The relationship between Candida infections and heavy metal toxicity


Feb 26, 2018
"One of the major issues with heavy metals, especially mercury, is the high percentage of reabsorption through the gut. While elemental mercury is poorly absorbed through the gut, its organic methylated form is highly absorbed (90–95% absorption). The non-organic elemental mercury excreted through the bile is often methylated by abnormal bacteria or yeast in the gut resulting in re-absorption of methylated mercury. Organic mercury (from fish and seafood) and elemental mercury absorbed from various pollutants can also be absorbed through the digestive tract. The methylated mercury can pass the blood-brain barrier, and exert its toxic effects in the brain either as methylated mercury, or after being demethylated in the brain, as elemental mercury. A similar mechanism and issue exists for other heavy metals that can get reabsorbed through the digestive tract.

"Candida protects the body from heavy metal toxicity. Candida surrounds metals in the body, encompassing them, in an effort to protect the body from foreign metals. If heavy metal toxicity remains present in the body the Candida will not leave. “Overgrowth of Candida is often due to heavy metal toxicity (such as mercury gradually leaching from silver fillings). Swiss research shows that Candida actually helps protect the body against heavy metal toxicity. Rather than trying to ‘kill’ the Candida, the best therapy is to clear the heavy metals and toxic dental work (all metals) so the Candida can return to normal levels in the body,” says pH Pure. This belief is not accepted by all practitioners."

I think this might be the reason many can never really get rid of their candida/ fungus issue. Heavy metal toxicity might be the underlying issue. So if you treat that, Candida might leave as well. This is where MCP (Modified Citrus Pectin For Lead Poisoning) comes into play...

So if I read this study right candida does in fact have protective function in the case of heavy metal toxicity as @Rinse & rePeat suggested

"Our results showed that the metal ions were reduced to their corresponding metallic nanoconglomerate or nanoparticles by Candida species. This is the first report on how yeasts of this genus are capable of achieving homeostasis (resilience) in the presence of metal ions of both precious and toxic metals by reducing them to a metallic state."

"This suggests that Candida biofilms may adsorb metal cations from their surroundings and that sequestration in the extracellular matrix may contribute to resistance. We concluded that biofilm formation may be a strategy for metal resistance and/or tolerance in yeasts."
- Metal resistance in Candida biofilms

So Candida preferentially accumulates Chromium, lead, silver and cadmium.

"The objective of this work was to study the resistance and removal capacity of heavy metals by the yeast Candida albicans. The resistance of some heavy metals was analyzed: the yeast grows in 2000 ppm of chromium, zinc, lead, and copper, 1500 ppm of arsenic (III), 500 ppm of silver, and little bit in cobalt (300 ppm) and mercury and cadmium (200 ppm). Analyzing its potential to remove heavy metals, it can efficiently remove is as follows: Cr(VI) (76%), lead (57%), silver (51%), cadmium (46%), fairly arsenic(III) (40% with the modified biomass), cobalt (37%), mercury (36%), copper (31%), little bit zinc (22%), and fluoride (10%). "
- Biosorption of Heavy Metals by Candida albicans

A Few articles on that topic:
- Co-Infections as Signals of Heavy Metal Toxicity | Optimus Medica
- Heavy Metal Toxicity and Candida: What is it and Why is it so Prevalent?
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Feb 26, 2018


Jun 6, 2016
"This study showed a dramatic decrease in blood serum levels of lead (P = .0016; 161% average change) and a dramatic increase in 24-hour urine collection (P = .0007; 132% average change)."

It sounds pretty awesome. Unfortunately, Isaac Eliaz, the inventor of modified citrus pectin is involved in this study. Are there independent studies on modified citrus pectin? Could normal citrus pectin work just the same even though it does not pass the intestinal barrier?


Feb 26, 2018
It sounds pretty awesome. Unfortunately, Isaac Eliaz, the inventor of modified citrus pectin is involved in this study. Are there independent studies on modified citrus pectin? Could normal citrus pectin work just the same even though it does not pass the intestinal barrier?
Thanks for pointing that out. I havent looked into it that much, but have you seen the study /case reports with 5 individual cases , I found that pretty convincing.

I doubt normal citrus pectin would work, precisely because it isnt absorbed.

That sounds alarming:
"No level of lead exposure appears to be 'safe' and even the current 'low' levels of exposure in children are associated with neurodevelopmental deficits. Primary prevention of exposure provides the best hope of mitigating the impact of this preventable disease."
- Very low lead exposures and children's neurodevelopment - PubMed


Jun 6, 2016
I doubt normal citrus pectin would work, precisely because it isnt absorbed.

Charcoal and Zeolites reduce blood level of metals by a process called adsorption, and citrus pectin could work similar.

I took MCP for a couple weeks some time ago, I doubt it hurts, but I did not notice anything (which does not mean a lot). Generally, the idea of MCP is awesome, and it could be a good tool to reduce metal levels.

Pectin has great effects on it's own, and it's way cheaper.

Apple pectin reduces radioactivity in children’s body​

Meanwhile, the BELRAD, under the direction of Nesterenko, carriedout radiation monitoring of the inhabitants of the Chernobyl contaminated zone and their foodstuffs, and developed measures for the maintenance of radiation safety and radioprotection. Nesterenko also pioneered a treatment with apple pectin for children living in highly contaminated areas and eating highly contaminated food.

As a complement to standardradioprotection measures, apple-pectin preparations have been given especially in Ukraine to reduce the Cs-137 uptake in children. Pectin acts by binding to the radionuclide in the gut to block its absorption. The question was raised as to whether pectin might also be useful in clearing it from tissues. Caesium is chemically similar to potassium, and therefore has a wide distribution in tissues and cells, and is also excreted in urine.

Researchers at BELRAD carried out a randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled trial to test the efficacy of dry,milled apple-extract containing 15-16 % pectin on 64 children from contaminated villages of the Gomel regions. The average Cs137 load in the group of children was about 30 Bq/kg body weight. The trial was conducted during a one-month sta yin the sanatorium Silver Spring where only uncontaminated food was given to the children.

The results showed that Cs-137 counts in children given pectin-powder were reduced by an average of 62%, whereas the average reduction in those children given only placebo powder was only 13.9 %.The difference was significant at less than 1 % level. The reduction was medically significant, as no child in the placebo group reached values below 20Bq/kg body weight, which is considered by Bandazhevsky as potentially associated with specific pathological tissue damages.

From 1996 to 2007 a total of more than 160,000 Belarussian children received pectin food additives during 18 to 25 days of treatment (5 g twice a day). As a result, levels of Cs-137 in children's organs decreased after each course of pectin additives by an average of 30 to 40%. Manufacture and application of various pectin-based food additives and drinks (using apples, currants, grapes, sea seaweed, etc.) is one of the most effective ways for individual radioprotection (through decorporation) under circumstances where consumption of radioactively contaminated food is unavoidable.

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Mar 28, 2019
Anthony William says heavy metal toxicity is inherited from our parents then we continue to accumulate it though our lifetime (for example fish oil is full of mercury). He says heavy metals are pathogen food and that both heavy metals and pathogens contributes to liver issues and that candida is not thee problem itself but a sign of viral infection. Heavy metals can also oxidise in the brain under stress, this increases need for electrolytes which he says is the main cause of most mental ailments (adhd, dementia, autism, alzheimer's etc).


Feb 26, 2018
Charcoal and Zeolites reduce blood level of metals by a process called adsorption, and citrus pectin could work similar.

I took MCP for a couple weeks some time ago, I doubt it hurts, but I did not notice anything (which does not mean a lot). Generally, the idea of MCP is awesome, and it could be a good tool to reduce metal levels.

Pectin has great effects on it's own, and it's way cheaper.

Yes , I agree. It's expensive, but worth trying in my opinion. I read some interesting results from people, like one woman got rid of her hip arhtritis.

Pectin is very interesting on its own. It seems to be very good for gut health and bile. I stopped peeling my apple because of it.


Feb 26, 2018
Anthony William says heavy metal toxicity is inherited from our parents then we continue to accumulate it though our lifetime (for example fish oil is full of mercury). He says heavy metals are pathogen food and that both heavy metals and pathogens contributes to liver issues and that candida is not thee problem itself but a sign of viral infection. Heavy metals can also oxidise in the brain under stress, this increases need for electrolytes which he says is the main cause of most mental ailments (adhd, dementia, autism, alzheimer's etc).
That makes sense.
How is candida a sign of a viral infection, though?
I noticed there is some sort of a relationship between those two (I suspect an inverse one), but I havent really figured the whole thing out, so Im interested.


Oct 6, 2020
While i believe getting heavy metals out either trough binders/chelators and or supplying desirable trace elements is highly benefitial, maybe even lifechanging if that is the source of the issues ... i dont think i can agree with it if i were to base it on my own experience.

ive been taking biofilm disruptors (NAC, Black seed oil, ALA, cistus incantus etc.) and antifungals for quite some time now. If both of these would lead to release/mobilisation of heavy metals then i would assume i wouldve noticed real bad sideeffects/worsening of symptoms by now.

Sounds like a chicken or the egg what came first situation.


Feb 26, 2018
While i believe getting heavy metals out either trough binders/chelators and or supplying desirable trace elements is highly benefitial, maybe even lifechanging if that is the source of the issues ... i dont think i can agree with it if i were to base it on my own experience.

ive been taking biofilm disruptors (NAC, Black seed oil, ALA, cistus incantus etc.) and antifungals for quite some time now. If both of these would lead to release/mobilisation of heavy metals then i would assume i wouldve noticed real bad sideeffects/worsening of symptoms by now.

Sounds like a chicken or the egg what came first situation.
Yes I get what you are saying. But on the other hand I and many other people do get side effects that are often attributed to fungal die-off, when it could just as well be heavy metal release. Depending on the anti-fungal I do get relatively strong side-effects.
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