Another example disproving Ray Peat in several ways



Dec 8, 2022
Puerto Rico
I posted this video in another thread. Dr Peat talking about unused muscles being toxic in certain conditions. He says cutting wood is a good form of exercise. Some people seem to be under the impression that he did not exercise - he definitely didn't go for a run or hit the gym but he was active.


You are right. And I guess he mentions stacking wood because it is an action that triggers mostly concentric muscles, as he was as far as i understand against eccentric exercise, such as walking down a slope -which is why here I am guessing he mentions skiing. But my point here is that Peat was against exercise of the sort that this lady is doing in her video. I understand Peat was not against moving, but he does speak, and often, against strenuous, so-called cortisol-inducing exercise.


Dec 8, 2022
Puerto Rico
What people don't want to accept is that some people will live long on bad diets and with bad habits, simply because of their predetermined make up or fate. Not even looking at it from a genetics point, more a spiritual/destiny thing.

Example, one of my good friend's father is 88 now. He's been an bad alcoholic since he was 14. He was raised in an orphanage, lived through a war and worked in coal mines until moving to Canada in his early 40s. He also doesn't eat much food and has always smoked cigars ever since I knew him. The dude has a full head of hair and looks extremely healthy for his age. He's also still mobile and with it cognitively. A Peat diet and supplements aren't even on the radar. Take what you want and leave the rest. Just understand that some things go beyond logic or science and the sooner we accept that, the sooner people can live their normal life (not the ocd life we all experience here)..
totally dude (dudette?)!


Mar 9, 2022
United States
More inportant than any micro or macro component of a diet
The lady has actually covered her micronutrients relatively well with eggs, fish and vegetables. I'm quite sure you'd expire very quickly on a potassium-magnesium deplete diet. But you're free to try that, eating nothing but... what? Nothing but butter? Steaks? But the carnivore people all take electrolytes...


Dec 8, 2022
Puerto Rico
More inportant than any micro or macro component of a diet, is surely that the diet is natural, real foods. People have thrives on a diet consisting almost entirely on sweet potatoes, or almost entirely on fish. Its the PROCESSED FOOD that is toxic, and supplements with fillers, and pharmaceuticals.

Also, its ridicilous to think excercise is bad, unless you are in extremely stressed and malnourished shape
precisely. a lot of which goes verily against what rp was, and haidut now is, teaching. as far as i understand his main thing was to show how to optimize the metabolism. and he did so by prescribing certain foods and forms of activity (as well as pharmaceuticals), and by restricting others. but people live very long, and longer than he did, by following regimens that bear no resemblance whatsoever to what he taught, that oftentimes go directly against it.

Tom K

Jun 8, 2018
But being conscious of your diet can mean being conscious of your diet when your diet is not a diet that promotes health, while you are under the illusion that it does. Not YOU, per se, don't take it personally. You are of the opinion that longevity and health are first genetic? Except that there are innumerable examples to the contrary, of which I am sure you are well aware. Is longevity genetic? Then is health genetic? Then how about the very peaty epigenetic argument?
Being conscious of your diet was a broad suggestion. I could have been more specific, less processed food, less fast food, fewer seed oils, etc. There are many examples of the genetic manifestations of health or illness. Breast cancer in women, cycle cell in blacks, diabetes or alcoholism in American Indians, etc. Do/can all of these have an epigenetic contribution? Sure. Is there a genetic predisposition? Frequently there is. The point I was attempting to establish is presenting a 91-year-old as a role model is ludicrous, and akin to suggesting that to look like Arnold you must follow his methods, which is utter nonsense. Arnold looked like he did, not because of what he knew/did, Arnold looked like Arnold because of who he was.


Dec 8, 2022
Puerto Rico
Being conscious of your diet was a broad suggestion. I could have been more specific, less processed food, less fast food, fewer seed oils, etc. There are many examples of the genetic manifestations of health or illness. Breast cancer in women, cycle cell in blacks, diabetes or alcoholism in American Indians, etc. Do/can all of these have an epigenetic contribution? Sure. Is there a genetic predisposition? Frequently there is. The point I was attempting to establish is presenting a 91-year-old as a role model is ludicrous, and akin to suggesting that to look like Arnold you must follow his methods, which is utter nonsense. Arnold looked like he did, not because of what he knew/did, Arnold looked like Arnold because of who he was.
Arnold doesn't look healthy, and never did. What does the case of Takishima Mika have to do with Arnold?


Dec 15, 2022
Instead of disproving Peat, why doesn't someone prove Peat? Lets see some thriving toned 90 year olds that have been drinking copious amounts of OJ and doing no exercise for 30 years?
I won’t live that long or look that good. I don’t value aesthetics or my body (or even life here) that much. I will tend to my soul once i finish tending to my children. My values are different i suppose. Good for her; but not where i will find my joy.
Also- Never underestimate the power of balanced blood sugar and serving others.
Could you speak more clearly please? I don't reckon anyone here understood what you said. In any case, I am here for the same reason many people are, perhaps the same reason you are here. I am interested in health topics and like to see different points of view. Also, I am interested in the way that science works. It's curious, to say the least, that what appears to be true -even to one!- then turns out not to be. Plus, if we are interested in RP, isn't always interesting to see counterexamples. Wouldn't you like to hear RP dissect her case and explain what's going on with this lady who goes for a run before eating breakfast, and is doing push ups at 3pm, and vlogging all day while doing exercise and teaching dozens of people?
Sorry. Working with young child at home. I shouldn’t have commented without proofing.


Dec 8, 2022
Puerto Rico
I won’t live that long or look that good. I don’t value aesthetics or my body (or even life here) that much. I will tend to my soul once i finish tending to my children. My values are different i suppose. Good for her; but not where i will find my joy.
Also- Never underestimate the power of balanced blood sugar and serving others.

Sorry. Working with young child at home. I shouldn’t have commented without proofing.
serving others i also believe is extremely important.


Jul 24, 2018
This forum was not meant to set out a prescriptive diet. RP sets out principles on what are beneficial circumstances for the human body and that is it (strong thyroid metabolism) rest of the forum is just potential ways to get this, along with workarounds when your body is compromised (e.g if you have a compromised gut, may be beneficial to avoid gluten or uncooked vegetables). If you are lucky and have high stress resilience, strong gut, positive attitude and healthy posture etc, what you eat is less important and you can live with optimal thyroid function for a long time.

If in a low stress state, the exercise particularly on an empty stomach, may produce less of a cortisol response compared with a more stress prone individual that may crack at multiple stressors.
Nov 17, 2017
Ray Peat was more about people believing that consciousness and life is a property of matter. The dietary stuff was secondary and haphazard. He would have welcomed an ally who ate beef and rice and beans, quite easily. The people Ray recommended for the 2015 documentary didn't share his dietary principles one iota.


Feb 13, 2021
The lady has actually covered her micronutrients relatively well with eggs, fish and vegetables. I'm quite sure you'd expire very quickly on a potassium-magnesium deplete diet. But you're free to try that, eating nothing but... what? Nothing but butter? Steaks? But the carnivore people all take electrolytes...
I didnt mean that. Of course you need to eat REAL foods that have the nutrients. But if you eat natural foods, you get them. Eggs, meat, organs, potatoes, fruit,milk, spices


Jun 22, 2022
More inportant than any micro or macro component of a diet, is surely that the diet is natural, real foods. People have thrives on a diet consisting almost entirely on sweet potatoes, or almost entirely on fish. Its the PROCESSED FOOD that is toxic, and supplements with fillers, and pharmaceuticals.
This is 90% of a peaty “diet” or principles at least
Just eat real food, watch your digestion and keep your stress low
You can add things, experiment, see what works for you and how you feel after eating some foods
As long as you sleep fondly, move through the day and you eat natural, unprocessed foods, it’s quite easy to stay healthy

Some people on this forum are so scared of certain foods to the point where they avoid eating them and if it happened (a party, a restaurant date, an unplanned meal) their stress would be so high that the food could become toxic even if it was a piece of god’s leg itself

Also, most people DON’T know how well they digest food and if they’re in a stressed state, they adapt to it to the point that it feels okay
This lady may have found her diet/exercise routine casually, probably going by feeling rather than following a plan, which is a huge difference as it makes her feel good rather than dead inside
I’ve seen many people lifting weights when their body wanted to run, sit down when they wanted to stretch, eat when they wanted to walk and so on
Life is easy once you’re tuned with yourself, the hardest part is to tune in


Feb 13, 2021
Some people on this forum are so scared of certain foods to the point where they avoid eating them and if it happened (a party, a restaurant date, an unplanned meal) their stress would be so high that the food could become toxic even if it was a piece of god’s leg itself

Life is easy once you’re tuned with yourself, the hardest part is to tune in
💯 💯 💯 💯


Jul 8, 2014
Exercise is the one area where I disagree most with Ray. It’s imperative imo. Especially if you don’t work a labor intensive job.

From the Ray Peat Email Advice Depository thread:

Windinthepines: Do you exercise at all? I find it easier to pile on juice and
nutrients when physically exerting myself playing ball, but impossible
to do so from home when I don't do anything.

Ray Peat: I occasionally do things like cutting wood, doing repairs, etc.;
physical exertion is good, especially when it feels good.



Jan 17, 2023
Life is easy once you’re tuned with yourself, the hardest part is to tune in

If that isn't it in a nutshell. The reason people are continually looking without is due to being disconnected from within. Its also the same reason they'll defend these symbols with a ferocious intent because they represent the cornerstone of their own concept of self, which is insane if you think about it.

A species lacking entirely of knowledge of Self, emotionally deadened (and deadening, look out infants) and so thoroughly suppressed that they are the epitome of Stockholm Syndrome if it were normalized as "the way it is".

No wonder Plato said this:


I'll let the reader guess which are the Slaves, the Slave/Masters and Warriors in this instance as the art speaks for itself. The saddest part is if when you do decide to break the surly grip of ignorance and numbness to actually feel fully embodied and present again there are so few to share the experience with as they are perceptually locked in the dungeon, arguing about their favorite fable (as encoded by the symbol) and tale they tell themselves about existence without ever questioning the predicament they're placed in, the narrative in their heads and what exists outside of their ignorance.

Notice how their lives are all abstract, a few steps removed as their train of thought was slotted into a preset groove as opposed to running free and experiencing directly, intensely. Primacy. Its the greatest teacher you could ever meet as in-tuition is a wonderful class that always surprises me with something new, apt and fresh as its served hot, in the moment.

And yet, like Plato said, should be who escapes come back and try and tell his comrades what the deal is they'll think he flipped his lid and fight with great vehemence at being moved from their position as they repeatedly mistake socially sanctioned ignorance for wisdom not realizing the trick is they're divided within, hence individual:


I call this the Dual Reality Principle and once you've felt it its impossible to unlearn it and then you can't help but wonder how you never saw it as its quite literally the worst kept open secret:

"A subtle yet ever present deception which means you’ve actually invested in an illusion, a delusion would be more accurate. In a nutshell most people think they are the flesh and then heaped on top of that are a load of other tales, some true, most false which influences how they think. Consider a kid, someone before they’ve seen 6 summers on the planet, ask them who they are and they will with joy point to their heart as they grin and exclaim simply “Me!”.

Notice the difference? Internal reference with its obvious simplicity driven as it is by the feeling of presence, the experience of being me. Like who else would I be? Take that same seed and fast forward twenty or more and we’ll see a laundry list of criteria, all of which are defined defined externally"

Last edited:


Dec 15, 2022
Some people on this forum are so scared of certain foods to the point where they avoid eating them and if it happened (a party, a restaurant date, an unplanned meal) their stress would be so high that the food could become toxic even if it was a piece of god’s leg itself
This seems to be true.

Notice the difference?
I notice the Eye of Horus again in that thumbnail. Reader or watcher: beware.
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