Artemisinin Vs. MB Vs. Vitamin C


Apr 14, 2013
I need some biochemistry help.

I have an active virus that is severe. I don't know what it is or how to determine what it is but it feels like a cross between influenza and herpes zoster (which I had a verified case of two years ago). The symptoms are low grade fever, chills, body aches especially located in back of neck, headaches, queasy stomach, dizziness, and extreme fatigue. My physician did tons of blood work and says it's stemming from malnutrition due to Celiac, SIBO, damagaed villi, and torturous colon. The main deficiencies she's concerned about are anti-oxidants and zinc which are dangerously low despite the OJ, fruit, seafood, red meat that I eat. Her official diagnosis was high amount of oxidative stress.

At first I tried to up the fruit and OJ I was eating and skip the frozen seafood in favor of fresh eggs and meat. I added in monolaurin and took small amounts of Energin and Estroban throughout the day. I tried mushrooms but just gave me bad gas, which sucked. I've been taking Cascara for years. These had no effects and I became bedridden. I decided to take the supp's my physician recommended; vitamin c, glutathione, selenium, addl vitamin E, B12, calcium, magnesium glycinate, and zinc picolinate. I introduced one at a time to how I'd react. Miraculously, after about a week of taking 2000mg of vitamin C I started feeling better. But then got gastritis. I tried several different vitamin C supp's, the fruit powder ones gave me major gas and the synthetic ones gave me gastritis. As soon as I stopped the Vit C the gas and gastritis reduced by about 80% but within days I became bedridden with flu symptoms again. And despite taking zinc, my level is still low and my physician still says my problem is the high amount of oxidative stress due to the low zinc ( she also said that my copper was high and ceruloplasmin was low, iron was fine).

So the anti-oxidant supplement approach worked but I know it's not safe. Due to my already high amount of oxidative stress; would it be safe to take Artemisinin or Oxidal? I know these substances have been successful in reducing viral load. But would I have to stop having high vitamin C foods like OJ for them to be effective?

@bzmazu @Tarmander @haidut @lisaferraro
I've read many of your posts on the subject of Artemisinin and Methylene Blue but do not understand how things that cause oxidative stress can be beneficial, especially if there is an anti-oxidant deficiency.
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Jan 1, 2013
Raw garlic + magnesium chloride + 4 drops of iodine.

Cures just about anything.


Apr 14, 2013
Raw garlic + magnesium chloride + 4 drops of iodine.

Cures just about anything.
Cool. How much garlic and mag chl? Do you repete this daily?

Have you also tried liposomal vitamin c?
I haven't. I can't find any that doesn't have sunflower or soy. Have you got a recommendation? Or do you know if the lecithin component is not so bad?


Jan 1, 2013
Cool. How much garlic and mag chl? Do you repete this daily?

2 crushed bulbs left on a plate for 10 min then swallowed with whatever you like.
Repeat at 4 hours intervals until symptoms disappear.

3/4 teaspoon of mag chloride with water, divided in 3 doses during the day.

20000 units Vit D.


Apr 14, 2013
I've been using this one for the last 6 months and I did't experience any negative effects:

It seems to be free of PUFA and is made with Quali-C, which is very pure Vitamin C produced in Europe.

2 crushed bulbs left on a plate for 10 min then swallowed with whatever you like.
Repeat at 4 hours intervals until symptoms disappear.

3/4 teaspoon of mag chloride with water, divided in 3 doses during the day.

20000 units Vit D.

Thanks! I will try these things.


Apr 14, 2013
How much time has elapsed since your initiall issues and the deployment of these strategies?
These flu-like symptoms started last March. So I've been dealing with this for about 7 months now.


Apr 30, 2015
You may have your cause and effect backwards. How do you know that the high amount of oxidative stress is not a reaction to the virus...your body trying to defeat it? If the C is working, I would stick with it, try different forms to lower the gastritis, or space out your intake of it by quite a bit. If you try Artemisinin, I would cycle it. Any highly oxidative supplement I would cycle.


Apr 14, 2013
You may have your cause and effect backwards. How do you know that the high amount of oxidative stress is not a reaction to the virus...your body trying to defeat it? If the C is working, I would stick with it, try different forms to lower the gastritis, or space out your intake of it by quite a bit. If you try Artemisinin, I would cycle it. Any highly oxidative supplement I would cycle.
Good point about the cause and effect. If I take the vitamin C daily and use the Artemisinin 4 days of the week, do you know how far would I would have to space the two supp's on those 4 days so they don't cancel each other out? Also, I drink about 4 or 5 glasses of OJ per day, would I have to wait to take the Artemisinin after drinking it do you or anyone know?


You may have your cause and effect backwards. How do you know that the high amount of oxidative stress is not a reaction to the virus...your body trying to defeat it? If the C is working, I would stick with it, try different forms to lower the gastritis, or space out your intake of it by quite a bit. If you try Artemisinin, I would cycle it. Any highly oxidative supplement I would cycle.
+1 Hi @Zpol - excuse me for not answering more quickly. Have been traveling and just returned.

I say continue with C and

for gastritis (warning not everything Peaty - but in acute cases helped me immensely). Also I do not use these continuously or regularly - only in acute situations:

*HIGH dose of digestive enzymes - use the low strength formula Digest Basic and take like 5 or so at once with Dr. Best Bromelein - 2 capsules or so. Not “recommending” here - just what worked for me. I took as many times as needed a day to reduce symptoms.

*BioGaia Gastrus - take in painful inflamed moments -

BioGaia Gastrus Chewable...

*DGL Ultra

DGL ULTRA: Ultra-Strength...

Instant relief of pain.

Hope this helps @Zpol!


Apr 14, 2013
+1 Hi @Zpol - excuse me for not answering more quickly. Have been traveling and just returned.

I say continue with C and

for gastritis (warning not everything Peaty - but in acute cases helped me immensely). Also I do not use these continuously or regularly - only in acute situations:

*HIGH dose of digestive enzymes - use the low strength formula Digest Basic and take like 5 or so at once with Dr. Best Bromelein - 2 capsules or so. Not “recommending” here - just what worked for me. I took as many times as needed a day to reduce symptoms.

*BioGaia Gastrus - take in painful inflamed moments -

BioGaia Gastrus Chewable...

*DGL Ultra

DGL ULTRA: Ultra-Strength...

Instant relief of pain.

Hope this helps @Zpol!
Hi Lisa, glad you could reply :)
I've tried all those before. Not that particular brand of Reuteri but a similar one. They do help as long I'm not consuming things I know are irritating.
My main concern is if I take vitamin C ( 500mg 3x/day)(i'll have to find one I can tolerate), plus drink 5 glasses of OJ per day, will this negate the effects of Artemisinin?
Artemisinin and MB cause oxidation which eventually kills off viruses, but if I'm taking in copious amounts of anti-oxidants wouldn't the anti-oxidants prevent the oxidation that the Artemisinin causes?


Hi Lisa, glad you could reply :)
I've tried all those before. Not that particular brand of Reuteri but a similar one. They do help as long I'm not consuming things I know are irritating.
My main concern is if I take vitamin C ( 500mg 3x/day)(i'll have to find one I can tolerate), plus drink 5 glasses of OJ per day, will this negate the effects of Artemisinin?
Artemisinin and MB cause oxidation which eventually kills off viruses, but if I'm taking in copious amounts of anti-oxidants wouldn't the anti-oxidants prevent the oxidation that the Artemisinin causes?
Got it. I understand your question now :):

Out of my league. Sorry. Wish I could answer.


Apr 30, 2015
Good point about the cause and effect. If I take the vitamin C daily and use the Artemisinin 4 days of the week, do you know how far would I would have to space the two supp's on those 4 days so they don't cancel each other out? Also, I drink about 4 or 5 glasses of OJ per day, would I have to wait to take the Artemisinin after drinking it do you or anyone know?
I did Artemisinin while drinking OJ, did not seem to notice a difference but maybe it had an effect. Vitamin C can be pro-oxidant I believe...I am really not sure with taking them together. Try them separately, then together, then compare. Sucks, but you'll have a true data point.

One thing I think might be good for viruses is to cycle your alkalinity/acidity over a couple weeks. Like try changing up your diet quite a bit for a few days, then change it again, then again, then maybe back to something stable. So do like your regular diet, then go to a low carb diet for a week, then do a rice and beans and meat diet, then do a lot of fruit...Or just make a big shift, like cut out OJ or something. I second @lisaferraro with the digestive stuff. Can really help.

This might knock something loose if you are stuck in some addled state. You want to get back to stability of course... Just an idea to think about.
Nov 21, 2015
Ascorbyl palmitate is easy to get and a great form of vitamin C that is fat soluble obviously. Dr. Peat recently pointed out that fat soluble things consumed orally can become chylomicrons in the bloodstream and these are biologically natural liposomes.


Jul 11, 2017
Famotidine (i.e. Pepcid) is very well indicated for gastritis as well as all things intestinal, CO2 booster, positive influence on gut bacteria, reduces endotoxin and serotonin, liver protective, decalcifies soft tissue, etc all with a very high safety profile.


Apr 14, 2013
I did Artemisinin while drinking OJ, did not seem to notice a difference but maybe it had an effect.
Good to know. Thanks for the ideas.

What about B1 to help with stomach acid (iodine will help, too)?

And retinol will help create ceruloplasmin and heal your gut.

Interesting. I'll try the B1, I already take retinol but maybe it hasn't built up in my system yet.

Ascorbyl palmitate is easy to get and a great form of vitamin C that is fat soluble obviously. Dr. Peat recently pointed out that fat soluble things consumed orally can become chylomicrons in the bloodstream and these are biologically natural liposomes.

Famotidine (i.e. Pepcid) is very well indicated for gastritis as well as all things intestinal, CO2 booster, positive influence on gut bacteria, reduces endotoxin and serotonin, liver protective, decalcifies soft tissue, etc all with a very high safety profile.

I've tried both those, no luck. The H2 blockers (Pepcid and Tagemet) help with gastritis but majorly screw up my small intestines.

Maybe I'm just thinking about this all wrong. Perhaps the reason Vitamin C works so well is due to it's pro-oxidant effect after all and Artemisinin and MB are truly the way to go.
I've read through all I could find on anti-oxidants from Doctor Peat, I have not read through all Linus Pauling's stuff yet. I do know that when I was taking the Vitamin C my hemorrhoids disappeared, and I had better resistance to viruses. I suspect artemisinin and MB would have the same benefit against viruses but not sure they could strengthen my capillaries as effectively. Also, adequate vit. C is needed in order to prevent bleeding due to asprin.
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