Arsenic and Old Lace


Feb 29, 2016
Melatonin is abundant in coffee. I had a sea saw love affair with coffee. Sleeping soundly was impossible, a 3:00am sharp and sudden headache would repeatedly interrupt my deep sleep and coffee was my only relief from pain, for years, When I'd get tests, arsenic came up and I wasn't a rice eater. Why?
Here is my theory, after looking into Cure Your Fatigue by Morley Robbins, here a naturopathic doctor explains a synopsis of the book from her perspective.
So, in learning that melatonin is abundant in coffee, plant derived apparently is accepted by our bodies, it can work to clean up the glymphoid tissue of the brain.
Prior to this, I had many years of drinking coffee from a chain store with the logo of a mermaid (or is it a she-serpent)? I have stelar tastebuds and I could always taste the cup. But, global warming, right? It was recycled paper. Recently, I heard a story about a true murder mystery in England in the 1800's and it very closely resembled the old famous play "Arsenic and Old Lace".
To make a long story short, I made a lot of changes, "organic everything only" touched my lips since learning that coffee was a good thing-THANKS to Peat! I had magnesium flooding my cells, according to Dr. Sherry Rogers, she had never seen someone who had this, but there it was-so why take it. I'd react worse when supplementing it. I've come to realize that the addition of DMSO with BiCarb Magnesium with MB would almost instantly break the pain after so many years of suffering this unusual symptom. Also, I had recently been using home brewed tobacco juice that was taking care of the snakebite that I'd been suspicious of, thanks the Dr. Ardis' findings. It really helped before I came up with using the DMSO, BiCarb Mag, MB combo. Side note. When I was in high school, I got the role of the vamp/detective in this old classic play 'Arsenic and Old Lace". Silk slinky green dress with a revolver tucked into my garter. I had a realization that came in a flash-an image of a grandmotherly entity-but it was a man-lizard type one-who was offering a "remedy" to this 1984 nightmare that we are all terrorized with. Do you know his money came from not only Micro Soft, but also those chain stores that sells the hot brew in recycled cups? What is woven into those cups I wonder? I could taste it, but do you think the people would have suspected? Poisoned, one cup at a time- True story. ReallyGraceful has the receipt on that fact. Here is Ardis who tested the glyphosate and there is snake venom in it! It's in the weed killer. "They" want us to croak ourselves, one lawn at a time. Who would have known. Now you do. Happy gardening, happy Solstice! Dr. Bryan Ardis Is Welcomed Back To Lost Arts Radio - And Our Discussion Gets Personal


Mar 21, 2014
To make a long story short, I made a lot of changes, "organic everything only" touched my lips since learning that coffee was a good thing-THANKS to Peat! I had magnesium flooding my cells, according to Dr. Sherry Rogers, she had never seen someone who had this, but there it was-so why take it. I'd react worse when supplementing it.
Are you saying you react to supplemental magnesium but that coffee is helpful? I am confused by your wording.
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