Body Temperature: 96.2 Upon Rising. Normal Throughout Day

Feb 26, 2018

I am looking for some insight on potential ways to raise my basal body temperature. But first would like to give some background.

I'm 38 years old, 5ft 7, average build, average bmi. I have been in good health up until about the age of 35 where my last job started to take a toll. I hit a wall and quit the job and have been focusing fully on rest and recovery for the past 5 months. I am recovering from years of workplace toxic mold exposure (a. niger, high humidity / water damaged building), and upper back / shoulder injury from extreme repetitive assembly line style work. My immune system was in good shape but through constant environmental agitation the mold eventually changed that, I started having chronic dry nose / watery eyes / dust and cat allergies, then constant itchy skin / chronic low quality sleep, followed by depression and low appetite. I was allergy / generally pain free for the 10 or so years before this.

I put many months of dedicated work to clear the mold issue up. Activated Charcoal, Bentonite, Spirulina, Turpentine, Distilled water fasting, liver flushing, Niacin flushing, Grapefruit seed extract, mega dosing methylene blue, just to name a few. After months of detox I felt I had done all I could to clear the toxins out, and could switch to focusing on raising my metabolism and body temp, which I believe was lowered as a last ditch effort made by my body to prevent mycotoxin damage from spreading too fast.

I was about 70% back to my historical 'doing pretty well' state, but still had a low appetite and would feel very sleepy if I forced myself to eat breakfast.. it seemed to me I had beat out the mold issue and now just needed to up my metabolism... I had been underfeeding myself, probably getting 1800 calories in on work days, running on empty for 3 years.

I started on a peat style diet and supplementation plan approx 6 weeks ago. This was intuitively something I was lead to, I craved nothing but cottage cheese and oranges (food that I had not really craved for years) after finishing a 6 day water fast (a last ditch effort to zap out mold issues)! Googling wondering why I was craving those foods so much brought me to peat, which I have been reading up on for hours and hours lately... before the cravings I knew nothing about peat (other than he was the 'tryptophan is bad' guy)!

I became obsessed with measuring my oral temperature after realizing that every time I felt physically or mentally well that it also lined up 100% with how high my body temp was reading. I was starting to feel about 75% better on my good days, but still not seeing the 98.6 I knew I needed, it seemed like nothing would get me above 98! The peat plan has helped immensely, this is basically the dietary lifestyle I used to live as a teenager, long before I knew anything about nutrition and well before the days of skipping meals and drinking black coffee on an empty stomach daily. haha.

So my immune system had to work overtime for several years - coping with heavy environmental toxins, and my nose was constantly stuffy and bloody, I was mouth breathing most nights and waking every few hours from chronic cotton mouth. So I started focusing on nasal health, neti pot, humidifier in bedroom, etc etc. About a month ago I experimentally decided to nasal nebulize some iodine and noticed a sudden increase in mood and checked my temp to see it was 99 for probably the first time in a year. The interesting thing here is taking small doses of iodine orally on occasion did not do anything for my mood or temperature... I began to wonder if something about my nasal system was suppressing my health. Looking around online lead me to Dr. Shoemaker (mold doctor) and reading his work things finally clicked: years of mold stress, lead to a nasal staph infection, which was suppressing my health because the infection was sending toxins to my brain. This I feel is what was really keeping me at 70% despite ample activated charcoal / binder sessions.

Simultaneously for the past weeks, I was peating, and doing everything I could to zap my nasal system back in to to shape. I am now hovering somewhere around 80% better, there are crashes for sure, but this is monumental considering my health was at an all time low just 6 months ago when I was in bed with no energy and extreme depression for a full 2 weeks straight.

For various reasons I am pretty certain I am not in need of taking thyroid. In fact my temp throughout the day is now reading a stable 98.6 for 7 to 8 hours, and sometimes when I am lucky I see a 99.2 for maybe an hour or so.

I am waking up without an alarm now, on my own drive, with usually about 8 hours of sleep, which is impressive for me, I would naturally sleep 12 hours a day just a few months ago. The main thing that is really bothering me now is despite having the drive to wake up and start moving, my mornings still do not feel as great as they could, I am physically heavy / achy and feel pretty blah before 3 or 4 cups of coffee, usually by 2pm I enter a pretty good state. There have been a few nights I woke up to pee and checked temp to see it at 96.0. My oral body temperature in the morning is still coming up on the low side, between 96.2 and 97.2 depending on the day. And it takes usually around 3 or 4 hours before I start to see 98+. There was maybe one day I woke up with 98 and I also happened to feel great for the rest of that morning. It is my understanding that seeing a 97.6+ upon waking is considered optimal.

So my question here is... drumroll... ;-p

What can I do to have a better morning and overnight temperature? Perhaps it will just come with time, but any tips are much appreciated! I feel like if I can master this - I will basically have rehabilitated myself enough to start working back in some mild routine exercise.

p.s. the low temp morning trend I am noticing regardless of the supps or lack of supps I have taken the night before. I also have already adopted all the healthy sleep habits I can think of (full dark, comfortable bed, 65 degree heat) etc.

p.s. the one major other factor I noticed which helped me get my temp up was to avoid pretty much any supplement that may have a role in vasodilation, it seems vasodilators drop my temp (even something known as warming and for energy like ginseng) and keep my temp locked below 98.

Thanks guys! Eager for your feedback!
-Captain Coconut
Feb 26, 2018
Attached is a chart for more detail of where I am at / would like to be. This is the first time I have tried to boost my metabolism and taken my temperature so routinely. I'm curious to hear from anyone who successfully gone from orange to green like in the chart, what worked for you, what do you think might help me? Thanks!!!


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Feb 26, 2018
Still looking for feedback. Put simply:

What are some things to try that might help to raise my overnight and waking body temperature?

I am 98.6 for most of the afternoon, but my mornings feel very low energy and my body temp is still too low for the first several hours of awake time.



Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
Sugar best makes my temps go up, and fluids best make my temps drop.

additionally: wow, sorry to hear how much mold you had to deal with! And sorry I cant help more...
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Feb 26, 2018
Thanks folks.

jamies33, thanks, yea breathing a lot of mold all day is nasty, are you saying for higher temperature you note success with avoiding liquids and having extra sugar? I have noticed the same.

theLaw, I have already plugged in my average daily nutrition into the nutritiondata site, so I'm attaching a screen shot of that, hope that it is sufficient.

I take various supplements as well, but have noted that the caffeine and sugar and high calorie is the most obvious temperature booster for me. I was used to taking in 1800 calories a day for years, so getting to 2300 daily is something I am now adapting to, currently don't think I could squeeze in any more solid food without experiencing indigestion. Despite various calculators saying that 2300 cal is the required amount to maintain my weight of 150 pounds - I maintained that weight eating 2000 a day while likely burning off 500 calories daily at the old job. I simply did not have enough time in the day to eat, and breakfast would always knock me out and ruin my stamina.... a stubborn circadian rhythm from years of intermittent fasting I guess...

In terms of supplements that I regularly take: aspirin, niacin, multi vit, spirulina, chlorella, m. blue, serrapeptase, ashwagandha, longjack, pregnenolone, potassium, magnesium, dlpa, taurine, creatine, zinc, selenium, a, d, k, e, glycine, bamboo extract, digestive enzymes. Most are taken Monday through Friday, weekends are off, with the exception of fat soluble and the trace minerals which are taken more like 3 times a week. Every other month I will typically take a full 2 weeks off from all supplements, during this time I will usually do 2 or 3 days of bentonite clay / activated charcoal, a few tablespoons a day.

I do not tolerate milk well, I'm fine with some cheese, and based on my current daily intake I don't feel that I have much more stomach space left to properly digest more solids. I am wondering maybe I am low on calcium and that is the missing link here with my crappy overnight temps, What is the consensus on supplemental calcium, e.g. calcium citrate?

I urinate approx 5 times a day, and usually wake up once at night. For the past year I am evacuating twice a day and 95% of the time the first (~10am) is a large and solid s shape. Usually the second movement later in the afternoon is more soft-serve like... This trend persists despite me playing with fiber, timing of food, and digestive enzymes. It makes me wonder if the second movement is a product of the poor sleep temperature...

Before bed I have some glycine, magnesium, sugar. I do not have much trouble falling asleep but do notice being very temperature sensitive, first I feel cold, blankets on, a few hours later feel hot, blankets off, on and on... when I get back into bed from midsleep bathroom break I almost always notice a small sweaty spot left from my loins, this was never an issue before the mold troubles.... I do not get full on night sweats, but have an uncomfortably very hot groin area at night time... to be completely open here, my balls always feel a little too hot - during the day as well - even just lounging around only in boxers in normal room temp....

Okay, I'd say that pretty well sums me up for now!

Thanks again folks.


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Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
jamies33, thanks, yea breathing a lot of mold all day is nasty, are you saying for higher temperature you note success with avoiding liquids and having extra sugar? I have noticed the same.
Yep, thats what Im saying. Salt also makes me warmer...

I do not tolerate milk well, I'm fine with some cheese, and based on my current daily intake I don't feel that I have much more stomach space left to properly digest more solids. I am wondering maybe I am low on calcium and that is the missing link here with my crappy overnight temps, What is the consensus on supplemental calcium, e.g. calcium citrate?
Yeah, your calcium intake is low (about 700mg) and phosphate high (1350); you want the ratio to be calcium favoured. Ray recommends supplemental calcium to those in need, but specifically eggshell calcium (carbonate is the preferred form of calcium). Heres a good article on how to make your own eggshell calcium: When choosing a calcium supplement, be careful about their excipients - they tend to include titanium, silica, and other intestinal irritants worth avoiding.

I do not have much trouble falling asleep but do notice being very temperature sensitive, first I feel cold, blankets on, a few hours later feel hot, blankets off, on and on... when I get back into bed from midsleep bathroom break I almost always notice a small sweaty spot left from my loins, this was never an issue before the mold troubles....
Hmm, waking up in the night, and waking up with sweat, to me that says adrenaline, probably from poor liver glycogen stores. Do you salt your food much? You may benefit from adding salt to your sugar and glycine nightly routine, and from "cleaning your liver" so that it can hold more sugar as glycogen, preventing you from waking up with adrenaline (low blood sugar) symptoms... it makes sense that this happened since the mold issues, does the liver "detoxify" mold? Without expert knowledge, Ill bet it does, and Ill bet your liver is slightly impaired/underfunctioning as a result of this exposure. You can learn a lot from this forums by searching "clean liver" "liver detox" etc... basically, vitamin K, caffeine, and protein are very important... as well as eating liver.

What do u think?
Feb 26, 2018
Thank you jamies33. I should have also mentioned I take around 1 tsp of seasalt (ancient minerals) with beverages spread out throughout the day. I'll add some supplemental calcium and read more on peat's take of phosphate and calcium ratio; I have likely been on the wrong side of that ratio my whole life.

As for the liver cleaning, I have done a lot of things to try and assure my liver is in good shape but it can't hurt to try some more. I have been on vitamin k2 regularly for at least the past 4 years, several different brands: thorne, life extension, now. I did not know it had a liver benefit though, always thought of it as something skeletal.

Also in case it is of use, I have been off of most processed foods / pufa vegetable oils for most of my life.


Mar 7, 2017
Few ideas:

1. You're currently taking a bunch of sups, many of which might contain additives/preservatives or other harmful substances. Peat himself claims that he has helped many people by simply suggesting that they give up their sups, and replace them with food.

2. If milk is an issue, then gelatin (great lakes green can) + sugar before bed might help you sleep through the night. Just be sure to completely dissolve it in hot liquid.

3. You're iron intake is very high, so you might want to check this out:

4. Sipping apple juice throughout the day will help if you have any blood sugar issues.

5. As a details guy, regular lab tests will be right up your alley.

***also, I sent you a pm***:D
Feb 26, 2018
Few ideas:

1. You're currently taking a bunch of sups, many of which might contain additives/preservatives or other harmful substances. Peat himself claims that he has helped many people by simply suggesting that they give up their sups, and replace them with food.

2. If milk is an issue, then gelatin (great lakes green can) + sugar before bed might help you sleep through the night. Just be sure to completely dissolve it in hot liquid.

3. You're iron intake is very high, so you might want to check this out:

1. Recently I went completely off supps for around 2 months, this past October to November. The sub-par restorative sleep issue was worse then.... but mainly I am on them for now as they all help a little with energy, which I am still lacking, so they are a crutch for the time being. Weekends when I am off my temps are now behaving like on the weekdays, progress is being made.

2. Do you think there is a benefit here over glycine? I have been doing glycine before bed as it knocks me out faster. Interestingly, if I take gelatin or glycine during the day on an empty stomach I have noticed my temperature drops / does not rise above 98 for several hours following, so I have been saving them for late evening.



Mar 7, 2017
1. Recently I went completely off supps for around 2 months, this past October to November. The sub-par restorative sleep issue was worse then.... but mainly I am on them for now as they all help a little with energy, which I am still lacking, so they are a crutch for the time being. Weekends when I am off my temps are now behaving like on the weekdays, progress is being made.

2. Do you think there is a benefit here over glycine? I have been doing glycine before bed as it knocks me out faster. Interestingly, if I take gelatin or glycine during the day on an empty stomach I have noticed my temperature drops / does not rise above 98 for several hours following, so I have been saving them for late evening.


Isolated amino acids always have their drawbacks eventually, so I think gelatin is a better choice.:D


Feb 13, 2018
I've read elsewhere on the forum that low morning temperatures are a sign of glycogen storage issues - if your liver can't store enough, it is depleted by the time you wake up, and that causes slow metabolism and low temps. If you have been undergoing a prolonged detoxification program, it stands to reason that your liver is probably overburdened. I've also had low morning temperatures, and an absolute b**** of a time getting going in the morning; after reading a post by haidut a few days ago on SFAs and the liver, I added a TON of coconut oil (6 tbsp/day) to my diet, and it's helped enormously with the morning temperatures and brain fog. Other parts of my diet are short of the Peat ideal - I usually mix the coconut oil in with white rice or oats - but I've had great results in spite of that.

You will frequently read people on this forum advising newbies to not go too low on the fat initially, and all I can say is that I tink they're right, I have had much better results by including more cals from coconut oil. If you've been doing intermittent fasting, underfeeding and drinking black coffee on an empty stomach, all things I had done for years too, you will probably have some lingering issues with carb metabolism. Don't be afraid to eat protective SFAs.

I occasionally had cold temperatures during the day, I guess from endotoxemia, because the coconut oil has helped with that too. Earlier this evening I had 1/2 a cup of rice with 2 tbsp of coconut oil; even though I live in a damp and somewhat chilly place (San Francisco) and was sitting in an air-conditioned car, I was almost uncomfortably warm and actually began to sweat.

The other thing is you could be eating a lot more salt, easily more than double your current intake, considering that loss of sodium occurs in hypothyroid/low metabolism states.
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Feb 26, 2018
Thanks for the feedback Ulysses. The glycogen connection makes sense to me and also explains in a way why my craving for sweets has always spiked just before bedtime. I sometimes go heavy on the coconut oil but it hasn't been doing anything special for me lately. It used to really warm me up and give me unstoppable energy when I first got big in to a primarily saturated fat diet.

5 or so years ago I read some propaganda from the american heart association, and became convinced that avoiding fruit and table sugar was important for liver health - and for the following 5 years I was intentionally keeping my sugar intake below 50 grams a day, normally reserving sugar just for dessert. Back then it seemed logical to me, cut out fried foods and soda and sweets (all the fast food type of offerings), I subscribed to the Americans are all fat and tired because of the typical fast food menu dogma... Then at the start of this year I broke that water fast and also found out about RP, I thought back to how high sugar / high saturated fat most of my family's lifestyles were back in the 80s and how much healthier they all were back then - across all the age groups. This past month I have been on 150 something grams of sugar a day, and I have to say - I am starting to feel like myself again, I have started to shed a little weight around my chin and belly, definitely have not gained any fat by moving to higher sugar / lower grains, and my body temp is rising slowly - things are improving, I just wish I was waking up with more energy! Going so long on <50 grams of sugar a day, on a caloric deficit, with physically demanding work + mycotoxin damage; perhaps my liver just needs a longer time to re-saturate it's glycogen stores before my sleep stabilizes.


Sep 1, 2017
OP, any news on your morning temps? I’m dealing with similar situation also. Perfect pulse and temp, even using T3/T4 for weeks, but still low temp pulse in the Mornings


Jun 10, 2020
I am having a similar issue as well. My energy and temps are great all day, eating a lot of cooked fruit which totally gets my temps soaring, but my RHR dips very low during the night and I wake up feeling depressed and groggy. Takes a few hours to get energy back, and the issue is getting worse daily, no matter how much salt and magnesium I supplement. Anybody in this thread found something to help avoid the overnight energy drop off?


Mar 5, 2018
I am having a similar issue as well. My energy and temps are great all day, eating a lot of cooked fruit which totally gets my temps soaring, but my RHR dips very low during the night and I wake up feeling depressed and groggy. Takes a few hours to get energy back, and the issue is getting worse daily, no matter how much salt and magnesium I supplement. Anybody in this thread found something to help avoid the overnight energy drop off?
at what time do you eat your last meal of the day and what does the meal look like?


Jun 10, 2020
at what time do you eat your last meal of the day and what does the meal look like?

usually at around 7 I finish dinner, which is meat, gelatin, fruit, and raw milk+maple syrup. Then I’ll usually have 2 cups of milk with maple syrup right before bed, at 9.

Temps started falling a lot at night though when my fruit source became cooked fruit, and when I upped the salt and magnesium bicarb. I’ve also noticed that I’ve been excessively thirsty some nights lately, and it seems that when I get extra thirsty, my temps fall further. Last night I was super thirsty and so drank a full quart of raw milk, tasted sooooooooo gooooood but my RHR dropped wildly.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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