
Feb 26, 2018


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Surprised this hasn't been posted in this thread. Beware, taking this product could land you in the ER.


Lol, did you forget to take your mental meds? Psychotic shill.

That last comment in your screenshot is just rich - "should be back to normal by tomorrow". Dead giveaway that your entire post is a lie. No doctor in ER ever tells his/her patients such idiocy. ER doctors are under orders to NEVER make such statements, as if the patient is truly seriously ill this can provide false comfort and discourage the patient from coming back if they get worse. "Oh, you came to the ER with symptoms of a heart attack. No worries, you should be OK by tomorrow." /S It would have been funny if it was not so pathetic.
Second lie - a timeline. No ER doctor will say you will recover "by tomorrow". Even a GP won't say such nonsense as giving a concrete timeline of recovery is impossible for most conditions, and is virtually never done for something that can land a person in the ER.

Stop lying! See a doctor immediately, but this time for real! You are strikingly mentally ill and a threat to yourself and others! Go to a mental hospital ASAP!


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This person simply had an allergic reaction, this could happen with any supplement or just eating shrimps.

If this was supposed to be a try to make people more careful ,it was weird one. Seems more like an attack on this forum and haidut in particular.

See my response to him/her immediately above. Yes, it is nothing but an attack on the forum and me. Also, look at the posts from this user. Only 20 since 2018 and 90% of them attacks on our products or insulting others who said good things about the products, or harassing people and calling them dumb for other things they did/tried.


Feb 26, 2018
not consistently sorry, was caught up in the covid/lockdown/vaxx mandate thing on here
No worries . But when you did it . It still worked for you ?


Jun 16, 2021
When I use camphosal through the naval rout I get hard crystals in my belly button. Has anyone else experienced this? I fear it could be dangerous.


Jun 4, 2021
Do you think using camphosal daily long term is safe ? My wife took 15 drops with activated charcoal for 10 days and got sooo better of hers sibo symptoms ( mainly bloating , constipation and pain) , but when she stops some of the symptoms starts to return .
Since xifaxan is safe long term , can camphosal, as a antisseptic and less strong thank real antibiotics , be safer ?


Forum Supporter
Feb 10, 2016
Do you think using camphosal daily long term is safe ? My wife took 15 drops with activated charcoal for 10 days and got sooo better of hers sibo symptoms ( mainly bloating , constipation and pain) , but when she stops some of the symptoms starts to return .
Since xifaxan is safe long term , can camphosal, as a antisseptic and less strong thank real antibiotics , be safer ?
Unsure, but it helped me a lot with my GI problems but I can't take it for more than few days in a row; it consistantly caused sharp rectal pains.


Oct 21, 2018
Just throwing my experience into the ring using this as a deodorant. I am a 38yo 5'11" 205lb man with a 425lb deadlift. I like my saturated fat, and it shows in my midsection. That aside, my diet is very Peat inspired. I am not a fitness model and do not trim my armpit hair.

On a normal day I wear short sleeves. Both in the gym and out it has proven to be quite effective. As long as they're getting some air, there's no odor besides the camphoric acid (which itself isn't the most pleasant scent, but subtle enough to be acceptable).

However, on weekends I am an entertainer. I wear a suit and sweat in it. Unfortunately it is NOT effective at ALL when everything is closed up in there and there's no opportunity for evaporation. I would go so far as to say it might be worse than nothing. I had nights I smelled downright rancid and had to make an extra trip to the dry cleaners.

I refuse to put aluminum on my skin so day to day I use CamphoSal, but for gigs I have gone back to my previous best solution which is Arm & Hammer Essentials. (Homemade baking soda based experiments have proved to be too irritating and/or messy.)


Dec 11, 2020
Ive been using camphosal off and on since finding it a year and half ago i think. Been tweaking my regimens on all fronts a lot these last couple of months and really focusing on intestine at moment. Based upon this thread, Ive been doing a course of camphosal 25 drops (on day 6 although tried just 12 yesterday and jumped back up today) with 1 1/2 tsp granular charcoal powder from health natura. today just added 1/16 tsp lidocaine powder and another 1/2 tsp charcoal (total of 2 tsp) to the mixture when i saw the posts about lidocaine with grated carrot healing intestinal inflammation.

Based upon my lifelong experience of trying to balance the intestine, attacking unfavorable bacteria without healing the intestine seems to boomerang in a vicious cycle. I have been thinking very much about this aspect- soothing and healing and strengthening the intestine and have tried many things over the years ( i thought a product from microbiome labs called megamucosa helped but not sure it is best solution and dont think Dr. Peat likes it); but when i saw the post about lidocaine with the carrot, a light bulb went on and it makes complete sense to me that the trifecta of charcoal or raw carrot, camphosal and lidocaine might be the answer. Will keep you posted of the results!


May 10, 2018
Ive been using camphosal off and on since finding it a year and half ago i think. Been tweaking my regimens on all fronts a lot these last couple of months and really focusing on intestine at moment. Based upon this thread, Ive been doing a course of camphosal 25 drops (on day 6 although tried just 12 yesterday and jumped back up today) with 1 1/2 tsp granular charcoal powder from health natura. today just added 1/16 tsp lidocaine powder and another 1/2 tsp charcoal (total of 2 tsp) to the mixture when i saw the posts about lidocaine with grated carrot healing intestinal inflammation.

Based upon my lifelong experience of trying to balance the intestine, attacking unfavorable bacteria without healing the intestine seems to boomerang in a vicious cycle. I have been thinking very much about this aspect- soothing and healing and strengthening the intestine and have tried many things over the years ( i thought a product from microbiome labs called megamucosa helped but not sure it is best solution and dont think Dr. Peat likes it); but when i saw the post about lidocaine with the carrot, a light bulb went on and it makes complete sense to me that the trifecta of charcoal or raw carrot, camphosal and lidocaine might be the answer. Will keep you posted of the results!
I’m really excited to hear your results. I have a feeling this is going to work really well. Definitely keep us posted!


Dec 11, 2020
I will continue to report but i must say only one hour after this trifecta combination- i feel it- a calming and soothing effect to my intestine. Like others here, when killing off pathogenic bacteria my intestine also reacts with irritation and inflammation symptoms. With the addition of the lidocaine that is not happening. For those of you who reacted negatively to camphosal with irritation, try adding the lidocaine and it may solve the issue. I am already feeling the results only one hour after the concoction. I will do it again tomorrow and update you.


May 10, 2018
I will continue to report but i must say only one hour after this trifecta combination- i feel it- a calming and soothing effect to my intestine. Like others here, when killing off pathogenic bacteria my intestine also reacts with irritation and inflammation symptoms. With the addition of the lidocaine that is not happening. For those of you who reacted negatively to camphosal with irritation, try adding the lidocaine and it may solve the issue. I am already feeling the results only one hour after the concoction. I will do it again tomorrow and update you.
Phenomenal, great stuff. This should compound and the benefits will keep coming. Look forward to hearing your updates.


Jul 3, 2014
This supp completely got rid of my stubborn white tongue after about 3 weeks of using it. Can't say I've seen much improvement in bowel movements tho but maybe a little
How often where you using it during this period?


Dec 11, 2020
Update- I did a 10 day regimen of 2 tsp activated glanular charcoal and 25 drops camphosal (one day i tried a tablespoon charcoal and another day 12 drops of camphosal instead). As i shared, about on day 6, based upon reading this thread, i had light bulb go on and added 1/16 tsp of lidocaine powder to the mixture for days 6 -10 with profound effect. the lidocaine felt very healing and soothing and mitigated irritation from the other ingredients as some people have reported here. so decided to stop after 10 days with the exception that i am continuing the 1/16 tsp of lidocaine with my white carrot as it has such a healing effect on my intestine which had gotten quite irritated and disrupted in September with shifts in living and lifestyle. Now that ive stopped the charcoal and camphosal, my intestine is feeling very calm and much better. I still have some fine tuning and and am continuing with colostrum/immunoglobulins (Dr. Peat recommends these) and sporebiotics ( experimenting with Just Thrive and extra bacillus subtillis and clausi and coagulans and saccromyces boulardi. i really feel like im getting somewhere.


Apr 5, 2016
Anyone have any studies showing potential antiviral of the ingredients in this product?

I assume given its similarity to aspirin which has been shown to be antiviral that this would have similar properties but perhaps even more powerful.


Dec 11, 2020
Has anyone used this directly alongside an antibiotic course (I’ve got a sinus infection). Ive always liked taking antifungals alongside antibiotics to stop any fungal overgrowth. I’m wondering if camphosal would replace the antifungals here? Thanks in advance for your help!
Any feedback on this? ore even if it could work itself for sinus infection? i seem to be nursing one and started camphosal again yesterday with charcoal once and later with a carrot yesterday. today just one full dose so far. my intestine was great today but not sure its working on the sinus infection which i think resulted from severe chemical sensitivity reactions over the weekend. i have amoxicillin 875 tablets and am inclined to start, but perhaps cut them and do smaller dose and take it peat style while continuing the camphosal and my sporebiotics, florastor and IGG. thoughts?
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