Low Toxin Testimonials Anyone cured of ME/CFS?


Mar 21, 2014
If anyone with ME/CFS comes forward as says low vA / bile theory has cured their ME/CFS, could someone please let me know?

If anyone says this, I'd want to assure they actually had ME/CFS, since a lot of people with "chronic fatigue" claim to have ME/CFS when they don't.

Since ME/CFS is a severe disease of energy production, and Peat's work centered on energy production, I suspect my 10 years of following Peat's theories and contuining to decline from this illness point to a possible hole in Peat's theories. (Peating did not cause it since I've have ME 14 years)

Or maybe some people are just gonna be sick no matter what. That's how it feels sometimes. IDK.
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Jan 6, 2019
Somewhat related, I once had a discussion with someone who had cured their CFS with daily coffee enemas, ALA and milk thistle, all of which help the liver. Whether they truly had CFS or were merely chronically fatigued is unclear, but they seemed like a sharp and knowledgeable individual who most likely was aware of the difference.


Sep 13, 2012
Hi @freyasam !! I know this is not Peaty or anything, but have you looked into the polyvagal theory when it comes to CFS? I just watched a testimonial about it. This lady had long COVID ended up not being able to work and is mostly recovered by doing nervous system work.

View: https://youtu.be/XxvmJr_Z-4E?si=EiGqIhsZI8xiB0Nv

I love this channel she does positive success stories like this practically everyday. Most of the recoveries have nothing to do with diet (though she said her own recovery had to do with listening to her body on what to eat and not what any diet said). Her own Mother died with ME/CFS, so she had a lot of trauma surrounding that but turned that trauma into helping others not have to go through the same fate.


Mar 21, 2014
Hi @freyasam !! I know this is not Peaty or anything, but have you looked into the polyvagal theory when it comes to CFS? I just watched a testimonial about it. This lady had long COVID ended up not being able to work and is mostly recovered by doing nervous system work.

View: https://youtu.be/XxvmJr_Z-4E?si=EiGqIhsZI8xiB0Nv

I love this channel she does positive success stories like this practically everyday. Most of the recoveries have nothing to do with diet (though she said her own recovery had to do with listening to her body on what to eat and not what any diet said). Her own Mother died with ME/CFS, so she had a lot of trauma surrounding that but turned that trauma into helping others not have to go through the same fate.

Hi InChristAlone, yes I know this youtube channel well. There are so many people trying to profit off desperatly ill ppl w/ ME/CFS. People who recover with this type of thing usually have burnout or an eating disorder or are in an abusive relationship. This 'brain retraining' stuff does a lot of harm to people with real ME. Agle was able to be a scuba dive instructor while "ill." Anyone who really has ME/CFS (except for the mildest versions) knows that's impossible.

This is why I'd want to ask anyone claiming to have been cured of ME/CFS what was their experience like. People who really have this can tell the "I had chronic fatigue" from the real ME. Search reddit CFS for Agle's full name for more info on what this kind of thing does to us. It's awful.

Also many ppl w/ long covid heal spontaneously. I'm interested in hearing from pwME who've been seriously ill for 5+years bc the chance of recovery after a certain point goes down.
Thanks; I appreciate your comment.
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Mar 21, 2014
Oh and anyway I did look into this theory and spent thousand$ on this kind of thing only to end up worse, like most pwME. I very much wanted to believe this approach would help. Like everyone with ME I'm so desperate. It's a cruel disease. You have no life force but continue to live. It's called the living death disease.

And on top of that no one believes you are sick, and it's called a dismissive name that happens to be a common symptom everyone has. I wouldn't wish ME on my worst enemy.
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Mar 21, 2014

Oh this is chilling. I just realized this user is the same user I've been aware of on an ME forum. He changed his user name, so here I was hoping "energyandstruct" would come through with an ME cure for himself and tell us all about it. Only to realize he's the same guy I'm aware of, who has been in severe decline and is having eyesight loss so no longer goes online much. (i am also having vision problems which is scary)

I was holding onto hope that if there was a cure to be found in Peat world, he or I would find it. We're both smart, good at research and experimentation, and are aware of Peat. And both of us are getting sicker and sicker.
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Sep 13, 2012
Hi InChristAlone, yes I know this youtube channel well. There are so many people trying to profit off desperatly ill ppl w/ ME/CFS. People who recover with this type of thing usually have burnout or an eating disorder or are in an abusive relationship. This 'brain retraining' stuff does a lot of harm to people with real ME. Agle was able to be a scuba dive instructor while "ill." Anyone who really has ME/CFS (except for the mildest versions) knows that's impossible.

This is why I'd want to ask anyone claiming to have been cured of ME/CFS what was their experience like. People who really have this can tell the "I had chronic fatigue" from the real ME.

Also many ppl w/ long covid heal spontaneously. I'm interested in hearing from pwME who've been seriously ill for 5+years bc the chance of recovery after a certain point goes down.
Thanks; I appreciate your comment.
Aw that really stinks 😩. I still think the polyvagal theory is good. We can't heal when in shutdown (or fight or flight). Scuba diving can be a source of pushing the mind to come out of fight or flight. Doing something that you thought you couldn't do. When I was recovering from fight or flight and hypervigilance I gave myself purpose by getting our house ready to sell. At first it gave me a lot of anxiety to push the boundaries of my energy levels but over time I realized hey I can do this! And then the ball started rolling. I went through another crash a couple yrs ago after a lot of stress and I did the same thing to recover. I had to stop believing I was so fragile and to stop giving so much attention to all the worries that entered my mind everyday. It kept me in a state of fight or flight and that is exhausting. Absolutely utterly exhausting to be in that state for days on end. I'm not saying I had CFS since I don't want to minimize the suffering of others. But I think the cause of it is similar. Being in a constant state of fight or flight the system shuts down to survive.

There is also something to be said about the toxic bile theory. But when the system is shut down digestion slows to a crawl and backs everything up. So first priority for anyone in shutdown is to get it moving again. I do think the coffee enemas might be necessary for a while but the system has to come out of freeze either way. But lowering the overall toxicity helps someone have some energy available.


Mar 21, 2014
I had to stop believing I was so fragile and to stop giving so much attention to all the worries that entered my mind everyday.
That's the difference between ME and hypervigilance/burnout/exhaustion. You cannot push yourself with ME or you end up sicker. I've pushed myself for 14 years. Told myself to stop paying attention to symptoms. I've always been into yoga mind body etc (which I can no longer do), trauma healing, the whole bit. Read all the books. Did courses. Meditation, prayer, etc. There comes a point with ME where you can no longer push yourself, and you are lying in bed after the last time you pushed yourself, and this time you can't get up. You do not bounce back, you do not recover. And for those of us w/o any financial support or caregivers, that is a terrifying place to be in.
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Sep 13, 2012
That's the difference between ME and hypervigilance/burnout/exhaustion. You cannot push yourself with ME or you end up sicker. I've pushed myself for 14 years. Told myself to stop paying attention to symptoms. I've always been into yoga mind body etc (which I can no longer do), trauma healing, the whole bit. Read all the books. Did courses. Meditation, prayer, etc. There comes a point with ME where you can no longer push yourself, and you are lying in bed after the last time you pushed yourself, and this time you can't get up. You do not bounce back, you do not recover. And for those of us w/o any financial support or caregivers, that is a terrifying place to be in.
Yeah I mean I can't relate to that level. As a Mom I didn't have a choice if I was exhausted or not. Sometimes I would say I can't make dinner, or I can't clean the dishes or go to the store. But in general I had to get out of bed every single day no matter how I felt. I think honestly that did help me in the end. Death/disease wasn't an option to me.

It sounds like you do have a level of fight or flight if you feel terrified by the level of sickness you have. I have not gone through lack of a caregiver but I did go through the panic that I had to get up even if my body was buzzing and shaking or my muscles felt weak. It sucks. You may need someone who gets that and can be a listening ear to hear the panic and terror that you have. I don't think anyone who is ill should have to do life alone. I do recommend everyone to seek out a church community. I'm in one right now that is very small everyone knows each other and supports each other. We have to have support. We can't do this alone. Especially not when we are sick.

I'm sorry if this is intrusive of your history but you worked with Garret Smith many yrs ago right? Didn't he have you on a mega dose of vitamin A or you tried very large doses? And also vit D? And didn't you become super sun sensitive?


Mar 21, 2014
I'm sorry if this is intrusive of your history but you worked with Garret Smith many yrs ago right? Didn't he have you on a mega dose of vitamin A or you tried very large doses? And also vit D? And didn't you become super sun sensitive?

Yes I worked with GS. I don't know who told me to take vitamin A, but I didn't take it for long. I remember Peat saying that it was very hard to find non-allergenic A.
I do remember being sun sensitive around that time. Was it from the Vitamin A? I'm hazy on that. It seems you have a better memory of my health history in that era than I do!! So many years of trialing supps and foods, courses and practitioners... I can no longer keep track of it all.


Mar 21, 2014
Wasn't there another comment from @charlie in this thread with more testimonials of people w/ ME/CFS recovering using Garrett's approach. Now all I see is the one comment with the video.


Sep 13, 2012
Yes I worked with GS. I don't know who told me to take vitamin A, but I didn't take it for long. I remember Peat saying that it was very hard to find non-allergenic A.
I do remember being sun sensitive around that time. Was it from the Vitamin A? I'm hazy on that. It seems you have a better memory of my health history in that era than I do!! So many years of trialing supps and foods, courses and practitioners... I can no longer keep track of it all.
Yes I remember it so well because you were so ill, and it kinda shocked me like what if all this vitamin A and D are not so good? I always thought sun sensitivity was related to PUFA but your experience threw a wrench in that idea! I can sometimes remember word for word what someone said about their health because I take it so seriously lol.


Mar 21, 2014
Yes I remember it so well because you were so ill, and it kinda shocked me like what if all this vitamin A and D are not so good? I always thought sun sensitivity was related to PUFA but your experience threw a wrench in that idea! I can sometimes remember word for word what someone said about their health because I take it so seriously lol.
Yeah I think it was the vit A. Crazy. Thx for reminding me of that bc I'd forgotten. I'm not sure i've noticed bad effects from vit D tho.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Wasn't there another comment from @charlie in this thread with more testimonials of people w/ ME/CFS recovering using Garrett's approach. Now all I see is the one comment with the video.
I deleted it because I was not sure it was OK to do since it came from a private group. Although I did leave the names out I think it might not be best to post it.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Mar 21, 2014
Somewhat related, I once had a discussion with someone who had cured their CFS with daily coffee enemas, ALA and milk thistle, all of which help the liver. Whether they truly had CFS or were merely chronically fatigued is unclear, but they seemed like a sharp and knowledgeable individual who most likely was aware of the difference.
Thanks for the info. I used to do coffee enemas to no avail but am considering trying them again. always the doubt i did it wrong or would respond differently now. i'll look into those 2 supps.
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