Anybody Start Smelling Like Fruit After Going Full-on Peat?



May 6, 2016
Athletes use 15g - 20g in divided daily doses of 5g each. This should be enough to lower lactate. You can google for "baking soda lactate".
Thank you. Where's that spoon-feeding icon again...? :)


Mar 29, 2014
Do you have any quick-n-dirty suggestions for addressing high acidity?
Athletes use 15g - 20g in divided daily doses of 5g each. This should be enough to lower lactate. You can google for "baking soda lactate".
Whodathunkit, do you know you are running low pH, or guessing? You can measure UpH with relatively inexpensive pH strips. Ideally averages ~6.3-6.7 according to Peat (similar to Reams'/RBTI guideline RBTI - Reams - mineral deficiency). I won't load up on baking soda or other strongly alkalinising tactics without checking this - getting too alkaline can also cause trouble. I think the doses Haidut is suggesting seem very high. Maybe useful occasionally in some circumstances, but I wouldn't assume they are always safe esp. for ongoing use.

Calcium in the form of eggshells or oystershell is probably alkalinising too.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Whodathunkit, do you know you are running low pH, or guessing? You can measure UpH with relatively inexpensive pH strips. Ideally averages ~6.3-6.7 according to Peat (similar to Reams'/RBTI guideline RBTI - Reams - mineral deficiency). I won't load up on baking soda or other strongly alkalinising tactics without checking this - getting too alkaline can also cause trouble. I think the doses Haidut is suggesting seem very high. Maybe useful occasionally in some circumstances, but I wouldn't assume they are always safe esp. for ongoing use.

Calcium in the form of eggshells or oystershell is probably alkalinising too.

The pH strips for urine/saliva do not really represent blood pH. The 20g dose I mentioned is ONLY to be used in conditions of expected lactate surge - i.e. athletes under extreme exertion or a person in lactic acidosis from other causes. I am not suggesting just anybody start downing 20g baking soda daily just for kicks.


Mar 29, 2014
The pH strips for urine/saliva do not really represent blood pH.
I agree.
The 20g dose I mentioned is ONLY to be used in conditions of expected lactate surge - i.e. athletes under extreme exertion or a person in lactic acidosis from other causes. I am not suggesting just anybody start downing 20g baking soda daily just for kicks.
That makes sense to me.


Jul 8, 2014
Spill, GF. I've tried pretty much everything including tasting my pee, so there isn't really much that sounds crazy to me. :D Does your crazy way involve ingesting your own urine in some fashion? :lol: PM me if you're not comfortable posting about it, please. I'm interested in "non-mainstream diagnostics". :)

Seems to come out all my pores, not just in specific areas. Especially when I get warm. That's what my mother said the other day, too...she thought the aroma had something to do with the fact that I'd been hustling around outside and was warm. She noticed it a couple of times after I'd been really active, then it would fade when I cooled off. I myself haven't noticed any change in odor even in the private bits, except the episodic unpleasantness during actual elimnation. But my honker doesn't seem to work all that well sometimes, probably due to past abuse, while my geriatric mother has a nose like a bloodhound.
Haha! No, there's no urine therapy involved. I'm big into recycling, but I wouldn't want to reingest my metabolic waste, especially seeing how it took months just to get my kidneys to start filtering it out.

Other than the return of my menstrual cycle without supplemental hormones, the disappearance of my rosy face a.k.a milk rash and coughing up tonsil stones as large as pinto beans, my biggest thrill of the year so far was seeing my first jar of cloudy urine.

And now I find out that the one non-gross thing I have going for me right now is possibly due to excess lactic acid. :( Oh, well! I don't care if lactic acid is the source of my sweet scent. No one's taking my fruity pits and bits away from me. Hehe! Just playing!

I know in my case, my fruity smell isn't due to lactic acid because my levels have been tested and came back low. But again, my scent is isolated to certain areas and I'm eating an all fruit and herbs diet so that's most likely why.

But since I'm the eternal optimist, I'm going with door number two for you, whodathunkit. That sweet scent wafting from you is just your naturally lovely aroma. Ha! Take that Chanel! :D

So back to the crazy way to tell. It isn't Peaty and has been written off as quackery by many, but it's something Dr. Morse teaches and seeing how the guy has helped even the paralyzed walk again, and I had experience with it prior to finding his work, I kept an open mind and continue to see visual changes. I don't want to throw a "this worked for me so certainly it will work for you" healing modality at you and put you off your current course of action, but if you're still curious, I'll PM you. :)


May 6, 2016
I'll PM you. :)
Please do. I'm waiting with bated breath. :lol: Seriously, very interested. :)

@haidut, @tara: got it. I do think lactic acid could be one of my issues since it's often an issue with people with CFS symptoms, and while I'm well on my way to recovery from those symptoms, my metabolism still has a ways to do. I'm pretty good at listening to my body so plan to try the baking soda thing to see if anything improves or changes in the way I feel. Or smell. ;)

Incidentally, I got a couple other people to sniff me and while they didn't say watermelon they did say kinda sweet. I guess as I'm not registering "goat", at this point I'll declare a win. :D


Mar 29, 2014
The pH strips for urine/saliva do not really represent blood pH. The 20g dose I mentioned is ONLY to be used in conditions of expected lactate surge - i.e. athletes under extreme exertion or a person in lactic acidosis from other causes. I am not suggesting just anybody start downing 20g baking soda daily just for kicks.
I think if someone is consistently measuring overly acid UpH, it may indicate a shortage of reserves for buffering the blood pH from eventually getting to acid (or making compensations like hyperventilation), and vice versa for overly alkaline? So it still could be a relevant metric for assessing whether baking soda is likely to be safe/beneficial/risky/harmful? I wouldn't be taking any baking soda if my UpH was averaging over 6.8/7.

my biggest thrill of the year so far was seeing my first jar of cloudy urine.
Lol. I go clear before and during migraine, and cloudy during recovery, every time. What does that mean - a natural feature of repair?


Jan 3, 2014
I do think lactic acid could be one of my issues since it's often an issue with people with CFS symptoms,
Do you still ache? It's inconvenient to drop cottage cheese and yoghurt esp when going low fat, but it might make a difference.


Jul 8, 2014
Lol. I go clear before and during migraine, and cloudy during recovery, every time. What does that mean - a natural feature of repair?
Just so I'm understanding correctly, when you say your urine is clear before and during a migraine, you mean free from sediment like shown in this link: Urine Sediment (w/ Pictures) - GrapeGate Not free from color saturation, right?

This is my current understanding based on Dr. Morse's work, but I could be completely wrong so...

Since urine contains many by-products of metabolism, these by-products show up as cloudiness in the urine, assuming the kidneys are filtering properly. These by-products are acidic and except for the actual stomach, the rest of our body's systems require alkaline environments (assuming Dr. Morse is correct). So besides the obvious reasons for needing to eliminate waste, its acidic nature makes it that much more important that it be eliminated daily.

We know in RBTI, clear urine or lack of color saturation is a sign that our sugars (Brix) have crashed, but that may be too simplistic a reason for symptoms such as migraines, and my current thinking is that Dr. Morse is correct in that a lack of sediment is a sign of kidneys not filtering out acidic metabolic waste, and acid by its very nature is corrosive and inflammatory.

So if your urine is free from sediment before and during a migraine episode, my line of thinking is your kidneys aren't filtering out these metabolic acids efficiently and the migraine is a symptom of the tipping point, so-to-speak? And the end to a migraine is because you've cleared acidic waste, which is evident by your cloudy urine? Given you suffer with migraines, I wouldn't be surprised if your lymphatic system is congested (with acidic metabolic waste) in your head area.

Any symptom in a specific area of the body would indicate lymphatic congestion of these acids. So symptoms such as migraines, brain fog, cloudy vision and other visual disturbances and eye disorders, facial acne and rashes, dandruff, any neurological conditions including milder forms such as poor memory or cognition, are all common signs that the lymphatic system is congested in the head, which often is accompanied by gut issues since they are so tightly connected.

I may be wrong here, but whenever my mum and I had a really bad migraine episode and found relief after we vomited, I'm now thinking it's because we were eliminating acids from our bodies that were already overloaded with them. Like mine, her kidneys weren't filtering properly either.

And I finally figured out what my chronically high UpH during RBTI meant. In one of Dr. Morse's videos, he said that an alkaline urine pH means that one is losing alkaline minerals and holding on to acids. I definitely was holding on to acids given it was only last month that I finally saw sediment in my urine. Yikes!

Out of curiosity, do you still get a foggy head when you consume past a certain amount of milk/dairy?


May 6, 2016
Do you still ache? It's inconvenient to drop cottage cheese and yoghurt esp when going low fat, but it might make a difference.
SQu, I never really ached, except when I overdid. Meaning, I don't have and have never had any chronic fibromyalgia-type symtpoms.

But used to be that when I over-exerted, especially if I tried to do something like weight lifting, I would get so sore I couldn't bend my legs for a week. The routine I did at the gym yesterday would have left me rigid and barely able to move for a solid week, and probably with PEM for two months. If I could have gotten all the way through it at all. Even when I was "healthy" before I really went down the tubes, the routine I did yesterday would have left me very sore and stiff for a few days.

These days I don't really get sore from working out, although a bit, probably more than I should after exercising as regularly as I have been. But it's pretty minor. It is a concern, though, and this minor residual soreness plus my history is why I think some lactic acid may be a problem for me.

Not willing to drop my milk products at this point although might try it in the future if things don't get better or especially if they get worse.


Mar 29, 2014
Just so I'm understanding correctly, when you say your urine is clear before and during a migraine, you mean free from sediment like shown in this link: Urine Sediment (w/ Pictures) - GrapeGate Not free from color saturation, right?
Thanks for spelling that out, Jennifer.
Definitely particulate after migraine, though I've never stuck it in the fridge to settle out. Colour saturation can vary but is often fairly clear before migraine, when I often pee a lot, and may darken during the process, depending on how much I drink.

And I finally figured out what my chronically high UpH during RBTI meant. In one of Dr. Morse's videos, he said that an alkaline urine pH means that one is losing alkaline minerals and holding on to acids. I definitely was holding on to acids given it was only last month that I finally saw sediment in my urine. Yikes!
Since this theory seems to be working for you, it's interesting.
What would acid pee mean in this scheme of things?
I keep intending to measure UpH again - haven't done it in a while. It used to be on the acid side, but since I've eaten a bit of Ca carbonate in the last 2-3 years, and various forms of Mg, and I don't hyperventilate as much, I wouldn't be surprised if it's gone up.

Out of curiosity, do you still get a foggy head when you consume past a certain amount of milk/dairy?
I got so sick of it that I've been avoiding eating more than small amounts of milk for months, so not sure at the moment. And Not getting the foggy headedness much at all with the low levels of milk I've been having.


Apr 9, 2015
Just so I'm understanding correctly, when you say your urine is clear before and during a migraine, you mean free from sediment like shown in this link: Urine Sediment (w/ Pictures) - GrapeGate Not free from color saturation, right?

This is my current understanding based on Dr. Morse's work, but I could be completely wrong so...

Since urine contains many by-products of metabolism, these by-products show up as cloudiness in the urine, assuming the kidneys are filtering properly. These by-products are acidic and except for the actual stomach, the rest of our body's systems require alkaline environments (assuming Dr. Morse is correct). So besides the obvious reasons for needing to eliminate waste, its acidic nature makes it that much more important that it be eliminated daily.

We know in RBTI, clear urine or lack of color saturation is a sign that our sugars (Brix) have crashed, but that may be too simplistic a reason for symptoms such as migraines, and my current thinking is that Dr. Morse is correct in that a lack of sediment is a sign of kidneys not filtering out acidic metabolic waste, and acid by its very nature is corrosive and inflammatory.

So if your urine is free from sediment before and during a migraine episode, my line of thinking is your kidneys aren't filtering out these metabolic acids efficiently and the migraine is a symptom of the tipping point, so-to-speak? And the end to a migraine is because you've cleared acidic waste, which is evident by your cloudy urine? Given you suffer with migraines, I wouldn't be surprised if your lymphatic system is congested (with acidic metabolic waste) in your head area.

Any symptom in a specific area of the body would indicate lymphatic congestion of these acids. So symptoms such as migraines, brain fog, cloudy vision and other visual disturbances and eye disorders, facial acne and rashes, dandruff, any neurological conditions including milder forms such as poor memory or cognition, are all common signs that the lymphatic system is congested in the head, which often is accompanied by gut issues since they are so tightly connected.

I may be wrong here, but whenever my mum and I had a really bad migraine episode and found relief after we vomited, I'm now thinking it's because we were eliminating acids from our bodies that were already overloaded with them. Like mine, her kidneys weren't filtering properly either.

And I finally figured out what my chronically high UpH during RBTI meant. In one of Dr. Morse's videos, he said that an alkaline urine pH means that one is losing alkaline minerals and holding on to acids. I definitely was holding on to acids given it was only last month that I finally saw sediment in my urine. Yikes!

Out of curiosity, do you still get a foggy head when you consume past a certain amount of milk/dairy?

So you are saying that acne is a sign of congestion in the head?


Jul 8, 2014
Thanks for spelling that out, Jennifer.
Definitely particulate after migraine, though I've never stuck it in the fridge to settle out. Colour saturation can vary but is often fairly clear before migraine, when I often pee a lot, and may darken during the process, depending on how much I drink.
You're welcome, tara! :)

I'm still trying to work out in my mind, the difference between Brix and metabolic waste in urine when viewed with a refractometer. Part of me is now questioning if Brix can even be distinguished from metabolic waste in urine?

I mean, Brix by definition is a measure of dissolved solids a.k.a sugar and mineral content, but to determine it in urine, urine that contains all the metabolic by-products of the body, along with any toxins, medications etc.? How do we know what is Brix and what is waste? Reams, you got some splainin' to do! lol
Since this theory seems to be working for you, it's interesting.
What would acid pee mean in this scheme of things?
I keep intending to measure UpH again - haven't done it in a while. It used to be on the acid side, but since I've eaten a bit of Ca carbonate in the last 2-3 years, and various forms of Mg, and I don't hyperventilate as much, I wouldn't be surprised if it's gone up.
My line of thinking is that acidic pee means we aren't losing alkaline minerals and instead eliminating our body's metabolic waste? I haven't seen where Dr. Morse mentions an ideal UpH range like Reams and Ray, but regardless of the ideal range, in my mind getting out these acids on a regular basis seems essential for preventing degeneration.

Acids are inflammatory, while bases anti-inflammatory. Sure we have alkaline minerals to buffer acids, but if most of the systems in our bodies require an alkaline environment, if these acids pile up over time due to incomplete elimination of them and if our bodies can't keep up with having to buffer them, we run the risk of becoming overly acidic and symptoms of pain/degeneration develop? Sort of like how lactic acid builds up in overused muscles and how it burns? What if our bodies were unable to eliminate the lactic acid or buffer it?

I too haven't checked my UpH in a while so I'll have to get my reagents out of storage and see what it's looking like these days. I don't get sediment everyday so I wouldn't be surprised if I'm still running on the base side. Of course, I'm now wondering if I even need to bother with UpH. If I'm not filtering daily, the acidic waste is still building up and my body is having to waste base minerals to buffer them?
I got so sick of it that I've been avoiding eating more than small amounts of milk for months, so not sure at the moment. And Not getting the foggy headedness much at all with the low levels of milk I've been having.
Ah, okay. I was curious because the progest-e stopped working for my mum a while ago so I had her test if dairy was contributing to her migraines and it was. She cut it out of her diet and her migraines vanished and when she added it back in, the migraines returned. Having just learned about lymphatic congestion, the first thing I thought of was how you mentioned getting brain fog past a certain amount of dairy and of course, your migraines.

And then there's me. I had cut out dairy last August and then cut out starch completely in January after noticing overgrowth symptoms returning, so I was down to eating just fruits and small amounts of non-starchy veggies. A week later, I began coughing up tonsils stones, some as large as pinto beans, and noticed my head getting clearer after each episode. The last few months before I cut out dairy, I was at the point where my throat would swell up every time I had any and I felt like something was constantly lodged in it. I recall before I stopped logging that I suspected my gallbladder, but it apparently was due to congested tonsils. The stones and overall congested head had obviously been building up that whole time I was Peating on all that dairy.


Jul 8, 2014
So you are saying that acne is a sign of congestion in the head?
From what I understand, yes.

Since the skin is one of our eliminative organs, if we aren't eliminating our metabolic waste efficiently through our other eliminative channels, I imagine any kind of skin abruptions in our head area means these metabolic acids are building up there?


Aug 30, 2012
I have read from someone who was eating a lot bananas and people aroung him were commenting that he smells like bananas lol

I ate lots mangos and I can smell it.
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Apr 9, 2015
From what I understand, yes.

Since the skin is one of our eliminative organs, if we aren't eliminating our metabolic waste efficiently through our other eliminative channels, I imagine any kind of skin abruptions in our head area means these metabolic acids are building up there?

Sorry, I only seen your reply now. I'm wondering if someone went on a fat free diet and were regularly burning muscle or fat could that be a cause for poor skin as it is eliminating this waste?


Jul 8, 2014
Sorry, I only seen your reply now. I'm wondering if someone went on a fat free diet and were regularly burning muscle or fat could that be a cause for poor skin as it is eliminating this waste?
Well, not necessarily because of a low fat diet, but certainly a catabolic state is going to create acidic byproducts that need to be eliminated, along with other byproducts such as the poop from the food we, our cells and our microorganisms consume, environmental toxins, pharmaceuticals etc., and if a person's lymphatic system is backed up or "filled to the brim," eruptions on the skin can manifest.
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