Anyone else ever had a 'Pityriasis Rosea' breakout all over torso? pls help!..


Jun 30, 2020

ive recently had a break out of what is known as pityriasis rosea all over my chest, back, thighs and somewhat on my biceps. sometimes areas flare up and get itchy but for the most part it is just hundred of red dots and small scaly lesions. it looks very sickly and is making me very self conscious / feel low about my body appearance. Im told it takes some weeks and it goes away by itself.

i couldn't really find anything on the 'viral' rash on this forum. i just heard some stuff about it on reddit - people mentioned it being stress induced / common among college students before exams.

does anyone have any advice or remedies from a peaty perspective on this issue? any help would be greatly appreciated, and hopefully this thread could maybe be helpful to future people with a pityriasis rosea outbreak who search rpf.

background details if anyone is interested:
i'm a young male, follow very peaty lifestyle / inspired nutrition. My temps are good - oral: waking 36.5-8 and daytime 36.8-37.4 // underarm usually at around 36.3-6 (i think it's lower due to me being quite skinny) (waking pulse is 60 -70 ish, daytime pulse is 72-88). i speculate the 'stressor' that may have caused it could be: i have a very very delayed sleep schedule - so i may be having serotonin issues from sleeping through the morning sun for months) or

- it could be from a period of supplementing 5-10 mg of progesterone every night for about a couple weeks (i was doing this for the mental insights / euphoria / calmness) - though i heard that progesterone supplementation interferes w digestion / the creation of substances involved w digestion - and i related to some other users that mentioned progesterone causing them constipation (and for me some endotoxin symptoms). Also around this time of supplementing prog, eating a daily carrot salad began to have opposite effects. The carrot salad used to have a mood boosting / anti anxiety / euphoria effect - then after some time consuming it daily and also taking progesterone - i experienced tinnitus, endotoxin symptoms and less bowel movements. i wonder if this is related to the rash or is worthwhile making another thread on.

(sorry if anything is poorly worded, i am writing this before bed)

some reference links:
Pityriasis rosea | DermNet NZ (what my doctor shared w me)

(some other stuff)

pls help! and share ur thoughts it is very much appreciated!
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Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
I am pretty sure I had it. I got the “herald” mark on my back in late Dec. I went to a dermatologist and he said it was actinic keratosis and didn’t do anything. Right after that I got all the red dots all over. I looked it up on the internet and this was in 2006, so it wasn’t hard to find information. What I read was that they don’t know the cause but it clears up in about 3 months. So I decided to wait until March before going back to the dermatologist. And it did go away by March. I was lucky because long sleeves and pants covered the dots.

I wasn’t eating very much at the time. And there had been a death in the family. My husband and I think stress might have had something to do with it.


Jun 30, 2020
The reason I asked is because after searching for what your condition looks like, it became apparent that it looks just like adverse reactions numerous people have had to the covid shot.
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Apr 17, 2017
The results showed that the serum level of IFN-γ was significantly lower in Pityriasis rosea patients.

Supplements that increased interferon-gamma levels include:

-- Glutamine
-- Probiotics (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG)
-- Vitamin E
-- Glycine



Oct 21, 2013
I had it once when I was in my 20's. The doc at the time said it was harmless and would go away on its own, which it did.


Jun 30, 2020
@Dolomite @Perry Staltic @aliml @LucyL

i tried sunbathing for 30 minutes several hours ago as its written that 'uv therapy' is helpful, and the rash has become extremely red and inflamed, though my back which i did not sunbath is clearing up / much much more clear

it also seems everyday to be spreading more around my body and this is affecting my mental health negatively. i feel like i am running out of options / therapies due to the fact that all the moisturisers / creams etc that are said to alleviate the itching / inflammation all contain ingredients that Peaty writes about as toxic (eg one lady said that head and shoulders and e45 cream was very helpful)

i have a red light machine and some very viscous vitamin e oil (though it says not to apply to irritated skin)

maybe daily aspirin, k2, d3 drop, and some gelatin powder may help?

or maybe just nothing at all / ignoring it will help it go away? (as seems to have been affective for the rash/lesions on my back)

any help or advice is greatly appreciated. thanks


Oct 21, 2013
@Dolomite @Perry Staltic @aliml @LucyL

i tried sunbathing for 30 minutes several hours ago as its written that 'uv therapy' is helpful, and the rash has become extremely red and inflamed, though my back which i did not sunbath is clearing up / much much more clear

it also seems everyday to be spreading more around my body and this is affecting my mental health negatively. i feel like i am running out of options / therapies due to the fact that all the moisturisers / creams etc that are said to alleviate the itching / inflammation all contain ingredients that Peaty writes about as toxic (eg one lady said that head and shoulders and e45 cream was very helpful)

i have a red light machine and some very viscous vitamin e oil (though it says not to apply to irritated skin)

maybe daily aspirin, k2, d3 drop, and some gelatin powder may help?

or maybe just nothing at all / ignoring it will help it go away? (as seems to have been affective for the rash/lesions on my back)

any help or advice is greatly appreciated. thanks
Ayurvedic medicine considers this a pitta condition - please investigate this further
some pitta foods: deadly nightshades, garlic, eggs...


Jun 30, 2020
just noting:

after a couple weeks the rash has gone away :thumbsup:
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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