
Aug 23, 2019
Providing this anecdotal experience as a male running high dose progesterone, as there doesn't seem to be much out there. Currently 7½ weeks in. Everything topical except the exemestane. Getting blood drawn today.

I started 3x a day with:
5 drops Cortinon+ (sfa/ethanol)
2 drops of Progestene

And also varying combinations of the following 3x a day:
4-5mg Androsterone
2mg 11-keto-DHT
~3-4mg Exemestane

After 4½ weeks I switched the aromatizable base to:
4-5 drops of Pansterone (sfa/ethanol)
20-25 drops Progestene

And so dialing back from ~840-889mg P4/week to ~735-770.
Some drops of Pansterone applied to the shaft and some to navel.
Total DHEA dosage I began to dial back from 15mg/day to ~12-13mg after starting to notice what seemed like peak saturation. I'm using cypro and metergoline sparingly for general prolactin control.
I may continue lowering DHEA and try adding in T3 again -- for the first ~10 days I had been running T3 daytime with T3/T4 pre-bed but was overheating pretty easily in the day. I Stopped the T3 and just take a drop or two of tyromix pre bed with my nightly milk+syrup.

My reasons for beginning this experiment:
-I've been struggling with chronic back pain for close to 6 years now (my neck broke someone's 20' fall). Finally got an MRI 2 weeks ago which confirmed C3-C4 bone spurs and pinched nerve, and C5-C6 bone spurs.
-Work, personal, and financial stress coupled with long gloomy winters.
-I did all of the wrong things through adolescence and early 20s up until beginning a Peated diet a few years ago.
I decided It was time to introduce an edge, if for none other than for my own alchemical peace of mind.

I've noticed:
Joints fortifying
Muscles growing faster than baseline
That distinct progesterone underlying aura of neuroprotective-anticatabolic anesthesia helping with everything from the acute pain of a deep tissue massage to the HPA agony of life stress
The balls have remained very plump throughout, only staggering after the 5th week where I had drank 1500mg Tulsi/Holy Basil tea for 7 days and then stopped, I did notice extreme strength, endurance, focus, and recovery from adding in Holy Basil, but I'm preferring to minimize suppression.

I will post bloods once they become available. I didn't do baseline bloods, but assume but I assume my T/P4/DHT were all relatively high from years of Peating, with the pinched nerve being my greatest drawback.

Ideally, I wish to avoid HCG. The current plan is to taper off during the last 2 weeks, take a week or three off, and use a light mix of tribulus, cistanche, and possibly fadogia for 2-4 weeks to kick everything back into action. Other recommendations are welcomed.

Rest in Peace Peat,
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Sep 22, 2020
Shame you're taking so many other things. Doesn't make the experiment very relevant if this was all about taking progesterone in high doses (as the title suggests). Way too many additional variables.


Aug 23, 2019
Your testicles didn't shrink from so many pro-hormones and strong agonists?
How are you feeling in terms of dopamine and DhT function?
Dopamine and DHT feel high. There's a definite increase in steady energy, I can eat a lot more and all nutrients are being utilized efficiently.

The boys have been stronger than I expected throughout - with the exception of them staggering in week 6, after I had ditched the tulsi tea which I drank through week 5.

Week 7 they were functioning better than week 6, but I'm interested to see in week 8 if they can recover to where they were before tulsi was used - I will conclude this run instantly if they shrink to uncomfortable levels.
I'm may reintroduce T3 and up the carbs/aspirin/niacinamide.
Avoiding suppression whilst accelerating healing was the whole goal of the alchemical endeavor.


Aug 23, 2019
Shame you're taking so many other things. Doesn't make the experiment very relevant if this was all about taking progesterone in high doses (as the title suggests). Way too many additional variables.
I didn't want to cloud up the title, and I thought it would be inferred by the presence of the word 'male' that there would be a bit of dhea and dht type steroids in the mix. I'm not trans-ing.


Feb 26, 2018


Aug 23, 2019
I stopped the experiment a few days after writing this post, after finally sensing some testicular shrinkage. Bloods were taken a day after this post: Total T@528ng/dL, E2 <15, FSH 4.7, LH 2.3. I didn't test progesterone - I didn't have any low E2 symptoms so I suspect progesterone was doing all of the heavy lifting there.

Took ~8 weeks off and then ran months of high dose T+DMSO with far less shrinkage. T was juicier, joints felt better on prog.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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