Can anything be done to stop/slow down my 9 year old daughter starting puberty?

Mar 25, 2021
Hi pals, I’m curious if there’s any options to help pause/slow down my 9 year old daughter hitting puberty … which I know is extremely early and unhealthy. She’s a fussy eater so her diet isn’t the best. I know estrogen is an issue with this so would Progest-e or Pregnenolone be a safe option for a girl her age? Any knowledge and ideas would be grand.



Mar 26, 2014
Get those PUFAs out of her diet before you start messing with exogenous hormones!


Jun 6, 2016
Vitamin E may delay puberty. I know of a situation where it worked in a 9-year old girl actually. She had to take vitamin E 1-2 times per day to prevent the typical signs of puberty. After a couple months, she was able to do a break of a couple days without immediate issues. I don't remember the product she took, but I think it was gamma E by Now Foods.

Don't give her hormones! The progesterone was what actually started the early puberty for the above-mentioned girl.

When I asked Ray Peat about this, he just said he doesn't trust the specific brand of progesterone (Ona's Natural).
Mar 25, 2021
Vitamin E may delay puberty. I know of a situation where it worked in a 9-year old girl actually. She had to take vitamin E 1-2 times per day to prevent the typical signs of puberty. After a couple months, she was able to do a break of a couple days without immediate issues. I don't remember the product she took, but I think it was gamma E by Now Foods.

Don't give her hormones! The progesterone was what actually started the early puberty for the above-mentioned girl.

When I asked Ray Peat about this, he just said he doesn't trust the specific brand of progesterone (Ona's Natural).
That’s great. I’ll definitely be looking into this 👍🏻


Sep 21, 2014
Dr. Peat was asked about the same topic in this interview (starting at 00:35:40). Thyroid seemed to be the issue here and he mentioned Vitamin D and good diet in general.

I definitely agree on the PUFA. I suppose the problem is McDonalds food and stuff like that in her leisure time with friends?
Mar 21, 2014
Do not try drugging your daughter to prevent puberty. It happens early in some people, and the trend of it happening earlier and earlier is probably not ideal, but there is no safe way to block or prevent it... trying to do so could border on child abuse, and could cause major health and developmental problems, as well as risk having her taken away by CPS.

Have a healthy low stress lifestyle with nutritious food, lots of play, outdoor time, and social interaction, and trust her body to develop in the right way on it's own. Certainly if you find something lacking in her diet, adjust it... but do not give her drugs or hormones to try to block puberty.
Mar 25, 2021
Dr. Peat was asked about the same topic in this interview (starting at 00:35:40). Thyroid seemed to be the issue here and he mentioned Vitamin D and good diet in general.

I definitely agree on the PUFA. I suppose the problem is McDonalds food and stuff like that in her leisure time with friends?
Ah, great. I have suspected thyroid, her hands can get freezing. Not just McDonald’s but her general diet. She’s very fussy and will only eat certain things that are not of the Peat variety. We’ve had many a meltdown about it.
Mar 25, 2021
Do not try drugging your daughter to prevent puberty. It happens early in some people, and the trend of it happening earlier and earlier is probably not ideal, but there is no safe way to block or prevent it... trying to do so could border on child abuse, and could cause major health and developmental problems, as well as risk having her taken away by CPS.

Have a healthy low stress lifestyle with nutritious food, lots of play, outdoor time, and social interaction, and trust her body to develop in the right way on it's own. Certainly if you find something lacking in her diet, adjust it... but do not give her drugs or hormones to try to block puberty.
There’s no drugging happening here. I’m looking for advice and natural methods to help restore whatever balance she’s lost. Thanks for your concern tho. I think a lot of this is down to a stressy birth mixed with a rubbish diet etc.


Feb 14, 2022
I'm also highly interested is this topic, as my daughter may also likely need to have her puberty delayed.

Does anybody knows the hormonal way to do this? I am 100% certain that half measures with Vit E or Thyroid will NOT work. And when trying to delay puberty, there is no time for games.

I guess it will come down to delaying estrogen production, but I'd like to see what others know.
Mar 25, 2021
I'm also highly interested is this topic, as my daughter may also likely need to have her puberty delayed.

Does anybody knows the hormonal way to do this? I am 100% certain that half measures with Vit E or Thyroid will NOT work. And when trying to delay puberty, there is no time for games.

I guess it will come down to delaying estrogen production, but I'd like to see what others know.
I’ve done research, read Broda Barnes books etc but I’m still nervous about trying her on thyroid. Could be the thing tho.


Her diet looks good. What about water - does she drink tap water? Endocrine disrupting compounds in water could be a problem.
Mar 25, 2021
Her diet looks good. What about water - does she drink tap water? Endocrine disrupting compounds in water could be a problem.
Her diets not the best to be honest. Cereal, sweets, crisps, chicken nuggets, pizza etc. We try to get as much Peat stuff in her belly as we can. Not much water these days. Mostly oj, apple juice and a glass or two of milk per day. I think it could be a stressful C- section birth that’s messed up her stress hormones. She had really bad colic for the first year and then she developed really bad night terrors. The night terrors have simmered down now tho and she only has them when she’s got a cold or run down.
Mar 21, 2014
I’m still nervous about trying her on thyroid. Could be the thing tho.

This is a good common sense instinct to protect her, listen to it. Leave her alone, and accept her as is, she is a perfectly healthy normal girl. If her diet is mostly garbage junk food, of course keep trying to make it better, as long as you can do so in a gentle and kind way.


Feb 14, 2022
.... "perfectly healthy normal girl" who may hate you because she is only 140cm tall because noone thought early puberty may not be that good


Oct 11, 2016
Hi pals, I’m curious if there’s any options to help pause/slow down my 9 year old daughter hitting puberty … which I know is extremely early and unhealthy. She’s a fussy eater so her diet isn’t the best. I know estrogen is an issue with this so would Progest-e or Pregnenolone be a safe option for a girl her age? Any knowledge and ideas would be grand.

Does she have a father in the home? Is she around strangers all day and not her parents? They go through puberty early because they know deep down they need to be able to reproduce for safety. In the modern world the parents send the children out to be educated by the government, which is clearly trying to do population control on the children. Not only don't the parents care, but most of them do everything to avoid knowing this so they won't have to face it.


Feb 5, 2019
My puberty was delayed to age 17 and I am very grateful for it, as I had a happy and long childhood and was able to focus on school/music/etc. And supposedly 17 was normal in Japan a hundred years ago anyway?Getting those hormones down by eating a very low fat diet rich in fiber, based on John McDougalls heart disease program (for my Dad). I was also active in dance and loved swimming, aerobics, everything like that. I went to the gym for fun to destress when not in dance or swim season. FWIW my mom gave me one grain of thyroid daily starting at age 11 or so because I was a bit low energy. She also gave me b12 shots weekly that had liver extract and I ate a giant raw carrot after school every day to make it to dinner. Never touched fluoride. We ate huge portions of potatoes, rice, pasta, oatmeal, plenty of fruit and oj, and veggies. My lunch was mainly Ezekiel bread with lowfat cottage cheese or yogurt, everything else vegan.
Looking back at it, I ate plenty of food but I was very lean - too lean to mentruate until late in high school. Nobody ate snacks back then either or had fancy coffee drinks/snoothies or at least I didn't (the 90s) Kids today just put on weight so easily with all the tasty things and when girls have enough body fat, they are going to develop. So, we have to fill them with foods that are less calorically dense, get them moving, and get the fiber in to keep estrogens from recycling.


Feb 18, 2018
Her diets not the best to be honest. Cereal, sweets, crisps, chicken nuggets, pizza etc. We try to get as much Peat stuff in her belly as we can. Not much water these days. Mostly oj, apple juice and a glass or two of milk per day. I think it could be a stressful C- section birth that’s messed up her stress hormones. She had really bad colic for the first year and then she developed really bad night terrors. The night terrors have simmered down now tho and she only has them when she’s got a cold or run down.

There's not much you can control when she's away, but at least when she's home you can ensure that she stays well fed with quality foods.

Meat/rice/potatoes/veg and then fruit should be staples as well as milk. You should just throw away all the other junk foods that she shouldn't be eating so that there's no option for those when at the house. If you don't have sweets/pizza/cereals/etc... then she'll have no choice but to eat nourishing foods if she's hungry.
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