Low Toxin Supplements Can someone smarter than me look at Fenugreek?


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May 20, 2013
In general, the principles of a Low Vitamin A / Low Toxin Diet would say skip an herbal like Fenugreek (such as using the seeds to make tea). It seems to be a source of Vitamin A, although the amounts listed vary wildly by source, and Iron and may be estrogenic.

But other studies suggest that it's very liver protective. can help stop bile from crystalizing into gallstones, can help reduce toxicity from metals like aluminum (and maybe copper?) , has soluble fiber and can help the gut microbiome.

So...it's a confusing one. Thoughts?


Jul 25, 2020
There is an old book, "Back to Eden" by Jethro Kloss (c) 1939, with reference to Fenugreek seed being used as a poultice for wounds and inflammation. pg. 239
The directions are to grind the seed, make into a thick paste, mix with powdered charcoal. . . " The charcoal makes the poultice more effective. Treating ulcers and swelling in this manner will prevent blood poisoning. The tea is an excellent gargle for sore throat" - I seem to remember gargling with it once. Sea-salt gargle or listerine works better for me. I boiled it as a tea once. Never used it as a poultice.


Jun 6, 2016
"A 34 year-old female without medical history who had an uncomplicated vaginal delivery 3 months prior presented with acute onset right upper quadrant abdominal pain and several episodes of emesis. The patient took no prescription medications; however, she had been taking fenugreek for the past 6-8 weeks to enhance her milk production in the setting of mild difficulty with lactation. (...) The patient had a severe transaminitis, with AST/ALT levels reaching 5720/2164 during the hospital stay. Right upper quadrant ultrasound and CT abdomen and pelvis with contrast revealed subhepatic fluid consistent with acute liver injury without dilatation of common bile duct or stones in a post-cholecystectomy patient. (...) Her transaminitis slowly resolved without further intervention. She was discharged home and told to avoid any herbal supplements indefinitely."

In general, the principles of a Low Vitamin A / Low Toxin Diet would say skip an herbal

Generally yes. But practically it's not that simple. Sometimes you need symptom control. The problem is rather that no one really knows what specific herbs do in the context of detoxification and a lifestyle that avoids toxicity.

The entire herbal medicine acts on the background of a toxic life. Many of these herbs have great effects against certain symptoms. But there has been no research done on the question how this applies to a life without toxicity.

In an ideal world without toxicity, no herb would be needed, because they are just band-aids, suppressing cellular detoxification.

So without good information, one has to be cautious with all herbs.

All spices need to be regarded as medicine. All medicinal herbs obviously as well. And in that regard, any medicine should only be taken for a couple days or weeks to correct a specific acute problem.


Sep 12, 2015
Do you want to look like and have the bowel function of the people that consume the most fenugreek?


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May 20, 2013
Thank you all for sharing your thoughts.

I was curious and tried a cup of fenugreek seed powder as a tea, for two days in a row. I can see it's not for me. Made me feel hot and inflamed almost immediately. And not hot in a niacin flush way, more of the estrogenic kick I think.

I'll be taking a hard pass on this one.
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