Can anything be done to stop/slow down my 9 year old daughter starting puberty?


Feb 18, 2018
The main mechanism is likely the lowered fat mass from using those muscles and burning energy instead of storing it. Females have to reach critical fatness before they menstruate, as well as to keep ovulating/menstruating. Besides burning energy, having interests away from food are really important. "Healthy" snacks are not much better than junk if they aren't needed.

-Increase fiber to stop the recycling of estrogens from the digestive tract back into citculation
-Decrease caloric density by using whole foods naturally low in fat and rich in water (ie rice and pasta vs bread/crackers, oatmeal vs cereal, nonfat yogurt vs cheese, no oil!)
-Increase physical fitness to increase the muscle/fat ratio

Being a "fussy" eater is an advantage because it means she will lean out easily without the processed stuff around. We fostered and then adopted a few of our girls and they were squishy couch potatoes (toddler, preschool, and 1st grade). In a matter of days they were eating like us, but at first they just hardly ate because they were used to fast food, animal crackers, etc and so they detoxed quickly. The pediatrician was so happy and couldn't believe they reached healthy bmi that fast. I never restricted how much food they ate at meals - I made sure they sat down to three good meals and in the afternoon yogurt with fruit for snack. Nothing but water between. We biked, swam, went to the park, did something every day.

This is the way.

A diet exclusively comprised of whole foods. All other junk has to be completely removed.

If this isn't feasible because she has to have pizza/hotdogs/crackers/etc... and will throw tantrums without them then you are dealing with a food addiction and should be treated accordingly.


Apr 28, 2018
Way back I read about young children or even babies developing breasts due to estrogen in food. Soy products contain, as I remember, estrogen or estrogen mimicking substances. Dairy may also contain estrogen. Municipal water may be contaminated with estrogen from birth control pills. Use a reverse osmosis water filter. Certain meats may contain estrogen, so use only organic meat.
This. ALL mainstream grocery store meat/milk animals are saturated with growth hormones. How else do you explain the explosive growth of Americans in height, shoe size, arm length since the 1970s? It is a matter of record girls budding breasts at 9, 10 because of this. Yes soy, estrogens, but direct ingestion of hormone laden dairy and meat is #1. This info has been around for 50yrs. Go watch a 1968 episode of StarTrek for normal size Americans before hormones in the foodchain.
Mar 25, 2021
I think you should try to find an endocrinologist who knows what they are doing. That search can be shortened by asking local pharmacists which doctors prescribe desiccated thyroid. NP Thyroid, made by Acella, is an excellent prescription desiccated thyroid product. If the endo is knowledgeable enough to prescribe it, chances are they are better than most doctors out there.

My sister hit puberty at age 9. Our mother only used PUFA for cooking. The high estrogen made my sister extremely volatile and she became violent. She was diagnosed with schizophrenia around age 19. She never recovered. I'm not in the camp that believes to just let nature take its course. Thyroid supplementation may be extremely helpful. And avoiding PUFA like the poison that it is.

One question: does your daughter have any amalgam fillings in her mouth?
I’ve heard similar stories and it terrifies me, hence this thread. We’re from the U.K. so the problem is even if she’s diagnosed hypothyroid they only prescribe T4 here. It’s definitively worth getting the diagnosis tho, we could try to get that NP shipped over. The pufa thing is super important i know. We have to keep chipping away with her gently. She has absolutely no fillings whatsoever.


May 13, 2015
I’ve heard similar stories and it terrifies me, hence this thread. We’re from the U.K. so the problem is even if she’s diagnosed hypothyroid they only prescribe T4 here. It’s definitively worth getting the diagnosis tho, we could try to get that NP shipped over. The pufa thing is super important i know. We have to keep chipping away with her gently. She has absolutely no fillings whatsoever.
Great news about the fillings! Heavy metals are endocrine disrupters. Hang in there and keep at it about the PUFA. It really is a killer. Tell her it will giver her elephant toes and none of her shoes will fit ever again.


May 13, 2015
My kids went through early puberty. Doctor didn't seem too concerned because they are so tall.
Growing tall = high human growth hormone (HGH). Estrogen increases HGH. It's complicated. The concern is about the negative stressful effects of high estrogen. High estrogen taxes the liver and lowers its ability to convert T4 into T3, which can result in hypothyroidism. both estrogen and HGH are stressful hormones.



Jan 17, 2016
Growing tall = high human growth hormone (HGH). Estrogen increases HGH. It's complicated. The concern is about the negative stressful effects of high estrogen. High estrogen taxes the liver and lowers its ability to convert T4 into T3, which can result in hypothyroidism. both estrogen and HGH are stressful hormones.

They have terrible acne.
Mar 25, 2021
Growing tall = high human growth hormone (HGH). Estrogen increases HGH. It's complicated. The concern is about the negative stressful effects of high estrogen. High estrogen taxes the liver and lowers its ability to convert T4 into T3, which can result in hypothyroidism. both estrogen and HGH are stressful hormones.

My daughter is the tallest out of all the girls in her class and I think there’s only one boy taller than her. Me and my wife are not tall.


May 13, 2015
They have terrible acne.
Toxin load? leaky gut? My acne was the worst when my gut lining integrity was the worst. My leaky gut has healed since I've been supplementing with high dose thiamine hcl and magnesium; my skin is clear. Although Ray Peat recommended thiamine and magnesium to heal the gut, this isn't what he mentioned when asked about acne.

You can go here: bioenergetic search and search for Acne to learn what Peat recommended for acne.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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