Artemisinin Vs. MB Vs. Vitamin C



Apr 14, 2013
Do you have issues with pancreas?

I'm not sure frankly. About 15 years ago I had what the doctors thought was pancreatitis, based on dangerously elevated liver enzyme levels and I was severly ill. I got better in a couple months and my levels came back to normal but that was the start of my major digestive issues (it was just IBS before that). Celiac can potentially damage all digestion organs as far as I know so it's likely.

I've tried every Vit C since I started this thread and they all cause worsening of my gastritis, GERD, LPR. Glutathione gives me mouth sores and selenium also causes gastritis symptoms so I've given up on the antioxidants (except Vit E).

MB and artimisinin both cause oxidative stress from what I understand, I don't understand how this is beneficial yet (something to do with reactive oxygen species) and I'm continuing my research in that area. I think my main goal now is heal the mucosal lining. This stomach pain and gastritis is rough. The viral symptoms have been lessoning so that's good at least.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
I'm not sure frankly. About 15 years ago I had what the doctors thought was pancreatitis, based on dangerously elevated liver enzyme levels and I was severly ill. I got better in a couple months and my levels came back to normal but that was the start of my major digestive issues (it was just IBS before that). Celiac can potentially damage all digestion organs as far as I know so it's likely.

I've tried every Vit C since I started this thread and they all cause worsening of my gastritis, GERD, LPR. Glutathione gives me mouth sores and selenium also causes gastritis symptoms so I've given up on the antioxidants (except Vit E).

MB and artimisinin both cause oxidative stress from what I understand, I don't understand how this is beneficial yet (something to do with reactive oxygen species) and I'm continuing my research in that area. I think my main goal now is heal the mucosal lining. This stomach pain and gastritis is rough. The viral symptoms have been lessoning so that's good at least.
People with pancreatitis have problems with SIBO because of insufficiency of proteolytic enzymes. I can tell you what I did. I was eating 1 pineapple a day for bromelain and nutrients. Bromelain is very powerfull enzyme which can lower or activate inflammation markers like TNF-alfa or interferon gamma, both involved in intestinal inflammation. Its powerfull against endotoxin too, increases healing and decreases fibrosis. L-threonine is nutrient for gut lining and for phlegm like barrier that protects villi. I have better hair after l threonine. L tyrosine is also nutrient for some proteins in the gut. Phosphatidylcholine is good for liver repair, physical barrier in the intestines, antagonist of TLR4 receptor and pufa antagonism. Thats all.


Apr 14, 2013
People with pancreatitis have problems with SIBO because of insufficiency of proteolytic enzymes. I can tell you what I did. I was eating 1 pineapple a day for bromelain and nutrients. Bromelain is very powerfull enzyme which can lower or activate inflammation markers like TNF-alfa or interferon gamma, both involved in intestinal inflammation. Its powerfull against endotoxin too, increases healing and decreases fibrosis. L-threonine is nutrient for gut lining and for phlegm like barrier that protects villi. I have better hair after l threonine. L tyrosine is also nutrient for some proteins in the gut. Phosphatidylcholine is good for liver repair, physical barrier in the intestines, antagonist of TLR4 receptor and pufa antagonism. Thats all.
Thanks! I am taking Pure Encapsulations Systemic Proteolytic enzymes currently. It has bromelain, 80mg per 2 caps (ap 2,400 GDU/g), I take it twice a day on an empty stomach. How much do you take to get the effects you speak of? I think my current dose is probably minimal.
Come to think of it, someone else on this forum mentioned an improvement with GERD from bromelain, I don't think she mentioned the amount either though.

Phosphatidylcholine did not do me well unfortunately. It gave me acne (which is weird since I haven't had even a pimple since my 20s) and made me smell funky (not in a good way).

I haven't looked into the l threonine or l tyrosine yet but I plan to. Thanks for the tips!


Jun 19, 2014
Thanks! I am taking Pure Encapsulations Systemic Proteolytic enzymes currently. It has bromelain, 80mg per 2 caps (ap 2,400 GDU/g), I take it twice a day on an empty stomach. How much do you take to get the effects you speak of? I think my current dose is probably minimal.
Come to think of it, someone else on this forum mentioned an improvement with GERD from bromelain, I don't think she mentioned the amount either though.

Phosphatidylcholine did not do me well unfortunately. It gave me acne (which is weird since I haven't had even a pimple since my 20s) and made me smell funky (not in a good way).

I haven't looked into the l threonine or l tyrosine yet but I plan to. Thanks for the tips!
Beware that tyrosine can cause serious adrenaline spikes. Magnesium may attenuate this, but haven't tested that theory.


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
@zopol I am the person who said her gerd is cured after taking bromelain. I still take it as well as eat pineapple when available. I use now brand that has 500 mg and 2400 gdu/gm. My gerd developed when I hit menopause.


Apr 14, 2013
Beware that tyrosine can cause serious adrenaline spikes. Magnesium may attenuate this, but haven't tested that theory.

Thanks for the warning. I did do a bit of research into this and appears the adrenaline spikes are a real issue. Some people take it just to get that effect. I do take a magnesium supp. but I think the risk outweighs the benefit in my case.

@zopol I am the person who said her gerd is cured after taking bromelain. I still take it as well as eat pineapple when available. I use now brand that has 500 mg and 2400 gdu/gm. My gerd developed when I hit menopause.

Thanks! This helpful info. I suppose I could up my dose to 500 and see if that helps. Although, my GERD is caused by gastritis and i'm finding some contradictory info on if it's good or bad for that.

The l-threaonine looks useful. It's helpful for people with Celiac.


Oct 5, 2014
Beware that tyrosine can cause serious adrenaline spikes. Magnesium may attenuate this, but haven't tested that theory.
In my experience magnesium is not enough to prevent an adrenaline spike from tyrosine. I wish someone could find a way to force-feed the tyrosine into the dopamine pathway and not into the other cathecolamines.


Oct 5, 2014
I need some biochemistry help.

I have an active virus that is severe. I don't know what it is or how to determine what it is but it feels like a cross between influenza and herpes zoster (which I had a verified case of two years ago). The symptoms are low grade fever, chills, body aches especially located in back of neck, headaches, queasy stomach, dizziness, and extreme fatigue. My physician did tons of blood work and says it's stemming from malnutrition due to Celiac, SIBO, damagaed villi, and torturous colon. The main deficiencies she's concerned about are anti-oxidants and zinc which are dangerously low despite the OJ, fruit, seafood, red meat that I eat. Her official diagnosis was high amount of oxidative stress.

At first I tried to up the fruit and OJ I was eating and skip the frozen seafood in favor of fresh eggs and meat. I added in monolaurin and took small amounts of Energin and Estroban throughout the day. I tried mushrooms but just gave me bad gas, which sucked. I've been taking Cascara for years. These had no effects and I became bedridden. I decided to take the supp's my physician recommended; vitamin c, glutathione, selenium, addl vitamin E, B12, calcium, magnesium glycinate, and zinc picolinate. I introduced one at a time to how I'd react. Miraculously, after about a week of taking 2000mg of vitamin C I started feeling better. But then got gastritis. I tried several different vitamin C supp's, the fruit powder ones gave me major gas and the synthetic ones gave me gastritis. As soon as I stopped the Vit C the gas and gastritis reduced by about 80% but within days I became bedridden with flu symptoms again. And despite taking zinc, my level is still low and my physician still says my problem is the high amount of oxidative stress due to the low zinc ( she also said that my copper was high and ceruloplasmin was low, iron was fine).

So the anti-oxidant supplement approach worked but I know it's not safe. Due to my already high amount of oxidative stress; would it be safe to take Artemisinin or Oxidal? I know these substances have been successful in reducing viral load. But would I have to stop having high vitamin C foods like OJ for them to be effective?

@bzmazu @Tarmander @haidut @lisaferraro
I've read many of your posts on the subject of Artemisinin and Methylene Blue but do not understand how things that cause oxidative stress can be beneficial, especially if there is an anti-oxidant deficiency.
Have you tried high doses of MB? It will havr some serotonergic effects but if it works to kill the virus... you will have time to reduce the serotonin later.

Btw why are you so sure it is a virus?


Oct 5, 2014
Famotidine (i.e. Pepcid) is very well indicated for gastritis as well as all things intestinal, CO2 booster, positive influence on gut bacteria, reduces endotoxin and serotonin, liver protective, decalcifies soft tissue, etc all with a very high safety profile.
Famotidine lowers stomach acid which will leave food indigested, no? I don't think it's safe or am I missing something?


Jan 1, 2013
Don't you find these 3 things are very harsh on the stomach? I can't imagine taking that for more than a few days.

It varies:

- Iodine drops are absolutely not a problem for the stomach (in my experience anyway)

- Magnesium chloride is hard on the taste but not on the stomach, at least in those not having excess stomach acid (the chloride combines with H+ ions to form HCL and allow better absorption of magnesium)

- Raw garlic (whether by itself or mixed with homey and water) wreaks havoc on any stomach for about 3 minutes, and then it subsides. One can alleviate a little this problem by eating something before taking it.

Of course, these 3 things need to be taken separately, unless one likes to suffer.


Oct 5, 2014
It varies:

- Iodine drops are absolutely not a problem for the stomach (in my experience anyway)

- Magnesium chloride is hard on the taste but not on the stomach, at least in those not having excess stomach acid (the chloride combines with H+ ions to form HCL and allow better absorption of magnesium)

- Raw garlic (whether by itself or mixed with homey and water) wreaks havoc on any stomach for about 3 minutes, and then it subsides. One can alleviate a little this problem by eating something before taking it.

Of course, these 3 things need to be taken separately, unless one likes to suffer.

For the record : I found that increasing the KI to I2 ratio not only prevents strong detox reactions but it is also much gentler in the stomach. I know a few people which regular lugol felt very harsh on the stomach for them.


Jul 11, 2017
Famotidine lowers stomach acid which will leave food indigested, no? I don't think it's safe or am I missing something?

I take it before bed to mitigate acid lowering effects. By that time dinner should well on it’s way to being digested and it will wear off before breakfast. It has a long list of benefits and ironically the only downside seems to be the acid lowering effect that it is marketed for. Haidut has mentioned that all antihistamines have acid lowering effects even though they are sold for various purposes. Famotidine is mild acid reducer and nowhere near as dangerous as PPIs.

Anyway, I haven’t noticed any decrease in digestion and personally it has been a miracle drug taking me from half zombie to halfway normal. It’s greatly improved my hypoglycemia so I don’t have to eat all the time, I’ve lost some weight, and most importantly I feel so much clearer. So I don’t have have words for it but I feel so much less sick and more functional. Probably not a direct cure but damn good stuff for what ails me.


Oct 5, 2014
I take it before bed to mitigate acid lowering effects. By that time dinner should well on it’s way to being digested and it will wear off before breakfast. It has a long list of benefits and ironically the only downside seems to be the acid lowering effect that it is marketed for. Haidut has mentioned that all antihistamines have acid lowering effects even though they are sold for various purposes. Famotidine is mild acid reducer and nowhere near as dangerous as PPIs.

Anyway, I haven’t noticed any decrease in digestion and personally it has been a miracle drug taking me from half zombie to halfway normal. It’s greatly improved my hypoglycemia so I don’t have to eat all the time, I’ve lost some weight, and most importantly I feel so much clearer. So I don’t have have words for it but I feel so much less sick and more functional. Probably not a direct cure but damn good stuff for what ails me.
Wow!! Thanks a lot. I think the effects, good and bad, are cummulative so it has probably lowered your stomach acid but if you get a big array of other benefits it is probably a good option. I will give it a try! I am in the middle of a southamerican digestive system madness, so to speak haha. Thanks!


Oct 5, 2014
@burtlancast do you think antibacterial/fungal/viral properties of iodine are systemic or only to the tissues that it directly touches? For instance if you take it orally it can help clear microbes in lungs, sinuses, etc... via blood circulation?


Apr 14, 2013
Have you tried high doses of MB? It will havr some serotonergic effects but if it works to kill the virus... you will have time to reduce the serotonin later.

Btw why are you so sure it is a virus?

I don't know for sure that it is but the symptoms are similar to when I've had infuenza and shingles.

It varies:

- Iodine drops are absolutely not a problem for the stomach (in my experience anyway)

- Magnesium chloride is hard on the taste but not on the stomach, at least in those not having excess stomach acid (the chloride combines with H+ ions to form HCL and allow better absorption of magnesium)

- Raw garlic (whether by itself or mixed with homey and water) wreaks havoc on any stomach for about 3 minutes, and then it subsides. One can alleviate a little this problem by eating something before taking it.

Of course, these 3 things need to be taken separately, unless one likes to suffer.

Correct on the Mg chloride. I add about 5 squirts to my Gerolsteiner water and no stomach issues from it. Whereas other forms of Mag do cause some stomach issues. Mag bicarbonate is the only other one that's okay for my guts.

I've been having improvements with the viral symptoms using Monolaurin. It took a good 3 months at the full dose 3x day before it really helped.


Jan 1, 2013
There's another option available in case of persisting infections: the Bob Beck blood electrifier: efficient and affordable.
Here's a collection of testimonials for a variety of conditions: Bob Beck
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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