A Description Of "The Adrenal Type"



I came across this passage from one of Matt Stone's books. It's a sequence of quotes from Food is Your Best Medicine (1965) by Henry Bieler, describing the "adrenal type" -- which basically sounds like someone with proper thyroid function. In fact, it just sounds like someone in perfect overall health.

As Matt Stone says, “I don’t know of a more perfect representation of what the true health experience is than [this]”.


“The physical energy of the adrenal type is seemingly inexhaustible, as is the nervous response of the sympathetic system, a result of perfect oxidation of phosphorous in the nerve tissue. Oxidation of carbon in the muscular system gives the adrenal type his great warmth. Thus, the temperature of his body is scarcely ever below 98.8, with hands and feet always pleasantly warm. As digestion and detoxication of food poisons depend greatly upon oxidation in the liver and intestines, it follows that the typical adrenal type, with his perfect oxidation, has thorough digestion. In fact, he may and often does boast that he can eat any and all kinds of food without discomfort. The exogenous uric acid products as well as the indoxyl compounds are completely detoxicated in the liver, do not accumulate in the blood, nor are they found in the urine.”

“The skeletal muscles are well developed and have splendid tone. Fatigue is practically unknown to the adrenal type. His muscular endurance is spectacular. And the perfect tone of the involuntary muscles is evidenced by complete and rapid peristalsis, resulting in several bowel evacuations daily. He can dine on the most impossible food combinations imaginable with no evil results[…]”

“The quality of the blood is characteristic. A slight to marked polycythemia (more red cells than usual) occurs; leucopenia, or abnormal white cell count on the low side, is never noted. The blood, which is of a rich, red color, clots quickly. Fatal hemorrhage seldom occurs. The immunity against bacterial invasion is spectacular. The typical adrenal type hardly ever becomes infected, even with venereal diseases…”

“A member of the adrenal-type group has a phlegmatic disposition – easygoing, jolly, slow to anger, never bothered with insomnia, fear or “cold feet.” He will often go out of his way to avoid a quarrel. Customarily, he has a wide circle of friends because he is warm-hearted and surrounded by an ‘aura’ of kindly sympathy.”

“Splendid circulation gives him warm, magnetic hands…”

“He never worries…His digestion is good and he is seldom constipated. It is possible for him to stand more treatments, operations and even more lung hemorrhages than any other type of patient. He is the patient most often discharged as arrested or cured. All the treatment necessary for his recovery is supplied by bed rest and fresh air.”


Nov 21, 2019
so this guy basically confused thyroid function and adrenal activity? lol
Nov 16, 2012
For real, this didn't read like I thought it would :grin:

Also, this sounds like no person that has ever existed in real life - I'm pretty sure everyone has at least one of those issues. But I get the point.


Mar 15, 2014
Also, this sounds like no person that has ever existed in real life - I'm pretty sure everyone has at least one of those issues. But I get the point.
What if such people do exist, but they're always complemented by baldness or obesity as an adaptive response?


Nov 21, 2019
an adrenal type having warm extremities does not make much sense to me, I find that the opposite is true


Jun 25, 2017
That sounds like the thyroid/magnesium type. Typically seen as feminine.

Adrenal types would be more in the direction of type A. Usually ends up short, bald, and androgenic. Always "there".
Nov 16, 2012
What if such people do exist, but they're always complemented by baldness or obesity as an adaptive response?

What if? It sounds to me like he's trying to paint this adrenal type as some kind of vanguard of perfect health - baldness & obesity wouldn't fit into that picture (to me). Both are seen as markers of rather poor health by the average person, certainly true for obesity, perhaps less so for baldness.


Jul 6, 2013
Estrogen aggressively killing off chondrocytes near the onset of puberty? Some grow to 5'11" before puberty starts, though, then stay there.

aren’t people with high estrogen like in conditions like klinefelters known to grow taller than average?


Mar 29, 2013
Bieler was an interesting practitioner, one of those 60's Los Angeles celebrity alternative practitioners. He was the original anti-vaxxer and had some strange ideas about germ theory to boot. Met someone a few years back who saw him as a patient back in the day in LA, and then I read the book that quote comes from. He supposedly had tremendous success treating all kinds of disorders with fairly extreme dietary interventions, at least for his time. He was really anti sugar and high carb diets in general, from what I remember. He was most famous for often prescribing this blended vegetable soup of cooked zucchinis and green beans. It was so famous you can find recipes for it online; it was called "Bieler's Broth." He was also big on raw egg yolks and raw milk, from what I recall. Sadly, his art of healing seems to have died with him--unless he taught other practitioners, which I'm not aware of--because while his book described the different forms of dietary intervention he'd often prescribe to various patients, and it's various successes, it didn't really teach anyone how to figure out which dietary intervention were most appropriate. His diagnostic secrets went with him to his grave.

Fun fact: Read an interview with David Lynch a few years back where he claimed to eat Bieler's Broth.


Jun 30, 2020
Rostov-on-Don, Russia/Southern United States
I came across this passage from one of Matt Stone's books. It's a sequence of quotes from Food is Your Best Medicine (1965) by Henry Bieler, describing the "adrenal type" -- which basically sounds like someone with proper thyroid function. In fact, it just sounds like someone in perfect overall health.

As Matt Stone says, “I don’t know of a more perfect representation of what the true health experience is than [this]”.


“The physical energy of the adrenal type is seemingly inexhaustible, as is the nervous response of the sympathetic system, a result of perfect oxidation of phosphorous in the nerve tissue. Oxidation of carbon in the muscular system gives the adrenal type his great warmth. Thus, the temperature of his body is scarcely ever below 98.8, with hands and feet always pleasantly warm. As digestion and detoxication of food poisons depend greatly upon oxidation in the liver and intestines, it follows that the typical adrenal type, with his perfect oxidation, has thorough digestion. In fact, he may and often does boast that he can eat any and all kinds of food without discomfort. The exogenous uric acid products as well as the indoxyl compounds are completely detoxicated in the liver, do not accumulate in the blood, nor are they found in the urine.”

“The skeletal muscles are well developed and have splendid tone. Fatigue is practically unknown to the adrenal type. His muscular endurance is spectacular. And the perfect tone of the involuntary muscles is evidenced by complete and rapid peristalsis, resulting in several bowel evacuations daily. He can dine on the most impossible food combinations imaginable with no evil results[…]”

“The quality of the blood is characteristic. A slight to marked polycythemia (more red cells than usual) occurs; leucopenia, or abnormal white cell count on the low side, is never noted. The blood, which is of a rich, red color, clots quickly. Fatal hemorrhage seldom occurs. The immunity against bacterial invasion is spectacular. The typical adrenal type hardly ever becomes infected, even with venereal diseases…”

“A member of the adrenal-type group has a phlegmatic disposition – easygoing, jolly, slow to anger, never bothered with insomnia, fear or “cold feet.” He will often go out of his way to avoid a quarrel. Customarily, he has a wide circle of friends because he is warm-hearted and surrounded by an ‘aura’ of kindly sympathy.”

“Splendid circulation gives him warm, magnetic hands…”

“He never worries…His digestion is good and he is seldom constipated. It is possible for him to stand more treatments, operations and even more lung hemorrhages than any other type of patient. He is the patient most often discharged as arrested or cured. All the treatment necessary for his recovery is supplied by bed rest and fresh air.”

People need to really consider whether they actually think obsessive conflict aversion is a sign of good health or if this is just a cause of people force-fitting idealism to biology


Jun 25, 2017
aren’t people with high estrogen like in conditions like klinefelters known to grow taller than average?
I was just guessing as to why. There's be both higher estrogen and DHT. For example, as on display with men having adrenal hyperplasia. They also have other things like higher 5a-DHP and lower cortisol IIRC.

According to the following study, estrogen doesn't rise until the later stages of puberty: Puberty in 24 patients with Klinefelter syndrome. Further, it results in high SHBG.

I suppose the condition refutes some claims as to the cause of balding, unless the increased estrogen is implying increased compensatory DHT.

One quiz I saw online listed MPB as one symptom of low progesterone.
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Sep 27, 2018
People need to really consider whether they actually think obsessive conflict aversion is a sign of good health or if this is just a cause of people force-fitting idealism to biology

There's a difference between always needing peace because you can't take it when there's conflict (low capability to make energy available) and being ready to fight and go at it at all times but just feeling so relaxed, confident and comfortable that there's no need for it because your charisma defuses situations that could turn into conflict.
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