
Jan 25, 2014
This is freakin' cool thanks for the post, very interesting. I am both surprised and not at the same time. I'm in the process of reading Nates' book F*** portion control and he talks in great lengths about the fact that the body actually trends towards health, not destruction, IF the building blocks are provided (hormones, good nutrition, etc). In that context, it makes perfect sense that the body can and will regrow even limbs given the right tools.

@tankasnowgod very cool man that you're considering the possibility of regrowth of the foreskin. I had not considered this possibility, but in light of regrowing limbs, why not? If you ever find something that works I would love to hear about it (You going to try the DHEA/progesterone combo out?), definitely post about your experience. I am also saddened that I was circumcised as a baby, and would love to find a way to regrow. There actually are methods out there that supposedly can regrow the foreskin (daily stretching) I tried those for a while but it was painful and tedious so I stopped. Some people have claimed to regrow the skin after as long as 3 years of this process, but manipulating hormones somehow seems like a smarter/easier/less painful method. I think the stretching method works because it also stimulates growth (but through stretching, not hormone manipulation), and also kind of provides a high CO2 environment because most of the stretching methods also provide an enclosure to the tip (so that is in line with covering the tip of a partially amputated finger) so it kind of makes sense how it could work that way. So maybe you will still need to cover it up as much as you can ("ManHood" company in canada sells things you can cover your tip with) I'm somewhat lucky in that I have SOME foreskin left, maybe 25% of it, so I think it's well in the realm of possibility for me to do so. If you find a way, it'll be a huge boon for alot of us guys!

I know the stretching methods of which you speak. I agree with you, tried them out for a few weeks, and pain/irritation made me stop. On top of that, it's not really regrowing the foreskin. I know some guys have also opted for a skin graft type of procedure, but I'm certainly out on that. I also know of the Foregen project, but have always been a bit wary of it at the same time, and since it's still a surgical route, don't know if I would do that either. Bottom line, that area has been abused enough already.

But regenerating and healing on it's own (with metabolic and/or supplemental help)? Absolutely up my alley. I will follow up, ping me if you don't hear. Knowing the "Proof of Concept" studies that Haidut posted, I can certainly be more dedicated to the regimen.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Good luck! I am very hopeful this will work! Excited to hear your results. I've wanted to regrow for a long time but gave up because it seemed hopeless, now I have renewed hope :)


Sep 15, 2017
What about sleeping in an enclosed “bag” that prevented the escape of CO2 and/or had CO2 pumped into it (obviously the head would be kept out of the bag)? This would allow you to still breath in the oxygen but perhaps increase the CO2 concentration at the tissue level and amplify the Bohr/ haldane effects.


Sep 25, 2016
I read Dr Robert O'beckers books a while back in which he looks at how certain animals can regenerate using electric current. If I remember right, there is a window after amputation for the regeneration to occur. If you pass this window then I guess it just scars over.

However, I'm pretty sure he found that if you then made a further slight amputation and then provided the right enviroment, the full limb would grow back. For example, cut off leg, provide poor enviroment = no leg regrowth + scar tissue. Cut off leg scar tissue + provide correct enviroment = full leg regrowth.

Obviously I am not suggesting to do this with forskin but I cannot see regeneration happening without new wound.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
This is a good point that has crossed my mind as well, but I think it can't hurt to try, it probably requires less stimulation to regrow some skin than it does a limb, so maybe there's still a chance.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
What about sleeping in an enclosed “bag” that prevented the escape of CO2 and/or had CO2 pumped into it (obviously the head would be kept out of the bag)? This would allow you to still breath in the oxygen but perhaps increase the CO2 concentration at the tissue level and amplify the Bohr/ haldane effects.

Yes, that can be done and I think some people have tried sleeping in sealed tents as an approximation to this approach. Same thing can be done with those high-altitude training masks that you can buy online.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Does this explain why one user here had great success raising body temperature by enclosing themselves (like, in a sleeping bag)?

For what it's worth, I've used a sleeping bag at least a few hrs a night the last two nights and both nights raised my waking temp by about 0.3-0.4F. I have woken up at 98.1F the last two nights, which is a small but noticeable difference. I am now only 0.5F from "Perfect" temperature during the night.

Interesting idea about the tent too.
Nov 21, 2015
Yes, that can be done and I think some people have tried sleeping in sealed tents as an approximation to this approach. Same thing can be done with those high-altitude training masks that you can buy online.

I wish they had a mask that had a real reservoir of air. A liter or two would be awesome. The ones that they sell don't have much dead space to hold enough air.


Jan 25, 2014
I read Dr Robert O'beckers books a while back in which he looks at how certain animals can regenerate using electric current. If I remember right, there is a window after amputation for the regeneration to occur. If you pass this window then I guess it just scars over.

However, I'm pretty sure he found that if you then made a further slight amputation and then provided the right enviroment, the full limb would grow back. For example, cut off leg, provide poor enviroment = no leg regrowth + scar tissue. Cut off leg scar tissue + provide correct enviroment = full leg regrowth.

Obviously I am not suggesting to do this with forskin but I cannot see regeneration happening without new wound.

This is a good point that has crossed my mind as well, but I think it can't hurt to try, it probably requires less stimulation to regrow some skin than it does a limb, so maybe there's still a chance.

I see the point you are making, and I agree, somewhat. Going back to the example, cut off leg, provide poor enviorment, you get scar tissue and no regrowth, and never will UNLESS you provide another stimulus for that regrowth.

So, there probably is a window, and once that window closes, you need to open another window.

I don't doubt that a second injury could do that....... but why would it have to be ONLY an injury? In fact, another injury, while it could be positive in opening a new window, would also be another setback for the organism.

I see no reason why an external stimulus (like progesterone) can't open that window as well or even better than a second injury can.


Jan 25, 2014
Okay, mini update.... Just got the CortiNon yesterday, and applied the first dose yesterday to the area. There was some minor stinging, and then, a feeling of warmth in the area for a good 15 minutes or so. Nothing painful, and overall, pleasant. This is note worthy, as I have applied 11K DHT and Androsterone to the area before, and had no effect like this. Very good sign, I will continue to update.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Cool, thanks for the update. You will truly be my hero if this works haha. I have wanted to regrow my skin for years now but basically gave up on the idea until now
Last edited:

Peat's coffee

Nov 12, 2018
Hello all, I created an account specifically to post on this thread. I find this topic incredibly interesting and relevant to me. 6 years ago, my left thumb got removed in an incident with a hydraulic log splitter. I have often wondered if any regrowth was possible, and am planning to experiment based on what was posted here.
I currently have both progest-e and cortinon (in tocopherols).
I would like to ask all forum members, particularly @haidut , for their input. Specifically, dosages, frequency of application, potential effective ways to seal the finger etc. Just a good plan of action for my experiment.
IlI' post a picture below. After attempted and failed reattachment, the the thumb was surgically removed at the metacarpophalangeal joint


Jul 3, 2014
I think progesterone/DHEA in a 1:1 ratio could be tried. I would not do higher than 1:1 ratio on the penis to avoid the anti-androgenic effect, but if you add some androsterone, or another strong androgen then probably 2:1 or even 3:1 raio can be used. Personally, I would first try a once daily dose of 10mg topically in 1:1 ratio, for 2-3 weeks. Skipping a day here and there probably won't matter much and if it works the effects should still be visible. The studies above said results were visible after 3-4 weeks but the full regrowth took 9 months in the frog case. Since you are not regrowing a bone then hopefully less time will be needed to see results.

Interesting. So, if one were to try 3 drops of progestene and 3 drops of pansterone and maybe 3 drops of andosterone would that approximate what you're talking about? I ask because of the additional pregnenolone in pansterone, I am wanting to make sure I avoid the anti-androgenic effects. Those are no fun :).


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Interesting. So, if one were to try 3 drops of progestene and 3 drops of pansterone and maybe 3 drops of andosterone would that approximate what you're talking about? I ask because of the additional pregnenolone in pansterone, I am wanting to make sure I avoid the anti-androgenic effects. Those are no fun :).

Yes, that sounds like a good combo. I personally feel best when doing 10mg progesterone, 5mg DHEA and 5mg andro. Once daily.


Jul 3, 2014
Yes, that sounds like a good combo. I personally feel best when doing 10mg progesterone, 5mg DHEA and 5mg andro. Once daily.

I am trying a little progesterone and wow. Amazing how powerful a substance it is.

So maybe like 5 mg of progesterone, 5mg of pansterone and 5mg of andro approximates what you’re doing.


Jul 3, 2014
@haidut Was referencing the study on progesterone and amputated limbs and it mentioned that the window to apply it was 24 hours and I noticed you said you would try it for 2-3 weeks, in the foreskin example. I have done it a week so far and the effects seem positive thus far. Hard to say if there has been any regrowth, but certainly no downsides. Any insight into why you thought 2-3 weeks as appropriate time? It's hard for me to believe that would do the trick, but I am happy to try. I guess at this point, I'll take a break after 2-3 weeks and assess from there.


Jun 16, 2016
Wondering if anyone can chime in on hydrogen peroxide. Over here it’s sold in “volumes.”

For example hydrogen peroxide B.P 10 volume.
20 and 30 volumes are also sold. As far as I understand this means it will create either 10,20 or 30 it’s volume in oxygen.

My question is this, how does this translate given what Haidut originally posted.
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