Another Blood Work Result


Jul 12, 2014
I finally was able to order blood work. I would have liked more, but I ordered what I could afford.
Keep in mind, I'm 2 months post-op from removing a 12 pound, 15 inch ovarian tumor. Was Dx with T2D 2 years ago, but was extremely ill at the time and life was very stressful (still kind of stressful, but getting better). I'd like to say I'm shocked at how high my prolactin is, but I had a feeling it and my thyroid would be high. It looks like I'm dealing with some infection as well, which is possible since I've been feeling a bit under the weather.

This was done at 12 hours fasting, at 10AM.
I also stopped all supplements about a week before testing.

I've posted in the RP Fans FB group and am having a discussion with a member who I believe is a MD. I still would not mind more input into what he is already suggesting, which is the following:

He says that my serotonin is likely high; my liver is inefficient, metabolic rate is very low.
He says, "Endotoxin is the answer you are looking for. Endotoxin raises serotonin and causes insulin resistance. Your endotoxin levels are likely high even if you are fasting. My best guess is your serum serotonin is very high which explains the diabetes and low co2 and high LDH and likely low energy. Anything fermentable even potatoes and fruits are not going to work in your favor."

The solution? Eating a low fermentation diet. Milk, OJ, eggs, carrot salad, homemade jello, cheese, broth, B vitamins.

Taking thyroid (I have Tyromax), ProgestE, among my other supplements.

I've had low energy and depression probably my entire life, at least starting after I was raped multiple times as a child. I cannot remember a time in my life where I got solid sleep and I've never felt rested. I've always been fat (well, starting after the childhood trauma), I dealt with eating disorders in my teens, over exercising in my 20's (lost a lot of weight), + I've had multiple surgeries to remove an ectopic pregnancy (12 weeks along), appendix, gallbladder. Sheesh, I'm a friggin' mess. Stress has been high over the last few years (maybe more), but it's getting better, I think. I've finally been able to get some exercise via the swimming pool, so I'm getting some Florida sun as well.

What else can be done? I'm having a hard time imagining being able to survive on Milk, OJ, eggs, carrot salad, homemade jello, cheese, broth, cooked mushrooms. Is beef going to be okay to eat? What about seafood?

Thanks in advance.


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Jul 12, 2014
Anyone? Did my post get lost in the shuffle or no opinions? Usually this forum is full of opinions and facts of course o_O


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I have similar problems.

Things that have helped me immensely in order of priority:

- Avoidance of fiber in all forms, even strained OJ is problematic
- Constant caffeine with lots of sugar throughout the day (constant sipping of latte) [still doing this, but it's working]
- L-lysine (very important to balance the anxiogenic effect of caffeine, as well as of endotoxin) 500 mg - 4 grams per day should be adequate.
- B-vitamin supplement (particularly niacinamide) [I recommend haidut's Energin]


Jul 12, 2014
Thanks, @DaveFoster for your reply.

A few questions. What problems does OJ give you? I was told it's endotoxin, but what are those symptoms? I assumed is was gut issues, but I really don't have any.

What does your daily eating look like?

I'll up my lysine and look into the Energin.

Thanks again!
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Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
You could research bromocriptine and *talk to your doctor* if you are interested in looking into pharmaceutical options. Haidut has posted some good links about it's use in T2 diabetes and it's also used for lowering prolactin.


Jul 12, 2014
Thank you, @Blossom for your replies. I have looked into Bromocriptine as well as Vitex, since in the Peat email exchange he mentioned both for high prolactin. I ordered some Vitex - it was easier to get. I plan to go to my doctor after 3 months of trying a few dietary and supplemental changes and then getting new blood work, hoping somethings have changed. I took metformin for around 6 months, but stopped after reading some stuff on here from Haidut. The bromocriptine looks promising.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Thanks, @DaveFoster for your reply.

A few questions. What problems does OJ give you? I was told it's endotoxin, but what are those symptoms? I assumed is was gut issues, but I really don't have any.

What does your daily eating look like?

I'll up my lysine and look into the Energin.

Thanks again!
Two-fold: the acidity is a problem (dilute with baking soda), and the pectin is a potent gut irritant.
Aug 18, 2015
@whereismyOJ Ummmmmm.... prolactin for sure

You need calcium and magnesium like yesterday. How often do you get calcium.. I'm going to assume never. same with magnesium. i would start looking at how to lower prolactin around here. don't jump on the herbs or the other stuff to lower it, just eat calcium and magnesium rich foods and it will go back down without a doubt. but for sure.. you are not eating calcium or magnesium #fact. look into eggshell calcium if you cant handle milk..i also have been using magnesium spray on myself. i think you also need 100 grams of protein a day so it stays down.

i would search around for prolactin to understand it better.


Jul 12, 2014
Two-fold: the acidity is a problem (dilute with baking soda), and the pectin is a potent gut irritant.

@DaveFoster Thanks. I'll add some baking soda to my OJ. I've never felt any gut irritant from drinking it. Actually, the only time I get any gut issues is when I eat cooked greens, so I've been staying away from them.


Jul 12, 2014
@whereismyOJ Ummmmmm.... prolactin for sure

You need calcium and magnesium like yesterday. How often do you get calcium.. I'm going to assume never. same with magnesium. i would start looking at how to lower prolactin around here. don't jump on the herbs or the other stuff to lower it, just eat calcium and magnesium rich foods and it will go back down without a doubt. but for sure.. you are not eating calcium or magnesium #fact. look into eggshell calcium if you cant handle milk..i also have been using magnesium spray on myself. i think you also need 100 grams of protein a day so it stays down.

i would search around for prolactin to understand it better.

Thanks, @mayweatherking for your reply. Yes, I could use more magnesium and protein, as well as B vitamins. I feel like I get a lot of calcium though; perhaps my body is not using it like it supposed to? I usually drink anywhere from 4-8 cups of milk a day (no issues with milk), eat low-fat cheese sticks through out the day, and usually end the day with strained fat-free Greek yogurt with jam and ice creams once or twice a week. When I plug my info into Crono-meter, my calcium to phosphorus ratio is typically 1:1. According to my blood work, my calcium is on the high end and then my phosphorus is over the range. Would taking eggshell calcium still be beneficial?

I have been looking on this site on how to lower prolactin. In the Ray Peat email exchange, Peat mentions Vitex, as well as other threads here. Bromocriptine may be an option, but I'd have to get a Rx and it's pricey without insurance, which I don't have. I'll continue reading threads here on how to lower prolactin.

Thanks again.
Aug 18, 2015
Thanks, @mayweatherking for your reply. Yes, I could use more magnesium and protein, as well as B vitamins. I feel like I get a lot of calcium though; perhaps my body is not using it like it supposed to? I usually drink anywhere from 4-8 cups of milk a day (no issues with milk), eat low-fat cheese sticks through out the day, and usually end the day with strained fat-free Greek yogurt with jam and ice creams once or twice a week. When I plug my info into Crono-meter, my calcium to phosphorus ratio is typically 1:1. According to my blood work, my calcium is on the high end and then my phosphorus is over the range. Would taking eggshell calcium still be beneficial?

I have been looking on this site on how to lower prolactin. In the Ray Peat email exchange, Peat mentions Vitex, as well as other threads here. Bromocriptine may be an option, but I'd have to get a Rx and it's pricey without insurance, which I don't have. I'll continue reading threads here on how to lower prolactin.

Thanks again.

how do you get magnesium? you need both to lower it
Aug 18, 2015
I encapsulate magnesium carbonate + Mag. oil, but I have not been consistent with the oil spray. Plus foods with magnesium.

i see. yeah physiologically that is what brings down your prolactin so i dont think you need vitex or anything. i mean your body is making the prolactin go up and the PTH go up in response to there not being enough calcium and mag around, it's just keeping your systems online... your body loves you.

it's interesting that you had a tumor and your prolacitn was so high.. peat seems to talk a lot about estrogen being very bad..

fwiw, prolactin can sharply decrease once you get the right nutrients. i had mine was jump up to 25+ (and mine had always been only in the teens at the most), and once i realized what was going on, the calcium and magnesium foods brought it down to 9... i even managed to get it to 6 before. i havent checked it in a while i really should go again come to think of it. but yeah you should aim for below 7.. i think once you get the foods, youll be good.

also, btw, peat does 5kmg of calcium a day, danny roddy does 3kmg of calcium a day.. i mean, that is with eveyrthing else they do.. so take that with a grain of salt.. its not good to just slam down a ton of milk just to hit that, theres a lot of other things to consider, like getting enough zinc and taking liver and all that, but just something to be aware of

you should watch this, although it is for hair loss, it is basically all the principles explained really well and clear, there are 4 videos in the series by danny roddy and he made it free, it is basically what you need to know:

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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