have for years been wanting to successfully chelate. I did cilantro daily for four or five years and I believe that has helped.

What did not help was alpha lipoic acid. Anytime I would take that it would dislodge the metals and circulate them but not clear them out. So for three or fours day being around someone on a smartphone would cause excessive problems.

I have saved the quote you wrote from Ray regarding milk. That is valuable.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I know I have some heavy metals built up and have for years been wanting to successfully chelate. I did cilantro daily for four or five years and I believe that has helped.

What did not help was alpha lipoic acid. Anytime I would take that it would dislodge the metals and circulate them but not clear them out. So for three or fours day being around someone on a smartphone would cause excessive problems.

I have saved the quote you wrote from Ray regarding milk. That is valuable.

Being around cell phone causing problems is quite interesting. What kind of problrms? Do you ever get the limbs falling asleep?


Mar 2, 2021
I've never had the limbs falling asleep. But back when my symptoms were much worse than they are today, I could walk into a grocery story and feel like one side of my body was suffering a stroke. I thank Jesus Christ that my condition is much better nowadays -- but still can't talk on a phone, cell or cordless landline.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I've never had the limbs falling asleep. But back when my symptoms were much worse than they are today, I could walk into a grocery story and feel like one side of my body was suffering a stroke. I thank Jesus Christ that my condition is much better nowadays -- but still can't talk on a phone, cell or cordless landline.

How interesting. Your symptoms are so different than mine. So you can only text or use a landline?
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"Mercury stores in the body in the following order:

In the kidney
In the liver
In neurological tissue
In the GI tract
In the rest of the body tissues"
Feb 7, 2020
I hope you don't find this intrusive. and feel free to not answer, but how is it that you're able to post so much everyday? You've been on RPF for 7 months and have amassed 6k messages. That's an incredible number.


Mar 2, 2021
How interesting. Your symptoms are so different than mine. So you can only text or use a landline?
Yes. I do text on a phone that has a lower SAR rating than others. And for calls I use Google Voice over a wired headset.

Growing up, I never would have imagined an existence where I'm allergic to cell phone and WIFi. But then, back then we had never heard of WiFI or the internet. And cell phones were only used by rich people.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Yes. I do text on a phone that has a lower SAR rating than others. And for calls I use Google Voice over a wired headset.

Growing up, I never would have imagined an existence where I'm allergic to cell phone and WIFi. But then, back then we had never heard of WiFI or the internet. And cell phones were only used by rich people.

After all this recent reading about the 5G health problems, magnetism and metals, I am switching to a keypad to connect to my tv to distance myself from my smartphone. I can't wait for it to arrive. My eyesight will thank me too!
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I hope you don't find this intrusive. and feel free to not answer, but how is it that you're able to post so much everyday? You've been on RPF for 7 months and have amassed 6k messages. That's an incredible number.

Oh my gosh you are not kidding. I joined 6 months ago, in the middle of April. I type fast that is for sure, and multi-task a lot. I try to keep my time on the forum from ten and two, when I read anyways, and I answer everything else when I can here and there throughout the day. I get a lot of private messages too. I had no idea it would be this time consuming when I joined. Fortunately I read Ray Peat articles and other health related stuff everyday for friends and family's health issues, for many years, so it is easy for me to share good info as I stumble upon it in the mornings, just more multi-tasking. I cook everyday, so many different things, that I just take quick pics and share. I food log alot for many years too so that I share now too. The Ray Peat Forum hasn't take me away from my normal life it just has me taking extra time sharing my normal life.

EDIT: I also have an elderly dog which I have to sit with throughout the day because she get extremely stressed not being in my lap. So the forum has been a nice pastime for me, with her, since I don't like the tv on during the day. She is 13 years old.
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Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Arguably, the best chelator for mercury, etc. is NBMI, i.e. Emeramide. Many success stories can be found on FB groups. Check out the work of Dr. Boyd Haley. NBMI can be purchased through companies that have a certified pure form, like FandaChem.


Jan 29, 2021
About NBMI / Emeramide / OSR, invented by Boyd Haley, which can chelate mercury, lead, cadmium, and iron relatively safely compared to other popular chelator drugs:

edit: @Dave Clark :):


Apr 13, 2014
Rinse, what an incredible story and what a turnaround you have made in your health. Congrats on figuring out what was causing your dead arms and legs. Most people would have spent years going to doctors and probably never figuring it out.

A true testament to eating Peaty! I assume your son has resolve his issues as well?

In all my years of reading Peat, this is the first time I have seen this quote:

"Milk, orange juice, and coffee safely accelerate the removal of heavy metals from the tissues. Everyone's body accumulates PUFA's, which progressively interfere with metabolism and raise TSH. Iron, as well as other heavy metals (except for copper) tends to accumulate. Drinking coffee also helps to shift the hormone balance in the right direction." -Ray Peat

Amazing that milk helped you with detoxing mercury and other heavy metals.

Hope your beloved dog is having a good day.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Rinse, what an incredible story and what a turnaround you have made in your health. Congrats on figuring out what was causing your dead arms and legs. Most people would have spent years going to doctors and probably never figuring it out.

A true testament to eating Peaty! I assume your son has resolve his issues as well?

In all my years of reading Peat, this is the first time I have seen this quote:

"Milk, orange juice, and coffee safely accelerate the removal of heavy metals from the tissues. Everyone's body accumulates PUFA's, which progressively interfere with metabolism and raise TSH. Iron, as well as other heavy metals (except for copper) tends to accumulate. Drinking coffee also helps to shift the hormone balance in the right direction." -Ray Peat

Amazing that milk helped you with detoxing mercury and other heavy metals.

Hope your beloved dog is having a good day.

You made me smile,! What a happy aura I sense from you. My little furry baby girl is very well, eating her oxtails and gelatinous bone broth and raw mik :)


Feb 20, 2021
That mercury toxicity is primarily a result of binding/inactivating/depleting selenium. In this case report the cure was elementary:
>He could not stand or feed himself unassisted. He was started on selenium 500 mcg/day and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) 50 mg/kg/day. By day 3 of Se and NAC, he showed noticeable improvement, and by day 11, delusions, delirium, tachycardia, and abdominal pain resolved. Muscle strength, weight gain, speech, unassisted ambulation, and emotional liability improved. After five months with Se and NAC (1) he had regained 45 pounds, (2) restored to premorbid emotional, academic, and athletic performance, and (3) tachycardia, hypertension, rash, palmar skin changes, tremor, and insomnia had resolved. Features of this case include (1) improvement after selenium and NAC supplementation (2) contrasted with continued deterioration after DMSA chelation.


Feb 20, 2021
More re selenium:
>Conclusions: Cadmium exhibited the most consistent relationship with increased neurologic symptoms, though lead was an important exposure in subgroup analyses. Selenium may modify subclinical neurotoxic effects of metals at non-occupational levels in adults.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
For any rice eaters, etc., this may be of interest for detoxing arsenic:


Jan 29, 2021
Large print PDFs of articles written by Dennis Crouse PhD about silica and selenium for chelating aluminum and other metals...

and the next three posts

and then

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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