Anybody Start Smelling Like Fruit After Going Full-on Peat?


May 6, 2016
So today when I arrived at my mother's house she asked me what I was wearing, meaning fragance. I haven't put anything on my skin since yesterday.

After some back-and-forth as to the goodness or badness of the odor, she wouldn't say it was good, but did say definitely it wasn't bad.

Then apparently it dawned on her that my new B.O. was WATERMELON!!! :nailbiting: :lol: The way she said it was pretty funny.

Has anyone else had this experience of smelling like fruit after going full-on Peat? I have been eating a lot of watermelon lately, since it's in season, cheap, and has been very good this year.

While I'm glad I don't smell like a goat or anything, it is a little worrisome because I'm wondering if the truly dramatic increase in sugar (vast majority as fructose) is the best thing for my liver at this point. Yesterday I noticed my perspiration was a little bit stickier than it has been (meaning, less watery). Since too much fructose or fructose in the presence of the wrong biochemistry can promote DNL, I'm wondering if I could potentially overdo it. My good liver functioning is a fairly recent development and I'm probably still also dumping my lifetime load of PUFA and also transfats.

Or maybe it's just an ordinary detox that actually smells good because I'm putting only sweet stuff in to force the yuck out.

Worth noting is that I'm doing a very low fat version of Peat, and otherwise am not at all concerned about any of the changes. I seem to be losing fat in all the right places and keeping it where I want it. Seems to be doing good things for my body.

There are other threads dedicated to changes in B.O. but I created a new one since this seemed a different angle on it than the others. If mods think it best, it's okay to combine with another thread.

If anyone has any insights or knowledge, input is appreciated. Thanks! :)


Mar 15, 2014
I'm completely odor free (inside and out) when my metabolism gets optimized. When I'm under stress, BO sets in quickly, even without physical activity.

I'm curious to know what infant stools smell like (obviously they don't have body odor)--if they're relatively odorless, then this is just one more symptom in a long list of infantile/neotenous/androgynous traits.

It's probably healthier to smell like fruit than the way that most people smell. If you're worried about diabetes, the biggest factor for me is being social and non-sedentary.


Mar 29, 2014
I have notice one or two healthy people I've known having apple-smelling armpits - seemed like a good thing to me. :)

I'm curious to know what infant stools smell like (obviously they don't have body odor)--if they're relatively odorless, then this is just one more symptom in a long list of infantile/neotenous/androgynous traits.
My recollection from breast-milk only babies was not unpleasant, maybe a bit yogurty in odor?


Dec 16, 2014
I was visiting family recently. My sisters grabbed a scented candle and told me "this smells exactly like you".
I think in hypothyroidism there's the tendency for different bits of the body to go cold and unenergized often, making them prone to bacterial activity. Also, the skin outputs (i.e. oil, moisture, etc) tend to be directly related to diet. That gives bacteria a different kind of gunk to feast on.


Jul 8, 2014
Whodathunkit, I eat a low-fat fruitarian diet and I smell fruity, too. It was the same when I first did the 80/10/10 diet about 9 years ago. I ate a lot of cantaloupe then and do now, and I've been told I smell like it.

I could be wrong, but I've suspected for a while now that a fruit's esters may have something to do with it. From what I've read, the aroma of an ester is produced when an alcohol combines with a carboxylic group (carbon bonded with oxygen atoms).

Here's a link to a really neat chart on esters and their smells:

Infographic: Table of Esters and their Smells

It doesn't seem too far fetched to me that the esters would emanate from our pores just like garlic or spices can when eaten in high enough quantities. I too was a little concerned at first by my fruity aroma, but I soon learned that it's one of the perks of a high fruit diet. Another perk; having odorless stools. :)


May 21, 2016
There was a time I was eating lots of garlic. Later, I noticed that I transformed into a garlic: every single part of my body smelled like it.

If you remove all cooked foods, your smell will be like a perfume. When I was eating only raw foods, I even didnt need to use to soap at all.
I interpret that smell as good thing: your body doesn't have toxins that smell bad :)
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Oct 15, 2015
Are your blood sugars OK? A sweet smell like maple syrup can be related to diabetes. and you also mentioned losing weight which is another sign of diabetes. That being said since drinking a ton of coffee I feel like I smell like coffee all the time so not inconceivable to smell like whatever you are eating a ton of at the time. But a sweet smell might be worth checking out.


May 6, 2016
have notice one or two healthy people I've known having apple-smelling armpits - seemed like a good thing to me. :)
It's probably healthier to smell like fruit than the way that most people smell.
LOL, yep, I've definitely smelled worse. Personally, and on other people. :)

There was a time I was eating lots of garlic. Later, I noticed that I transformed into a garlic: every single part of my body smelled like it.
It doesn't seem too far fetched to me that the esters would emanate from our pores just like garlic or spices can when eaten in high enough quantities. I too was a little concerned at first by my fruity aroma, but I soon learned that it's one of the perks of a high fruit diet.
One reason I wondered if this new smell had to do with liver function is because I've always had a tendency to "manifest" what I was ingesting a lot of. Over the years those aromas have included garlic, vodka, beer, and for a while during a really bad time in my life when I was eating a lot of fast food, I thought I smelled like french fries. :( Thankfully, friends I trust said they didn't smell it, but I did.

I just wonder if your liver function is not up to par if that could make you more readily take on the odors of what you take in. I suspect my liver function has never been great. Bad diet plus I also have snps. I dunno.

Another perk; having odorless stools.
Here's another thing ( :bell: TMI alert!! :bell:): Last night was kinda bad. :wideyed: I've been noticing that as I go through this process is that my stools are malodorous on an episodic basis. Sometimes they smell like the iron supplements I stupidly overdosed on back about 10 years ago when I first found out my hemoglobin was low. When I was taking the supps I noticed the odor, and it went away when I quit taking them. I also got the same odor about five years ago after an iron transfusion for anemia. I'm taking that iron odor as a good thing...finally that old stored iron is being moved out and eliminated.

But last night it wasn't iron smell. It was worse. Very very not-nice. :oops:

I'm taking this to mean toxin/PUFA elimination and so a good thing, but it's just weird. I'm guessing the extreme lack of fat in my diet along with the increase in fruit and good quality protein could account for it, though. Maybe my poor old liver is finally able to let go of some of all the crap I threw at it over the years.

Are your blood sugars OK? A sweet smell like maple syrup can be related to diabetes. and you also mentioned losing weight which is another sign of diabetes. That being said since drinking a ton of coffee I feel like I smell like coffee all the time so not inconceivable to smell like whatever you are eating a ton of at the time. But a sweet smell might be worth checking out.
Sugars are fine. I check them at least once per day and often multiple times. I check post-prandials on a regular basis to see how I"m doing there.

I've actually been working quite hard and doing some intense lifestyle alteration to lose the weight. It's not like I'm trying to gain and can't. If I wanted to gain I could definitely get right on that. :meh: I've smelled my urine, too (sorry again for TMI :oops:) and it doesn't smell sweet. My understanding is that if you're wasting there's usually a lot of sugar in your urine, such that there's a noticeable smell. Apparently it's just coming out of my pores.

Blood sugars have been deranged for a long time, though, so I'm keeping a pretty close eye. So far so good.


Oct 3, 2015
Mulitistix are a rather inexpensive way to find out if there's something abnormal, via 10 different markers (pH, protein, etc.). Sure beats a visit to the clinic to find out they use this exact same tool for screening.


Apr 9, 2015
I was visiting family recently. My sisters grabbed a scented candle and told me "this smells exactly like you".
I think in hypothyroidism there's the tendency for different bits of the body to go cold and unenergized often, making them prone to bacterial activity. Also, the skin outputs (i.e. oil, moisture, etc) tend to be directly related to diet. That gives bacteria a different kind of gunk to feast on.

Could you explain this a bit more?


May 6, 2016
Mulitistix are a rather inexpensive way to find out if there's something abnormal, via 10 different markers (pH, protein, etc.). Sure beats a visit to the clinic to find out they use this exact same tool for screening.
That's a good idea. I have some old Ketostix from low-carb daze but never knew about these things. Do you have a preferred vendor?


Oct 3, 2015
That's a good idea. I have some old Ketostix from low-carb daze but never knew about these things. Do you have a preferred vendor?

The only hassle-free (paperless / no intermediary) source I know of, in Canada, is Given its market size, there's surely many direct order, online equivalents for US citizens.


Dec 16, 2014
Could you explain this a bit more?
When you're not in hypothyroid state, when energy and nutrients are abundant, you feel warm and energized throughout your body. Your digestion is fast and thorough and your immune system is strong. There's little place for bacteria and pathogens in general to coexist in your system. You'll probably have less BO problems and smell more nicely.
Compare this to a state of constant cold temps. Blood dispersion doesn't carry sufficient energy and enough build and repair tools to different parts of the body. Someone who goes cold often is likely to feel sick and weak, have digestive problems, bad breath, BO problems and high susceptibility to disease.
Body areas that often go cold are more likely to be a source of bad odour. Especially when it's an area that gets little air, light and where moisture is easily trapped. With lack of energy and abundance of estrogen around that area, you're dealing with an almost lifeless part of the body. This allows for bacteria to thrive and - couple this with a bad diet, I think the gunk produced on the skin gives bacteria double the fun and give people double the stink.
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Jul 8, 2014
One reason I wondered if this new smell had to do with liver function is because I've always had a tendency to "manifest" what I was ingesting a lot of. Over the years those aromas have included garlic, vodka, beer, and for a while during a really bad time in my life when I was eating a lot of fast food, I thought I smelled like french fries. :( Thankfully, friends I trust said they didn't smell it, but I did.

I just wonder if your liver function is not up to par if that could make you more readily take on the odors of what you take in. I suspect my liver function has never been great. Bad diet plus I also have snps. I dunno.
When you say you've had a tendency of manifesting what you've ingested a lot of, was the smell emanating from the skin over your entire body or just in delicate areas such as your underarms and privates? When I say I smell sweet, I mean just in my delicate bits. The rest of my body has no scent. Well, unless I had a super sniffer like a dog, I may detect a scent, but yeah...

The liver definitely plays a role, along with many other things. There's also the lymphatic system. I could be wrong, but I would think if a person's lymph system were congested, they may hold on to chemical compounds like the plant esters etc. more than those whose lymph isn't as backed up? Add to that the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland affects one's ability to sweat and if the gland is under active, the skin (an eliminative organ) has the potential to back up, along with odors.

Then there are the adrenals and kidneys. The adrenals affect the kidneys' ability to filter properly. Chronic stress of any kind, even stress inherited at birth like that from glandular weaknesses, exhausts the adrenals which compromise the kidneys. One way to tell is to collect your morning urine in a jar and let it sit for 4 hours. If your kidneys are filtering properly, you should see sediment (a.k.a metabolic waste). There's another way to tell, but it'll make me sound bat *ahem* crazy so I'll leave it at that. lol

So really, any of the elimination systems (intestinal, lymphatic, urinary, integumentary (skin) and immune) and the organs and glands they contain, are involved. Then like XPlus mentioned, bacteria, and I would also add yeast/fungi, play a role not just in their potential to produce noxious smelling odors, but also eliminating them.

In terms of the lymphatic system (our septic system), which houses beneficial bacteria to eat up metabolic waste, if you've taken antibiotics in the past, they kill off these good guys and so the lymphatic system backs up even more and I imagine so do odors? And then we could get into pH balance and so on.

I should note that Ray may have a different opinion on all this, particularly when it comes to antibiotics and bacteria. I've been following Dr. Robert Morse's work since February so some of this comes from what I learned from him.
Here's another thing ( :bell: TMI alert!! :bell:): Last night was kinda bad. :wideyed: I've been noticing that as I go through this process is that my stools are malodorous on an episodic basis. Sometimes they smell like the iron supplements I stupidly overdosed on back about 10 years ago when I first found out my hemoglobin was low. When I was taking the supps I noticed the odor, and it went away when I quit taking them. I also got the same odor about five years ago after an iron transfusion for anemia. I'm taking that iron odor as a good thing...finally that old stored iron is being moved out and eliminated.

But last night it wasn't iron smell. It was worse. Very very not-nice. :oops:

I'm taking this to mean toxin/PUFA elimination and so a good thing, but it's just weird. I'm guessing the extreme lack of fat in my diet along with the increase in fruit and good quality protein could account for it, though. Maybe my poor old liver is finally able to let go of some of all the crap I threw at it over the years.
Hmm...yeah, it could be many different things that caused this.

It could be a change in bacteria from a change in diet or a change in bowel movement frequency.

It could be from current or previous pharmaceutical use. Many inorganic substances used in drug formulations are hard for our bodies to break down and eliminate so they can build up in our systems. Supposedly, sulphur is a common one. Out of curiosity, was the smell sulfurous?

Since fruit is a powerful astringent, I can see us having some rank smelling stools when the fruit is cleaning house. This has been my experience, anyway. I haven't had any eggs or highly sulfurous foods since last August and when I switched back to a fruitarian diet at the end of January, I had some sulphur smelling stools. I spent most of last year consuming an insane amount of antibiotics while Peating, not to mention the antibiotics I was given since I was little, so I figure I was clearing out stored sulphur. That's just a guess, though.


May 6, 2016
There's another way to tell, but it'll make me sound bat *ahem* crazy so I'll leave it at that. lol
Spill, GF. I've tried pretty much everything including tasting my pee, so there isn't really much that sounds crazy to me. :D Does your crazy way involve ingesting your own urine in some fashion? :lol: PM me if you're not comfortable posting about it, please. I'm interested in "non-mainstream diagnostics". :)

When you say you've had a tendency of manifesting what you've ingested a lot of, was the smell emanating from the skin over your entire body or just in delicate areas such as your underarms and privates?
Seems to come out all my pores, not just in specific areas. Especially when I get warm. That's what my mother said the other day, too...she thought the aroma had something to do with the fact that I'd been hustling around outside and was warm. She noticed it a couple of times after I'd been really active, then it would fade when I cooled off. I myself haven't noticed any change in odor even in the private bits, except the episodic unpleasantness during actual elimnation. But my honker doesn't seem to work all that well sometimes, probably due to past abuse, while my geriatric mother has a nose like a bloodhound.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
LOL, yep, I've definitely smelled worse. Personally, and on other people. :)

One reason I wondered if this new smell had to do with liver function is because I've always had a tendency to "manifest" what I was ingesting a lot of. Over the years those aromas have included garlic, vodka, beer, and for a while during a really bad time in my life when I was eating a lot of fast food, I thought I smelled like french fries. :( Thankfully, friends I trust said they didn't smell it, but I did.

I just wonder if your liver function is not up to par if that could make you more readily take on the odors of what you take in. I suspect my liver function has never been great. Bad diet plus I also have snps. I dunno.

Here's another thing ( :bell: TMI alert!! :bell:): Last night was kinda bad. :wideyed: I've been noticing that as I go through this process is that my stools are malodorous on an episodic basis. Sometimes they smell like the iron supplements I stupidly overdosed on back about 10 years ago when I first found out my hemoglobin was low. When I was taking the supps I noticed the odor, and it went away when I quit taking them. I also got the same odor about five years ago after an iron transfusion for anemia. I'm taking that iron odor as a good thing...finally that old stored iron is being moved out and eliminated.

But last night it wasn't iron smell. It was worse. Very very not-nice. :oops:

I'm taking this to mean toxin/PUFA elimination and so a good thing, but it's just weird. I'm guessing the extreme lack of fat in my diet along with the increase in fruit and good quality protein could account for it, though. Maybe my poor old liver is finally able to let go of some of all the crap I threw at it over the years.

Sugars are fine. I check them at least once per day and often multiple times. I check post-prandials on a regular basis to see how I"m doing there.

I've actually been working quite hard and doing some intense lifestyle alteration to lose the weight. It's not like I'm trying to gain and can't. If I wanted to gain I could definitely get right on that. :meh: I've smelled my urine, too (sorry again for TMI :oops:) and it doesn't smell sweet. My understanding is that if you're wasting there's usually a lot of sugar in your urine, such that there's a noticeable smell. Apparently it's just coming out of my pores.

Blood sugars have been deranged for a long time, though, so I'm keeping a pretty close eye. So far so good.

My comment is related to the diabetes suggestion, but of course it could just be that you naturally smell good:):
Strong fruity smell can be a symptom of high lactic acid. I think both breath and BO are considered relevant signs. So, if you think it is worth investigating you may want to check blood lactate and/or bicarbonate. The blood sugar and ketone tests would not typically catch the lactate issue so it needs to be an actual test for lactate or its opposing metric the CO2/bicarbonate.
Again, I am hoping that you simply smell good naturally and it is not indicative of anything pathological:):


May 6, 2016
My comment is related to the diabetes suggestion, but of course it could just be that you naturally smell good:)
This is my most fervent hope. :lol:

Strong fruity smell can be a symptom of high lactic acid. I think both breath and BO are considered relevant signs. So, if you think it is worth investigating you may want to check blood lactate and/or bicarbonate. The blood sugar and ketone tests would not typically catch the lactate issue so it needs to be an actual test for lactate or its opposing metric the CO2/bicarbonate.
Actually, another potentially landmark development for me in a "drive-by" comment from you, haidut! :)

I've been wondering about pH. But I don't have benefits ATM and funds are a little limited, so can't really afford to do any tests.

I've been using the Breathslim to help boost CO2, but realize that in some circumstances that can boost acidity. I just don't understand it all yet. I'm reading Peat like all hell but brainfog issues still abound, and at any rate I'm one of those people that "gets" thing by repetition and sheer perseverance , anyway. Not always a quick study. I'm still on my first reading of almost everything.

Do you have any quick-n-dirty suggestions for addressing high acidity?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This is my most fervent hope. :lol:

Actually, another potentially landmark development for me in a "drive-by" comment from you, haidut! :)

I've been wondering about pH. But I don't have benefits ATM and funds are a little limited, so can't really afford to do any tests.

I've been using the Breathslim to help boost CO2, but realize that in some circumstances that can boost acidity. I just don't understand it all yet. I'm reading Peat like all hell but brainfog issues still abound, and at any rate I'm one of those people that "gets" thing by repetition and sheer perseverance , anyway. Not always a quick study. I'm still on my first reading of almost everything.

Do you have any quick-n-dirty suggestions for addressing high acidity?

If it is high lactate, thiamine (B1), baking soda, and methylene blue are the things that can bring it under control pretty quickly.


May 6, 2016
If it is high lactate, thiamine (B1), baking soda, and methylene blue are the things that can bring it under control pretty quickly.
Thanks. I have thiamine so can up my dose easily. I thought of baking soda but don't know about dose. Any quick-n-dirties for that?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Thanks. I have thiamine so can up my dose easily. I thought of baking soda but don't know about dose. Any quick-n-dirties for that?

Athletes use 15g - 20g in divided daily doses of 5g each. This should be enough to lower lactate. You can google for "baking soda lactate".
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