Lower Growth Hormone (hGH) And IGF-1 Levels In Men Extends Lifespan


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
The amount of HGH and estrogen in milk is always brought up as a reason to avoid it, but in reality the amount is completely miniscule, there was another thread entirely about it.

Also I would raise into question whether or not HGH is even the culprit in these studies. HGH can be increased for a lot of reasons, and if estrogen is elevated at the same time then maybe the bone tissue breaking down was a result of high estrogen and these other hormones were elevated in response to a need to regrow tissue.

"...Given the potential role of the GH/IGF axis in longevity, we hypothesize that low IGF-1 levels will assure longevity of the d3-GHR carriers. To address this hypothesis, we genotyped d3-GHRlocus in four human cohorts with long-lived participants, and we tested its association with longevity-related phenotypes and stature with a relatively common GHR variation."

This is the only mechanism whereby GH/IGF increase longevity, from what I see in these studies. I don't think this enough reason to stop drinking milk or eating meat, although the ds-GHR receptor is something to loo into more, and probably a good reason to not prescribe GH injections especially to kids.
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Apr 17, 2017
Bulls**t. HGH is youth hormone. Do you suggest people on his 20s which release more of it are at worse condition than a 50 year old? So hGH is bad LOL.. maybe thats the reason why people experience smooth glowing and younger skin when they restore to the physiological levels of a 20 year old??

I don't care about bb'ers or freaks that go on supraphysiological levels, or having constant elevated hgh/igf-1 levels, so they are not and should not be reference of anything other than foolness. So please, lets stop propagating nonsense and blaming at "blacklisted" hormones. HGH IS GOOD TO KEEP AT 20s LEVELS IF YOU CARE FOR A YOUNGER LOOK. PERIOD.


Mar 25, 2017
Bulls**t. HGH is youth hormone. Do you suggest people on his 20s which release more of it are at worse condition than a 50 year old? So hGH is bad LOL.. maybe thats the reason why people experience smooth glowing and younger skin when they restore to the physiological levels of a 20 year old??

I don't care about bb'ers or freaks that go on supraphysiological levels, or having constant elevated hgh/igf-1 levels, so they are not and should not be reference of anything other than foolness. So please, lets stop propagating nonsense and blaming at "blacklisted" hormones. HGH IS GOOD TO KEEP AT 20s LEVELS IF YOU CARE FOR A YOUNGER LOOK. PERIOD.
finally some1 who speaks the truth. HGH is with t3 and DHT most importants hormones for health. The more you have the better you will feel , the better you will look and the better you will live. Guys you will never have such high levels like in acromegaly. Particularly if you have a hypothyroid background so you dont have to worry for too high HGH levels


Apr 7, 2017
finally some1 who speaks the truth. HGH is with t3 and DHT most importants hormones for health. The more you have the better you will feel , the better you will look and the better you will live. Guys you will never have such high levels like in acromegaly. Particularly if you have a hypothyroid background so you dont have to worry for too high HGH levels

Makes sense, have nothing to refute other than peat says so...please enlighten me.

James ardagna

Apr 5, 2016
II: Estrogen and IGF-1
Another feature of an impaired liver is a decreased level of insulin-like growth factor 1, or IGF-1. Many things are said about the nature of IGF-1, however, in the context of baldness, it appears to be involved in healthy hair growth.[51] In fact, one paper suggested that IGF-1 was a “promising drug candidate for baldness therapy.”[52] IGF-1 should not be confused with growth hormone; growth hormone tends to rise and fall with the adaptive stress substances, such as prolactin,[53] while IGF-1 decreases with age and during malnutrition.[54,55]

When people talk about IGF-1 as "plug and play cancer fuel" I think the statement is extremely misleading. First, IGF-1 decreases with age and is highest during youth, when cancer is least likely to occur. Supplemental estrogen significantly decreases the liver's production of IGF-1.[56] Speaking of cancer... Estrogens are among the best known of the growth stimulants,[57] tend to increase with age in both sexes,[58,59] and promote Warburg's cancer metabolism (i.e., aerobic glycolysis).[60] Thyroid works in the opposite direction (thanks Haidut).[61]

This is from Danny Roddy who differentiates IGF-1 from hgh. I remember Peat also commenting on HGH in the context that, relative to other hormones such as the "youth associated hormones pregnenolone, progesterone and DHEA" , its presence in the body increases in age. Peat attributes the continued growth of cartilaginous ears in the elderly to the dominance of hgh.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
What about DHEA? Doesn't it also increase IGF-1?

Yes, but not DHEA itself. Its conversion into estrogen, if you take too high of a dose, is what raises IGF-1.

Blue Water

Apr 26, 2020
finally some1 who speaks the truth. HGH is with t3 and DHT most importants hormones for health. The more you have the better you will feel , the better you will look and the better you will live. Guys you will never have such high levels like in acromegaly. Particularly if you have a hypothyroid background so you dont have to worry for too high HGH levels
Why DHT? I thought DHT was just known for acne and baldness...


Oct 21, 2018
interesting, as there are studies on capsaicin found to increase igf-1 levels and are said to extend life span i think its not as cut and dry



Dec 15, 2017
The study is important because it was done on humans and confirms a lot of what Ray has written about the dangers of pituitary hormones, including hGH. Combined with the well-known link between hGH and cancer I am not sure how sane the doctor advising all the athletes juicing with hGH are. The hormone IGF-1 is driven primarily by etsrogen, so high IGF-1 levels are typically found in hyperestrogenic conditions. This is actually the only reason why estrogen appears beneficial to bone health in studies - i.e. through its boosting of IGF-1. However, with age and declining health, the prolactin release that estrogen also triggers overcomes the effects (and release) of IGF-1 and estrogen ends up destroying the bones when chronically elevated.
Anyways, I think the morale of the story for (at least male) forum members is to keep estrogen at bay in order to promote longevity.

The GH receptor exon 3 deletion is a marker of male-specific exceptional longevity associated with increased GH sensitivity and taller stature | Science Advances
"...Given the potential role of the GH/IGF axis in longevity, we hypothesize that low IGF-1 levels will assure longevity of the d3-GHR carriers. To address this hypothesis, we genotyped d3-GHRlocus in four human cohorts with long-lived participants, and we tested its association with longevity-related phenotypes and stature with a relatively common GHR variation."

Mutation Linked to Longer Life Span in Men

"...Nailing down genetic factors linked to longevity in humans has proven challenging, but a new study points to a deletion involving growth hormone receptor gene’s exon 3 (d3-GHR) as possibly playing a significant role. Among 841 people from long-lived populations, the proportion of individuals carrying two copies of d3-GHR increased with age. The effect was specific to men, who lived some 10 years longer than those without the mutation. The results were published Friday (June 16) in Science Advances."

"...Interestingly, Atzmon and his colleagues found that the men with two copies of the d3-GHR deletion were on average one inch taller than other men—the opposite what they had expected. The researchers suspect that the mutation somehow amplifies the receptor’s response to surges in growth hormone, such as during pubertal growth spurts, while at the same time limiting such responses to growth hormone in adulthood, causing cells to divide more slowly—thereby slowing aging."

"...The results call into question the practice of prescribing growth hormone in the hopes of restoring or maintaining a more youthful body, study coauthor Nir Barzilai, a geneticist at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, told The New York Times. “We’re worried about giving treatments that probably are going to do the opposite.”"
I agree with you if you read study...But in reality I known many doctor that take Low dose GH with aging since many year and many feel great like Dr Braverman...

Braverman said " It may make bone grow a little bit more in a natural manner, but its primary role is as a repair and remodeling! W adults HGh increases brain connections thru dendrites , muscle mass , muscle growing more securely into ligaments making knees hips, back, more resilient ! muscle and neuron connections throughout the body as you age go into repair deficit and repair is controlled growth! dozens of studies found no increase in new cancers after 10 years of taking Growth Hormone...


May 10, 2018
dozens of studies found no increase in new cancers after 10 years of taking Growth Hormone...

interesting, thanks for this. I’m keen to read up a bit more on these studies, can you link them here for us. What age and dosage we’re they taking of the GH over the ten years?


Jul 9, 2020
Nice stuff, I haven't seen this one yet. Human study too. There's a lot of HGH broscience out here, so no wonder people get confused about it.


Dec 15, 2017
dozens of studies found no increase in new cancers after 10 years of taking Growth Hormone...

interesting, thanks for this. I’m keen to read up a bit more on these studies, can you link them here for us. What age and dosage we’re they taking of the GH over the ten years?
I'm not a pro GH and don't take it, but I known many who take low dose since many year's without side effect...


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