Low Toxin Logs Another one bites the toxic dust


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Dec 11, 2023
I guess I'll make it official: I've been following the low toxic diet for about 3-4 weeks now. I'm also taking magnesium, potassium, niacin, zinc, molybdenum, thiamine, acacia fiber, activated charcoal, 50/50 salt-potassium mix, pot/mag spray, coconut water with extra potassium in it, selenium (I know some are going to cringe, but in the form of 2 Brazil nuts per day. I've been doing this for awhile now, but avoiding other nuts/seeds). On week 2, I started having green poops, and having anywhere from 3-5 bowel movements per day. They aren't well formed, and sometimes diarrhea. Here are the reasons why I started:

-Hashimoto's. I'm on a compounded T4/T3 prescription which I am slowly weaning off of after about 20+ years of being on medication. I've tried all kinds.
-chronic low body temp. no matter what medication/supplement I'm on.
-PCOS and infertility issues (about 80% resolved going gluten free). I am now in menopause. I happily have 4 beautiful girls by the Grace of God and without fertility treatments. I've had to rely on progesterone throughout all my pregnancies, and needed to take cyclic progesterone therapy to prevent breakthrough bleeding.
-Chronic mysterious on-and-off symptoms like lump in throat, breathing problems NOT from asthma (air hunger, not able to fulfill deep breaths), deep muscle pain in legs since I was a toddler, random tendon/joint issues like tendonitis, bursitis, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, other joint issues randomly, insomnia, chronic nasal stuffiness
-inability to lose weight no matter what I do. I practically have to starve just to keep from gaining weight.
-memory problems

My hunch is that I'm overmedicated on thyroid meds, and I do feel that I have something congesting my liver as I've felt liver bloat on-and-off especially within the last few years. I probably had it for awhile but I'm becoming more in tune with my body and noticing it more. I have to have had liver issues most of my life due to my chronic symptoms.

I think I'm detoxing early because I think throughout the years I've already been eating clean and trying other things to help cleanse the liver. I will say though that the typical things I was eating were things like dark greens, colored fruits and veggies, and I love liver (but would eat it only once every other month or so). And I just bought more liver and it's sitting in my freezer. Oh well. I was also drinking coffee, and I was addicted to homemade Kombucha. I was drinking 32-46oz of Kombucha per day, using organic green tea. I didn't realize that tea can deplete potassium, and when I started having breathing problems again, I made the connection, stopped drinking kombucha and added more potassium and I started breathing better within a day. I gave up kombucha for lent, and I don't think I'll be picking it up again! Plus, I've been leery about the fluoride content of tea, but now that I'm done with it there's no more worries about it.

I admit I'm still skeptical, but I like to experiment as long as it doesn't harm me. I'm still having a hard time wrapping my brain around colorful (and yummy) fruits and veggies being bad for us. Why would nature make something yummy toxic? Poison ivy isn't yummy (my neighbor dared me to eat a leaf when I was young.....I know poison ivy doesn't taste good, LOL). I grew up on a small farm and we grew all different veggies and had quite a number of fruit trees and berry bushes. I guess that's maybe why I was always sick as a kid (well that and the junky sweets we had growing up).

I used to have bad IBS and couldn't tolerate oats and beans, but jumping into the diet, I've been enjoying both on a daily basis without problems. I'm no longer restricting my eating/chronically dieting. I was 'Peating' back in late Nov-Jan and gained about 7lbs or so and felt very liver-bloated. Switching to low toxin diet helped reduce the liver-bloat feeling, but I haven't lost what I gained. Before all this I was low carb/high fat diet for years. I really couldn't tolerate carbs. At least I'm eating more appropriate calories for my height/weight/age and eating a lot more carbs than I ever did and not gaining more weight since going on the low toxin diet. My diet now is around 64% carbs, 24% fat, 18% protein. Calculated fiber around 49g. I'm so surprised I'm not gassy!

One thing that is weird this week is that I've been having very bad insomnia. It was 12:30am the other day and wasn't tired at all. Read in bed for a little bit, but finally laid down to just rest even though I was wide awake. Was like that for 3 hours, then finally fell asleep. I was Ok and functional the next day. That happened twice this week. I wonder if my body is just working overtime in the healing/detox department? Or could it be the B-vitamins?

I'll try to continue to document my progress. I haven't had any flu-like symptoms though. Just random aches and pains, insomnia, some headaches, still low body temp (ave. 97.3, although I did go up to 98.0 one day last week-that was a first!). AM heart rate is steady around 72.

I'll dig up my lab values for Vitamin A from the past few years. I was actually following Morley Robbins and the Root Cause Protocol for a few years and wanted to know my Vitamin A. I 'looked deficient' a few years ago so I started supplementing, then had a repeat lab and it showed within the normal limits. I never felt right taking Vitamin A because it was hard to find info on what the best kind of Vitamin A to take. Oh, I was also on cod liver oil too. I've also been a Weston A. Price follower for over 15 years and had taken cod liver oil on-and-off throughout those years. Obviously, those are gone now. I must have a huge stockpile of Vitamin A in my liver too. I bet that's going to take awhile to flush out.


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Dec 11, 2023
Oh, I've been weaning from my thyroid meds at the same time. Last January my endocrinologist agreed to help me wean off the T3 portion of my compounded prescription. By Oct. of last year I was Down to 2.5mcg of T3 and 154mcg of T4. Since Oct. I've been decreasing the entire compounded prescription myself, going down 6-7% every 6 weeks. I'm now down to 2mcg T3/123mcg T4. I project that I will wean off by March of next year. I don't care how slow this will take, just as long as I do it safely and keep tabs of any new symptoms that pop up. I just went down again this week. You would think that I would be more tired/sluggish, but just the opposite (even having insomnia this week).

Oh, I forgot that what got me to this forum in the first place is listening to Georgie (aka: @haidut) and his interview with Dr. Mercola. Thus, as a precaution, I started using the T3 drops that Haidut has on his website. I diluted it to contain 2mcg per drop and I take 1 drop 3x/day. I'm a bit nervous of decreasing my thyroid meds I guess, and I'm trying to increase my body temperature (not working so far though, so I'm assuming it's my congested liver). That's why I'm taking thiamine too, as that's supposed to help regulate body temp., and I'm hoping it will get rid of my stuffy nose issue. Right now I'm on 175mg of thiamine 2x/day.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
One thing that is weird this week is that I've been having very bad insomnia. It was 12:30am the other day and wasn't tired at all. Read in bed for a little bit, but finally laid down to just rest even though I was wide awake. Was like that for 3 hours, then finally fell asleep. I was Ok and functional the next day. That happened twice this week. I wonder if my body is just working overtime in the healing/detox department? Or could it be the B-vitamins?
Since your liver is purging it could be from all the metals like copper moving. Anytime I have copper on the move it wrecks my sleep.
some headaches,
That's another clue that its copper or some other metal moving.
Or could it be the B-vitamins?

Looking forward to following your log!


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Dec 11, 2023
This morning was now a second time that my body temp. went up to 98.0! I'm still having green poops a few times per day, but it's not well formed. I am experiencing some insomnia too but not every night.
I am now up to 500mg niacin in the morning, and 250mg each for lunch and supper.
I'm also taking 175mg thiamine 2x/day.
My next additions are B2 & B7, probably 25mg for B2 and 500mcg of biotin (just mimicking Elliot Overton's B-vitamin recommendations when taking high therapeutic doses of thiamine).

Another thing I noticed is that my feet are getting very cold at night. I used to be freezing all the time and needed several microwavable heating pads at bedtime or else I was so bone-cold I couldn't fall asleep no matter how many blankets I had on. Wearing socks just kept my feet even colder, like how a fridge retains the cold. This coldness has been going away within the past year, but since I've started the low toxin diet, my cold feet are back.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
This morning was now a second time that my body temp. went up to 98.0! I'm still having green poops a few times per day, but it's not well formed. I am experiencing some insomnia too but not every night.
I am now up to 500mg niacin in the morning, and 250mg each for lunch and supper.
I'm also taking 175mg thiamine 2x/day.
My next additions are B2 & B7, probably 25mg for B2 and 500mcg of biotin (just mimicking Elliot Overton's B-vitamin recommendations when taking high therapeutic doses of thiamine).

Another thing I noticed is that my feet are getting very cold at night. I used to be freezing all the time and needed several microwavable heating pads at bedtime or else I was so bone-cold I couldn't fall asleep no matter how many blankets I had on. Wearing socks just kept my feet even colder, like how a fridge retains the cold. This coldness has been going away within the past year, but since I've started the low toxin diet, my cold feet are back.
The Niacin can do that which shows a deficiency of Selenium. It can also show that metals are moving. Going up slow and methodically like @youngsinatra is the optimal way to approach Nicotinic Acid.


Forum Supporter
Dec 11, 2023
The Niacin can do that which shows a deficiency of Selenium. It can also show that metals are moving. Going up slow and methodically like @youngsinatra is the optimal way to approach Nicotinic Acid.
Ah, so I should back down from niacin? What's the typical tapering dose?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Ah, so I should back down from niacin? What's the typical tapering dose?
Typical taper is cutting it in half each day till you get to where you need to be. I will write up a thread on dosing soon as I can.


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Dec 11, 2023
Just giving an update. I decreased my T4/T3 preparation down to 80% on Tues. March 12th. I felt a little more tired, but nothing out of the ordinary. My body temperature is holding steadier at 97.6 despite the drop in thyroid medication. It may be too soon to tell, but before my temps were averaging 97.2 so this is an improvement. My heart rate is still around 70bpm. No changes there. I'm still thinking I'm overmedicated, so I will continue with my slow taper. If my body temp. goes back down, then I might titrate my dose back up but I'm hoping that won't happen. It will be tough though to figure out if symptoms will be coming from a detox reaction or low thyroid symptoms.

I'm still thrilled that I can tolerate beans/legumes. I've been enjoying them every day! I've been having oatmeal and extra fiber (acacia fiber) and doing well with those. I'm pleasantly surprised that I'm tolerating carbs. I had been eating low carb for years, so this is a pleasant change. I'm continuing to have homemade GF sourdough bread and loving that too. I think I've been eating a loaf a week just by myself! My weight hasn't gone up (but I do want it to go down). I think more importantly I've been focused on renourishing this old clunker of a body that has been chronically dieting for way too long. I need to fuel my metabolism to bring it up.

I brought my niacin intake down a bit as I was probably going up too fast. I'm still taking 500mg per day but in divided doses at every meal. Sometimes I get flushed, sometimes I don't (I admit, I had the Almond Joy/Mounds candy jingle in my head just now). I think I'm sleeping better too, not so stimulated as I was on a higher dose of niacin. I think my feet were actually colder when I was on a higher dose, so cold that the only remedy was using my microwavable slippers in bed. They have warmed up again. I hate cold feet!

I'm using the 50/50 salt mix, using the MAGpot spray (the nozzle gets clogged easily, so I just shake well and put about 1/4 tsp in my palm and rub it on my legs/belly), taking zinc, drinking coconut water, taking a potassium bicarb supplement, magnesium, 2 Brazil nuts for selenium. I keep on forgetting to take molybdenum though. I have to remember it!

I am getting some symptoms of dry skin, but I wonder if that's due to the MAGpot topical treatment as it's mostly my hands.

I've also been getting more neck pain lately (I have a congenital fused vertebrae in my neck, and the arthritis is getting worse, triggered by using pocket books, looking down, sitting on the couch). The back of my head feels inflamed/swollen, and I have muscle tightness in my neck radiating down into my shoulders and mid-back. It's really bothering me today. Is that thyroid related, or detox?


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Dec 11, 2023
I haven't updated in a while. My energy levels are still good, I'm still eating low toxin except for a couple of 'social nutrition needs' during the Easter celebration (ham, and 2 pieces of gluten free carrot cake with cream cheese frosting-each 1 week apart).

Breakfast: sprouted oats by One Degree with bananas, dextrose, 50/50 potassium sodium salt mix. 2 Brazil nuts. I do find that I need more protein than this, so I will put a scoop of collagen power in the oatmeal, or occasionally some premade chicken apple sausage.

mid-morning: about 1 cup coconut water (for the potassium) with added potassium bicarbonate.

Lunch and dinners are one of the following: chicken or beef, rice-white sweet potatoes-homemade sourdough bread-lentil or chickpea pastas-or beans/legumes, green beans-asparagus-peeled zucchini-celery-parsnips-rutabaga-occasional green cabbage-or lettuce. I've also been enjoying lentil soup with added meat in it. This week I also made beef stew with some of the above starches & veggies. The only added fat I use is coconut oil sparingly.
mid-afternoon: more coconut water and potassium drink, sometimes an apple

Evening snack: so far either white popcorn or more sourdough bread.

Supplements: magnesium malate, magnesium glycinate, thiamine HCL 525mg, Niacin up to 750mg, Vitamin K1 (just started that this week), kelp, GI Detox with charcoal, acacia powder/fiber, B-complex, mag/pot spray (I actually have that in a dropper bottle and use 1mL about 3-4x/day), using the 50/50 salt to taste on my foods. (NOTE: I did not tolerate the potassium bicarbonate with niacin as it was lowering my stomach acids, giving me heartburn. I'm taking niacin with my meals so to take a buffer with that during meals is not an option for me. I'm thinking that the food is giving me enough of a buffer. I'm not having any problems with niacin so far, besides giving me a flush about 1x/day or sometimes none at all)

I'm on week 4 of dropping my thyroid down by 20%. This week I also stopped using the T3 liquid from @haidut 's store (I diluted it to have 2mcg per drop, and was taking that up to 5x/day but slowly weaned myself off of it). I must say I've noticed my AM body temps dropping somewhat this week, going down from 97.6 to ave. 97.5. I'm not too worried as it used to be 97.2. I'm hoping that it climbs back up after this adjustment.

I think the biggest improvement I want to see is steady weight loss. I'm trying @ddjd 's suggestion with Vitamin K1, although I accidentally bought the phytonadione kind, but Phylloquinone is the form of k1 you want according to the posts. I started that on Saturday, and I've already lost 1lb? I'm surprised but I'll keep trying it. I ordered the right one and it will be in at the end of the week, so I'll change it then. I'll keep up with the other one. I don't know if this is just a coincidence or not. Other changes may be contributing to this as well.
Peating made me fat. Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) is reversing it

I've been asking questions about poop. So, when I first started I noticed that my poop was green and had been for several weeks, and I was getting some diarrhea too. This could have been detoxing copper (I was eating a lot of high copper foods, plus we do have copper piping in the house). We do have a reverse osmosis water system but for drinking only. After several weeks of loose, green, ribbon-like poop, I wondered if it was the activated charcoal making my poops turn green, so I stopped the charcoal for about 4 days. The green poops went away. I started back up on the charcoal again about 1 1/2 weeks ago, and now my poops are yellow (is this Vitamin A I'm detoxing now??? Is that why I had a little weight loss this week? I'm not really exercising. I'm pooping about 2-4x/day but it's not well formed at all. It's still ribbon-like, loose, and sometimes I'm just 'spitting out' some scattered stools (sorry for the description, but I know this is not normal).

A few more complaints are: I get chronic nose congestion, and it's worse at night and makes me snore. It feels so stuffy, but no mucus. Like swollen nasal passage. I know this can either be a sign of low thiamine levels (I have had a past history of an eating disorder, and some heavy drinking in my past too). I know it can also be a histamine intolerance, but I don't think I have other symptoms of that. I don't think I have any other seasonal allergy symptoms. We do have a basement, and with all the New England rain we've been getting it is wet down there, but it's closed off for the most part from the rest of the house and it doesn't smell moldy down there. This has been plaguing me for years.

I also have the light freckles on my skin (the old 'liver spots' or age spots). I've never really looked into this, but is that a sign of liver congestion, and will they go away once I clean the liver out? It's nice to see physical signs of improvements, not just subjective data like more energy/mental clarity, etc.

I'm also having more insomnia. I think it's all the B-vitamins I'm on. I'm trying to take most of them in the morning, but I am spreading the niacin out throughout the day with meals, so my supper meal has some niacin.

My goal is to still wean off of my thyroid medication. I'm hoping to get more bloodwork soon. I order my own bloodwork in the states using this company: Ulta Lab Tests | Get Blood Tests Near You | Any Lab Test Now | Ulta Lab Tests - Direct Labs Online I'll be testing my full thyroid panel (TSH, T4, T3) plus Vitamin A and copper/ceruloplasmin.


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Aug 4, 2017
I had to quit drinking coconut water because it gave me estrogenic symptoms even though I am well passed menopause. You might look into that if the coconut water is recent. It took about a month of consumption for it to get bad.


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Dec 11, 2023
I had to quit drinking coconut water because it gave me estrogenic symptoms even though I am well passed menopause. You might look into that if the coconut water is recent. It took about a month of consumption for it to get bad.
Good to know. I'll keep an eye out for any symptoms. One symptom to notice in myself is breast swelling. I am in menopause too, so it's hard to figure out other symptoms. Can I ask what symptoms you have? Maybe my insomnia is due to that as well. I get organic coconut water, hoping that will make a difference.


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Dec 11, 2023
Actually, I've always wondered if breast swelling is just another sign of liver congestion/toxicity. Since glands/lymph nodes swell around the sight of injury, wouldn't breast tenderness & swelling also point to liver issues?


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Aug 4, 2017
Good to know. I'll keep an eye out for any symptoms. One symptom to notice in myself is breast swelling. I am in menopause too, so it's hard to figure out other symptoms. Can I ask what symptoms you have? Maybe my insomnia is due to that as well. I get organic coconut water, hoping that will make a difference.
I was very cranky and irritable, my face got some spots, I could feel my hemorrhoids, and I got a migraine. I would consider the breast swelling an estrogenic symptom but I didn't experience that, thank goodness. If you look coconut water up on the internet there are lots of claims that it helps women in menopause kind of like taking HRT. Yes, the liver will help remove estrogen in bile when the toxins are taken out with soluble fiber. I eat 1 1/2 to 2 cups of cooked beans each day and have felt great for the year and a half that I have been doing that but the coconut water was too much.


Forum Supporter
Dec 11, 2023
I was very cranky and irritable, my face got some spots, I could feel my hemorrhoids, and I got a migraine. I would consider the breast swelling an estrogenic symptom but I didn't experience that, thank goodness. If you look coconut water up on the internet there are lots of claims that it helps women in menopause kind of like taking HRT. Yes, the liver will help remove estrogen in bile when the toxins are taken out with soluble fiber. I eat 1 1/2 to 2 cups of cooked beans each day and have felt great for the year and a half that I have been doing that but the coconut water was too much.


I have been eating high fiber for the past few months, and this is the first time in decades that I've been able to tolerate beans daily and I have been eating at least 1-1 1/2 cups per day. Plus having oatmeal daily. I've been forgetting my acacia fiber sometimes though.


Forum Supporter
Dec 11, 2023
So far here are my thyroid results from my bloodwork this past Wednesday:

TSH 1.96​
Free T4: 1.2​
Free T3: 2.9​

This is with decreasing my thyroid dose by 20% since December. I must say I am happy and will continue to slowly wean from my thyroid meds. Some of these numbers look better than when I was at my highest dose. Plus, my body temp. used to be ave. 97.2, now they are averaging 97.6. I still have a ways to go, but I'm going in the right direction, and so far this is leading me to believe that I'm over-medicated with my T4/T3 prescription.
Just a quick reference: I've also been doing the low toxin diet since January, and have been implementing the minerals, niacin, thiamine, B complex, activated charcoal, and acacia fiber.

when my other bloodwork comes back, I'll be posting that plus past results as well. I got my Vitamin A checked, as well as copper, ceruloplasmin, iron, ferritin.


Forum Supporter
May 20, 2013
So far here are my thyroid results from my bloodwork this past Wednesday:

TSH 1.96​
Free T4: 1.2​
Free T3: 2.9​

This is with decreasing my thyroid dose by 20% since December. I must say I am happy and will continue to slowly wean from my thyroid meds. Some of these numbers look better than when I was at my highest dose. Plus, my body temp. used to be ave. 97.2, now they are averaging 97.6. I still have a ways to go, but I'm going in the right direction, and so far this is leading me to believe that I'm over-medicated with my T4/T3 prescription.
Just a quick reference: I've also been doing the low toxin diet since January, and have been implementing the minerals, niacin, thiamine, B complex, activated charcoal, and acacia fiber.

when my other bloodwork comes back, I'll be posting that plus past results as well. I got my Vitamin A checked, as well as copper, ceruloplasmin, iron, ferritin.
Woo-hoo!!! Awesome stuff. Thanks for sharing. I'm on a similar path.


Forum Supporter
Dec 11, 2023
I haven't posted in awhile....it's always busy here!
I'm still on the Low Toxin diet.
I've now decreased my compounded thyroid medication, a combo of T4 and T3, by 20% now since last November. My body temps have actually gone up and I'm holding now around 97.8-98.0. I haven't seen 98.0 in years!!! My morning heart rate is more steady now at 72-75 for the past week. I would dip down to 60-66. I did have a 'cold' about 3 weeks ago. The main hit was for about 2-3 days, but then I was getting a chronic stuffy nose, more like my nasal passages were 'swollen'. It wasn't a faucet, but I would have to blow my nose. I have a theory though that my random 'swollen' nasal passages is because I had my tonsils and adenoids out when I was 11 years old. There's nowhere to collect debris now in that area, so my surrounding tissues gets congested. I'll admit the only thing that I used during this cold/detox is a generic nasal spray at night to help me breathe so I can sleep. I tried a lot of different natural nasal sprays, but the OTC nasal spray was the only thing that worked. I know you can get addicted to it, so I wonder if it was that prolonging my healing, but I haven't used it now in 6 days and it's much better now. Anyway, is not having tonsils and adenoids out a cause of chronic congestion?

Anyway, I wanted to share my lab results within the past year:

dateLabs: TSH (ref: 0.4-4.5)Labs: free T4 (ref: 0.8-1.8)Labs: total T3 (ref: 76-181, or 2.3-4.2pg/mL)thyroid Peroxidase antibodies (ref: <9)AST (ref:10-35)ALT (ref:6-29)alk. Phos. (ref: 37-153)Vitamin A (ref: 38-98 mcg/dL)Copper (ref: 70-175mcg/dL)zinc (ref. 60-130)ceruloplasminiron: ref (45-160mcg/dL)ferritin: (ref 16-232 ng/mL)notes
2.8 (free)
thyroid med T4/T3: 132/10
switched to 140/7.5, ↓ T3 but ↑ T4
still on 140/7.5
after this blood draw, switched to 154/2.5
started decreasing thyroid 145/2.35 on 12/15/24
1//4/2023started low toxin diet
decreased again 134/2.1
decreased again 123/2 (20% decrease)
2.9 (free)

In the beginning of this diet in Jan. of this year, it did seem like I was getting some diarrhea and my poops were green, so I thought I was dumping copper. But actually, my ceruloplasmin actually looks better than last year. Maybe I'm just utilizing copper better now. I'm not purposely decreasing copper. I do know some of the beans/legumes are higher in copper than others, and I do use cinnamon most times with my oatmeal in the morning. I think those are the only foods that I'm eating that are higher in copper.

I'm so excited that my thyroid labs are looking OK despite the decrease in my thyroid. I get more symptoms for about 3 days or so as my body adjusts (fatigue, brain fog, morning headaches, lower body temps, cold extremities), but then I rebound and I'm even more excited that my body temps and morning heart rate are getting better!!!!


Forum Supporter
May 20, 2013
I haven't posted in awhile....it's always busy here!
I'm still on the Low Toxin diet.
I've now decreased my compounded thyroid medication, a combo of T4 and T3, by 20% now since last November. My body temps have actually gone up and I'm holding now around 97.8-98.0. I haven't seen 98.0 in years!!! My morning heart rate is more steady now at 72-75 for the past week. I would dip down to 60-66. I did have a 'cold' about 3 weeks ago. The main hit was for about 2-3 days, but then I was getting a chronic stuffy nose, more like my nasal passages were 'swollen'. It wasn't a faucet, but I would have to blow my nose. I have a theory though that my random 'swollen' nasal passages is because I had my tonsils and adenoids out when I was 11 years old. There's nowhere to collect debris now in that area, so my surrounding tissues gets congested. I'll admit the only thing that I used during this cold/detox is a generic nasal spray at night to help me breathe so I can sleep. I tried a lot of different natural nasal sprays, but the OTC nasal spray was the only thing that worked. I know you can get addicted to it, so I wonder if it was that prolonging my healing, but I haven't used it now in 6 days and it's much better now. Anyway, is not having tonsils and adenoids out a cause of chronic congestion?

Anyway, I wanted to share my lab results within the past year:

dateLabs: TSH (ref: 0.4-4.5)Labs: free T4 (ref: 0.8-1.8)Labs: total T3 (ref: 76-181, or 2.3-4.2pg/mL)thyroid Peroxidase antibodies (ref: <9)AST (ref:10-35)ALT (ref:6-29)alk. Phos. (ref: 37-153)Vitamin A (ref: 38-98 mcg/dL)Copper (ref: 70-175mcg/dL)zinc (ref. 60-130)ceruloplasminiron: ref (45-160mcg/dL)ferritin: (ref 16-232 ng/mL)notes
2.8 (free)
thyroid med T4/T3: 132/10
switched to 140/7.5, ↓ T3 but ↑ T4
still on 140/7.5
after this blood draw, switched to 154/2.5
started decreasing thyroid 145/2.35 on 12/15/24
1//4/2023started low toxin diet
decreased again 134/2.1
decreased again 123/2 (20% decrease)
2.9 (free)

In the beginning of this diet in Jan. of this year, it did seem like I was getting some diarrhea and my poops were green, so I thought I was dumping copper. But actually, my ceruloplasmin actually looks better than last year. Maybe I'm just utilizing copper better now. I'm not purposely decreasing copper. I do know some of the beans/legumes are higher in copper than others, and I do use cinnamon most times with my oatmeal in the morning. I think those are the only foods that I'm eating that are higher in copper.

I'm so excited that my thyroid labs are looking OK despite the decrease in my thyroid. I get more symptoms for about 3 days or so as my body adjusts (fatigue, brain fog, morning headaches, lower body temps, cold extremities), but then I rebound and I'm even more excited that my body temps and morning heart rate are getting better!!!!
Thank you so much for continuing to post these numbers. And big congrats on the great results. That's just amazing.

I'm doing another thyroid lab test on Wed to check in on where my numbers are following my latest dose decrease. I've never tested Vit A before so added it in to the mix as well. Super curious to see where things are.

I'm also the type that any health disruption hits my sinuses / nose first, so I know how that feels. But I still have tonsils / adenoids, so for me at least, maybe it's just a weak spot.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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