Accelerated perimenopause ?


May 12, 2016
Hi everyone,

I am a 46 years old woman. I think perimenopause started a few years back because I started having hot flashes at night. My gynecologist last summer said I am still ovulating ok but recommend I tage synthetic progesterone with estrogens just based on my simptoms but I staid away.
Before last autumn I used to have regular rich menses and I started directly skipping one month in autumn and now skipped two menses. I think the fact that I started regularly cycling progesterone has something to do with this. Although I had side effects with progesterone before, I am now regularly using it because it makes a huge difference in my skinn and hair. Without it I am dry and itchy like crazy.
I also take 3 drops of Tyromix throughout the day but I do this since I started recovering from anemia many years ago as I was terribly cold and had the the pulse of 50-60. I love the tyroid supplementation. Keeps me sane and pulse is still not great but I am not freezing at least. I read that thyroid supplementation can accelerate perimenopause but I don't buy into this, I always felt good when taking it, used to take more and a few years back I started reducing it as I had the thumbs at night.
I am exercising mostly functional and weights and I love it 3 times a week, plus some walks a couple of times a week.
My sleep is poor as I sweat a lot from progesterone (the sweet is directly proportional to the progesterone I take). I hardly get quality sleep, mostly light 6 h a night. I did not prioritize sleep for a long time and now it is hard for me to get a good night sleep while sweating so much.
Progesterone benefits my skin and hair but worsens my night sweats, affecting my sleep. Could this be why I feel perimenopause accelerated? I'm wondering whether to continue with progesterone? Also, are there specific blood tests I should consider to better understand my condition and possibly delay menopause? Any other ideas on how to delay menopause?
Thanks for any guidance or experiences you can share!
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