Afternoon Exhaustion


Nov 6, 2014
Just in case it is useful....I have it on good authority that:

Ceylon cinnamon = Cinnamomum verum = Cinnamomum zeylanicum

and that Cinnamomum cassia is the one to avoid. It has 3 orders of magnitude higher coumarins.



Jun 12, 2013
i finally got the Ceylon cinnamon yesterday and had about 1 t. in a cup of applesauce. Effect was subtle but i noticed within 20 min. I felt my sinuses, nasal passages were clearer and breathing was more free. And felt some energy and clarity. It lasted a couple hours I think. It's different than what I get from B1, where no specific spots are effected, more like feeling a bit more motivation and energy to do things.


Feb 11, 2015
I tried the Ceylon again last night. The effect is really quite remarkable.

After about half an hour, my thinking suddenly became clear as a bell, almost all my tingling evaporated, my fatigue disappeared. Even more-- all of the little things that I wasn't consciously aware of were gone. I felt fantastic. The effect was not at all subtle. Today I noticed that several spots on my skin that had been looking infected now are healing.

On the downside, after about 45 minutes I again had waves of shivering and chills, and a few distinct deep muscle aches. The chills were alarming.

There's no doubt the cinnamon is doing something... now to figure out what. Ammonia or Glycine? or something else?

I took a blood glucose reading to see if it was lowering my blood sugar; my reading was 117, so there was no lowering effect.


Jun 12, 2013
I made a concoction to give my brain a boost before a test I have to take today. I've also preloaded with protein, carbs, 500 mg. glycine and my usual vitamins. I took extra B1 before bed last night. I'll take more B1 and some curcumin about an hour before the test along with the concoction which contains cinnamon among other things. I'll report back.


Jun 12, 2013
calliandra said:
I tried the Ceylon again last night. The effect is really quite remarkable.

After about half an hour, my thinking suddenly became clear as a bell, almost all my tingling evaporated, my fatigue disappeared. Even more-- all of the little things that I wasn't consciously aware of were gone. I felt fantastic. The effect was not at all subtle. Today I noticed that several spots on my skin that had been looking infected now are healing.

On the downside, after about 45 minutes I again had waves of shivering and chills, and a few distinct deep muscle aches. The chills were alarming.

There's no doubt the cinnamon is doing something... now to figure out what. Ammonia or Glycine? or something else?

I took a blood glucose reading to see if it was lowering my blood sugar; my reading was 117, so there was no lowering effect.

That's interesting, thanks for the update. I hope someone can help you figure this out. Did you use one teaspoon?

Also, cinnamon is supposed to lower blood sugar, which you probably know. I don't know if it's a cumulative effect or right after you take the dose.


Feb 11, 2015
Thanks, Peata. And good luck on your test today. :):

So, getting the feeling that I'm the only one here that had this very strong effect from the Ceylon... is this true?


Jun 12, 2013
calliandra said:
Thanks, Peata. And good luck on your test today. :):

So, getting the feeling that I'm the only one here that had an unequivocal and immediate effect from the Ceylon... is this true?


I did get an effect, I'm just hesitant to say how much was cinnamon in my case because I always wonder about placebo effect when I take something. I was expecting some energy feeling from what I'd read about it. However, I did not expect the clearing of passages, easier breathing, and the "brightness" which is vague I know, but it was sort of a slight buzz with clarity where I could have probably focused on something if I'd tried. Instead I was just sitting around after eating. I'm going to experiment with it more after today.


Jun 12, 2013
calliandra said:
I tried the Ceylon again last night. The effect is really quite remarkable.

After about half an hour, my thinking suddenly became clear as a bell, almost all my tingling evaporated, my fatigue disappeared. Even more-- all of the little things that I wasn't consciously aware of were gone. I felt fantastic. The effect was not at all subtle. Today I noticed that several spots on my skin that had been looking infected now are healing.

On the downside, after about 45 minutes I again had waves of shivering and chills, and a few distinct deep muscle aches. The chills were alarming.

There's no doubt the cinnamon is doing something... now to figure out what. Ammonia or Glycine? or something else?

I took a blood glucose reading to see if it was lowering my blood sugar; my reading was 117, so there was no lowering effect.

I read that cinnamon boosts collagen potently and rejuvenates skin, so maybe it went to work right away. I'll keep an eye out for skin effects too.


Jun 12, 2013
Peata said:
I made a concoction to give my brain a boost before a test I have to take today. I've also preloaded with protein, carbs, 500 mg. glycine and my usual vitamins. I took extra B1 before bed last night. I'll take more B1 and some curcumin about an hour before the test along with the concoction which contains cinnamon among other things. I'll report back.

I had to get something on the road before the test, so I had a McDonalds hamburger and had no trouble from it. It was the only substantial thing I could think of that wouldn't blow my diet but would give me good ratios of nutrition. I drank my concoction on the way to the test.

I passed and did better than I thought I would. I couldn't believe how well my memory held up. That's what I'd been worried about. But my brain can still do it's thing, and the test preparation really helped, and being prepared physically with sleep and food, and maybe the concoction did its part too.

I ended up not taking the B1 or curcumin before the test. But this morning I did take all my usual stuff like B vitamins.


Mar 29, 2014
Peata said:
Peata said:
I made a concoction to give my brain a boost before a test I have to take today. I've also preloaded with protein, carbs, 500 mg. glycine and my usual vitamins. I took extra B1 before bed last night. I'll take more B1 and some curcumin about an hour before the test along with the concoction which contains cinnamon among other things. I'll report back.

I had to get something on the road before the test, so I had a McDonalds hamburger and had no trouble from it. It was the only substantial thing I could think of that wouldn't blow my diet but would give me good ratios of nutrition. I drank my concoction on the way to the test.

I passed and did better than I thought I would. I couldn't believe how well my memory held up. That's what I'd been worried about. But my brain can still do it's thing, and the test preparation really helped, and being prepared physically with sleep and food, and maybe the concoction did its part too.

I ended up not taking the B1 or curcumin before the test. But this morning I did take all my usual stuff like B vitamins.
Congratulations :)


Feb 11, 2015
Peata said:
I passed and did better than I thought I would. I couldn't believe how well my memory held up.


You might be on to something with your new brain tonic... I'm kind of amazed that no one is marketing pre-test concoctions already. Not the standard energy drink, but a high-quality drink or pill that costs $10 or $20 for a short-term boost.

I think, for me, I need to be more careful with the Ceylon cinnamon. I tried one teaspoon, felt absolutely great that night, but the next day felt half-dead... so tried it again but took less (1/2 teaspoon) and gave myself a few hours of minor brain clearing and improved mood, followed by crazy headaches. So I depleted or messed something up there. Lots of Bs and extra niacin last night, and I'm feeling good okay again today. But the cinnamon does something to me, who knows what? So much of this stuff is just theory and no one really knows.

In case anyone else sees this thread in future, just wanted to mention that I saw a study saying that high plasma glycine is more common in females and apparently doesn't cause problems. Also that diagnosing hyperammonemia is problematic, as ammonia rises in a blood sample the longer it sits, so getting a blood draw at a typical satellite location lab (such as Quest or Labcorp) might result in artificially high levels.


Apr 13, 2014
haidut said:
calliandra said:
I will see if I can find Ceylon cinnamon at the store, and try a teaspoon in applesauce. The cinnamon in my spice drawer doesn't list its type.

I've been reading more this afternoon, and arginine or ornithine might work to reduce ammonia, too. My blood amino acid panel says my arginine is at the lower end of the normal range, so I'll try taking a capsule and see if I notice anything.

Thanks for the help! I appreciate it.

I strongly advise against arginine or citirullne - they are both precursors to NO. Peat has talked about the dangers of arginine repeatedly in interviews. Ornithine is a bit safer but ceylon cinnamon is much better and the best things for reducing ammonia are lithium, sodium, butyrate and magnesium.

Haidut, Which is better among lithium aspartate or lithium orotate, for reducing ammonia? :)


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
khan said:
haidut said:
calliandra said:
I will see if I can find Ceylon cinnamon at the store, and try a teaspoon in applesauce. The cinnamon in my spice drawer doesn't list its type.

I've been reading more this afternoon, and arginine or ornithine might work to reduce ammonia, too. My blood amino acid panel says my arginine is at the lower end of the normal range, so I'll try taking a capsule and see if I notice anything.

Thanks for the help! I appreciate it.

I strongly advise against arginine or citirullne - they are both precursors to NO. Peat has talked about the dangers of arginine repeatedly in interviews. Ornithine is a bit safer but ceylon cinnamon is much better and the best things for reducing ammonia are lithium, sodium, butyrate and magnesium.

Haidut, Which is better among lithium aspartate or lithium orotate, for reducing ammonia? :)

Based on personal experience, I can say I felt calming effects from lithium aspartate and nothing from orotate. I have not measured effects on ammonia so don't know what the calming was due to. Lithium gives the same effects as larger dose of magnesium.


Apr 13, 2014
haidut said:
khan said:
haidut said:
calliandra said:
I will see if I can find Ceylon cinnamon at the store, and try a teaspoon in applesauce. The cinnamon in my spice drawer doesn't list its type.

I've been reading more this afternoon, and arginine or ornithine might work to reduce ammonia, too. My blood amino acid panel says my arginine is at the lower end of the normal range, so I'll try taking a capsule and see if I notice anything.

Thanks for the help! I appreciate it.

I strongly advise against arginine or citirullne - they are both precursors to NO. Peat has talked about the dangers of arginine repeatedly in interviews. Ornithine is a bit safer but ceylon cinnamon is much better and the best things for reducing ammonia are lithium, sodium, butyrate and magnesium.

Haidut, Which is better among lithium aspartate or lithium orotate, for reducing ammonia? :)

Based on personal experience, I can say I felt calming effects from lithium aspartate and nothing from orotate. I have not measured effects on ammonia so don't know what the calming was due to. Lithium gives the same effects as larger dose of magnesium.

Thank you haidut.


Jun 12, 2013
calliandra said:
I think, for me, I need to be more careful with the Ceylon cinnamon. I tried one teaspoon, felt absolutely great that night, but the next day felt half-dead... so tried it again but took less (1/2 teaspoon) and gave myself a few hours of minor brain clearing and improved mood, followed by crazy headaches. So I depleted or messed something up there. Lots of Bs and extra niacin last night, and I'm feeling good okay again today. But the cinnamon does something to me, who knows what? So much of this stuff is just theory and no one really knows.

In case anyone else sees this thread in future, just wanted to mention that I saw a study saying that high plasma glycine is more common in females and apparently doesn't cause problems. Also that diagnosing hyperammonemia is problematic, as ammonia rises in a blood sample the longer it sits, so getting a blood draw at a typical satellite location lab (such as Quest or Labcorp) might result in artificially high levels.

Thanks, and how are you doing now? Still using Ceylon?

I use a few sprinkles in my coffee almost everyday but have not noticed any affect from it like I did from the "mega dose" six months ago.

Thought about trying a spoon of it again, but I just started using B1 again and taking magnesium more regularly. I don't want to overdo anything.


Jan 3, 2014
If anyone's still interested in this topic I thought I'd update: coconut water is helping a lot. I started with it because I was exploring the 'afternoon diabetes' idea, I think mentioned by tyw, saw that it has a lot of minerals especially manganese, and a good calcium to phosphorus ratio. It explains why a cup of tea in the afternoon feels similarly refreshing, it's also high in manganese. It's been enormously helpful.


Jan 6, 2015
i feel great after coconut water too.i feel like it has good effect on my liver and bowel.


Jan 3, 2014
Sod's law, had my first migraine in 2.5 years and coconut water is on my list of possible culprits. Trying to pinpoint seeing as I don't get migraines easily anymore.
The issue might be too much potassium as I drank a litre a day for about a week plus am currently experimenting with boiled potato a la the Katharina Dalton thread, crono says I got a bit over RDA. Took too much cinnamon, also a possibility. 2g ornithine too. This might seem obviously overdoing things but insomnia does make one a bit desperate. Arginine and NO come up as possibilities with all that. So this is not on thread other than to say, coconut water might need caution or smaller quantities.


Aug 10, 2012
I've been exhausted for years and have declared most of the last few years to be "partial sick days". What has actually made the biggest difference (besides restricting PUFA)is fixing my circadian rhythms. I turn the light down on my phone before sundown and try to get to sleep before 9. In the morning when I get up, I open the blinds immediately. For at least 10 minutes before noon I try to get full spectrum light by opening a window or going outside. When I first started doing this (I avoided light for about 10 years, from late 20s to early 40s), I would feel dizzy like my blood sugar was going to crash. I had no energy and could barely get out of bed in the morning. Now I'm up at dawn and have good energy all day.

Aspirin, B vitamins, and salt are also staples.
Very helpful. Thanks.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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