Andrew Tate Arrested. Are the claims and charges true?


Aug 9, 2015
The most googled man on earth last year exposing the globalist vaccine and Covid fraud to millions of people. I don’t see why they would want to shut him up.
One possible and very logical explanation is this, you create a polarizing figure, that ALL the left will reject with great prejudice, you make him so polarizing that even his politically leaning listeners do not want to be associated with him, then you have him drop ACTUAL TRUTH, outside of the original polarizing things he said

Now the actual truth is automatically deemed false and anyone talking about is automatically linked to the "rapist/rebel/idiot/masogenist/sexist/racist/blank-phobe" which nobody wants and will naturally be weaned off such duscussions with normies.

Engineering what the majority WILL think in such a smooth undetectable way it's mind bottling 🍼


Mar 21, 2021
I think his delivery that rubs a lot of people the wrong way. They aggressive tone automatically puts a lot people in a defensive posture to what he is saying.

If it’s not his delivery there are a lot of people here that are anti vaccine and mask and now I have to question if they are controlled opposition.


Mar 21, 2021
I think people respond differently to the way certain people speak. The way ray peat speak probably more suited for people here. But if tate kept millions of young men from getting the vaccine you would think people here would see that as a positive and the message here wouldn’t reach them.


Mar 21, 2021
He's mainly a businessman type - he knows what types of ideas the contrarian types like to hear and then says them

Behind the fascade tho something feels off like externally he flashes all those achievements of his but it feels as if he is making up or compensating for some insecurity or lack of something, he gives that plastic overtly-materialistic chauvinist overtly loud explosive estrogen type of vibe

The hair status and chin also indicates some possible metabolic hormonal issues growing up
A site said he is on a carnivore diet and does intermittent fast and drinks 10-15 cups a coffee a day. So he definitely has high cortisol and adrenaline and probably explains a lot of his demeanor.

His earlier videos before he exploded he had a more calm demeanor and probably switching to carnivore diet increased his aggressiveness in his delivery.


Dec 28, 2021
Organic figures never se up to such fame, this is a controlled operation. You give them lies and you also give them truth through your own agent, then you "punish/imprison/kill" said agent to drive a message or you let him "win/be free/move on" depending what the end goal is. I believe that real, organic people, that gain grass root traction are butted out very quickly, they will NOT let you flourish and gain traction, and if you happen to get that traction before they can stop you then you will be forcebally removed, ie Kevin Samuel, I believe he was a an organic figure that happened to blow up, pushing essentially anti feminist ideas, like Tate, in a much more acceptible format to actually sway normies and cause a wave, instantly had a heart attack, ofcourse that can all be a coincidence but the point remains, organic people will be removed by any means necessary (slander/court/threat/prison and finally death)

Imo Tates is controlled op. No way would he become a household name if not placed there.
Yeah this is my general idea too. It's better for them the counter narrative is out there and openly rejected by the masses.


Dec 2, 2022
Organic figures never se up to such fame, this is a controlled operation. You give them lies and you also give them truth through your own agent, then you "punish/imprison/kill" said agent to drive a message or you let him "win/be free/move on" depending what the end goal is. I believe that real, organic people, that gain grass root traction are butted out very quickly, they will NOT let you flourish and gain traction, and if you happen to get that traction before they can stop you then you will be forcebally removed, ie Kevin Samuel, I believe he was a an organic figure that happened to blow up, pushing essentially anti feminist ideas, like Tate, in a much more acceptible format to actually sway normies and cause a wave, instantly had a heart attack, ofcourse that can all be a coincidence but the point remains, organic people will be removed by any means necessary (slander/court/threat/prison and finally death)

Imo Tates is controlled op. No way would he become a household name if not placed there.

Very probable too.


Mar 21, 2021
Very probable too.
Make sense to me, the most googled man on earth is telling people not to take vaccines, so the elites after billions in spending, compromising governments really want you not to take the vaccines, so now that I know that I am going to go get the vaccine. It all makes sense


Mar 21, 2021
The vaccine is a life saving medicine that will give you super powers, so if the can convince people who lean right not to take they will die and the corporate left will control the world. I’m not falling for it. I’m getting 9 boosters


Jun 22, 2022
The vaccine is a life saving medicine that will give you super powers, so if the can convince people who lean right not to take they will die and the corporate left will control the world. I’m not falling for it. I’m getting 9 boosters
Just 9? Lmao Rookie numbers
Stay at home too, I’m getting nurses to come to mine, the virus is so so dangerous I’m never gonna leave home again


Mar 21, 2021
Andrew tate is charismatic conman, the way Donald Trump who was a democrat in the 90’s looked at the rightwing playbook on how they controlled their voter took it and did it way better then any of their politicians and that’s why their was such a freak out during the 2015 primaries because it wasn’t their hand picked puppet.

Andrew looked at the red pill community and with more charisma and with sound bite statements that could viral with his fake university had people post all over social media channels and he ended up going viral.

Trump ended up becoming controlled opposition in his presidency dealing with the msm and deep state to try to hold on to power like giving us the vaccine , but it didn’t work in the end.

And social media and government has learned nip things in the bud early so you don’t end up with trump or people with his influence if it’s goes against there way of thinking. Look at the twitter files.


Jun 22, 2021

they SPEND IT ALL ON YOU - there are no "foreign threats" because the NWO controls all major countries and all wars

1 BILLION DOLLARS A WEEK. ON YOU. That DOES NOT INCLUDE Homeless security and NSA budgets

"NO! But they wouldnt spend that much money on controlled opposition man!"

Familiarize yourself with how they work -


The Thesis is the MSM and mainstream narrative (i.e CNN, MSNBC, "get vaxxed", "covid is dangerous!", "theres nothing funny going on dont think too much!")

They control the public through argument of authority

The ANTI-thesis is alternative media (Alex Jones, Joe Rogan. Andrew Tate, David Icke) - these guys are TRAINED to give you info that is OBVIOUS (vax is bad) and MIX IT IN with a bunch of NONSENSICAL BS to scare you

Thats why only like 5% of Alex Jones predictions turn out to be true, controlled opposition controls through FEAR and made up BS to lead people astray




Oct 7, 2020

Yeah a lot of ideas he says were talked of by redpill types years ago, he just knew how to present it in a way to make it popular but a lot of stuff he says is taken from what has been known on more niche communities and he does it for clout and cash


Mar 21, 2021

they SPEND IT ALL ON YOU - there are no "foreign threats" because the NWO controls all major countries and all wars

1 BILLION DOLLARS A WEEK. ON YOU. That DOES NOT INCLUDE Homeless security and NSA budgets

"NO! But they wouldnt spend that much money on controlled opposition man!"

Familiarize yourself with how they work -


The Thesis is the MSM and mainstream narrative (i.e CNN, MSNBC, "get vaxxed", "covid is dangerous!", "theres nothing funny going on dont think too much!")

They control the public through argument of authority

The ANTI-thesis is alternative media (Alex Jones, Joe Rogan. Andrew Tate, David Icke) - these guys are TRAINED to give you info that is OBVIOUS (vax is bad) and MIX IT IN with a bunch of NONSENSICAL BS to scare you

Thats why only like 5% of Alex Jones predictions turn out to be true, controlled opposition controls through FEAR and made up BS to lead people astray


View attachment 46734
Ok so so where does Fox News and guys on the right radio and internet land on this? are they controlled by the cia? And I agree with you cnn and msnbc and puppets of the deep state. I see a lot of people talk about the government and deep state but they never mention people on the right, Ben Shapiro, tucker Carlson.

And if tate is a CIA puppet why are they going to such extent to shut him down. Why doesn’t the cia just call and say cool it down.

The government insiders have no problem calling Fox News , msnbc , cnn , ny times to run or kill stories for them who are own by powerful billionaires.

His popularity is due to his fake university students pulling clips of him and those clips going viral on tiktok which is pretty much owned by the Chinese government.

I understand the divide and conquer we are seeing today and it started after wwII with Allan Dulles , the 50’s it was McCarthyism, 60’s civil rights and Vietnam war after LBJ signed the civil rights act it was the southern strategy started by Nixon and put on steroids by Reagan, in the 90’s it was crime in neighborhoods that the cia sold crack too. 2000’s it was Muslims because of 9/11 which the cia probably new of or behind it., 2010’s , it was because we had a black president which angered southern whites and calm anti war leftists because if the bombs are being dropped by a black guy it’s ok, and because a conman trump who was a former democrat took the party from former cia director George h bushes son jeb bush and cia stirred up wokism to tear down trump so the Cheney and bushes could get their party back.

Ducking idiots on the right just waking up to this in 2016 when this has been this ***t has been going on for 70 years and these idiots didn’t notice until then and they were the useful idiots that allowed them to become this powerful.

And these idiots think they are behind some former narcissist kick boxer who went viral on a Chinese owned platform.


Dec 2, 2022
Who cares!? He’s a sick degen

This is a forum where calm and collected people debate argumentatively and rationally, and it has been the case since 2012.

Please do not act emotionally, and provide elaborations for every argument.


Nov 1, 2021
This is a forum where calm and collected people debate argumentatively and rationally, and it has been the case since 2012.

Please do not act emotionally, and provide elaborations for every argument.
No! No one is obliged to provide “elaborations” for every argument. This is not emotion as I literally said who cares, it’s as calm as one can be. If you can use the Internet well enough to know who this guy is, you know he is a degenerate. He is a pimp and a formicater, deeply involved in the porn industry. Either way, this topic is not the main interest of this forum. It’s not a health issue, where one indeed does have to take great caution in the advice. It’s about an Internet psyop tool, anyone can opine on this without citing their sources.


Jun 22, 2021
Ok so so where does Fox News and guys on the right radio and internet land on this? are they controlled by the cia? And I agree with you cnn and msnbc and puppets of the deep state. I see a lot of people talk about the government and deep state but they never mention people on the right, Ben Shapiro, tucker Carlson.

And if tate is a CIA puppet why are they going to such extent to shut him down. Why doesn’t the cia just call and say cool it down.

The government insiders have no problem calling Fox News , msnbc , cnn , ny times to run or kill stories for them who are own by powerful billionaires.

His popularity is due to his fake university students pulling clips of him and those clips going viral on tiktok which is pretty much owned by the Chinese government.

I understand the divide and conquer we are seeing today and it started after wwII with Allan Dulles , the 50’s it was McCarthyism, 60’s civil rights and Vietnam war after LBJ signed the civil rights act it was the southern strategy started by Nixon and put on steroids by Reagan, in the 90’s it was crime in neighborhoods that the cia sold crack too. 2000’s it was Muslims because of 9/11 which the cia probably new of or behind it., 2010’s , it was because we had a black president which angered southern whites and calm anti war leftists because if the bombs are being dropped by a black guy it’s ok, and because a conman trump who was a former democrat took the party from former cia director George h bushes son jeb bush and cia stirred up wokism to tear down trump so the Cheney and bushes could get their party back.

Ducking idiots on the right just waking up to this in 2016 when this has been this ***t has been going on for 70 years and these idiots didn’t notice until then and they were the useful idiots that allowed them to become this powerful.

And these idiots think they are behind some former narcissist kick boxer who went viral on a Chinese owned platform.
Fox news is CIA as well, Tucker Carlson and Ben SHEKELpiro work for Big Brother

They cant just CONTROL THE LEFT

if they did, you all would FLOCK to the right uncontrolled

They NEED both sides, that way no matter where you go in the spectrum you are ALWAYS in their net

They CANNOT have you be a FREE THINKER, "conspiracy theorist" is NOT AS DANGEROUS as a free thinker

They are not "trying" to shut down Andrew Tate

If they were "trying", he would be what we call "sleeping with the fishes" right now YET he draws breath

Kanye and Tate are 2 guys fulfilling the same role

Right now, they need to send a message to the PLEBS:

the message is this:

If you're a BAD BOY and you break the rules, were going to SPANK YOU

Its preparation for a POLICE STATE/Pre-crime program

They condition plebs to say HEY MAN YOUR SAVIOR COULDN'T MAKE IT so you can't make it either!

They tell these guys


Ok so what does Tate do?

"Vaxx bad, Covid was a SCAM, All presidents are controlled, you are in the matrix, THEY are coming after you, THEY, THEY, THEY"

Covid was 2 YEARS ago - the next phase is being ROLLED OUT - time is RUNNING OUT tick tock

WE ALREADY KNOW ALL THIS, does he talk about who's running the show or how to stop it?

NO because thats NOT his job, his job is to STATE OBVIOUS things so you trust him and he mixes it in with NONSENSICAL BS

"Oh, Elon Musk is a good guy you can trust him, Oh Alex Jones is a good guy man you can trust him"

"Oh I'm going to flash a bunch of freemason symbols, DON'T THINK ANYTHING OF IT MAN ITS TO KEEP MY NEURONS IN CHECK BOY"


Mar 21, 2021
They can’t kill everybody, there is heat on them still for JFK and the fbi with civil rights leaders and recently Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell is still alive and she has the dirt on everybody. Or did she agree to cooperate and is constantly being monitored. The spotlight is to hot right now and I am sure when the spotlight dies down she will die of natural causes in prison. They can’t just go around and kill every high profile person that goes against their agenda. So they use other tools to silence them and raise the bar on the levels of what they do and a last ditch effort they will kill them. But if they kill the wrong high profile person and public outrage is to much that could lead into investigations which could lead to a serious neutering of the cia. That is why trump is still alive because 60 years after JFK’s assassination they still feel the heat. If we lived in a dictatorship they could kill every dissenter , but you did see every trick in the book going back since 2015 to try to take Trump down.

so you are saying Andrew tate service to cia is so solid, he says he is willing to go to jail for years on fake tax evasion and rape charges to help the cia and the globalist with their message. Is he some Manchurian candidate?

The goal is to control the content of the internet of 8 billion people.

If they all the sudden just imposed Chinese like restrictions like the China did, people would revolt. So they have to do it slowly and they are essentially now playing whack a mole with the internet and trying to ban or suppress people on the internet who go viral for bull**** reasons.

Were all the people banned on Twitter for covid misinformation cia plants?

Everybody was gung ho for the vaccine and now almost nobody but the hardcore liberals are getting the boosters, so did the cia want people not to get the boosters? You can’t control everybody. They try with their algorithms.

You can apply your logic to people on msm. because they control the top and and they can control who can go on their platforms.

The internet has the potential of 8 billion people going on it. They are not the gate keepers of who we see on tv or read in the newspapers or magazines.

They would love chinas control of the internet, but the cats is out of the bag and it’s harder to take away freedoms when people already have it. So you have to do it slowly and methodically. They would also love to take away our guns too.

So before they completely control the internet and what we see or say on the internet, they will try to suppress, ban, come up with charges on the people who go viral that goes against their agenda. And they also push distractions. So if you are shaking your **** on the internet but not to much that’s ok.

And what you don’t understand, they are many people who break down the people behind the globalist and what they are up to. And guess what, almost no males ages 13 to 25 are watching these people and are totally ignorant to what is going on.

But they are interested in finding out how to get laid almost as much as they are into video games and porn.

So Tates message went viral and became the most googled person on earth and 10’s of millions of young men were his followers on his views of men and women relations, but he also talked about the globalist which he called the matrix which an ignorant 18 year old boy could understand. And if only one million of his followers interest peaks in what the the globalist were up to and dove deeper into what they are up to and one percent of those people became influencers and their message spreads and people start looking at their actions and their plan of turning the world into frog soup is being exposed as they are doing it.

They learned their lesson with trump, you have to chop them off at the knees as soon as possible.

So if you kill Andrew Tate and millions of young men believe it was by the globalist he becomes a martyr and who knows who and what people of influence comes out of this.

But throw him in jail so he can’t speak , and then throw allegations of rape and have crying women on knowing that hits right at men’s protective instincts in men to try to kill his reputation.

And you are falling for the globalist plan hook line and sinker.


Nov 1, 2021
Fox news is CIA as well, Tucker Carlson and Ben SHEKELpiro work for Big Brother

They cant just CONTROL THE LEFT

if they did, you all would FLOCK to the right uncontrolled

They NEED both sides, that way no matter where you go in the spectrum you are ALWAYS in their net

They CANNOT have you be a FREE THINKER, "conspiracy theorist" is NOT AS DANGEROUS as a free thinker

They are not "trying" to shut down Andrew Tate

If they were "trying", he would be what we call "sleeping with the fishes" right now YET he draws breath

Kanye and Tate are 2 guys fulfilling the same role

Right now, they need to send a message to the PLEBS:

the message is this:

If you're a BAD BOY and you break the rules, were going to SPANK YOU

Its preparation for a POLICE STATE/Pre-crime program

They condition plebs to say HEY MAN YOUR SAVIOR COULDN'T MAKE IT so you can't make it either!

They tell these guys


Ok so what does Tate do?

"Vaxx bad, Covid was a SCAM, All presidents are controlled, you are in the matrix, THEY are coming after you, THEY, THEY, THEY"

Covid was 2 YEARS ago - the next phase is being ROLLED OUT - time is RUNNING OUT tick tock

WE ALREADY KNOW ALL THIS, does he talk about who's running the show or how to stop it?

NO because thats NOT his job, his job is to STATE OBVIOUS things so you trust him and he mixes it in with NONSENSICAL BS

"Oh, Elon Musk is a good guy you can trust him, Oh Alex Jones is a good guy man you can trust him"

"Oh I'm going to flash a bunch of freemason symbols, DON'T THINK ANYTHING OF IT MAN ITS TO KEEP MY NEURONS IN CHECK BOY"
👏🏻 👏🏻👍🏻
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