
The only fast that I believe can be useful is refraining from protein for a few meals, or at most 48 hours. I do see the pointof fasting in spiritual practices, but I find it to be unnecessary.
well, its a super fast and awesome way to get rid of a lot of pufa and clean out the gut :) just saying.


Aug 16, 2016
@haidut said:

The complete sterilization protocol includes 5 of them I think, which is probably an overkill and potentially dangerous. Regular penicillin, amoxycillin, tetracyclines, etc are probably the safest. Peat responded to a few people over email about that so it you search the thread with his email you will find more. He mentioned a few other he thought are safe.

I'm stuffed with PUFAs after 60+ years of heavy consumption. Avoid it for the last 2 years. Not w/big success.
I really need to clean my gut, and now this occasion - diagnosed w/H. Pylori after gastroscopia, Dr. prescribed Metronidazole 500 mg, 2/day, Clarithromycin 500 mg, 2 times/day, for two weeks. Can I use it to kill ''two enemies''?
He warned me it would be hard - nausea, weakness, headache etc,etc.
Are these antibiotics too strong? Need advice - is it worthwhile that suffer? (stress)?
I'm allergic to penicillin and not sensitive (by test) to tetracycline.
Nov 21, 2015
@haidut said:

The complete sterilization protocol includes 5 of them I think, which is probably an overkill and potentially dangerous. Regular penicillin, amoxycillin, tetracyclines, etc are probably the safest. Peat responded to a few people over email about that so it you search the thread with his email you will find more. He mentioned a few other he thought are safe.

I'm stuffed with PUFAs after 60+ years of heavy consumption. Avoid it for the last 2 years. Not w/big success.
I really need to clean my gut, and now this occasion - diagnosed w/H. Pylori after gastroscopia, Dr. prescribed Metronidazole 500 mg, 2/day, Clarithromycin 500 mg, 2 times/day, for two weeks. Can I use it to kill ''two enemies''?
He warned me it would be hard - nausea, weakness, headache etc,etc.
Are these antibiotics too strong? Need advice - is it worthwhile that suffer? (stress)?
I'm allergic to penicillin and not sensitive (by test) to tetracycline.

I wouldn’t. Sounds stressful. There are easier remedies and getting thyroid higher that can help in a gentle health promoting way.


Aug 16, 2016
I wouldn’t. Sounds stressful. There are easier remedies and getting thyroid higher that can help in a gentle health promoting way.
Thanks, yes, still didn't, my Dr. forcing me to.
what's your opinion about those two antibiotics, please?
When I search in the net all side effect of all, also tetracycline, sounds bad. Which one to choice if I'm allergic to penicillin and not sensitive (by test) to tetracycline?


Jun 4, 2016
Oh yes, I tried it for the better part of my 20s and early 30s. The combination of regular fasting, running, and avoiding carbs led me to within an inch of an MS diagnosis and all sorts of other weird neurological symptoms that simultaneously baffled and terrified the 4 different neurologists I saw, and my PCP. Prolactin and cortisol were through the roof, blood glucose was in the 100s despite me being very lean, and I was probably manic from all that cortisol. My former employer loved it. "Look at that guy that can work 24x7 and needs no sleep!", they said. Yet the doctors recommended even more fasting, exercise and avoidance of carbs.
Look, if it works for you then great. I am not here to argue, but I know what does NOT work for me and I found out the hard way.

Interesting story about your work. There are times when I feel like I'm becoming manic. It's like I can't ever take the foot off the pedal - I mean I literally never leave my desk, not even for lunch. Of course my cortisol is always slightly elevated.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Interesting story about your work. There are times when I feel like I'm becoming manic. It's like I can't ever take the foot off the pedal - I mean I literally never leave my desk, not even for lunch. Of course my cortisol is always slightly elevated.

My suggestion is - try to slow down (if work permits it) before you crash. The recovery is not easy/short.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
My PCP was the only who had some ideas that did not sound like puled out of a hat. He gave me a round of antibiotics, which helped, and then wrote a note to my employer saying I need to to be a on a reduced work schedule for 4 weeks. Then he said to stop the fasting and just eat whatever I want for 4 weeks. He did not say to stop working out, but I switched from running to lifting weight because I just could not bring myself up to running 6 miles 4 times a week any more. So, I did these things and the symptoms disappeared but I did gain weight, which took 2 more years to sort out as well as some cyproheptadine, caffeine, vitamin K, aspirin and niacinamide. I mentioned using these in my older threads circa 2014, 2015.
Does you has any nutrient that its requirement has remained elevated since then?


Aug 12, 2018
I've had success with fasting and keto diets in the past but there was a point where my body rebelled - headaches, moodiness, etc. I got to 178 lbs this past summer then decided to go hard-core with glucose burning metabolism espoused here. Immediately gained 10 lbs and I was not consuming large amounts of calories (2000-2500). I started consuming milk (at least 1/2 gallon per day). Fruit consumption was mostly a glass of orange juice per day with some berries mixed in. Tried to get at least 100g protein per day from gelatin, milk, and burger and my carb load has been about 250/day from milk, OJ, potato, apple, and Mexican Coke. Tried to keep fat below 30g per day and was religious about counting my calories and weighing myself. My temperatures and heart rate indicated healthy metabolism and yet as recently as two weeks ago was hovering at 204 lbs and could not figure out how I was gaining weight at less than 2000 calories per day. I've added (1) 24 hour fast per week and I usually lose about 1-2lbs on that day. Added uphill treadmill walking at about 4.5 incline and set at 3.4 miles per hours for 1/2 hour - once or twice a day. This is a wonderful exercise and always breath comfortably through my nose. Also, regularly lift and no longer do high intensity cardio.

Here is the interesting part for me. Weight has started to come off my body again (since the mid-summer low) and without side-effects noted above with keto/fasting. The main diet tweak (in addition to uphill treadmill) was to switch from 8 glasses of 1% milk/day and 1 glass of OJ/day to 4 glasses of milk/day and 4 glasses of OJ/day. Note that the calories are basically equivalent with this tweak but the carbs are somewhat higher and the fat lower. I've replaced the missing protein from the milk with gelatin. I've dropped 13lbs - down to 191 this morning in about 10 days. I am pretty sure the weight drop on the scale was getting rid of excess water-weight and not body fat but it is hard to tell sometimes.

I've seen many people posting on these forums concerned about losing weight and/or gaining it on a Peat-inspired diet. I am not claiming my way is correct but people need to consider everything they are doing (exercise and diet) if they are not getting the results they would like.

I think it is an admirable goal to be "ripped" but now I believe not at the expense of generating stress in our bodies.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Does you has any nutrient that its requirement has remained elevated since then?

Yes, now I seem to need more protein than before and can drink a LOT of coffee without a stress reaction. Strangely, I do not crave as much sugar as I used to a few years ago. Peat said it is a sign of improved glycogen stores and lower stress hormones.

Mr Joe

Apr 27, 2019
Yes, slower movements are better for avoiding lactic acid buildup but it also depends on how much weight is being held against gravity, for how long, and how many "reps" are being done with it.
Can we have more details on that ? I thought that intense fast excentrics movements are better for reducing lactic acid. @haidut could you give us a kind of exemple of "benefical workout traning" while peating ?

(Ps : for those answering "just do listen your body man", i'm just asking advice from someone that have a special background. Sometimes my body ask me to run for long time or eating pufa. Not just "listen your body man" is always wise ?)


Mar 20, 2021
Oh yes, I tried it for the better part of my 20s and early 30s. The combination of regular fasting, running, and avoiding carbs led me to within an inch of an MS diagnosis and all sorts of other weird neurological symptoms that simultaneously baffled and terrified the 4 different neurologists I saw, and my PCP. Prolactin and cortisol were through the roof, blood glucose was in the 100s despite me being very lean, and I was probably manic from all that cortisol. My former employer loved it. "Look at that guy that can work 24x7 and needs no sleep!", they said. Yet the doctors recommended even more fasting, exercise and avoidance of carbs.
Look, if it works for you then great. I am not here to argue, but I know what does NOT work for me and I found out the hard way.
Yes, I went through the very same thing with keto and intermittent fasting and too much running. Healing from all that is what led me to this forum. It took about a year and a half for me to metabolize glucose again..get my period back...sleep through the night and warm back up.

By the way, when I quit all of the keto and running and intermittent fasting, I didn't gain a bunch of weight. I'm still wearing the same clothes that I've worn the last 20 years. All of the negative symptoms from that lifestyle were from increased stress. And all of that extra stress and low carbing didn't even make me skinnier!


Forum Supporter
Apr 11, 2023
It is scattered around the forum, but when asked about keeping gut clean aside from carrot salad and charcoal, he said taking lower dose penicillin or tetracycline (~50mg) a few times weekly keeps the bacteria from overgrowing. It does not sterilize the gut though, for that much higher doses and longer treatment is needed. But the lower dose antibiotics keep the bacteria from overpopulating.
What is your opinion on taking low dose antibiotics in terms of the risk of developing ARO (antibiotic resistance organism)? I think that using antiseptic like Camphosal is much better.
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