Cancer As A Solution For Sulfur Deficiency - Stephanie Seneff


Oct 21, 2013
Came across this essay by Stephanie Seneff from 2014 - Cancer to the Rescue? This is her theory of cancer.


Cancer cells are extraordinary, however, because, even in the presence of abundant oxygen, they refuse to use their mitochondria to produce energy. Instead, they are a powerhouse for taking in glucose—eighteen times as much as a normal cell to obtain equivalent energy—and shipping out lactate. This is the Warburg effect.

Why would cancer cells do this? I have a very simple explanation: the tumor is clearing the excess glucose from the blood and replacing it with an abundance of lactate to provide usable fuel for the critical organs like the heart and the brain. This is one reason why the tumor is part of the solution instead of part of the problem. The service it performs is essential to allow the heart and the brain, in their compromised state of severe cholesterol and sulfate deficiency, to continue to function by utilizing lactate as a source of fuel instead of glucose. But the tumor suffers from glycation damage and acidification as a consequence, so it struggles to survive under such harsh conditions.

The tumor has another more practical reason not to run its mitochondrial engines. Because it is severely deficient in sulfate, it needs to somehow produce sulfate from an available substrate. A promising candidate is homocysteine thiolactone. But, unfortunately, superoxide is required as a source of reactive oxygen to oxidize the sulfur atom in the homocysteine thiolactone. Furthermore, nitrate is needed to offset the kosmotropic effects of sulfate (otherwise, the blood will become too viscous). But the precursor to nitrate, nitric oxide, reacts with the precursor to sulfate, superoxide, to produce a nasty, highly reactive oxidizing agent called peroxynitrite,26 which will destroy the iron-sulfur containing proteins such as aconitase in the mitochondria.5 It’s really hard to avoid peroxynitrite exposure if a cell is producing both nitric oxide and superoxide. However, it has to produce both of these in order to be able to synthesize sulfate and not gel the blood in the process. A tumor cell is a very good candidate for the job, precisely because it’s not performing other essential duties, so it can “take the heat.”


Breast cancer cells will respond to exposure to estrogen by multiplying, which is why estrogen receptor antagonists such as Tamoxifen have been used as a hormone therapy option to impede their growth.1,13 Cancer cells use estrogen to produce estrone sulfate, which they release into the surrounding medium (thereby distributing sulfate to other cells). They also produce lots and lots of heparan sulfate, and, since they produce a sulfatase that detaches sulfate from estrone sulfate,22 I suspect that estrone sulfate becomes a source of sulfate for the synthesis of heparan sulfate.

Prostate cancer has a story similar to breast cancer with regard to sterol sulfate synthesis, except that the tumor makes cholesterol sulfate instead of estrone sulfate.11 Both estrone and cholesterol are sterols (estrone, testosterone, and vitamin D3 are all synthesized from cholesterol). Cholesterol sulfate is the same molecule that is synthesized in the skin upon sunlight exposure. Thus, a plausible way in which sunlight exposure might protect from cancer is by leading to the production of a molecule—cholesterol sulfate— that is sorely needed to maintain the stability of the blood and the general health of the body.

While the tumor cell produces excessive amounts of heparan sulfate, it also produces excessive amounts of heparanase, an enzyme that breaks down heparan sulfate! Tumors that are more aggressive and more likely to metastasize (spread to other tissues) produce more heparanase than more benign tumors.18,3Tumors, in fact, produce a continual stream of small vesicles called exosomes, which are pinched off from their plasma membrane and distributed via the vasculature.41 These contain syndecans bound to heparan sulfate in their membranes, so the tumor cell is delivering heparan sulfate to other cells on the backs of these exosomes! It appears that the tumor is involved in a program of obsessively making and shipping out heparan sulfate chains.

Why would it do this? As astonishing as this may sound, one is tempted to conclude that a tumor cell is altruistic—it is providing a continual stream of fragments of heparan sulfate to the vasculature with the explicit goal of fixing a severe pathology that would otherwise lead to the death of the organism.
Or maybe this is not altruism but rather self-preservation. After all, if the blood supply to the tumor fails, the tumor itself will die.
Careful examination of the evidence leads to the inevitable conclusion that the tumor is not the problem. In fact, it is the solution! Sugar is piling up in the blood because the cells are unable to utilize it as fuel. This is a direct consequence of insufficient sulfate in the pancreas, leading to an inability to manufacture insulin,39 and insufficient sulfate in the extracellular matrix of all the cells, leading to insulin resistance.36 The tumor cell can perform a wonderful service by sucking all that sugar out of the blood and replacing it with lactate. Lactate is a beautiful fuel—its negative charge helps to alleviate blood acidification, and it does not glycate blood proteins, such as hemoglobin and ApoB in LDL, a huge problem with glucose and other blood sugars. And the tumor is producing estrone sulfate and heparan sulfate and releasing them into the blood, supplying the essential nutrients that can restore the blood’s stability to prevent blood clots and hemorrhages.

She offers no solution for reversing cancer, only some strategies for protection/prevention. Interestingly enough, in her latest interview with Patrick Timpone (OneRadioNetwork) she said she is now living on a island in Hawaii, with ready access to a lot of organic foods. And of course, beaches, salt water and sunshine. Unfortunately I don't think any Hawaiian island is big enough for all of us :wink



Jun 19, 2017
the tumor is clearing the excess glucose from the blood and replacing it with an abundance of lactate to provide usable fuel for the critical organs like the heart and the brain.

Would it mean that, at extreme, No sugar at all in the blood (say, on a keto diet) --> nothing for tumors to clear and -- voilà -- a strategy to prevent cancer ??

Lactate is a beautiful fuel

How poetic (and without substance)...
Isn't it known that the glycolysis producing lactate is less efficient in terms of ATP production that the one producing CO2?
(see, e.g., Metabolic Reprogramming: A Cancer Hallmark Even Warburg Did Not Anticipate).

Honestly, I am getting disappointed in Dr. Seneff's recommendations.
I did learn from her that glyphosate substitutes for glycine in our human organisms. But now I will have to try to find this statement in other sources too. If anyone has pointers on where to look please post. Thanks!


That was laughable.
The things people say just to become noticed.
The logic is so bizarre: the thing that can potentially kill you is necessary to clear the thing you're assuming to be a problem where in a tumor/cancer-free state it isn't a problem and so the actual problem, the tumor/cancer, is some how a necessary solution. Laughable.
Is she aware that lactate gets turned back into glucose - you know, the "problem" - albeit it is energetically costly.
Cancer not using it's mitochondria to produce energy is the exact definition of "anti-life" promoting i.e. primordial.
The fact that for example a cholesterol substance is produced in the presence of cancer tells you the body, once again, is in a defensive state. It doesn't mean you want the cancer.
The fact your body produces lactate in a hypoxic state is a last-ditch defense mechanism to stay alive. It doesn't you want hypoxia.


Jun 19, 2017
I agree with your exposing the bizarre logic, @jb116, but, for the record, want to point out that, according to Ray Peat, there is actually such a system/ thing that
can potentially kill you is necessary to clear the thing you're assuming to be a problem

It is called the immune system: Its function is to clear the debris (a problem) and it potentially can kill you (e.g., as anaphylactic shock or some other strong immune reaction).


I agree with your exposing the bizarre logic, @jb116, but, for the record, want to point out that, according to Ray Peat, there is actually such a system/ thing that

It is called the immune system: Its function is to clear the debris (a problem) and it potentially can kill you (e.g., as anaphylactic shock or some other strong immune reaction).
Sure I can agree with that, but there's a danger in recognizing the end products or end process as beneficial. So to use the immune system, a pursuing damage in which the immune system continuously cleans up debris, it should be all about addressing that chronic damage instigating such a response. That's very different than addressing a necessary evil as beneficial rather than "a necessary evil." Otherwise the analogy would be Peat saying something like "let the immune system keep being destructive rather than getting to the heart of the real issue." Clearly, that would be insane. Reading her stuff, you can't help but feel a twisted "positive" spin on not such great things.


Mar 29, 2016
he tumor is clearing the excess glucose from the blood
But why is there excess glucose in the first place? If the cause is a sulfate deficiency, then I would buy the argument that the tumor is addressing that deficiency. But excess glucose is a metabolic problem, not a sulfate deficiency problem. Would it be better to deal with the metabolic problem that will resolve the tumor problem?

abundance of lactate to provide usable fuel for the critical organs like the heart and the brain.
How does lactate provide usable fuel to these organs? Doesn't it have to covert to glucose through the liver to become usable, and wouldn't this be counterproductive in that it uses a lot of energy? Or to fats first?

Granted, if sulfate deficiency is indeed the problem, why not just supplement with chondroitin sulfate or other sulfur sources, and the tumor would lose its raison d'etre?
Last edited:


Jun 19, 2017
Sure I can agree with that, but there's a danger in recognizing the end products or end process as beneficial. So to use the immune system, a pursuing damage in which the immune system continuously cleans up debris, it should be all about addressing that chronic damage instigating such a response. That's very different than addressing a necessary evil as beneficial rather than "a necessary evil." Otherwise the analogy would be Peat saying something like "let the immune system keep being destructive rather than getting to the heart of the real issue." Clearly, that would be insane. Reading her stuff, you can't help but feel a twisted "positive" spin on not such great things.

Agreed :):


Mar 29, 2016
Lactate is a beautiful fuel—its negative charge helps to alleviate blood acidification
I'm also confused here. How is lactic acid not acidic?


Jun 19, 2017
I'm also confused here. How is lactic acid not acidic?

Maybe, here Dr. Seneff likens the lactic acid to carbonic acid (!) in function, where the latter carries out calcium and sodium ions out of the cell thereby alkalizing the blood.


Mar 29, 2016
Maybe, here Dr. Seneff likens the lactic acid to carbonic acid (!) in function, where the latter carries out calcium and sodium ions out of the cell thereby alkalizing the blood.
Thanks as it can probably do that in the same capacity as carbonic acid. But then the body will just have to deal with the burden of an acid in its ecf, which cannot be expelled thru the lungs as carbonic acid can, and will put the body in an energy-wasting mode of putting more effort on its kidneys to compensate for increased ecf acidity. And then there's the tissue oxygenation issue - where there will be hypoxia which perpetuates the production of lactate as a result of anaerobic glycolysis.


Jun 19, 2017
where there will be hypoxia which perpetuates the production of lactate as a result of anaerobic glycolysis.

yeah, a vicious cycle and a bunch of damage from lactate while the cycle persists.
I recall that I've heard that the amount of lactate in the body is a bio-marker for cancer: If lactate is elevated beyond a certain threshold, they just start looking for cancer anywhere in the body even without other signs present.


Mar 29, 2014
The logic is so bizarre: the thing that can potentially kill you is necessary to clear the thing you're assuming to be a problem where in a tumor/cancer-free state it isn't a problem and so the actual problem, the tumor/cancer, is some how a necessary solution.
The fact that for example a cholesterol substance is produced in the presence of cancer tells you the body, once again, is in a defensive state. It doesn't mean you want the cancer.
The fact your body produces lactate in a hypoxic state is a last-ditch defense mechanism to stay alive. It doesn't you want hypoxia.
I haven't read the rest of Seneff's material, so I don't know if she proposes or rules out other better solutions, and I don't have a good grasp on the detail.
But I read that passage as her providing a providing a possible explanation for why cancerous tumours develop - that they can develop as a consequence of trying to do something about a problem (or problems) - lack of sulphate, lack of energy - not that having cancerous tumours is ideal in itself?

I don't know if there is good reason for her speculations - I don't understand enough to assess critically. Does anyone here? Is lack of sulphate a problem and could it be a plausible contributor to tumour growth?
If so, can it be remedied in sensible ways?


Mar 27, 2018
I haven't read the rest of Seneff's material, so I don't know if she proposes or rules out other better solutions, and I don't have a good grasp on the detail.
But I read that passage as her providing a providing a possible explanation for why cancerous tumours develop - that they can develop as a consequence of trying to do something about a problem (or problems) - lack of sulphate, lack of energy - not that having cancerous tumours is ideal in itself?

I don't know if there is good reason for her speculations - I don't understand enough to assess critically. Does anyone here? Is lack of sulphate a problem and could it be a plausible contributor to tumour growth?
If so, can it be remedied in sensible ways?

She suggests people eat high-sulfur foods, the foods which most people here already eat:

Her recommendations are in line with Peat.

The only foods where she and RP differ are that she suggests the Brassica family of veggies - broccoli, cabbage, etc. the high sulfur veggies.

All the high sulfur veggies are also Goitrogens/Thyroid-blocking and high fiber.

Broccoli is also jokingly said to make people fart, because of the sulfur and high fiber.


Aug 23, 2018
She suggests people eat high-sulfur foods, the foods which most people here already eat:

Her recommendations are in line with Peat.

The only foods where she and RP differ are that she suggests the Brassica family of veggies - broccoli, cabbage, etc. the high sulfur veggies.

All the high sulfur veggies are also Goitrogens/Thyroid-blocking and high fiber.

Broccoli is also jokingly said to make people fart, because of the sulfur and high fiber.

She also recommends a weekly Epsom salt bath.


I haven't read the rest of Seneff's material, so I don't know if she proposes or rules out other better solutions, and I don't have a good grasp on the detail.
But I read that passage as her providing a providing a possible explanation for why cancerous tumours develop - that they can develop as a consequence of trying to do something about a problem (or problems) - lack of sulphate, lack of energy - not that having cancerous tumours is ideal in itself?

I don't know if there is good reason for her speculations - I don't understand enough to assess critically. Does anyone here? Is lack of sulphate a problem and could it be a plausible contributor to tumour growth?
If so, can it be remedied in sensible ways?
Actually she doesn't really provide an explanation but instead a dangerous conclusion based on a faulty presumption. That's why it is how she is saying certain things that is not only ridiculous sounding but wrong, sequentially and philosophically. In her wording, she is making out cancer to be some kind of a hero and if you read between the lines, the ole too familiar attack on sugar is right there: "as sugar piles up in the blood." With her wording, it quite simple the take-away that sugar piling up in the blood is the problem and cancer to the rescue because somehow the person is lacking sulfur. Sorry but that sounds idiotic. There is in general, what I notice, even from Peat at times, a premise that is the foundation for a way of thinking and it can create errors. One of my criticisms here has been the trying too hard to attribute purpose to a sequence of actions. In fact, from my nietzsche thread from 3 years ago, I tried to explain my stance from a philosophical point of view and that it is at that juncture precisely where I disagree with Peat. I of course do not disagree with him practically and nutritionally. But this person is going to the extreme with the idea of "purpose" and in essence is flipping the tenses to absurd degree. Reading between her lines: cancer is a hero and lactate is a superior fuel, and yea sugar is the enemy.


Apr 30, 2015
Sounds like a way worse explanation then cholesterol sulfate deficiency being tied to heart disease. At least in that case, there is ample clinical evidence of chondroitin sulfate really helping arteries and the heart.


Oct 21, 2013
But excess glucose is a metabolic problem, not a sulfate deficiency problem.
Yes to the first part, but are we sure sulfate deficiency is not a part of the metabolic puzzle? One of her basic research tenets is that glyphosate subs for glycine, causing all these detrimental problems, and sulfate helps to stop that substitution (I think).

Granted, if sulfate deficiency is indeed the problem, why not just supplement with chondroitin sulfate or other sulfur sources, and the tumor would lose its raison d'etre?
This was my question too. Why does the tumor then eventually kill the patient, why would the body have a cure worse than the disease, and why would not additional sulfur bring back balance? There are plenty of people out there taking sulfur, and stories of it curing cancer have not made the rounds yet.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
This was my question too. Why does the tumor then eventually kill the patient, why would the body have a cure worse than the disease, and why would not additional sulfur bring back balance? There are plenty of people out there taking sulfur, and stories of it curing cancer have not made the rounds yet.

Well, without the cancer, maybe the individual would die even quicker? So how do we know the cure is worse than the disease?

We do know that certain drugs that forcefully alleviate certain symptoms such as high cholesterol (statin drugs) indeed DO cause quicker death, after all.
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