Ashkenazi Longevity


Mar 27, 2018
Hmmm, and I wonder why Ray doesn't want to be associated with this forum...

I also can't imagine Ray spending his days replying to forum posts on stuff he's already covered a million times in other interviews.


Jun 18, 2016
You never seem to miss an opportunity to display your hate and ignorance. Nothing sadder than a "half-woke" sheep. Maybe one day you'll realize just how badly you're being misled by the system you think you understand.
I have read the Talmud. It talks about this stuff and is vile.
I also have also studied the Scriptures (KJV) and it describes this sort of thing that some of the jews of those times, as well as the heathen nations, were involved in.
Certainly not all, but enough that the stereotype follows, for those that claim the Talmud as truth.


Jan 11, 2019
I have read the Talmud. It talks about this stuff and is vile.
I also have also studied the Scriptures (KJV) and it describes this sort of thing that some of the jews of those times, as well as the heathen nations, were involved in.
Certainly not all, but enough that the stereotype follows, for those that claim the Talmud as truth.
I wish i could delete this thread. Im jewish and i could take offense if i was vested in others oppinions enough to do so, just like every group of people will have bad guys, every group of people will also be hated. The rhetoric should be "i dont like bad people who are rich elitists who do bad things" or "i dont like x elitist organization". To say "jews" is just so general youre going to stereotype good people and spread hate. Every group of people have a book or scripture that has ideologies in it that could be considered evil, so cherrypicking and generalizing is pretty illogical. I truly dont think im gonna change anyones opinions but i had to speak my peace


Jan 9, 2019
I wish i could delete this thread. Im jewish and i could take offense if i was vested in others oppinions enough to do so, just like every group of people will have bad guys, every group of people will also be hated. The rhetoric should be "i dont like bad people who are rich elitists who do bad things" or "i dont like x elitist organization". To say "jews" is just so general youre going to stereotype good people and spread hate. Every group of people have a book or scripture that has ideologies in it that could be considered evil, so cherrypicking and generalizing is pretty illogical. I truly dont think im gonna change anyones opinions but i had to speak my peace

Good thing free speech exists!

However, i agree that the term Jew is a bit too encompassing, if we can sift it to say Zionist its accuracy rate would increase by a large margin.

"Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East - Global Research


Jun 18, 2016
Our individual history can be painful (some of my ancestors may have been slave owners, me being ashamed of it, doesn't change the fact).
I am clearly speaking of those who follow the Talmud and I suspect the original poster was too.
It is a sick book. If you don't believe in it or follow it-I am obviously not speaking to you.
If you and I were to take a blood test, the chance of me having as much "Abrahamic" blood as you do is equal as my heritage is European.
Muslims from Palestine probably have a closer bloodline to Abraham than either of us do.

I wish i could delete this thread. Im jewish and i could take offense if i was vested in others oppinions enough to do so, just like every group of people will have bad guys, every group of people will also be hated. The rhetoric should be "i dont like bad people who are rich elitists who do bad things" or "i dont like x elitist organization". To say "jews" is just so general youre going to stereotype good people and spread hate. Every group of people have a book or scripture that has ideologies in it that could be considered evil, so cherrypicking and generalizing is pretty illogical. I truly dont think im gonna change anyones opinions but i had to speak my peace[/QUOTE


Aug 28, 2012
Hmmm, and I wonder why Ray doesn't want to be associated with this forum...
I have read the Talmud. It talks about this stuff and is vile.
I also have also studied the Scriptures (KJV) and it describes this sort of thing that some of the jews of those times, as well as the heathen nations, were involved in.
Certainly not all, but enough that the stereotype follows, for those that claim the Talmud as truth.

And that's my point. Obviously I don't mean every Jew, but the far majority believe in the Talmud and hence are guilty by association.


Jan 11, 2019
I guess i just dont see the attitude as constructive, its moreso controversial, off topic and antagonizing. The second testament has some pretty unethical ideas in it but i i wouldnt go as far as to make blanket statements about christians because of that. And there are actually sects of judaism that dont like the talmud and reject it, like chassidics, and then of course there are reform and conservative jews that most dont even know what the talmud is let alone how to read a prayer in hebrew. Id say the majority of jews jews actually dont read the talmud. But the narrow, myopic focus that concentrates into general statements about jews justified by shitty things they did doesnt make u a person not doing a shitty thing. Yes there have, are and will continue to be bad jewish people, but being jewish doesnt make u bad, being rich does, just like being african american doesnt make you uneducated or apart of a gang, but instead poverty does. So i only make the suggestion, since i made this thread,for us to be a bit more mindful and respectful of our ettiquette as im im sure youre all intellegent and good intentioned people at the end of the day


Oct 11, 2015
I guess i just dont see the attitude as constructive, its moreso controversial, off topic and antagonizing. The second testament has some pretty unethical ideas in it but i i wouldnt go as far as to make blanket statements about christians because of that. And there are actually sects of judaism that dont like the talmud and reject it, like chassidics, and then of course there are reform and conservative jews that most dont even know what the talmud is let alone how to read a prayer in hebrew. Id say the majority of jews jews actually dont read the talmud. But the narrow, myopic focus that concentrates into general statements about jews justified by shitty things they did doesnt make u a person not doing a shitty thing. Yes there have, are and will continue to be bad jewish people, but being jewish doesnt make u bad, being rich does, just like being african american doesnt make you uneducated or apart of a gang, but instead poverty does. So i only make the suggestion, since i made this thread,for us to be a bit more mindful and respectful of our ettiquette as im im sure youre all intellegent and good intentioned people at the end of the day
How does being rich make you bad? There is a difference between earned wealth and wealth gained by deception


Jan 11, 2019
How does being rich make you bad? There is a difference between earned wealth and wealth gained by deception
Well in my humble oppinion being so rich that you are hoarding capital is unethical, but its semantic seeing as the word rich could mean different things. The "jews" that are often criticized are elitists.


Mar 2, 2019
I also can't imagine Ray spending his days replying to forum posts on stuff he's already covered a million times in other interviews.

Well my post wasn't entirely serious - but just think what you'd do if you opened up a forum with your name on it, and it was full of such garbage. I mean it's always going to happen, since it's the internet, but some places are more prone to it than others...


Jan 11, 2019
can i delete this thread? idk how but its polluting the forum


Jun 18, 2016
Well in my humble oppinion being so rich that you are hoarding capital is unethical, but its semantic seeing as the word rich could mean different things. The "jews" that are often criticized are elitists.
God told Israel that their money changing table would be a snare in Psalm 69:22 and in Romans 11:9 (KJV).
Meaning it would be snare and a trap (see our monetary system as proof)
This is only history playing out as It is written. It angers many, but it won't change it. Their issue is with God.


Mar 2, 2019
God told Israel that their money changing table would be a snare in Psalm 69:22 and in Romans 11:9 (KJV).
Meaning it would be snare and a trap (see our monetary system as proof)
This is only history playing out as It is written. It angers many, but it won't change it. Their issue is with God.

Or maybe, just maybe, it has a whole lot more to do with well established history - hundreds of years ago, the up and coming rich Christian states were so afraid of going to hell due to the Biblical ban on charging interest on a loan to other Christians, that they forced the Jews to do it for them, and become money lenders. They were reviled for this and forced to live in the original "ghettos" in places such as Venice.

Their fear only lasted a hundred years or so before they worked out a sneaky way around it, involving currency exchange fees etc, but by then the link between Jew and banker had already been made. And it was made by fearful Christians, not greedy Jews. But force a group of people to get involved with money, and it's not hard to predict what happens.

I'm not Jewish btw.
Jan 31, 2020
I have read the Talmud. It talks about this stuff and is vile.
I also have also studied the Scriptures (KJV) and it describes this sort of thing that some of the jews of those times, as well as the heathen nations, were involved in.
Certainly not all, but enough that the stereotype follows, for those that claim the Talmud as truth.
All religions have negative sayings in their holy books. By comparison, there exist Papal Bulls and encyclicals that curse all non believers and say its just to kill heretics. The Koran also calls out for the death of all non-believers. I seriously doubt that the Talmud has anything like that and if so there are 100s of other teachings that would directly contradict them if they did exist.

Like "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: R. Akiva said: This is the fundamental principle of the Torah.”

I too have looked into many of the supposed “evil” quotes in the Talmud and most of them are either completely made up or are taken out of context.

All the anti-Jewish information made easily available on the controlled Internet is just another phase of a 2,000 year old psyop to get the peasants to blame the Jews rather than their true oppressors. All the Jew haters should be comforted to know that they have the same misguided beliefs as every 16 year old kid who just woke up a month ago.

Ask yourself how could the world be dominated by such a tiny minority for so long if it is so easily exposed and sadly so easily believed? It is because it is not true. It is a veil to protect the real ptb. The real power is hidden far below all the layers of Rothschild and Kazarian mafia bs disinfo so many take to be the truth.
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Jan 1, 2013
I guess i just dont see the attitude as constructive, its moreso controversial, off topic and antagonizing. The second testament has some pretty unethical ideas in it but i i wouldnt go as far as to make blanket statements about christians because of that. And there are actually sects of judaism that dont like the talmud and reject it, like chassidics, and then of course there are reform and conservative jews that most dont even know what the talmud is let alone how to read a prayer in hebrew. Id say the majority of jews jews actually dont read the talmud. But the narrow, myopic focus that concentrates into general statements about jews justified by shitty things they did doesnt make u a person not doing a shitty thing. Yes there have, are and will continue to be bad jewish people, but being jewish doesnt make u bad, being rich does, just like being african american doesnt make you uneducated or apart of a gang, but instead poverty does.

I understand the jewish religion is the only religion transmitted through the blood of the mother: someone isn't a true jew unless his mother is jewish, even if he converts to Judaism from another religion.

And it's still pretty common for jewish people to inter marry.

Therefore, I anticipate most of the problems associated with the Talmud controversy will be gone once Jews stop marrying within themselves and demonstrate to the world by doing so to have rejected this book.

Actually, that would make a great starting point for a reformed jewish party.
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Apr 17, 2019
Lol, sure whatever. Try waking up yourself. It's irrelevant if there's a higher hidden hand. What hate exactly? The best you can call someone of Jewish background is a self hater. Would you call someone black racist if they call another black person nigger? Didn't think so. You're the ignorant one. And a half woke clown.
Defensiveness doesn’t look good on you. Or anyone, for that matter.


Aug 28, 2012
I understand the jewish religion is the only religion transmitted through the blood of the mother: someone isn't a true jew unless his mother is jewish, even if he converts to Judaism from another religion.

And it's still pretty common for jewish people to inter marry.

Therefore, I anticipate most of the problems associated with the Talmud controversy will be gone once Jews stop marrying within themselves and demonstrate to the world by doing so to have rejected this book.

Actually, that would make a great starting point for a reformed jewish party.

Not going to happen. Tbet
Defensiveness doesn’t look good on you. Or anyone, for that matter.

Indeed. I have a tendency to react then think after the fact. I don't even know why I bother with half my posts just frustration at the ongoing erosion of a free society I think.
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