Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Pork has always been a food of centenarians (Okinawa, Sardinia)
It is superhigh in thiamine and vit k2 . I think on RP diet we lack these 2 vitamins.
There are just no other good sources of k2 vit...unless you live in Japan and like stinky Natto

Pork has also always been considered unclean food for thousands of years for good reason. You can live to be a centenarian eating anything....

"Not all food taboos are explicitly religious, of course. In the West, dogs are treated like family members so that any sort of cruelty to them is criminalized. The fact that farmers sometimes resorted to killing and eating the family dog during the Great Depression illustrates how desperate they were for food. In China, India, and other countries, dogs are commonly eaten, however, and restaurants specialize in the preparation of dog meat."


Apr 15, 2015
Pork has also always been considered unclean food for thousands of years for good reason. You can live to be a centenarian eating anything....

"Not all food taboos are explicitly religious, of course. In the West, dogs are treated like family members so that any sort of cruelty to them is criminalized. The fact that farmers sometimes resorted to killing and eating the family dog during the Great Depression illustrates how desperate they were for food. In China, India, and other countries, dogs are commonly eaten, however, and restaurants specialize in the preparation of dog meat."
Since I started peating I was avoiding pork at any cost...but since we started this thread I include pork more and more often...
There is no better source of Thiamine than pork.
High content of vit k2 in pork is a big revelation for me. It puts pork next to natto. Especcially fatty pork sausages.
Just search RayPeat forum for vit k2 and you'll see how important it is.
If vit K2 prevents arterial hardening and heart walls hardening ... I'm ok with consuming some "fat dirty" pork several days a week .
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Since I started peating I was avoiding pork at any cost...but since we started this thread I include pork more and more often...
There is no better source of Thiamine than pork.
High content of vit k2 in pork is a big revelation for me. It puts pork next to natto. Especcially fatty pork sausages.
Just search RayPeat forum for vit k2 and you'll see how important it is.
If vit K2 prevents arterial hardening and heart walls hardening ... I'm ok with consuming some "fat dirty" pork several days a week .

I don't understand why one would eat pork when beef liver is higher?

"....the amount of vitamin K2 in a dairy food is proportional to the amount of fat in the food. For example, fuller-fat varieties of cheese contain the most vitamin K2, while lower-fat varieties contain less."
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"Bacteria in the gut can synthesize vitamin K-1 into vitamin K-2. Also, fermented foods, meat, and dairy products contain modest amounts of vitamin K-2."
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
There are plenty of ways to get lots of K2, it is the K1 that is hard to get, not eating plants.

Dietary sources of vitamin K-2 include:

*natto, a traditional Japanese dish of fermented soybeans
*dairy products, especially hard cheeses
*liver and other organ meats
*egg yolks
*fatty fish, such as salmon

Dietary sources of vitamin K-1 include:

*dark leafy green vegetables, such as *spinach, kale, and collards
*vegetable oils
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
1 cup of sprouted brown rice has more thiamine than 6 oz pork chop

"Sprouted brown rice is soaked in water for several hours, and this helps make the nutrients the grain contains more bio-available, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. For example, sprouted brown rice has four times more fiber and vitamin E than regular rice and three times more vitamin B-1, vitamin B-6 and magnesium. Sprouted brown rice might also boost the immune system, lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety and prevent the formation of cancerous cells, according to a 2011 article published in the "Journal of Food Science and Technology." The rice can help regulate blood glucose levels, as well, notes a 2008 article published in the "Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology."

"the nutritional thiamine content in 4 different types of brown rice, ranging from 0.413 mg to 0.096 mg per 100g. The basic type of brown rice is Rice, brown, long-grain, raw, where the amount of thiamine in 100g is 0.401 mg.

0.401 mg of thiamine per 100g, from Rice, brown, long-grain, raw corresponds to % of the thiamine RDA. For a typical serving size of 1 cup (or 185 g) the amount of Thiamine is 0.74 mg. This corresponds to an RDA percentage of %.

The percentage of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for thiamine is based on a 1.5 mg RDA level for a mature adult.

Top three brown rice products high in thiamine

Below is a summary list for the top three brown rice items ranked by the amount or level of thiamine in 100g.

1. Rice, brown, medium-grain, raw : 0.413mg
2. Rice, brown, long-grain, raw : 0.401mg
3. Rice, brown, medium-grain, cooked : 0.102mg"

"Food sources of thiamine include beef, liver, dried milk, nuts, oats, oranges, pork, eggs, seeds, legumes, peas and yeast. Foods are also fortified with thiamine. Some foods that are often fortified with B1 are rice, pasta, breads, cereals and flour."


Apr 15, 2015
I don't understand why one would eat pork when beef liver is higher?

"....the amount of vitamin K2 in a dairy food is proportional to the amount of fat in the food. For example, fuller-fat varieties of cheese contain the most vitamin K2, while lower-fat varieties contain less."
RDA for k2 - 90 and 120 micrograms.
To get a therapeutic effect comparable with Japanese studies you would need more than 1000mg
  • Natto - 998 mcg (100 grams)
  • Pork sausage: 383 mcg - vitamin K2 content for 3.5 ounces (100 grams)
  • Goose liver paste - 369 mcg
  • beef liver - A 100-gram serving - 11 - 18 micrograms of vitamin K2
  • 1 percent Milk hardly contains any k2 since k2 is fat soluble
  • Gouda is apparently high in K2 but depends on aging
k1 converts into k2 only in miniscule amounts... Besides we know that greens (k1) are full of antinutrients. How many people on here

Sprouted brown rice - is it something that RP would even eat ? :))
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
RDA for k2 - 90 and 120 micrograms.
To get a therapeutic effect comparable with Japanese studies you would need more than 1000mg
  • Natto - 998 mcg (100 grams)
  • Pork sausage: 383 mcg - vitamin K2 content for 3.5 ounces (100 grams)
  • Goose liver paste - 369 mcg
  • beef liver - A 100-gram serving - 11 - 18 micrograms of vitamin K2
  • 1 percent Milk hardly contains any k2 since k2 is fat soluble
  • Gouda is apparently high in K2 but depends on aging
k1 converts into k2 only in miniscule amounts... Besides we know that greens (k1) are full of antinutrients. How many people on here

Sprouted brown rice - is it something that RP would even eat ? :))

Yes he recommends healthy sprouted grains, but he does not recommend fatty PUFA laden pork sausage :D




Jan 31, 2020
Ray doesn't even recommend pork, I don't know any health related diet that do, andcweight lists diets don't count. Even the Blood Type Diet says pork is toxic to all blood types. I have stated a good case for pork being bad for SO MANY reasons, but your angle that people all over the world eat it is no case at all. A lot of people eat fast food too so? If I were not caring about my health and didn't know any better I would be eating lots of pork too like I use to in my youth. Believe me I am happy that there are plenty of pork eaters like yourself, cause it leaves plenty high quality food for others that do care. I really don't care so don't take offense.
Anyone can go search for information on google with the search tags "pork unhealthy", likewise they could do so with with any food. I'm gonna call Kyle's law on this just because I think it's funny and that I can. Again, rinse, you'd do better taking a walk outside and calming down for a bit.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Oh but hey, he does eat bacon. Which I know you do too because Peat does so. When are you going to gain your own agency, Rinse? You're allowed to eat things outside of what peat eats.

I don't eat bacon? Peat's splurges are not the same as mine. I eat what I want and it isn't junk. I am not into "following" "Peat". I am into inspiring and sharing with people things to help them be in their best health, like me, eating a "Peat" inspired diet with a big variety of foods that don't requiring having to regress eating pork and pizza. Most people come to this site for that. You should quit trying to convince people to do unPeaty things and just keep that to yourself. I like this thread because it is informative and if I decided to have a pork splurge I now know that bacon isn't the problem it's the uncured pork chops.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Anyone can go search for information on google with the search tags "pork unhealthy", likewise they could do so with with any food. I'm gonna call Kyle's law on this just because I think it's funny and that I can. Again, rinse, you'd do better taking a walk outside and calming down for a bit.

I think you would do better keeping your nose on your own face because you are offering nothing here, but a dirty pork chop and lot of negativity.


Jan 31, 2020
I don't eat bacon? Peat's splurges are not the same as mine. I eat what I want and it isn't junk. I am not into "following" "Peat". I am into inspiring and sharing with people things to help them be in their best health, like me, eating a "Peat" inspired diet with a big variety of foods that don't requiring having to regress eating pork and pizza. Most people come to this site for that. You should quit trying to convince people to do unPeaty things and just keep that to yourself. I like this thread because it is informative and if I decided to have a pork splurge I now know that bacon isn't the problem it's the uncured pork chops.
Lean pork is still peaty. And you do eat bacon, you even say so in the first post of page 5. And you even cook it the same way peat does! Don't kid yourself rinse, you're not doing your own thing. This isn't a very informative thread at all, if it's anything, it's a misinformative thread.


Jan 31, 2020
I think you would do better keeping your nose on your own face because you are offering nothing here, but a dirty pork chop and lot of negativity.
I disagree. But if we're going to accuse each other of bad manners, you have a bad habit of denying good experiences that a lot of us have with food, such as the consumption of lean pork.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Lean pork is still peaty. And you do eat bacon, you even say so in the first post of page 5. And you even cook it the same way peat does! Don't kid yourself rinse, you're not doing your own thing. This isn't a very informative thread at all, if it's anything, it's a misinformative thread.

I made that before I made this post. You don't have to be against pork, I use to like it, but now it isn't worth it. Enjoy famalalam, I am not trying to sway you from your pork chop. I extend my olive branch to you :)
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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"To minimize the accumulation of the highly unsaturated fatty acids with aging, it's probably reasonable to reduce the amount of them directly consumed in foods, such as fish, but since they are made in our own tissues from the "essential fatty acids," linoleic and linolenic acids, it's more important to minimize the consumption of those (from plants, pork, and poultry, for example)." -Ray Peat (Fats, functions & malfunctions Article)
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"To minimize the accumulation of the highly unsaturated fatty acids with aging, it's probably reasonable to reduce the amount of them directly consumed in foods, such as fish, but since they are made in our own tissues from the "essential fatty acids," linoleic and linolenic acids, it's more important to minimize the consumption of those (from plants, pork, and poultry, for example)." -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"The difficile infects pigs, calves, and humans, and inhabits a natural reservoir of soil, faeces of domestic animals and humans, sewage, the human intestinal tract, and retail meat."

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"Some experts advise that healthy individuals moderate their consumption of tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, and potatoes, because of a toxic compound solanine. The same kind of moderation applies to fatty fish (trout, salmon and sardine) destined for healthy individuals. “If a healthy strong person consuming them can be cured and purified with black radish, they will be dangerous for a thin, sickly individual,” observed St. Hildegard. But the same stout person would secrete a putrid substance upon overindulging in honey, she said. Healthy individuals were allowed some milk (preferably in winter time, after it had been macerated with nettles to reduce “harmful juices”). As to pork, she believed its “hot” nature made it toxic for human consumption. (Sorry, bacon lovers!) "

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"Some studies have found pork to be associated with cancer of the esophagous (Nagai, et al., 1982), thyroid (Markaki, et al., 2003), and other organs, but an experiment with beef, chicken, or bacon diet in rats provides another perspective on the role of salt in carcinogenesis. After being given a carcinogen, rats were fed meat diets, containing either 30% or 60% of freeze-dried fried beef, chicken, or bacon. Neither beef nor chicken changed the incidence of precancerous lesions in the intestine, but the incidence was reduced by 12% in the animals on the 30% bacon diet, and by 20% in rats getting the diet with 60% bacon. Salt apparently made the difference." -Ray Peat
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